GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 303
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Dark115 | Posted 7/7/2006 2:36:23 PM | message detail |
Zelda > Civ Suikoden > MMX Pokemon > Star Ocean Metroid > Kirby Metal Gear > Soul Calibur Fire Emblem > Silent Hill Halo > Castlevania Kingdom Hearts > Harvest Moon Super Mario Bros > Madden Grand Theft Auto > Warcraft Sonic > DMC Super Smash Brothers > Dragon Quest Final Fantasy > Diablo Mario Kart > Mega Man Street Fighter > The Elder Scrolls Resident Evil > Shadow Hearts Rd. 2 Zelda > Suikoden Metroid > Pokemon Metal Gear > Fire Emblem Halo > Kingdom Hearts Super Mario Bros > Grand Theft Auto Super Smash Brothers > Sonic Final Fantasy > Mario Kart Resident Evil > Street Fighter Rd. 3 Zelda > Metroid Metal Gear > Halo Super Mario Bros > Super Smash Bros Final Fantasy > Resident Evil Rd. 4 Zelda > Metal Gear Final Fantasy > Super Mario Bros Finals Final Fantasy > Zelda lol liststats, indeed actually with the exceptions of a few matches that bracket looks fairly accurate --- Currently Playing: Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1), Super Mario 64 DS (DS), Mario Kart DS (DS), New Super Mario Bros (DS) |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 2:36:43 PM | message detail |
oh, three I guess. my eyes avoided Suikoden > MMX, which is only an upset because S2 was on the list. --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 2:38:53 PM | message detail |
Suikoden is an upset in the X-Stats bracket, too. Silly Suikoden. But the List Bracket is far better -- you could potentially end up with Top 50 if everything else pans out. The X-Stats bracket is just murder with Soul Calibur, though. Worse if you actually mix up the Halo/Kingdom Hearts/Soul Calibur trio instead of sticking them all in the same division. |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 7/7/2006 4:06:52 PM | message detail |
I have a list stats bracket except I went MMX > Suikoden. :| --- Scooped in a coupe, Snoop we got news/Your girl was trickin' while you was draped in your county blues I ain't been out a second/And already gotta do some mutha****in chin checkin |
Xuxon | Posted 7/7/2006 4:13:14 PM | message detail |
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but has the board ever been wrong on a
Castlevania related match? I don't think it has (yet). Somehow that
lessens my faith in Castlevania tomorrow. --- "Let's drop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'll take over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 4:14:02 PM | message detail |
Sora-Alucard was almost exactly down the middle... Sora barely. I can't come up with another situation where Alucard got upset. --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 4:14:55 PM | message detail |
lol alucard 2k2 |
Xuxon | Posted 7/7/2006 4:18:18 PM | message detail |
Yeah that's the one I'm unsure about, mostly, since I rarely visited
then. I'm pretty sure he was the favorite to beat Duke once he beat
Tails, but I never saw any discussion before Alucard vs Tails. --- "Let's drop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'll take over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/7/2006 5:10:58 PM | message detail |
Hey, dragoontheguy... when you see this go here: --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
ApplesauceSign | Posted 7/7/2006 5:16:01 PM | message detail |
57.03? Come on, get your ass to 57.2% like a good boy. --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
Slowflake | Posted 7/7/2006 6:41:20 PM | message detail |
All the talking about how SSBM helped FE today reminded me of Zelos/Roy in the NRT. WHAT WERE YOU PEOPLE THINKING? ;) --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/7/2006 6:43:52 PM | message detail |
Not very much, obviously. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:04:57 PM | message detail |
So we're on pace on breaking 100k, but with only 30 min. to spare. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 7/7/2006 7:07:33 PM | message detail |
I'm glad these votals keep breaking 100 k. Makes this contest seem
special. So what do you think the percentage prediction rate for this
match will be? I'm thinking 62.3% maybe. --- I'm a 6' 238 lb Gladiator!(longbladeofhiko/Masa) Dagan Bomb For The WIN! |
Slowflake | Posted 7/7/2006 7:08:32 PM | message detail |
Not that high. GameFAQs goers aren't THAT smart. For whatever reason I keep thinking this was actually an upset. --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/7/2006 7:09:15 PM | message detail |
48% of the brackets have Fire Emblem winning... --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
WilhuffTarkin | Posted 7/7/2006 7:09:34 PM | message detail |
The fewer people who predicted it correctly, the better for me! --- Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances. |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:10:01 PM | message detail |
I still say about 45%. SH seems like the natural choice because it has more name recognition. --- xyzzy |
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 7/7/2006 7:10:24 PM | message detail |
Nah, I don't treat it as much of an upset, but thats cause most of the
facts pointed to FE I guess. That and its beating SH with a good lead. --- I'm a 6' 238 lb Gladiator!(longbladeofhiko/Masa) Dagan Bomb For The WIN! |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/7/2006 7:10:50 PM | message detail |
And yet for some reason, I'm thinking the opposite and Fire Emblem will have a rather high prediction percentage. But still, I'd appreciate an upset, percentage-wise. I want to get on the leaderboard at least once. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Draco1214 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:11:06 PM | message detail |
I agree that 45% of the brackets will have FE. --- Organization XIII - Number III - Xordac Currently Playing - Suikoden V, Capcom vs. SNK 2 |
Tediz247 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:11:53 PM | message detail |
I say 62.34% have FE. NintendoFAQs, yo >_> --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. ZSB [aX] |
Tediz247 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:12:48 PM | message detail |
...and I swear I didn't read Masato's post before posting that. Weird. --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. ZSB [aX] |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:13:02 PM | message detail |
NintendoFAQs doesn't carry over to predictions though. just look at MC's prediction percentage for proof. --- xyzzy |
Tediz247 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:14:33 PM | message detail |
Well, the casuals were smarter than the board when it came to Ness/CJ, at least. --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. ZSB [aX] |
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 7/7/2006 7:14:52 PM | message detail |
Hmm, ya gotta point there...honestly, FE isn't your traditional Nintendo franchise either. --- I'm a 6' 238 lb Gladiator!(longbladeofhiko/Masa) Dagan Bomb For The WIN! |
Rodri316 | Posted 7/7/2006 7:15:01 PM | message detail |
65%+ will have FE --- Best. Series. Ever. Score: 5/5 Prediction: Fire Emblem vs. Silent Hill |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 7:15:49 PM | message detail |
The casuals and I owned you guys on Ness/CJ! Uh...71% for Fire Emblem. Let's go CRAZY on this one! |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/7/2006 7:16:42 PM | message detail |
Yeah, cause the casuals are a bunch of racist *****es. --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:17:22 PM | message detail |
yep, and the PICTURE OH GOD THE PICTURE --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 7:17:41 PM | message detail |
We were BANKING on racism, thank you very much. |
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 7/7/2006 7:17:59 PM | message detail |
Yeah, cause the casuals are a bunch of racist *****es. Yup, and Ness is apart of a White Supremecist group <_< I should totally photoshop that >_> --- I'm a 6' 238 lb Gladiator!(longbladeofhiko/Masa) Dagan Bomb For The WIN! |
Slowflake | Posted 7/7/2006 7:22:54 PM | message detail |
For fun, here's a list straight from the BOP file about which matches the casuals outsmarted the board on: 1. Ness over Carl Johnson (-39.40%) 2. Kirby over Tidus (-38.74%) 3. Pac-Man over Revolver Ocelot (-35.73%) 4. Knuckles the Echidna over Magus Zeal (-35.08%) 5. Master Hand over Kuja (-31.84%) 6. Squall Leonhart over Knuckles the Echidna (-26.22%) 7. Sora over Ryu Hayabusa (-25.61%) 8. Mario Mario over Samus Aran (-22.65%) 9. Tidus over Shadow the Hedgehog (-20.48%) 10. Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik over Master Hand (-17.15%) 11. Miles "Tails" Prower over Viewtiful Joe (-16.05%) 12. Mario Mario over Crono [2005] (-15.64%) 13. Mario Mario over Solid Snake (-10.46%) 14. Vincent Valentine over Squall Leonhart (-5.89%) 15. Ness over Jak (-5.42%) 16. Starcraft over Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (-4.97%) 17. Donkey Kong over Duck Hunt (-3.61%) 18. Doom over Earthbound (-3.10%) 19. Starcraft over Kingdom Hearts (-2.87%) 20. Diablo over Ridley (-1.96%) 21. Dante Sparda over Terra Branford (-0.83%) --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 7/7/2006 7:29:22 PM | message detail |
I've felt less and less confident about Halo all day now. --- * Is Dranze * |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/7/2006 7:33:03 PM | message detail |
If anything, I've felt more reassured about Halo winning. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/7/2006 7:35:27 PM | message detail |
Same, I'm just trying to guess how much he'll win with now for the Oracle. Yay for trying to predict huge vote swings! --- Moltar Status: Excited, the Contest is here at last! Fire Emblem vs. Silent Hill - Bracket: FE - Vote: FE (5/5) |
Quaarma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 7:37:25 PM | message detail |
Quaarma Hunter's Quaint Qubandwagon Quanalysis Today's Match: Castlevania v. Halo Well, it's Friday night, and I'm staying inside instead of going out like all you sheep. Thursday's my going out night, 'cause I'm a rebel like that! Well, let's check our competitors. On the one hand we have Halo, and on the other we have Castlevania, which is a distant cousin of Transylvania, I'm guessing. RIGHT OFF THE BAT I'M BIASED TOWARD HALO, BECAUSE IF TRANSYLVANIA HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT "TRANNY" DUDE I'M GOING TO NUKE IT BACK TO THE STONE AGE ...but I'm a contemporary and civilized analyst, and I'm able to put my biases behind me when evaluating the first of all, I'm thinking Halo's pretty weak. I mean, I know *I've* never heard of it, and therefore most people are probably in the same position. But I mean, everyone's heard of Castlevania, or at least Transylvania. I mean, it'll get all the horror movie votes, and if Silent Hill defying possibility and breaking 100% of the vote yesterday didn't show you that a small-market video game spinoff horror flick can turn the tide of a contest, then nothing will. Now, let's look at the two competitors' track records. Castlevania: SotN was in the game contest, and actually won a match against Perfect Dark. Wow! That game had both the words 'Perfect' and 'Dark' in it, and those are the coolest names I can think of rolled into one! So yeah, I'm thinking it's pretty strong, especially since it lost to an even COOLER name later: Goldeneye 007. But let's look at Halo. First of all, it couldn't even win its first round match. Against a 16 seed! Wow, what a weak little *****. Remember, the powerhouse Scorpion showed us that winning a lot of rounds proves you're strong, and that weakling Sephiroth showed us seeding = strength. Plus, Starcraft is a pretty dumb name. I mean, sure it has 'Star', but no one cares about 'craft'. And it's not even "Star Craft", it's "Starcraft". Starcraft is not a word, you incompetent bracketeermakers! And moreover, Halo basically sums up its entire series. I mean, I think there's a second one, but only the people that bought the first one bought the second one! I think that the second one sold more because people decided to buy extra copies because they'd learned their lesson with Micro$oft's crappy hardware/software early on. (lol did u see wat i did dere? i put a '$' where the 's' in Microsoft was, i'm a genus!) But Castlevania has a LOT more games, and Kirby owning Metroid proved to us that a bunch of niche games beats out big-name titles anyway. In any case, this will be our first somewhat close match. Expect Halo to put up a fight during the night, but for Castlevania to throttle it come daytime. Vampires have trouble seeing in the dark, after all. Prediction: Castlevania with 54% --- *is Karma Hunter* |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:39:05 PM | message detail |
don't nuke me :( --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 7:40:48 PM | message detail |
Geez, 2005 was just a year where the casuals pwned the board bracketmakers in general... Good to see I'm still technically one of them! Not entering the BOP/Guru gives me indie cred! |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/7/2006 7:46:52 PM | message detail |
Since when do sales directly equal votes? All I keep hearing from
the WoW faithful is 6 million this and 6 million that. I think I've
lost about 90 IQ points in the past month. Heh, the moderators issue you a 3IQL for every day you browse GameFAQs? Sucks for you -- I was actually able to relate SFF to my county's political elections today, so I must have gotten a bonus. =P Stay where you are, FE, stay right where you ****in' are. If you go past 57.18%, I will piss on everyone's first pet's grave. --- Miss my Four-Pack Of Fun? Go here: |
therealmnm | Posted 7/7/2006 7:46:52 PM | message detail |
Good to see I'm still technically one of them! Not entering the BOP/Guru gives me indie cred! Huzzah! --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:48:08 PM | message detail |
Stay where you are, FE, stay right where you ****in' are. If you go past 57.18%, I will piss on everyone's first pet's grave. I demand a spot on the analysis crew next contest just so I can come up with lines like this! --- xyzzy |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/7/2006 7:50:06 PM | message detail |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/7/2006 7:50:40 PM | message detail |
I demand a spot too. --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:50:41 PM | message detail |
man, I wish I hadn't given my Indie Cred alt to Icon. this would be a perfect time. --- xyzzy |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/7/2006 7:52:25 PM | message detail |
Heh, fact, excellent timing. --- Miss my Four-Pack Of Fun? Go here: |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/7/2006 7:53:20 PM | message detail |
...and I just said excellent as if I was adding on to you already saying perfect. I feel foolish. --- Miss my Four-Pack Of Fun? Go here: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/7/2006 7:54:17 PM | message detail |
Looks like HaRRicH lost some indie cred with that blunder. I call dibs! |
LegendaryLocke | Posted 7/7/2006 7:54:36 PM | message detail |
My first pet didn't have a grave. My dad blew its brains out with a
shotgun because it tried to attack me. Thanks for bringing back a
traumatic childhood experience. Jerkwad. --- Locke Cole--Winner of the NCAA Character Battle 2005 *steals your underwear* |
trannyscience | Posted 7/7/2006 7:56:31 PM | message detail |
...well, that sucks! --- xyzzy |