GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 306
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charmander6000 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:06:55 PM | message detail |
Pokemon easily. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
Draco1214 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:07:34 PM | message detail |
Pokemon --- Organization XIII - Number III - Xordac Currently Playing - Suikoden V, Capcom vs. SNK 2 |
therealmnm | Posted 7/8/2006 8:07:47 PM | message detail |
You guys actually think that Pokemon would beat the Mario RPG "series"? --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 7/8/2006 8:08:33 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:09:02 PM | message detail |
I'll say it again...people are high on Pokemon. Let it get SFFed into
the ground by one of the least SFF-capable series, then we'll see this
again. --- Commit it to memory. |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:09:55 PM | message detail |
If Super Mario RPG had a sequel, no doubt I take it. But Paper Mario is
a different beast and I dont think just having the Mario name gives it
strength. I mean Mario Party would be fodder here. I have to go with Pokemon > Paper Mario > Fire Emblem > Mother --- Where am I? |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/8/2006 8:11:40 PM | message detail |
For whatever reason I'm putting my chips on Ulti. It's not me, nor do I have any clue who it is. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne |
FastFalcon05 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:13:38 PM | message detail |
Back from vacation; good to see ...castlevania ruining everyone? What an interesting result, honestly. It paves the insanity track so that Kingdom Hearts can fully stomp Metal Gear. --- Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~ Old Klingon Proverb |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 8:14:08 PM | message detail |
HM, do you think the 1999 Julius-arc Castlevania game will be a 3D
console game or another 2D handheld? I heard they hinted it would be
one of the upcoming games in the series at the end of Curse of
Darkness... They're supposedly working on a next-gen Castlevania game, or at least in the initial stages of it, so we might see the new "Next-Gen Castlevania" delve into that whole 1999 incident where he suffered that amnesia problem ... (2D gameplay with 3D models is what we need!!) --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/8/2006 8:15:18 PM | message detail |
It paves the insanity track so that Kingdom Hearts can fully stomp Metal Gear. Wait...what? --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 8:15:20 PM | message detail |
Which Nintendo RPG series is the strongest? Fire Emblem, Mother, Pokemon, or Paper Mario? Why is it just "Paper Mario"? I think they would all go under the "Mario RPG" for a series, which is by far the strongest of those games. That is not even a question. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:16:42 PM | message detail |
You guys actually think that Pokemon would beat the Mario RPG "series"? He clearly said Paper Mario series. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:17:00 PM | message detail |
Because Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are not the same series. --- Where am I? |
Quaarma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:17:41 PM | message detail |
Quaarma Hunter's Quaint Qubandwagon Quanalysis Today's Match: Kingdom Hearts v. Harvest Moon I've seriously never heard of either of these games, so I'm going to assume they're both made up. You know what you doing. Prediction: CATS with 57.3% --- *is Karma Hunter* |
Slowflake | Posted 7/8/2006 8:18:45 PM | message detail |
Probably had to do with the fact I didn't see much of you lately. Unless you're up while I'm asleep and vice versa. That'd explain it. --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:18:56 PM | message detail |
Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, I don't give a damn what you call it --
Pokemon gets clobbered. Seriously, blowing out Star Ocean does not make
you strong!! --- Commit it to memory. |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 8:19:21 PM | message detail |
... Why on earth would you split that up? Paper Mario is basically the
spiritual successor to Super Mario RPG. You shouldn't be splitting
those up into two different sets. It's all "Mario RPG" for a series. And Paper Mario would still kick Pokemon's ass. Pokemon is still weak, incredibly weak. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:20:24 PM | message detail |
Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG share different titles, different style
of graphics, different play mechanisms. Hell the only thing they have
in common is they are both RPGs and both have Mario. --- Where am I? |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:20:38 PM | message detail |
Seriously, other than maybe Fire Emblem, I'm struggling to think of
notable games on the Nintendo hierarchy that Pokemon could beat. I'd
expect Kirby to thrash it, for chrissakes. --- Commit it to memory. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:21:16 PM | message detail |
I personally would group all of the Mario RPGs together into one series; they're just all so similar. Platforming RPGs! --- * Is Dranze * |
therealmnm | Posted 7/8/2006 8:22:30 PM | message detail |
You guys are nuts if you think that Pokemon would beat Paper Mario after seeing Xenogears beat Pokemon G/S/C. Pokemon as a series isn't that
much more popular than G/S/C where Paper Mario couldn't handle it.
Unless you think that Xenogears would beat any of the Paper Mario
games? It's not like Paper Mario games are unpopular... --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/8/2006 8:23:00 PM | message detail |
Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG share different titles, different
style of graphics, different play mechanisms. Hell the only thing they
have in common is they are both RPGs and both have Mario. ... Yeah, because Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Sushine have a ton in common. There is no reason to even break them up like that. What, are you going to have a Paper Mario series, a Mario & Luigi series, and then we'll have to wait until Super Mario RPG gets a proper "sequel"? Hell no. They are all Mario RPGs and all should go under one name to describe them. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:23:40 PM | message detail |
What about Mother, F-Zero, Ice Climbers, Punch Out, Excitebike, Mario Part, Dr. Mario, WARS series, Wario Land? Im pretty sure that Pokemon could beat all of those series. --- Where am I? |
FastFalcon05 | Posted 7/8/2006 8:24:05 PM | message detail |
It paves the insanity track so that Kingdom Hearts can fully stomp Metal Gear. Wait...what? I just sort of slipped in it, not bothering to pretend to be logical about it. --- Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~ Old Klingon Proverb |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:24:32 PM | message detail |
I forgot half those series were even made by Nintendo...and I'm still tempted on one or two. Still, point taken. --- Commit it to memory. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/8/2006 8:24:57 PM | message detail |
Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG share different titles, different
style of graphics, different play mechanisms. Hell the only thing they
have in common is they are both RPGs and both have Mario. Different gameplay mechanisms??? How so? They both are platform/action oriented RPGs which have turn-based battles based on timing. What else is different? The added in-field abilities? Since when can't a series get added features? You would expect a game in the next generation to have added gameplay elements... --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:25:12 PM | message detail |
Okay I fail to see how Mega Man and Mega Man X are seperate series, but Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are not. --- Where am I? |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/8/2006 8:29:08 PM | message detail |
Okay I fail to see how Mega Man and Mega Man X are seperate series, but Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are not. I was torn on the debate until this point. NL suddenly rules. Rules more, actually. --- Miss my Four-Pack Of Fun? Go here: |
cyko | Posted 7/8/2006 8:29:59 PM | message detail |
Paper Mario/ Mario RPG easily blasts those other options. and say what you want about Harvest Moon's GC sales, but there is no way Harvest Moon is breaking 15%. i might be able to see it breaking 20% and even approaching 25% against a non-rpg series like Super Mario Bros or Grand Theft Auto or Metal Gear. but it seems that whenever two RPGs have faced off, there's always been a bit of "something fishy" going on. so, i don't want to see anyone freaking out about how KH will crush Castlevania because it gets 87 or 88% against Harvest freaking Moon. of course, i still think KH could take down Castlevania anyways, but mercilessly beating the likes of HM shouldn't impress anyone. --- "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 8:30:48 PM | message detail |
Because Paper Msrio was clearly intended as a follow-up to SMRPG. Hell, its working title was "Super Mario RPG 2". MMX, on the other hand, was always intended as a spinoff, as more classic MM games were released after MMX was released. --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 7/8/2006 8:30:52 PM | message detail |
They are seperate. You could make an argument for Mario RPG and the
Mario & Luigi games, but Paper Mario is COMPLETELY different. TuRtLe ~~~ Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 7/8/2006 8:31:38 PM | message detail |
MM and MMX are probably different by the storyline, but the Mario RPGs
seem to play out like a Mario game in an RPG format for me. though,
SMRPG was made by Square, Paper Mario is by Intelligent Systems, and
Mario & Luigi are made by Alpha Dream. so I'm not really sure if
they could all be grouped together, but they are similar in gameplay
mechanisms. --- * Is Dranze * |
therealmnm | Posted 7/8/2006 8:33:30 PM | message detail |
Okay I fail to see how Mega Man and Mega Man X are seperate series, but Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are not. Because Mega Man X was a spinoff of the original Mega Man, which was already established as a series and kept releasing games after Mega Man X. MMX branched off into its own series of games. Paper Mario is not a spin-off of Super Mario RPG. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Shivan Reincarnated | Posted 7/8/2006 8:33:38 PM | message detail |
We got too bold and took the day vote for granted. --- "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin |
ccbfan | Posted 7/8/2006 8:33:43 PM | message detail |
I remember being quite mad that Dracula wasn't allowed into the Villains Contest. Considering he didn't originate in a video game, he wasn't eligible. Actually according to Lament of Innocence. Castlevania Dracula and Bram Stoker Dracula are two different people. |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 8:33:54 PM | message detail |
They are seperate. You could make an argument for Mario RPG and the
Mario & Luigi games, but Paper Mario is COMPLETELY different. They have far more in common than Zelda does with Zelda II, but I don't see anyone trying to group Zelda II into a different series. And for the love of God, the working title of Paper Mario was SUPER MARIO RPG 2. It was clearly intended as a followup to SMRPG. --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/8/2006 8:34:06 PM | message detail |
From Slowflake Posted 7/8/2006 11:18:45 PM #165 Probably had to do with the fact I didn't see much of you lately. Unless you're up while I'm asleep and vice versa. That'd explain it. Pretty much. I also work a ton, which explains it. Oh and before accusing me of alt-trolling again, I stopped doing that almost two years ago and haven't even considered doing it since. Call it mod intervention on AIM =p ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:34:08 PM | message detail |
Your right it isnt a spin-off of Super Mario RPG. Its a completely seperate entity. --- Where am I? |
cyko | Posted 7/8/2006 8:35:01 PM | message detail |
eh, the thing about Megaman and Megaman X is that "supposedly" they are
different characters in completely different time periods. on the other
hand, it doesn't matter if you have Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, or
Paper Mario - it's all the same Mario. *shrugs* that's all i can come up with. --- "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson |
steve illumina | Posted 7/8/2006 8:36:25 PM | message detail |
Halo 37.24% Castlevania SOTN 20.27% lol, X-Stats LOL at the fanbabies, bandwagoners, and such who think bogus numbers of the past from unrelated contests against unrelated opponents will save them... The bottom line is...a duet of games, popular with one hardcore genre of gamers, was soundly beaten by a 20+ years old game series respected more (and voted for more) based on the sum of its parts rather than for one character (Alucard) who supposedly represented the entire series but was only actually in a handful of the games in the series, but whose barely average performance was supposed to speak for the series as a whole. Next overhyped 'triplet' to go down: Grand Theft Auto --- Steve Illumina: 'Sage of Board 8', Adored by Elites, Hated by Fanbabies, Loved by Girly Gamers! |
therealmnm | Posted 7/8/2006 8:37:04 PM | message detail |
MM and MMX are probably different by the storyline, but the Mario
RPGs seem to play out like a Mario game in an RPG format for me.
though, SMRPG was made by Square, Paper Mario is by Intelligent
Systems, and Mario & Luigi are made by Alpha Dream. so I'm not
really sure if they could all be grouped together, but they are similar
in gameplay mechanisms. I guess Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault aren't part of the Star Fox series since one was developed by Rare and the other was developed by Namco... --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:38:22 PM | message detail |
What does everyone expect KH to get on HM? I'm expecting something in the area of 70-75% myself. --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:38:23 PM | message detail |
I'm going to like the rationalization of GTA over Warcraft... --- Commit it to memory. |
Anal Storage | Posted 7/8/2006 8:39:12 PM | message detail |
Hey guys, World of Warcraft isn't part of the Warcraft series. An MMO? WTF?!?! --- Explicit Content I used to be Asian, but I didn't get good enough grades so my parents beat it out of me. - snalien |
Phediuk | Posted 7/8/2006 8:39:47 PM | message detail |
Saying that Paper Mario is completely different from SMRPG is absolute
bullcrap anyway. They're both RPGs, they both star Mario, they both
have an emphasis on witty dialogue over plot intricacies, they both
have battle systems that revolve around timed hits, they both have a
heavy emphasis on dungeon trekking, Mario uses a hammer as one of his
primary weapons, and so on. --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 7/8/2006 8:40:09 PM | message detail |
Next overhyped 'triplet' to go down: Grand Theft Auto *winces* You were on a roll too. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
Slowflake | Posted 7/8/2006 8:40:23 PM | message detail |
Metal Gear Solid isn't part of the Metal Gear series! SMW and SM64 aren't part of the Super Mario BROS. series! --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/8/2006 8:40:28 PM | message detail |
I'd get at least 95%! ...but Kingdom Hearts should get a solid tripling here. QUICK QUERY: Which of the two would perform better against Kingdom Hearts -- Harvest Moon, or Heroic Mario? Note: Heroic Mario's picture will consist of an indistinct top ten list with lots of markouts --- Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 7/8/2006 8:40:41 PM | message detail |
Obviously when people see the name "warcraft", they won't think of world of warcraft. >_> Seriously though, are there people who actually believe that? --- When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo {WoT}~> Board 408 |
NewLib | Posted 7/8/2006 8:40:59 PM | message detail |
I actually dont think Warcraft and World of Warcraft are the same series. --- Where am I? |