GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 345
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THEJackSparrow | Posted 8/17/2006 5:17:32 PM | message detail |
Well, after this long, Ceej has had enough time to sort through nominations. Hopefully, we can get a bracket quickly. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
therealmnm | Posted 8/17/2006 5:18:38 PM | message detail |
I meant "as bad" as 83-85% rather than near 88%. He still rips Ganon a
new one of course. I was just saying that I think there was more than
just Link owning Ganon in that matchup. I know the trailer was all I
could think about when I looked at the pic, and I know I'm not the only
one. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 8/17/2006 5:19:55 PM | message detail |
No, it'd still be 85% at the very least. Ganon doesn't escape that much. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Haste_2 | Posted 8/17/2006 6:05:26 PM | message detail |
I found a reason to participate in the Guru Challenge. But, man, do I hate these massive pastes. We need a better method. 1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think." |
HaRRicH | Posted 8/17/2006 7:57:20 PM | message detail |
As a matter of fact, since I'm in that sort of mood, I'll list the
characters who have only lost to the Noble Nine (with a minimum of two
appearances): The Noble Nine (duh) Fox McCloud Bowser Aeris Gainsborough Zero Ken Masters Princess Zelda Frog Out of those, Ken is the only one who never won a match. Kinda weird. (Edit: I see rpgapzx beat me to it...and with style, no less) And while I'm at it, the characters who have never even faced a Noble Niner (minimum of two appearances): Luigi Ratchet Miles "Tails" Prower Pac-Man Bomberman Kirby Gordon Freeman Yuna Ryo Hazuki Guybrush Threepwood Laharl Ryu Hayabusa Revolver Ocelot Albert Wesker Luca Blight Out of those, Pac-Man, Kirby, and Gordon are the only three to make it every contest -- they need to buck up and stop hiding from the elites, heh. Also, out of those, Kirby has won the most matches...he's earned the right to face a Noble Nine member this year... the Final Four. I completely agree. Zelda beating Ganon has never once even crossed my mind, even through all the debate. Ganon is always going to be that second Zelda character in strength. For what it's worth, assuming Samus is as strong as Mario, Ganon barely outdoes Zelda in the stats. While we already know that Link would do unto Zelda an SFF-beating like we haven't seen since Link/Ganon, I think the battle of favor between Zelda and Ganon as far as LoZ fans go is more debated than given credit for. Man the stats topic has gone to hell in my short absence! Dante takes out Zero without even breaking a sweat! You know it to be true, don't even bother arguing, you're only be fighting yourself anyway. Talking about crazy bull**** that involves EC (ha!), I bought all three PoP games for the Xbox today for $50, plus got Need For Speed: Underground with my purchase for free today. I'm actually well-behind on my gaming backlog though and college/moving into my apartment comes up next, yeah, might be awhile, heh. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/17/2006 9:01:00 PM | message detail |
It's Friday and nominations are still open, Ceej! ...Unless he's considering closing them at midnight PST. Bleh. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
Who Cares? | Posted 8/17/2006 9:06:30 PM | message detail |
I think that's the case...booooo! And I was hoping I'd be awake for the bracket release! :( --- Noms: Ken, Nightmare, Sub Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden(MGS), Knuckles, Sora Chun-Li, Morrigan, Sheena, Cammy, Presea, Talim, Ayane |
Lopen | Posted 8/17/2006 9:08:43 PM | message detail |
Haw haw, Leonhart, your "bold prediction" failed! --- Z1mZum whooped me so bad in the Guru Contest that the next Lopen wannabe is gonna feel it. |
Slowflake | Posted 8/17/2006 9:15:55 PM | message detail |
Dang it, and I expected to know whether I'd stay on this board or not when I came back from work. That's CJayC for ya. [does Sonic's I'M WAAAAAAAITIIIIIIIING taunt from AoStH] --- i thought people on gamefaqs had good taste in games i guess i was wrong -EstUmbra Oooh... Yeah... I need... condom... sixty nine!! -IENJOYHAM |
Read_Only_Thx | Posted 8/17/2006 9:22:35 PM | message detail |
OK, I can't resist any longer. I'll bite. 1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 116 - Read_Only_Thx <3~^\Paper Mario > Final Fantasy/^~<3 --- Creator of Topic 30,000,000. |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/17/2006 9:23:20 PM | message detail |
Haw haw, Leonhart, your "bold prediction" failed! It's still Thursday somewhere, including where YOU are. I still have hope! --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
cyko | Posted 8/17/2006 9:24:25 PM | message detail |
i wish i had a bracket to analyze so i could contribute something semi-meaningful to the topic again..... >_< --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. if you won't nominate Bahamut, then nominate Jeane from Suikoden! |
plasmabeam | Posted 8/17/2006 9:25:11 PM | message detail |
It's a shame that only 12% of the site could acknowledge Ganondorf as a
better character than Link. Sure, you play as Link, but Ganondorf is
inarguably a far better character. --- Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man ~Jacksonville Jaguars~ |
plasmabeam | Posted 8/17/2006 9:26:31 PM | message detail |
From: cyko | Posted: 8/17/2006 10:24:25 PM | Message Detail i wish i had a bracket to analyze so i could contribute something semi-meaningful to the topic again..... >_< For fun... Bowser, Squall, and Ganondorf in the same 4-pack. Your thoughts? --- Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man ~Jacksonville Jaguars~ |
Lopen | Posted 8/17/2006 9:26:54 PM | message detail |
Only I can abuse time zones! You've failed! And I can't believe some people were expecting an immediate bracket. I'm thinking Monday, myself... --- Z1mZum whooped me so bad in the Guru Contest that the next Lopen wannabe is gonna feel it. |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/17/2006 9:26:55 PM | message detail |
Squall > Bowser > Ganondorf! --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
Who Cares? | Posted 8/17/2006 9:31:41 PM | message detail |
And I can't believe some people were expecting an immediate bracket. I'm thinking Monday, myself... Well, like I said earlier, the 2k4 bracket went up surprisingly quick, nothing wrong in hoping he'll be just as quick with this one. --- Noms: Ken, Nightmare, Sub Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden(MGS), Knuckles, Sora Chun-Li, Morrigan, Sheena, Cammy, Presea, Talim, Ayane |
Lopen | Posted 8/17/2006 9:34:12 PM | message detail |
Sorry for making you repeat yourself, but just how quickly did it go up? --- Z1mZum whooped me so bad in the Guru Contest that the next Lopen wannabe is gonna feel it. |
plasmabeam | Posted 8/17/2006 9:34:31 PM | message detail |
From: LessThan3Presea | Posted: 8/17/2006 10:26:55 PM | Message Detail Squall > Bowser > Ganondorf! Care to explain? I think although Ganon performed better on Sephiroth than Bowser did, Bowser would win in a Mario/Samus type situation. I would take Squall over Ganon with little hesitation, but Bowser... hmm. Just how much will KH2 affect Squall? I'm waiting for a pricedrop, so I don't know how big Squall's KH2 role was. Either way, I think I'd go with Bowser over Squall, just because of the whole NintendoFAQs thing. However, I can't just go that easily... Bowser overperformed on Snake, and Squall had a more impressive match with Kirby. *Brain fries* --- Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man ~Jacksonville Jaguars~ |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/17/2006 9:35:23 PM | message detail |
Squall doesn't need that much to beat Bowser, really. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
plasmabeam | Posted 8/17/2006 9:35:26 PM | message detail |
the 2k4 bracket went up surprisingly quick Take your time... please no 2K4ish mess. --- Wind Waker was as easy as a drunken hooker, I'll give you that. - ugly man ~Jacksonville Jaguars~ |
Who Cares? | Posted 8/17/2006 9:36:52 PM | message detail |
It was released on the same day, I remember that much. I think it was about two hours after closing. --- Noms: Ken, Nightmare, Sub Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden(MGS), Knuckles, Sora Chun-Li, Morrigan, Sheena, Cammy, Presea, Talim, Ayane |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/17/2006 9:37:56 PM | message detail |
Ceej has had...what, three weeks for nominations? Surely he's had an
idea of who was going to be in the contest by now, so...I don't know
that he needs to take THAT long with it. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
transience | Posted 8/17/2006 9:40:10 PM | message detail |
heh, the two fast brackets (2k4 and series) were arguably the two worst brackets. --- xyzzy |
HaRRicH | Posted 8/17/2006 9:50:50 PM | message detail |
Yeah, so CJay, if you need a quick bracket that's GOOD, just take lots of advice from the Four-Pack Of Fun board! --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
HaRRicH | Posted 8/17/2006 10:46:52 PM | message detail |
FYI, I put up three brackets in the Nomination Tally topic -- two
32-character brackets for each gender, then a 64-character mixed
bracket. Check it out if you like. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Heroic Mario | Posted 8/17/2006 10:49:04 PM | message detail |
For fun... Bowser, Squall, and Ganondorf in the same 4-pack. Your thoughts? That's a might ugly looking four pack. Bowser/Squall would be brutal, I think, but I see Squall over Ganon in a Magus-type long as it's before the Wii comes out. --- “I haven’t invested as much time into any game as I have [Twilight Princess].” – Shigeru Miyamoto |
Read_Only_Thx | Posted 8/18/2006 5:12:57 AM | message detail |
Noms are still up, huh? So... CATS or Phoenix Wright? <3~^\Paper Mario > Final Fantasy/^~<3 --- Creator of Topic 30,000,000. |
Phediuk | Posted 8/18/2006 6:12:45 AM | message detail |
CATS. Phoenix Wright will be bottom-of-the-barrel fodder. --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
therealmnm | Posted 8/18/2006 6:27:48 AM | message detail |
Bowser > Ganondorf > Squall Although Squall would be closer on Bowser than Ganondorf. If Ganondorf didn't beat Auron 54-46, I would have taken Squall easily. Squall is most likely a bit stronger than Auron, but at least it showed that Ganondorf can actually stand up to a quality opponent like Squall. And once you get that close in strength, stats go out the window... --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 6:50:18 AM | message detail |
I would take Squall of Ganon with no regrets - and I
guaran-freaking-tee that Squall would beat Auron. Squall went nearly
even with Vincent, the fan favorite from FF VII - and there should be
no doubt in your mind that fan favorite from FF VII > fan favorite
from FF X. --- Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats! Nominate Aeris for SC2k6 |
therealmnm | Posted 8/18/2006 6:53:26 AM | message detail |
When did I say Squall wouldn't beat Auron? I did say that Squall is a
bit stronger, although the gap isn't nearly as big as the stats show
since both Ganon and Auron are underrated. And I said nothing of a
direct matchup between Squall and Auron. I just said that Ganon/Auron
showed that Ganon can actually handle a quality opponent. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 6:54:22 AM | message detail |
I don't know what you mean by fan favorite if Auron is the strongest
from FFX and Vincent is only third/fourth strongest from FFVII. --- “Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 8/18/2006 6:56:41 AM | message detail |
and Ganondorf beat Auron a bit worse than Squall beat Knuckles. I'm inclined to choose Ganondorf. --- “Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them.” - Vivi0198 | Z1mZum owned me |
Kaxon | Posted 8/18/2006 6:56:59 AM | message detail |
You didn't say Auron would beat him, but you made it sound like you
think they're pretty close. I think Squall is comfortably a step above
Auron, directly or indirectly. --- Z1mZum is the latest guru to destroy me in the Guru Contest. Congrats! Nominate Aeris for SC2k6 |
therealmnm | Posted 8/18/2006 7:28:38 AM | message detail |
Well then we simply have to disagree. Squall may be stronger, but I wouldn't put him a step above Auron. They are certainly in the same class. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 8/18/2006 7:33:14 AM | message detail |
Almost missed this... 1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 116 - Read_Only_Thx 117 - KleenexTissue50 --- lol guru, more like gurOWNED by Z1mZum Now playing: Metal Gear Solid 3, Valkyrie Profile |
daverath | Posted 8/18/2006 7:38:27 AM | message detail |
1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 116 - Read_Only_Thx 117 - KleenexTissue50 118 - daverath --- putting the laughter in manslaughter |
FlamboyantSpy | Posted 8/18/2006 8:15:13 AM | message detail |
Talking about crazy bull**** that involves EC (ha!), I bought all
three PoP games for the Xbox today for $50, plus got Need For Speed:
Underground with my purchase for free today. I'm actually well-behind
on my gaming backlog though and college/moving into my apartment comes
up next, yeah, might be awhile, heh. A great purchase I must say! So long as you play them on the original XBox and not that haphazard contraption known as the 360! --- Explicit Content I have been thoroughly owned by Z1mZum. Cheer me up. Cheer Up Emo Kids - Team Tranny Did! |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 9:17:46 AM | message detail |
I don't foresee Squall struggling to beat Auron myself. He can certainly manage 55% on him, I think. But nominations are still up? How disappointing. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 9:20:09 AM | message detail |
Hmmm...I was just looking at something... Zelda/Auron: Who wins? --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 8/18/2006 9:23:03 AM | message detail |
I would take Zelda without even worring about it. My hate for Auron drives me to it >_> I say Zelda with 57%, didn't Vivi and Auron preformed similar against Sephy in 2004? --- Arc the Lad > Shining Force. Andel DID notice >_> Z1m Zum > Me |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 9:26:29 AM | message detail |
didn't Vivi and Auron preformed similar against Sephy in 2004? Vivi got 29.75% and Auron got 32.30% on Sephiroth. Based on that, Auron would get 53.95% on Vivi. Of course, that's assuming they got SFF'd proportionally or not at all. And honestly, looking at their 2004 and 2005 numbers, it would seem that SFF was minimal, if not non-existent, at least for Vivi. You can make an argument that Auron is underrated. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 9:28:05 AM | message detail |
Speaking of which, despite all of this talk that Auron has been behind
some form of SFF in all three years of his contest experience, his
statistical values are very close together. Each year is slightly
stronger than the one before, for what it's worth. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
Mithrandir1331 | Posted 8/18/2006 9:45:40 AM | message detail |
1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 116 - Read_Only_Thx 117 - KleenexTissue50 118 - daverath 119 - Mithrandir1331 --- Easily defeated by Z1mZum in the guru contest. Your hazel green-tinted eyes watching every move that I make... |
HaRRicH | Posted 8/18/2006 9:52:04 AM | message detail |
Zelda/Auron: Who wins? You have to assume Samus = Mario in order for Ganon to statistically be stronger than Zelda...and there's no way Zelda isn't within 4% of wherever Ganon's at. The only thing that scares me about it is Auron's since had KH2...but even then, I'll take Zelda. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
BeTheMan | Posted 8/18/2006 10:22:33 AM | message detail |
It's hard trying to gauge Auron's strength...but as far as
cross-contest comparisons go, I think that the 2k3 Knuckles/Yuna match
(Knuckles won w/ 55.32%) is somewhat useful. Since Knuckles and Yuna
both seem to have boosted since 2003, there's a good chance that a
match between the two of them would have gone similarly last year. If we're willing to assume that much, then: Yuna = 44.68% on Knuckles Yuna = 42.27% on Auron (through Ganondorf) Knuckles = 47.30% on Auron Knuckles = 46.20% on Squall Auron = 48.84% on Squall (through Knuckles) Auron = 45.90% on Ganondorf Which would make Squall worth roughly 47% on Ganondorf as of last year. Even with a KH2 boost, I don't think Squall has enough to take down Ganondorf or Bowser...or maybe even Zelda. --- ALL YOUR VOTES ARE BELONG TO Z1mZum FOR ROCKING THE GURU WORLD |
Haste_2 | Posted 8/18/2006 10:27:11 AM | message detail |
Auron did about as well against Tails and Scorpion as Squall did
against Bomberman...I think we could say that Bomberman is about the
same level as Tails or Scorpion. Granted, Bomberman had a big picture
advantage, getting ready to toss a bomb at Squall... I think I'll say
Ganondorf > Squall > Auron...but that was last year. Auron has
KHII...he might be able to take on even Ganondorf now, especially with
a good picture. Honestly, I'm suspicious with Auron and pic-factor
since his design is so appealing, though maybe I'm wrong... I think
there's a decent amount of voters who've never heard of Auron that will
vote for that full-body pic holding that huge sword. Yeah, I mentioned pic-factor twice, but I think it's hard to deny that pictures have affected Bomberman's performances, unless you think Alucard =/= Squall at any time from 2K3 and on. Bomberman was shiny and pink when he faced Alucard... Auron would beat Zelda now, I bet. Post-(or even a few days before) TP, that might be a different story. I think Ganondorf's above Zelda by more than a miniscule amount, and KHII should cover for Auron. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think." |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 8/18/2006 11:23:46 AM | message detail |
The only reason I mentioned Zelda/Auron is because I was looking at
their performances on Snake and Ganondorf, and they were near equal. I
had forgotten about KHII though, so that messes things up a bit. --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
ScorpionX3 | Posted 8/18/2006 11:26:09 AM | message detail |
1 - UltimaterializerX 2 - Team Rocket Elite 3 - Ngamer64 4 - ChichiriMuyo 5 - Explicit Content 6 - transience 7 - Master Moltar 8 - Mac Arrowny 9 - dethfdddddh 10 - Draco1214 11 - arkenaga 12 - Yoshifan823 13 - MasterofHunters 14 - Z1mZum 15 - Shivan Reincarnated 16 - MegatokyoEd 17 - DomaDragoon 18 - Janus5000 19 - Applekidjosh 20 - BlAcK TuRtLe 21 - bobeta 22 - greatone 23 - NewLib 24 - Big Bob 25 - HaRRicH 26 - meche313 27 - MarioSuperstar 28 - RockMFR 5 29 - cavalier lowen 30 - Bobby200614 31 - junglebob22 32 - Heroic Mario 33 - yoblazer33 34 - trizob the hedgehog 35 - Aprosenf 36 - MoogleKupo141 37 - voltch 38 - XxSoulxX, yo 39 - Lieutenant Kettch 40 - A worlds envy 41 - Osfan 42 - ff6man 43 - rpgapzx 44 - Viviff 45 - expaniol 46 - Red Sox 777 47 - ps2rulezzz 48 - cyko 49 - jonthomson 50 - jeevesthemole 51 - Luis_Sera89 52 - Phediuk 53 - FFDragon 54 - Vile Requiem 55 - charmander6000 56 - Radix 57 - Tediz247 58 - Brett with Atreyu 59 - Yesmar 60 - shadow8021 61 - Jman_gamerX8 62 - Snip Snip Now 63 - Tirofog 64 - LuniNutz99 65 - Zylo the wolf 66 - Kaxon 67 - KingBartz 68 - longbladeofhiko 69 - Dekar TKB 70 - spikevegeta 71 - Azp2k32 72 - Ori 73 - CountCrazy007 74 - Lopen 75 - Chinballz 76 - Soniclink15 77 - ccbfan 78 - Fett0001 79 - Dark115 80 - Dilated Chemist 81 - Steve Illumina 82 - outsider920 83 - ExThaNemesis 84 - HeroicGammaRay 85 - RPGuy96 86 - Pathetique 87 - SonicRaptor 88 - swirldude 89 - TheRye 90 - Steinershocker 91 - XIII is sexy 92 - Smurf 93 - freac 94 - Redtooth 95- FastFalcon05 96 - Rufus Shinra 18 97 - _Harmonica_ 98 - Nintendo Wiii 99 - Tjian 100 - Sephirot1 101 - plasmabeam 102- SephirothG 103 - Tai 104 - WHAT THE CRUNK ED BELLIS 105 - King Morgoth 106 - dragoontheguy 107 - outback 108 - Dunkeroo23 109 - canadiancatcher 110 - stingers135 111 - Tidus My Boy 112 - Guess how many Teens 113 - Prometheus321 114 - BeTheMan 115 - Haste2 116 - Read_Only_Thx 117 - KleenexTissue50 118 - daverath 119 - Mithrandir1331 120 - ScorpionX3 _-¯-_ 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button? |