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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 345

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HaRRicH | Posted 8/18/2006 11:26:20 AM | message detail
Then just how much do you think Samus should have gotten on Mario?
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 11:28:23 AM | message detail
I honestly think she's fine where she is in the stats. Maybe a percent higher at best. No way she's above Mario though.
"A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul
HaRRicH | Posted 8/18/2006 11:32:13 AM | message detail
Right, and if you assume Mario = Samus, Ganon is at 31.94%...while Zelda is naturally at 30.89%. If Auron beat Zelda, I'd give complete credit to KH2.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
perdevious | Posted 8/18/2006 11:32:47 AM | message detail
Then just how much do you think Samus should have gotten on Mario?

I took that completely out of context at first, if you know what I mean. Yeah.
It's only natural to be afraid, but the truth is nothing to be scared of. Real sadness comes from not knowing the truth.- D
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 11:34:19 AM | message detail
Of course, you have to take into account the idea that Samus may have SFF'd Ganondorf some, too.

Though after the Series Contest, I'm doubting that more and more, and just thinking Ganon overperformed on Sephy instead.
"A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul
perdevious | Posted 8/18/2006 11:35:31 AM | message detail
I'll be lucky if I'm even able to create a bracket, but who knows... May as well sign up just in case. So without further ado.

1 - UltimaterializerX
2 - Team Rocket Elite
3 - Ngamer64
4 - ChichiriMuyo
5 - Explicit Content
6 - transience
7 - Master Moltar
8 - Mac Arrowny
9 - dethfdddddh
10 - Draco1214
11 - arkenaga
12 - Yoshifan823
13 - MasterofHunters
14 - Z1mZum
15 - Shivan Reincarnated
16 - MegatokyoEd
17 - DomaDragoon
18 - Janus5000
19 - Applekidjosh
20 - BlAcK TuRtLe
21 - bobeta
22 - greatone
23 - NewLib
24 - Big Bob
25 - HaRRicH
26 - meche313
27 - MarioSuperstar
28 - RockMFR 5
29 - cavalier lowen
30 - Bobby200614
31 - junglebob22
32 - Heroic Mario
33 - yoblazer33
34 - trizob the hedgehog
35 - Aprosenf
36 - MoogleKupo141
37 - voltch
38 - XxSoulxX, yo
39 - Lieutenant Kettch
40 - A worlds envy
41 - Osfan
42 - ff6man
43 - rpgapzx
44 - Viviff
45 - expaniol
46 - Red Sox 777
47 - ps2rulezzz
48 - cyko
49 - jonthomson
50 - jeevesthemole
51 - Luis_Sera89
52 - Phediuk
53 - FFDragon
54 - Vile Requiem
55 - charmander6000
56 - Radix
57 - Tediz247
58 - Brett with Atreyu
59 - Yesmar
60 - shadow8021
61 - Jman_gamerX8
62 - Snip Snip Now
63 - Tirofog
64 - LuniNutz99
65 - Zylo the wolf
66 - Kaxon
67 - KingBartz
68 - longbladeofhiko
69 - Dekar TKB
70 - spikevegeta
71 - Azp2k32
72 - Ori
73 - CountCrazy007
74 - Lopen
75 - Chinballz
76 - Soniclink15
77 - ccbfan
78 - Fett0001
79 - Dark115
80 - Dilated Chemist
81 - Steve Illumina
82 - outsider920
83 - ExThaNemesis
84 - HeroicGammaRay
85 - RPGuy96
86 - Pathetique
87 - SonicRaptor
88 - swirldude
89 - TheRye
90 - Steinershocker
91 - XIII is sexy
92 - Smurf
93 - freac
94 - Redtooth
95- FastFalcon05
96 - Rufus Shinra 18
97 - _Harmonica_
98 - Nintendo Wiii
99 - Tjian
100 - Sephirot1
101 - plasmabeam
102- SephirothG
103 - Tai
105 - King Morgoth
106 - dragoontheguy
107 - outback
108 - Dunkeroo23
109 - canadiancatcher
110 - stingers135
111 - Tidus My Boy
112 - Guess how many Teens
113 - Prometheus321
114 - BeTheMan
115 - Haste2
116 - Read_Only_Thx
117 - KleenexTissue50
118 - daverath
119 - Mithrandir1331
120 - ScorpionX3
121 - perdevious
It's only natural to be afraid, but the truth is nothing to be scared of. Real sadness comes from not knowing the truth.- D
HaRRicH | Posted 8/18/2006 11:36:40 AM | message detail
Point taken, though Samus SFF'ing Ganon is minimal at best.

For what it's worth, if Mario = Samus and Samus didn't SFF Ganon, then Auron would be at 29.32%...meaning he would get 47.36% on Zelda pre-KH2.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Xuxon | Posted 8/18/2006 11:39:16 AM | message detail
It's pretty obvious Ganon (and Bowser) overperformed on Sephiroth. He ain't no Mario, that's for sure. It's just a question of how much he overperformed. I think there may have been a bit of SFF in Samus/Ganondorf, but only because Samus is overrated.
Take off every sig.
Master Moltar | Posted 8/18/2006 11:39:55 AM | message detail
I like to think it's undeniable proof that Samus > Seph, but that's what you all call wishful thinking.

And I'd take Zelda over Auron, but I'd feel a bit uneasy, because for some reason I think Zelda's a little overrated, while Auron is a little underrated.
Moltar Status: Currently the property of the true Master, Z1mZum
Final July '06 Contest Score: 62 (Boo)
Zylo the wolf | Posted 8/18/2006 11:42:02 AM | message detail
Samus > Sephiroth > Mario > Samus.

Oh yeah I went there.
Arc the Lad > Shining Force. Andel DID notice >_> Z1m Zum > Me
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 11:42:49 AM | message detail
Went where? To wrongsville?

If Samus is stronger than Mario, it ain't by that much.
"A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul
ExquisiteSamurai | Posted 8/18/2006 11:53:36 AM | message detail
1 - UltimaterializerX
2 - Team Rocket Elite
3 - Ngamer64
4 - ChichiriMuyo
5 - Explicit Content
6 - transience
7 - Master Moltar
8 - Mac Arrowny
9 - dethfdddddh
10 - Draco1214
11 - arkenaga
12 - Yoshifan823
13 - MasterofHunters
14 - Z1mZum
15 - Shivan Reincarnated
16 - MegatokyoEd
17 - DomaDragoon
18 - Janus5000
19 - Applekidjosh
20 - BlAcK TuRtLe
21 - bobeta
22 - greatone
23 - NewLib
24 - Big Bob
25 - HaRRicH
26 - meche313
27 - MarioSuperstar
28 - RockMFR 5
29 - cavalier lowen
30 - Bobby200614
31 - junglebob22
32 - Heroic Mario
33 - yoblazer33
34 - trizob the hedgehog
35 - Aprosenf
36 - MoogleKupo141
37 - voltch
38 - XxSoulxX, yo
39 - Lieutenant Kettch
40 - A worlds envy
41 - Osfan
42 - ff6man
43 - rpgapzx
44 - Viviff
45 - expaniol
46 - Red Sox 777
47 - ps2rulezzz
48 - cyko
49 - jonthomson
50 - jeevesthemole
51 - Luis_Sera89
52 - Phediuk
53 - FFDragon
54 - Vile Requiem
55 - charmander6000
56 - Radix
57 - Tediz247
58 - Brett with Atreyu
59 - Yesmar
60 - shadow8021
61 - Jman_gamerX8
62 - Snip Snip Now
63 - Tirofog
64 - LuniNutz99
65 - Zylo the wolf
66 - Kaxon
67 - KingBartz
68 - longbladeofhiko
69 - Dekar TKB
70 - spikevegeta
71 - Azp2k32
72 - Ori
73 - CountCrazy007
74 - Lopen
75 - Chinballz
76 - Soniclink15
77 - ccbfan
78 - Fett0001
79 - Dark115
80 - Dilated Chemist
81 - Steve Illumina
82 - outsider920
83 - ExThaNemesis
84 - HeroicGammaRay
85 - RPGuy96
86 - Pathetique
87 - SonicRaptor
88 - swirldude
89 - TheRye
90 - Steinershocker
91 - XIII is sexy
92 - Smurf
93 - freac
94 - Redtooth
95- FastFalcon05
96 - Rufus Shinra 18
97 - _Harmonica_
98 - Nintendo Wiii
99 - Tjian
100 - Sephirot1
101 - plasmabeam
102- SephirothG
103 - Tai
105 - King Morgoth
106 - dragoontheguy
107 - outback
108 - Dunkeroo23
109 - canadiancatcher
110 - stingers135
111 - Tidus My Boy
112 - Guess how many Teens
113 - Prometheus321
114 - BeTheMan
115 - Haste2
116 - Read_Only_Thx
117 - KleenexTissue50
118 - daverath
119 - Mithrandir1331
120 - ScorpionX3
121 - perdevious
122 - ExquisiteSamurai

Eagerly awaiting Final Fantasy XII!
Haste_2 | Posted 8/18/2006 11:59:51 AM | message detail
This has been mentioned before: using x-stats in SFF matches to predict other SFF matches...yay or nay?

Let's do a test...let's compare Yoshi vs. Link, Yoshi vs. Mega Man, and Link vs. Mega Man all with each other.

Mega Man vs. Link - 32.39%
Yoshi vs. Mega Man - 31.92%
Expected Yoshi vs. Link - 20.68%
Actual - 18.26%

But, keep in mind that Yoshi probably grew just like Bowser, Luigi, and Kirby, while Link and Mega Man probably more-or-less stayed the same. (According to these numbers, Yoshi 2K5 beats Yoshi 2K4 with 56%, which probably isn't too far off.)

So, if Mario gets 63% on Zero and Mega Man beats Zero with 56%, does that mean Mario gets 58% on Mega Man, hm? And, since Mega Man acts like a Nintendo character, maybe Mega Man would be Samus with 52%?

Heheh, it's fun to think about, though it's surely only accurate to an extent. And, yes, I've tested projections with other SFF matches, and others don't work as well, but most aren't horribly off. The ones that are horribly off are ones that you'd expect to be (often matches involving the same series, i.e. Link/Ganondorf or Crono/Magus).

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think."
Read_Only_Thx | Posted 8/18/2006 1:13:27 PM | message detail
Anyone else worried nominations won't close until next Thursday at this rate?

<3~^\Paper Mario > Final Fantasy/^~<3
Creator of Topic 30,000,000.
swirIdude | Posted 8/18/2006 1:14:34 PM | message detail
Such an occurence has presidence.
After the Series Contest, Z1mZum is now the guy I want to be like!
Buzzup | Posted 8/18/2006 1:20:36 PM | message detail
1 - UltimaterializerX
2 - Team Rocket Elite
3 - Ngamer64
4 - ChichiriMuyo
5 - Explicit Content
6 - transience
7 - Master Moltar
8 - Mac Arrowny
9 - dethfdddddh
10 - Draco1214
11 - arkenaga
12 - Yoshifan823
13 - MasterofHunters
14 - Z1mZum
15 - Shivan Reincarnated
16 - MegatokyoEd
17 - DomaDragoon
18 - Janus5000
19 - Applekidjosh
20 - BlAcK TuRtLe
21 - bobeta
22 - greatone
23 - NewLib
24 - Big Bob
25 - HaRRicH
26 - meche313
27 - MarioSuperstar
28 - RockMFR 5
29 - cavalier lowen
30 - Bobby200614
31 - junglebob22
32 - Heroic Mario
33 - yoblazer33
34 - trizob the hedgehog
35 - Aprosenf
36 - MoogleKupo141
37 - voltch
38 - XxSoulxX, yo
39 - Lieutenant Kettch
40 - A worlds envy
41 - Osfan
42 - ff6man
43 - rpgapzx
44 - Viviff
45 - expaniol
46 - Red Sox 777
47 - ps2rulezzz
48 - cyko
49 - jonthomson
50 - jeevesthemole
51 - Luis_Sera89
52 - Phediuk
53 - FFDragon
54 - Vile Requiem
55 - charmander6000
56 - Radix
57 - Tediz247
58 - Brett with Atreyu
59 - Yesmar
60 - shadow8021
61 - Jman_gamerX8
62 - Snip Snip Now
63 - Tirofog
64 - LuniNutz99
65 - Zylo the wolf
66 - Kaxon
67 - KingBartz
68 - longbladeofhiko
69 - Dekar TKB
70 - spikevegeta
71 - Azp2k32
72 - Ori
73 - CountCrazy007
74 - Lopen
75 - Chinballz
76 - Soniclink15
77 - ccbfan
78 - Fett0001
79 - Dark115
80 - Dilated Chemist
81 - Steve Illumina
82 - outsider920
83 - ExThaNemesis
84 - HeroicGammaRay
85 - RPGuy96
86 - Pathetique
87 - SonicRaptor
88 - swirldude
89 - TheRye
90 - Steinershocker
91 - XIII is sexy
92 - Smurf
93 - freac
94 - Redtooth
95- FastFalcon05
96 - Rufus Shinra 18
97 - _Harmonica_
98 - Nintendo Wiii
99 - Tjian
100 - Sephirot1
101 - plasmabeam
102- SephirothG
103 - Tai
105 - King Morgoth
106 - dragoontheguy
107 - outback
108 - Dunkeroo23
109 - canadiancatcher
110 - stingers135
111 - Tidus My Boy
112 - Guess how many Teens
113 - Prometheus321
114 - BeTheMan
115 - Haste2
116 - Read_Only_Thx
117 - KleenexTissue50
118 - daverath
119 - Mithrandir1331
120 - ScorpionX3
121 - perdevious
122 - ExquisiteSamurai
123 - Buzzup
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/18/2006 2:19:33 PM | message detail
I would take Squall of Ganon with no regrets - and I guaran-freaking-tee that Squall would beat Auron. Squall went nearly even with Vincent, the fan favorite from FF VII - and there should be no doubt in your mind that fan favorite from FF VII > fan favorite from FF X.

Vincent is not the fan favorite from FFVII. Cloud is, which is why he's so incredibly strong. Hell, even Sephiroth is more of a fan favorite than Vincent is. Most other fan favorites (Kratos, Kefka, Zero, etc.) are actually more popular than their main character within the fanbase, which is why they're so incredibly strong.
Pity for the Gurus is treason to Z1mZum.
Tediz247 | Posted 8/18/2006 2:23:19 PM | message detail
Most other fan favorites (Kratos, Kefka, Zero, etc.) are actually more popular than their main character within the fanbase, which is why they're so incredibly strong.

Guru status: Z1mZum'd.
ZSB [aX]
swirIdude | Posted 8/18/2006 2:36:11 PM | message detail
Yes, huh?
After the Series Contest, Z1mZum is now the guy I want to be like!
therealmnm | Posted 8/18/2006 2:38:14 PM | message detail
Though after the Series Contest, I'm doubting that more and more, and just thinking Ganon overperformed on Sephy instead.

Even if you don't want to believe that Samus SFF'd Ganon, you have to look at Auron's spot. He's definitely shown to be stronger than his 2k5 x-stat ranking indicates. He beat down Tails, Scorpion, and Ness like any of the near-elites would. I'd personally put Auron at around Tifa's level. I wouldn't take him to lose to Dante for sure....
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6
Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC
Jmast7 | Posted 8/18/2006 2:38:40 PM | message detail
1 - UltimaterializerX
2 - Team Rocket Elite
3 - Ngamer64
4 - ChichiriMuyo
5 - Explicit Content
6 - transience
7 - Master Moltar
8 - Mac Arrowny
9 - dethfdddddh
10 - Draco1214
11 - arkenaga
12 - Yoshifan823
13 - MasterofHunters
14 - Z1mZum
15 - Shivan Reincarnated
16 - MegatokyoEd
17 - DomaDragoon
18 - Janus5000
19 - Applekidjosh
20 - BlAcK TuRtLe
21 - bobeta
22 - greatone
23 - NewLib
24 - Big Bob
25 - HaRRicH
26 - meche313
27 - MarioSuperstar
28 - RockMFR 5
29 - cavalier lowen
30 - Bobby200614
31 - junglebob22
32 - Heroic Mario
33 - yoblazer33
34 - trizob the hedgehog
35 - Aprosenf
36 - MoogleKupo141
37 - voltch
38 - XxSoulxX, yo
39 - Lieutenant Kettch
40 - A worlds envy
41 - Osfan
42 - ff6man
43 - rpgapzx
44 - Viviff
45 - expaniol
46 - Red Sox 777
47 - ps2rulezzz
48 - cyko
49 - jonthomson
50 - jeevesthemole
51 - Luis_Sera89
52 - Phediuk
53 - FFDragon
54 - Vile Requiem
55 - charmander6000
56 - Radix
57 - Tediz247
58 - Brett with Atreyu
59 - Yesmar
60 - shadow8021
61 - Jman_gamerX8
62 - Snip Snip Now
63 - Tirofog
64 - LuniNutz99
65 - Zylo the wolf
66 - Kaxon
67 - KingBartz
68 - longbladeofhiko
69 - Dekar TKB
70 - spikevegeta
71 - Azp2k32
72 - Ori
73 - CountCrazy007
74 - Lopen
75 - Chinballz
76 - Soniclink15
77 - ccbfan
78 - Fett0001
79 - Dark115
80 - Dilated Chemist
81 - Steve Illumina
82 - outsider920
83 - ExThaNemesis
84 - HeroicGammaRay
85 - RPGuy96
86 - Pathetique
87 - SonicRaptor
88 - swirldude
89 - TheRye
90 - Steinershocker
91 - XIII is sexy
92 - Smurf
93 - freac
94 - Redtooth
95- FastFalcon05
96 - Rufus Shinra 18
97 - _Harmonica_
98 - Nintendo Wiii
99 - Tjian
100 - Sephirot1
101 - plasmabeam
102- SephirothG
103 - Tai
105 - King Morgoth
106 - dragoontheguy
107 - outback
108 - Dunkeroo23
109 - canadiancatcher
110 - stingers135
111 - Tidus My Boy
112 - Guess how many Teens
113 - Prometheus321
114 - BeTheMan
115 - Haste2
116 - Read_Only_Thx
117 - KleenexTissue50
118 - daverath
119 - Mithrandir1331
120 - ScorpionX3
121 - perdevious
122 - ExquisiteSamurai
123 - Buzzup
124 - Jmast7
Nominate Alexandra Roivas and Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness for SC2k6!!!
therealmnm | Posted 8/18/2006 2:43:05 PM | message detail
Most other fan favorites (Kratos, Kefka, Zero, etc.) are actually more popular than their main character within the fanbase, which is why they're so incredibly strong.

I guess he's trying to say that Zero is more popular than X among Mega Man X fans (which is probably true. It is for me at least...). The only thing is that there is no way to actually prove that, since X would likely get Mega Man votes himself, as well as X still being popular himself. It's not worth discussing though since we'll probably never be able to verify it....
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6
Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC
Tediz247 | Posted 8/18/2006 2:54:08 PM | message detail
New sticky!
Guru status: Z1mZum'd.
ZSB [aX]
Tediz247 | Posted 8/18/2006 2:54:50 PM | message detail
Oh, and noms are closed.
Guru status: Z1mZum'd.
ZSB [aX]
RPGuy96 | Posted 8/18/2006 2:56:43 PM | message detail
Luigi, Magus, Kefka, Ike, Alucard, Phoenix, Ness
Lyn, Peach, Celes, Lenneth, Presea, Alex Roivas, Toadette, thanks to Guru Champ Z1mZum
HaRRicH | Posted 8/18/2006 2:57:17 PM | message detail
Heh...well, there's your true winner. Congrats mocktroid13 -- you didn't vote-stuff or leave out a blank in your perfect entry form.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Phediuk | Posted 8/18/2006 3:00:13 PM | message detail
Bout effin' time. Now it'll be another week until the bracket is released. At minimum.
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
plasmabeam | Posted 8/18/2006 3:03:39 PM | message detail
Here's a question for you... Would Zelda SFF Ganondorf head-to-head? While Ganondorf certainly has more appeal, you have to assume that Zelda would rack in votes because she's the series namesake. If the two are almost even like several of you said, you could expect that the name "Zelda" would tip the scale in her favor. I'm also tempted to believe that Sheik would capture the SSBM vote.

Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 3:07:23 PM | message detail
after seeing the series contest, I don't think the voters are honestly stupid enough to do that.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/18/2006 3:11:42 PM | message detail
Most other fan favorites (Kratos, Kefka, Zero, etc.) are actually more popular than their main character within the fanbase, which is why they're so incredibly strong.


I said "within the fanbase" for a reason. I know that Zero's not actually as strong as MM. It's like Yoshi winning all of those favorite Mario character polls, despite not being the strongest character.
Pity for the Gurus is treason to Z1mZum.
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:12:57 PM | message detail
Here's a question for you... Would Zelda SFF Ganondorf head-to-head?


While Ganondorf certainly has more appeal

Err, no. Zelda would SFF Ganondorf because she has more appeal. Compared to Ganondorf, Zelda has more going for her than just being in the Legend of Zelda series.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
GrapefruitKing | Posted 8/18/2006 3:16:03 PM | message detail
1 - UltimaterializerX
2 - Team Rocket Elite
3 - Ngamer64
4 - ChichiriMuyo
5 - Explicit Content
6 - transience
7 - Master Moltar
8 - Mac Arrowny
9 - dethfdddddh
10 - Draco1214
11 - arkenaga
12 - Yoshifan823
13 - MasterofHunters
14 - Z1mZum
15 - Shivan Reincarnated
16 - MegatokyoEd
17 - DomaDragoon
18 - Janus5000
19 - Applekidjosh
20 - BlAcK TuRtLe
21 - bobeta
22 - greatone
23 - NewLib
24 - Big Bob
25 - HaRRicH
26 - meche313
27 - MarioSuperstar
28 - RockMFR 5
29 - cavalier lowen
30 - Bobby200614
31 - junglebob22
32 - Heroic Mario
33 - yoblazer33
34 - trizob the hedgehog
35 - Aprosenf
36 - MoogleKupo141
37 - voltch
38 - XxSoulxX, yo
39 - Lieutenant Kettch
40 - A worlds envy
41 - Osfan
42 - ff6man
43 - rpgapzx
44 - Viviff
45 - expaniol
46 - Red Sox 777
47 - ps2rulezzz
48 - cyko
49 - jonthomson
50 - jeevesthemole
51 - Luis_Sera89
52 - Phediuk
53 - FFDragon
54 - Vile Requiem
55 - charmander6000
56 - Radix
57 - Tediz247
58 - Brett with Atreyu
59 - Yesmar
60 - shadow8021
61 - Jman_gamerX8
62 - Snip Snip Now
63 - Tirofog
64 - LuniNutz99
65 - Zylo the wolf
66 - Kaxon
67 - KingBartz
68 - longbladeofhiko
69 - Dekar TKB
70 - spikevegeta
71 - Azp2k32
72 - Ori
73 - CountCrazy007
74 - Lopen
75 - Chinballz
76 - Soniclink15
77 - ccbfan
78 - Fett0001
79 - Dark115
80 - Dilated Chemist
81 - Steve Illumina
82 - outsider920
83 - ExThaNemesis
84 - HeroicGammaRay
85 - RPGuy96
86 - Pathetique
87 - SonicRaptor
88 - swirldude
89 - TheRye
90 - Steinershocker
91 - XIII is sexy
92 - Smurf
93 - freac
94 - Redtooth
95- FastFalcon05
96 - Rufus Shinra 18
97 - _Harmonica_
98 - Nintendo Wiii
99 - Tjian
100 - Sephirot1
101 - plasmabeam
102- SephirothG
103 - Tai
105 - King Morgoth
106 - dragoontheguy
107 - outback
108 - Dunkeroo23
109 - canadiancatcher
110 - stingers135
111 - Tidus My Boy
112 - Guess how many Teens
113 - Prometheus321
114 - BeTheMan
115 - Haste2
116 - Read_Only_Thx
117 - KleenexTissue50
118 - daverath
119 - Mithrandir1331
120 - ScorpionX3
121 - perdevious
122 - ExquisiteSamurai
123 - Buzzup
124 - Jmast7
125 - GrapefruitKing
"Life, I guess", some comic strip by GrapefruitKing
Read it! -->
Z1mZum | Posted 8/18/2006 3:18:59 PM | message detail
Awww, 27th overall.

Next time, I guess.

All-knowing guru.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 3:20:41 PM | message detail
meh, I dunno about you guys but Ganondorf > Zelda just seems obvious to me. I have no reasoning, just gut.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:21:31 PM | message detail
So, when do people think we're going to see a bracket?
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
plasmabeam | Posted 8/18/2006 3:22:32 PM | message detail
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 8/18/2006 4:18:59 PM | Message Detail
Awww, 27th overall.

Next time, I guess.

Aw, sooo close. #21 was tenth, right? Eh, having dozens of people bolding your name in their sig for 2 weeks ain't too shabby though.

Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
plasmabeam | Posted 8/18/2006 3:23:20 PM | message detail
I say the bracket gets up at 6:45 eastern time.

Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:23:23 PM | message detail
meh, I dunno about you guys but Ganondorf > Zelda just seems obvious to me. I have no reasoning, just gut.

My gut tells me the opposite. The only thing that worries me at all is GameFAQs's extreme preference for male characters. But it's really hard for me to imagine Ganon beating Zelda.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 3:24:15 PM | message detail
I can honestly see people liking Ganondorf more than Zelda, the same reason I see people liking Sephiroth more than Aeris, and Bowser more than Peach, etc.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/18/2006 3:25:11 PM | message detail
Villain > Heroine. See: Kefka > Terra, Sephiroth > Tifa/Aeris, Master Hand > Nana, etc.
Pity for the Gurus is treason to Z1mZum.
GrapefruitKing | Posted 8/18/2006 3:27:25 PM | message detail
And Ridley > Samus.. OH WAIT
"Life, I guess", some comic strip by GrapefruitKing
Read it! -->
MnMZero | Posted 8/18/2006 3:27:52 PM | message detail
Err, no. Zelda would SFF Ganondorf because she has more appeal. Compared to Ganondorf, Zelda has more going for her than just being in the Legend of Zelda series.

Says who? I'd take Ganon over Zelda without a second thought. Ganon has just as much going for him as Zelda, and probably moreso. Until Ocarina of Time, Zelda was just the name of the Princess at the end of the game. There was nothing separating her from Griselda, random damsel in distress from Wizards & Warriors besides being from a more popular game.

Sure, Zelda had "Sheik" for OoT, although I really think people are overrating how much Sheik plays in Zelda's actual popularity. If Zelda was just "Zelda" in Ocarina of Time, she'd still most likely be a midcarder (Yuna/Rikku level) just for who she is and the popularity of her series. As for Ganon, it's not like OoT didn't do wonders for his popularity. The final fight remains one of the favorite moments in gaming to a lot of people (definitely not me though, but I get that notion based on hearing people talk about it). And unlike Zelda, Ganon was actually established as a character before OoT (although people knew him more for being a pig demon).

Plus throw in Ganon's performance in Wind Waker... I don't see what exactly gives Zelda the edge in a matchup against Ganon. I definitely don't see "Sheik" cancelling out everything Ganon has going for him within the series.
*Is therealmnm*
Proud Supporter of Mega Man X in Best. Series. Ever. Contest
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:30:41 PM | message detail
I can honestly see people liking Ganondorf more than Zelda, the same reason I see people liking Sephiroth more than Aeris, and Bowser more than Peach, etc.

Maybe my opinion would change if I played Wind Waker, but from OoT and the 2d Zeldas, I don't see much of a comparison between Ganon and Sephiroth. Sephiroth is popular because he has a developed backstory, a personally, and he's also shown to be incredibly badass. Ganon in OoT and the earlier games, on the other hand, is pretty much an incredibly generic evildoer - he has an evil laugh and a couple boss fights, and that's about it. Likewise, Bowser has far more of a personality than Ganon, and on the flip side, Peach doesn't have the advantages Zelda does - she's not attractive, her series isn't named after her, and she doesn't have a cool ninja form.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:34:03 PM | message detail
Villain > Heroine. See: Kefka > Terra, Sephiroth > Tifa/Aeris, Master Hand > Nana, etc.

And Bison > Chun Li, and Sin > Yuna, and Albedo > KOS-MOS... or not.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 3:35:48 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 3:36:53 PM | message detail
Those characters aren't damsel in distresses, are they?
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me
Lopen | Posted 8/18/2006 3:40:31 PM | message detail
Bison could probably beat Chun Li. That's a toss up.

But yeah... I agree that the "rule" is silly.
Z1mZum whooped me so bad in the Guru Contest that the next Lopen wannabe is gonna feel it.
MnMZero | Posted 8/18/2006 3:41:56 PM | message detail
Maybe my opinion would change if I played Wind Waker, but from OoT and the 2d Zeldas, I don't see much of a comparison between Ganon and Sephiroth. Sephiroth is popular because he has a developed backstory, a personally, and he's also shown to be incredibly badass. Ganon in OoT and the earlier games, on the other hand, is pretty much an incredibly generic evildoer - he has an evil laugh and a couple boss fights, and that's about it. Likewise, Bowser has far more of a personality than Ganon, and on the flip side, Peach doesn't have the advantages Zelda does - she's not attractive, her series isn't named after her, and she doesn't have a cool ninja form.

Uhhhh.... no. You really underestimate what OoT did for Ganondorf. He may not have 50-60+ hours of RPG gameplay time to make an impact like Sephiroth did, but Ganon is indeed just as "badass" as Sephiroth is among their respective fans. Your whole post is really opinionated. It's pretty obvious that both fanbases love their villain...

As for Peach, who the hell likes Zelda or Peach for attractiveness? Their friggin' Nintendo characters! o_O I just had to let that one out. The whole "Peach isn't attractive" thing is really mind-boggling to me. Peach doesn't really need the series name, as unlike Zelda before OoT, she was already an established character. Peach may not have a Ninja form, but she still kicks ass in SMB2, SMRPG, SMK, and SSBM! She doesn't need a ninja form!
*Is therealmnm*
Proud Supporter of Mega Man X in Best. Series. Ever. Contest
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:46:24 PM | message detail
Uhhhh.... no. You really underestimate what OoT did for Ganondorf. He may not have 50-60+ hours of RPG gameplay time to make an impact like Sephiroth did, but Ganon is indeed just as "badass" as Sephiroth is among their respective fans. Your whole post is really opinionated. It's pretty obvious that both fanbases love their villain...

I would have to argue that these polls prove Zelda fans don't love their villain quite as much as FF VII fans love Sephiroth. I really don't think you can compare the two.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 3:47:14 PM | message detail
As for Peach, that one's already been debated to death, so we should probably just wait to see how she does. But I'm definitely in the camp that thinks she'll be quite a bit weaker than Zelda.
Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats!
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6