GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 306
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Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:41:52 PM | message detail |
Heroic Mario. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:42:06 PM | message detail |
Snake Division: Round 1 - Match 8 – (2)Kingdom Hearts vs. (7)Harvest Moon Moltar’s Analysis Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts was a game that pretty much came out of nowhere. Many only saw it as popular because of the FF cameos, but now with KH2, the series’ own fanbase has exploded. Harvest Moon Heh, Harvest Moon. That farming game according to some people. I’ve always thought they were lame *summons flame shield*, but people really like it. A DS game is on the way. Yeah… I’m all upset Halo lost and I lost my perfect bracket and spot on the leaderboard. So, I’m going to make my life and your lives easier and have a really short write-up for this match on why Kingdom Hearts will win IT’S KINGDOM F’N HEARTS Now Darkness be with you, and before I go and kill myself over Halo losing, I urge you to go look at Leon’s analysis. He actually wrote a Wall for a match like this! What a loser with no life he must be, mirite? Also Mnm’s, it’s great. Reminds me of my own work in my prime. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Kingdom Hearts will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: KH: 75% - Harvest Moon: 25% Ulti’s Analysis I haven't played any Harvest Moon games. And even if I did, I wouldn't be silly enough to think it had a chance at winning this given KH2's recent release. Prediction: 76.44% ; even though Harvest Moon is cult, KH always gets anti-voted in these contests. I'll be shocked if it manages to break 80%. Soul’s Analysis Umm... Does this match really need an analysis? Harvest Moon fans are thankful that the game got in, and lets leave it at that. My prediction: Kingdom Hearts wins with 87.88% of the vote. HaRRich’s Analysis Predicted winner: Kingdom Hearts Top 100 List comparison: ---KH - #16 ---HM - N/A (had no games on the drop-down list) Best Game Ever x-stat comparison: ---KH - 34.7% (was behind Starcraft) ---HM - N/A (no rep) Hey, a blow-out -- we haven't seen one of these long? Six days? Wow, we needed ano--oh, nope, wait, Ulti says we saw a blow-out yesterday. Nevermind. Harvest Moon making it in is...cute, I guess. It should be "fun" fodder, maybe. I don't know why, really, it just seems like there's a small clique of people who really enjoy it, and it's got more potential than Suikoden at least, so...hey, let's watch it. Meahwhile, I care more about seeing KH kick its ass. I've never played either series, but I want to see the damage it can dish out since KH2 is out and is the most recent huge hit on GameFAQs right now. It needs to really make a point, too, because it should have a tough second-round match-up. Kingdom Hearts wins with 77.12% Lopen’s Analysis Harvest Moon is quite a threat here. Now hear me out… much like Count Dracula, the Harvest Moon rises but once every century. Much like the Death, the main character of these games uses a scythe to harvest. Much like Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest, the Harvest Moon games feature day and night. And also, Simon Belmont has a curse and doesn't want to be out at night… similarly little Harvest dude he needs his sleep, and *gasps* also doesn't want to be out at night! But they can both fight it out if they need to. So you can expect the (possibly disgruntled!) Castlevania fans of the last match to be backing this one in full force! Watch out, Kingdom Hearts! … who am I kidding? Lopen's Prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 79.59%. |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:42:19 PM | message detail |
I actually dont think Warcraft and World of Warcraft are the same series. WTF? --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:42:39 PM | message detail |
QUICK QUERY: Which of the two would perform better against Kingdom Hearts -- Harvest Moon, or Heroic Mario? Note: Heroic Mario's picture will consist of an indistinct top ten list with lots of markouts Heroic mario, just for having mario in the name. --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:42:42 PM | message detail |
HM’s Analysis Ah, yes! One of my favorite series in the contest against one series that I think is pretty good. Luckily, the one that is one of my favorite series is the one who will win this match. Huzzah! There is not really much to analyze here, as most of the 1/8 and 2/7 matches are going to be throughout the entire contest. Harvest Moon stands practically no chance of doing anything to even begin threatening Kingdom Hearts here. Kingdom Hearts is going to be coming off of the huge hit in Kingdom Hearts II – something that is dominating the sales charts month after month. I have never noticed any type of liking for Harvest Moon here at all. The toughest part of this match is trying to come up with how much Kingdom Hearts is going to get to win, because it is somewhat hard to gauge how well Harvest Moon would do. But yeah, Kingdom Hearts has Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories, and the recently released Kingdom Hearts II on its side. It is pretty much accepted that Kingdom Hearts was the main factor behind the huge Square boost in 2003, and I think with KH2 we’ll see something similar here as well. This is just a stepping stone for KH until the final showdown with Metal Gear in the Snake Division. Even the monstrous Halo will end up crumbling before might of the Keyblade!! Heh. Aitch Emm’s Bracket Says : Kingdom Hearts will win. Aitch Emm’s Prediction : Kingdom Hearts 84% -- Harvest Moon 16% Aitch Emm’s Vote : Kingdom Hearts. Yoblazer’s Analysis As a big Kingdom Hearts fan, it pains me to say that KH/HM will be competing with RE/SH for the honor of being the first round's most uninteresting match. I've spent more time thinking about Madden picture possibilities than I have about this match. We all know who the winner will be, and, unlike other matches with a decided outcome, there is nothing which adds even the tiniest bit of flavor to this one. It's just so... drab. Hell, we can't even use this match to gauge Kingdom Hearts' strength, since we've never seen Harvest Moon in a contest; actually, I'm not even sure if it's ever been in a poll, period (no, those "Which *random month* game are you most looking forward to?" don't count). To put it bluntly, Kingdom Hearts has two popular games and a large GameFAQs fanbase. Harvest Moon has nothing. It's tough to predict the extent of this beating, but KH better lay the smack down if it wants to look good for its debated second round match. Kingdom Hearts + Much stronger games + Much stronger contest/poll history + Actually HAS a contest poll/history - None for this match Harvest Moon + It made the contest + If it's anything like Animal Crossing, I'd probably love it - It's going to get killed My prediction: Kingdom Hearts def. Harvest Moon (81-19) |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:43:09 PM | message detail |
Leon’s Analysis Fresh off the smash hit Kingdom Hearts II, the series earns itself a 2 seed in the one division it could actually win. Of course, it’s got its work cut out just to get to the divisional finals, but it can be done. However, the one danger is that Kingdom Hearts has had a tendency to disappoint in the past, but we’ll see if it can get past that this time. While we’re at it, let’s review that contest history. Otherwise, this is going to be an awfully short analysis (not as though this match needs one). The first we saw of anything Kingdom Hearts was Sora in SC2K3 as a 6 seed, facing Aeris Gainsborough. The match turned out to be the closest we’ve come to an exact doubling, with Aeris netting 66.66% of the vote. For some odd reason, the idea of SFF was disregarded by most, perhaps because people just assumed Sora wasn’t very popular anyway (Oh Board 8 and its differing opinions). That would eventually come back to haunt a lot of bracket makers, as Sora ended up making the Sweet Sixteen in 2004, doubling up HK-47 and owning Ryu Hayabusa before bowing out respectably to a Samus who showed perhaps the most dominance we’ve ever seen from a non-Clinkeroth character in one contest (other than perhaps Mario in 2005). That was the one time where it should be considered that Kingdom Hearts did not disappoint overall expectations. In 2005, Kingdom Hearts nearly faced the ultimate embarrassment. In the Villains Contest, Ansem was pitted in a match against CATS, the GameFAQs Contest’s resident joke character. Although he wasn’t expected to be strong, it was thought that he would have little trouble in his first match. However, Ansem not only struggled mightily, he was losing to CATS for most of the night. He eventually came back to win, but it was still a shameful performance. Oddly enough, he still ended up being the second strongest character in Ganondorf’s division, which raised a few eyebrows, but Ansem is still fodder. In SC2K5, Riku joined Sora in the field. The Kingdom Hearts antihero was matched up against Frog, and most expected nothing out of him (though I will give Lopen a little credit. He did say Riku would keep it very close). However, once Frog got past the infamous Chrono Trigger night vote, he found it very difficult to make any gains on Riku. Although the idea that Frog’s four-pack in 2004 was overrated had already been suspected by Liquid’s bombing in the Villains Contest, Riku essentially settled it. At first, Sora appeared to be a little…off when he failed to destroy Agent 47 as if he were indeed “Neo Tanner” as he had been dubbed before the contest. But then he breezed by Alucard once morning arrived (a vampire’s weakness, so it’s only natural), and some people believed he could hang with Solid Snake. Oh how wrong they were. When Snake was FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY on the good side of a one-sided picture, he beat Sora nearly as badly as Samus had the year before, leading many people to suspect an overperformance. And of course, there’s what Kingdom Hearts did in the Games Contest. It needed a comeback to defeat Soul Calibur, a Dreamcast game, before becoming the only easy match StarCraft had. While it wasn’t really weak, Kingdom Hearts certainly didn’t do as well as some people (even yours truly, who had it in the Elite Eight) had hoped. It also did fairly well on the Top 100 List, placing at 16th overall, but once again, my overestimation of its popularity ended up costing me. I had every game on the top 10 there except for GoldenEye, and I had Final Fantasy X in the last spot for a while, but for some inexplicable reason, changed it to Kingdom Hearts. While I still won $150 from that contest, I could’ve won more if it weren’t for that meddling Kingdom Hearts and that dog, too! Err…wait. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:43:47 PM | message detail |
Either way, though Kingdom Hearts COULD once again disappoint in this
contest, it shouldn’t have any reason to fret against its first round
opponent. Harvest Moon surprised nearly everybody by making the field
at all, so this is definitely a “We’re just happy to be here”
situation. We have virtually no past poll information to work with for
Harvest Moon, but in all likelihood, it’s going to be very, very weak.
In fact, aside from the series that get SFF’d, it has a chance of
hitting the very bottom of the Extrapolated Rankings (with Shadow
Hearts and Madden being the main competition). So for you Harvest Moon
fans, enjoy these 24 hours because the odds of ever seeing it again in
any contest are slim. Leonhart’s Prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 85.64% Mnm’s Analysis Battle Music: The 13th Struggle (KH2) *KINGDOM HEARTS SPOILERS* *A young boy has inherited his father’s farm and has been entrusted to keep up with the daily well being of the farm, live the everyday life of a farmer, and eventually… succeed in life! The boy wakes up to his alarm and to his surprise, there isn’t sunshine beaming through his window, but DARKNESS! The boy rushes outside and notices a dark, cloaked figure wandering in front of the barn* Boy: Wh-Who’s there? Hooded Man: I’ve come to see the bracket. Boy: Huh? Hooded Man: This bracket has been connected. Boy: Bracket? What are you talking about? Hooded Man: Tied to the darkness… soon to be completely eclipsed. Boy: Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this! I have animals to tend to… Hooded Man: You do not yet know what lies beyond the bracket. Boy: So, you’re from another game! Hooded Man: There is so very much to learn. You understand so little. Boy: Oh, yeah? Well, you’ll see. I’m gonna get out and learn what’s out there! I’m gonna be a successful farmer and find me a nice girl to marry! Hooded Man: A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing. Boy: I think I’m gonna get out of here… Hooded Man: All brackets begin in darkness, and all so end. This farm is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every farm returns to the darkness whence it came. Boy: Umm…. Speaking of farms… I have one to tend to. *The hooded man disappears and sunlight suddenly returns to the farm. The boy heads to his crops to water them, when suddenly he sees another hooded figure standing over his crops. He lifts up his hood to reveal… a mullet* Demyx: Let’s see here… “If the subject fails to realize that his series is going to get crushed, use aggression to liberate his true disposition”… Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one… Boy: You’re bizarre… Demyx (wagging a finger): You shouldn’t judge anyone by appearance. *A dome of water appears around him, he lifts up his hand, and the water forms into a sitar. He grabs it spins around, and points at the boy with a smirk on his face.* Demyx: DANCE, WATER! DANCE! *Demyx conjures water creatures. The creatures all collapse over the crops, watering them thoroughly* Boy: Gee, thanks! You just watered my crops for me! Demyx: I told them they were sending the wrong guy… *Demyx disappears. Seeing that his crops were already watered for him, the boy decides to take a break and go fishing. After a few minutes, another hooded man appears next to him* |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:44:14 PM | message detail |
Xaldin: I’ve come to take something you hold very dear. Boy: Shhhhhh. Dammit! I almost had that one hooked! See what you did??!! Xaldin: Yes. Let your anger grow. Boy: What do you guys really want? Xaldin: …to win the match. (Xaldin takes off his hood) Xaldin: When we win this match, we can exist fully and completely. There is much more to be conquered! So you see, that’s why we need you to lose this match! *The boy hasn’t heard a word Xaldin has said, as he has been working on reeling in a Big Sharshark* Xaldin: Is this what you do every day? Boy: Yep. Xaldin (is bored): Where’s the fun in this? *Xaldin disappears. Having pulled in a prize catch, the boy decides to go into town and make a profit off of it. He notices another dark figure secluded in an alley. He goes to investigate. The hooded figure takes off his hood to reveal spiky red hair* Axel: Way to fall right into their trap. Boy: What’s going on? Axel: C’mon, it’s a set-up by GameFAQs. CJayC is using your series to serve as first round fodder for Kingdom Hearts---that’s his big master plan. Boy: CJayC? Axel: Yeah, that GameFAQs site. He’s the leader. C-J-A-Y-C. Got it memorized? Boy: CJayC wants my series to lose? Axel: Man, you’re slow. Every popular series must have fodder served to it in order to show off its strength as it vouches for the championship. That’s what GameFAQs is after. Boy: Wait, so what happens to me after this match? Axel: I’m not telling. Boy: Tell me! Axel: Look, I’m sorry. *Axel disappears. Enraged, the boy heads to the town center to get some answers. There a man appears in a black cloak. He takes his hood off, revealing his silver hair and orange eyes* Mansex: Yes… Kingdom Hearts… Rejoice, and feast on these games we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm. Share your power with all games in the series! *The boy runs up to him* Mansex: I was wondering who would dare interfere with my Kingdom Hearts. And look---here you are. How convenient for me. Harvest Moon… you look pathetic. Boy: Have your laugh. I deserve as much for failing to be a mainstream series. Mansex: Only a fool would limit his appeal to a cult fanbase. Boy: I admit… my disregard for the mainstream brought lower sales for my series. But what were YOU seeking? Taking advantage of fanboys, taking all of their favorite characters and putting them all in one game just to create a series with little substance. Is this the answer you’ve been looking for? Mansex: All that and more. I’m marching past what you represent, and I’m creating a brand new world where large corporations can collaborate and create cash cows. And fans would mindlessly buy into it just because it contains their favorite brand of characters. And you’re powerless to control it. Boy: Foolish series of a foolish company. You’ve surpassed nothing---only proved how little you know about the industry. You used to be a good company. What happened to creating gems like Secret of Mana, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Parasite Eve? Now you’ve resorted to creating garbage and focusing on your mainstream revenue generators, creating the umpteenth spinoff of Final Fantasy VII, and working on releasing THREE versions of FFXIII at once. I may not be as popular as you, but at least I’ve been loyal to my fans over the years! I’ve said enough! Halo, Metal Gear, you know what to do! My fans, my friends, forgive me! Farewell! Bracket: DARKNESS! Vote: DARKNESS! Prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 81.65% |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 7/8/2006 8:44:47 PM | message detail |
From NewLib Posted 7/8/2006 11:40:59 PM I actually dont think Warcraft and World of Warcraft are the same series. That's like saying the 1990's Madden games are a different series than the 2000 Madde games. TuRtLe ~~~ Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 |
RPGuy96 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:44:55 PM | message detail |
Even the monstrous Halo will end up crumbling before might of the Keyblade!! Heh. Heh, indeed. --- Mustache...and green... |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:49:04 PM | message detail |
...... No it isnt. World of Warcraft and Warcraft arent even the same
genre. It be like saying Mario and Mario RPG are the same series. --- Where am I? |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:50:10 PM | message detail |
I think that those in the analysis crew predicting KH with over 80% and
even 85% of the vote are going a bit overboard. I mean, HM can't be that
much weaker then civilization, can it? Maybe I'm just being hopeful
here, since I'm a big fan of the HM series, but I don't see KH being
strong enough to put up that sort of performance on anything in the
contest. --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:51:45 PM | message detail |
I have KH with 77.7 and I feel like I'm way overshooting it, I'm just too lazy to change it. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:52:00 PM | message detail |
...... No it isnt. World of Warcraft and Warcraft arent even the
same genre. It be like saying Mario and Mario RPG are the same series. If WoW fans see warcraft in a match, I really doubt they'll think "wait, that's not including WoW, that's Warcraft the stategy series! It's not getting my vote". It seems sort of ridiculous. --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
steve illumina | Posted 7/8/2006 8:52:07 PM | message detail |
Dragoon, even my satirical commentary says it all...KH will crush with over 80%. If I say is 99.9% certain to happen... HM has no business here. Period. But it aint the only one... *cough Civilization cough Elder Scrolls cough Star Ocean cough* --- Steve Illumina: 'Sage of Board 8', Adored by Elites, Hated by Fanbabies, Loved by Girly Gamers! |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:53:36 PM | message detail |
I have KH with 77.7 and I feel like I'm way overshooting it, I'm just too lazy to change it. Heh, I also feel that KH is going to underperform. I'm talking in between 70-75%. KH getting over 80%...Ha, KH blowing out something. --- Moltar Status: #37 on the Leaderboard!! Castlevania vs. Halo - Bracket: Halo - Vote: Halo (6/6) |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:54:11 PM | message detail |
Im not saying that people wont see WoW and Warcraft as different series, but they are. --- Where am I? |
dethfdddddh | Posted 7/8/2006 8:55:40 PM | message detail |
And Vania makes a final push to get it safely over 55%. --- Just Got Owned By Guru winner Voltch. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:56:23 PM | message detail |
HM has no business here. Period. But it aint the only one... *cough Civilization cough Elder Scrolls cough Star Ocean cough* I don't quite understand this mentality in some cases, even if you are being somewhat sarcastic. Replacing it with slightly stronger fodder wouldn't make any more interesting of a match. ...And how is TES so weak that it's undeserving of being in the contest? 0_o --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:59:09 PM | message detail |
Don't worry dragoon, it's Steve, the biggest fanbaby of them all! --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Slowflake | Posted 7/8/2006 8:59:23 PM | message detail |
So, what are we watching out for first? How KH mauls HM or the prediction percentage for CV/Halo? --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:59:33 PM | message detail |
Also, 32% for CV. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 8:59:55 PM | message detail |
Shadow Hearts is the most obscure series in this contest. I mean,
Shadow Hearts? WTF? I heard some good things about Covenant, but who
here can actually say they've played one of the games before? --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:12 PM | message detail |
C'mon HM with the upset! <_<; --- Commit it to memory. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:24 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 40.91% 9 Harvest Moon 59.09% 13 TOTAL VOTES 22 wow... --- Moltar Status: Disappointed, I lost my perfect bracket. Kingdom Hearts vs. Harvest Moon - Bracket: KH - Vote: KH (6/7) |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:25 PM | message detail |
If I could, I would be changing my Crew prediction to 77%. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:29 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 38.46% 10 Harvest Moon 61.54% 16 TOTAL VOTES 26 !!! --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:39 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 39.13% 9 Harvest Moon 65.22% 15 TOTAL VOTES 23 XFD. Oh snap! CV with 31%, I was damn close. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
cyko | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:43 PM | message detail |
FIRST VOTE!!! Kingdom Hearts 0% 0 Harvest Moon 100% 1 TOTAL VOTES 1 for Harvest Moon? --- "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson |
Aprosenf | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:49 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 36.36% 12 Harvest Moon 63.64% 21 TOTAL VOTES 33 XD --- For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener |
Janus5000 | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:49 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 33.33% 6 Harvest Moon 66.67% 12 TOTAL VOTES 18 Second-biggest first round upset ever! And Edouble's only #2 :( --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 9:00:52 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 53.49% 46 Harvest Moon 46.51% 40 TOTAL VOTES 86 ...yeah, uh, what? --- Commit it to memory. |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 9:01:42 PM | message detail |
Oh Christ. If KH doesn't pull its socks up, my bracket is ****ing screwed. I have KH beating Metal Gear. v_v --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 9:01:43 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts 68.46% 306 Harvest Moon 31.54% 141 TOTAL VOTES 447 68% at the freeze! --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
TheVoiceInYourHead | Posted 7/8/2006 9:01:44 PM | message detail |
31.49% for CV!! Whoa! --- Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. ~Isaac Asimov Arkenaga|aganekrA |
RPGuy96 | Posted 7/8/2006 9:01:57 PM | message detail |
All round one matches with <50% Prediction Percentage: 1. StarCraft over Halo: 24.09% 2. Castlevania over Halo: 31.49% 3. Knuckles over Magus: 35.08% 4. Vivi over Donkey Kong: 35.13% 5. Tommy Vercetti over Kefka: 37.66% 6. Pac-Man over Revolver Ocelot: 38.36% 7. Master Hand over Kuja: 39.11% 8. Shadow over Wario: 42.10% 9. Morrigan over Spyro: 42.30% 10. KOS-MOS over Crash: 42.50% 11. Knuckles over Kefka: 43.05% 12. Kefka over Pac-Man 43.50% 13. Leon Kennedy over Gordon Freeman: 43.62% 14. Tina Armstrong over Gordon Freeman: 43.70% 15. Frog over Liquid Snake: 44.33% 16. Kingdom Hearts over Soul Calibur: 45.45% 17. Miles "Tails" Prower over Viewtiful Joe: 46.30% 18. Zero over Scorpion: 47.30% 19. Ganondorf over Tidus: 47.70% 20. Super Mario RPG over Street Fighter II: 47.83% 21. XenoGears over Pokemon G/S/C: 48.20% 22. Diablo over Ridley: 48.32% 23. Ryu Hayabusa over Jill Valentine: 48.56% --- Mustache...and green... |
Slowflake | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:02 PM | message detail |
Disappointed in KH so far... betcha this'll change when the non-board vote gains significance though. --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:09 PM | message detail |
2nd biggest Round 1 upset FTW! --- Moltar Status: Disappointed, I lost my perfect bracket. Kingdom Hearts vs. Harvest Moon - Bracket: KH - Vote: KH (6/7) |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:11 PM | message detail |
I have KH beating Metal Gear. Now why on earth would you do something like that? >> --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:33 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:38 PM | message detail |
...Holy **** at that prediction percentage. And we lost, what, 9000 perfects? --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 9:02:45 PM | message detail |
I believe this was the first match to have under 50% of brackets pick the winner this contest. --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 9:03:30 PM | message detail |
46 SineNomine 7 Final Fantasy lawl mod power Also, Leon is all the way up to number 20. I was only .5% off on my prediction percentage for CV too. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 9:03:42 PM | message detail |
Now why on earth would you do something like that? >> "Star Ocean will be winning that match." --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 9:03:50 PM | message detail |
I'm sure KH will rebound...'twas just a little unsettling to see HM that close. I don't think we're hardcore HM fans, are we? AM I TALKING ABOUT THE POLL OR THE USERS?!?! --- Commit it to memory. |
cyko | Posted 7/8/2006 9:04:09 PM | message detail |
heh, only 27 zero brackets left, too. --- "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 9:04:24 PM | message detail |
I voted for HM out of spite. --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 9:04:26 PM | message detail |
Taking Kingdom Hearts over Metal Gear is far worse than anything I've done, save for Mega Man over Link. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
LessThan3Presea | Posted 7/8/2006 9:04:34 PM | message detail |
Whoa, talk about leaderboard mayhem! --- "A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but kindness from others." - Presea Combatir, the Empty Soul |
cyko | Posted 7/8/2006 9:05:11 PM | message detail |
oh, and: 49 Erunion 7 Dragon Quest lol, i bet he's from Japan. --- "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson |