GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 297
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longbladeofhiko | Posted 7/2/2006 10:16:28 AM | message detail |
Its still on 89% right now....hopefully the rest of the day and night vote raises it to 90 --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa JUST LIKE UR MOM LOLO AND URS TO LALA-Tombolo |
Captain QB | Posted 7/2/2006 10:17:09 AM | message detail |
UIlimaterializer? |
Captain QB | Posted 7/2/2006 10:17:23 AM | message detail |
Er, minus the actual L. |
XBassXUmbraX | Posted 7/2/2006 10:20:56 AM | message detail |
It increases by .02% every 10 minutes. --- Paper Bowser-a twist to your PM2 interactive story |
jonthomson | Posted 7/2/2006 10:25:25 AM | message detail |
I wonder if it'll finish up above 90% or not. Could be interesting. OT - have Nintendo given a (European) release date for the Wii yet? --- Jon Thomson - CATS, Jay Solano, Ridley, Scorpion, Alien Hominid, Duke Nukem, The Prince, Johnny Rocketfingers, two TBA |
Buy A Dreamcast | Posted 7/2/2006 10:25:54 AM | message detail |
We'll see at least one perfect bracket; it'll belong to me! Haw haw. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows..." |
Rad Link 5 | Posted 7/2/2006 10:40:48 AM | message detail |
lol Civilization --- "Everybody hates Sora. You're thinking of reese cups" - DeathChicken Detective in Sir Chris' Police |
Read_Only_Thx | Posted 7/2/2006 11:45:48 AM | message detail |
So the big question is, will it reach 90%? --- sig |
dethfdddddh | Posted 7/2/2006 11:45:59 AM | message detail |
......So, where was the Zelda morning vote that crushed Cloud? >_>; --- Just Got Owned By Guru winner Voltch. |
TransgenderLove | Posted 7/2/2006 12:18:21 PM | message detail |
I ate it. --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Trannys. |
dethfdddddh | Posted 7/2/2006 12:19:20 PM | message detail |
lol wif fava beans and a nice chianti/ --- Just Got Owned By Guru winner Voltch. |
SonicRaptor | Posted 7/2/2006 12:33:52 PM | message detail |
I'm guessing perfect brackets in the 15-20 range. --- "Never argue with a fool, people may not tell the difference" - Murphy's Law |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/2/2006 1:44:57 PM | message detail |
At the 16:40 mark, this match has 82577 votes. To compare with some SC2K5 matches at the same time: Mario/Crono: 78924 (finished with 103501) Vivi/Zelda: 82627 (finished with 104671) Sonic/Tifa: 82992 (finished with 105858) Ryu/Rikku: 83519 (finished with 106264) Luigi/KOS-MOS: 84069 (finished with 106419) Very close to Vivi/Zelda right now, so 104-105k looks possible. --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 7/2/2006 1:46:53 PM | message detail |
I guess we'll see promising vote totals then. --- * Is Dranze * |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 1:47:51 PM | message detail |
Good deal. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/2/2006 1:48:42 PM | message detail |
Also, that would set the record for most total votes for a first match.
If the Legend of Zelda keeps up the percentage for the rest of the
match, it could conceivably finish with as many as 94,206 votes if it
hits as high as 105,000 votes. That would be the record for most individual votes in ANY match. --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
Slowflake | Posted 7/2/2006 1:49:07 PM | message detail |
The current record is still Cloud over CATS, right? --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/2/2006 1:50:09 PM | message detail |
Yes, if it gets 94,206, it would beat out Cloud's record by 120 votes. --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
Lopen | Posted 7/2/2006 1:51:41 PM | message detail |
Haw haw Leonhart, 82.41% indeed. And you called me the joke entrant! What's next, Mega Man X with 70%? I kid... I kid. --- Raiden is still [!!] nominations short! Give it time! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/2/2006 1:53:22 PM | message detail |
Also, this match will probably finish in the top 5 for biggest vote
differential (almost certainly won't catch LoZ/Adventure's record of
88,208). Mega Man X with 70%, you say? Sounds dangerously close to what I predicted, actually. --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
DBZFIGHTERS | Posted 7/2/2006 2:07:27 PM | message detail |
Has the point that New Super Mario Brother's release might help Mario beat Final Fantasy been pointed out yet? --- Die hard Cubs, Pistons, Patriot and Maple Leafs fan Owl Squad Member ( ēvē( ēvē )ēvē ) O RLY? |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/2/2006 2:07:56 PM | message detail |
Yes, and it was quickly dismissed as insane because it won't be a close match, with or without it. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Slowflake | Posted 7/2/2006 2:08:05 PM | message detail |
Obviously not, because it's more full of crap than all of our colons stringed together. --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
jonthomson | Posted 7/2/2006 2:08:23 PM | message detail |
Has the point that New Super Mario Brother's release might help Mario beat Final Fantasy been pointed out yet? Maybe. It's also probably been pointed out that handheld releases really don't count for much here. --- Jon Thomson - CATS, Jay Solano, Ridley, Scorpion, Alien Hominid, Duke Nukem, The Prince, Johnny Rocketfingers, two TBA |
Lopen | Posted 7/2/2006 2:08:45 PM | message detail |
Peh, Leonhart. Your blowout calling skills are not complete. I don't
want to spoil anything, but let's just say I have Mega Man X winning
with a good deal more than that. --- Raiden is still [!!] nominations short! |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 7/2/2006 2:09:52 PM | message detail |
75% lolz --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa JUST LIKE UR MOM LOLO AND URS TO LALA-Tombolo |
voltch | Posted 7/2/2006 2:10:11 PM | message detail |
poor poor civilisation. sill let's hope we get closer matches in later rounds. --- Kilroy:Their fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft. BrentfordFC-championship here we come |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 2:10:32 PM | message detail |
Has the point that New Super Mario Brother's release might help Mario beat Final Fantasy been pointed out yet? --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/2/2006 2:11:52 PM | message detail |
70% IS a blowout, mate. But if you have it winning with more than 80%
or so...I'd say that's too high. Final Fantasy VII didn't do much
better than that on Suikoden II. I don't think MMX will get quite that
high because I don't believe the entire series put together would beat
FFVII. Plus, I felt like undershooting in the event that everyone overshot. It's bound to pay off one day! --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Slowflake | Posted 7/2/2006 2:13:40 PM | message detail |
It got 85.63%. I'd say it's much better than 80%. --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
DBZFIGHTERS | Posted 7/2/2006 2:13:48 PM | message detail |
What are the mini-contests that usually run through the summer contests? So far, I got the Rate this Pic and Predict Bracket Percentage. Anything else I'm not too late to sign up for? --- Die hard Cubs, Pistons, Patriot and Maple Leafs fan Owl Squad Member ( ēvē( ēvē )ēvē ) O RLY? |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/2/2006 2:15:01 PM | message detail |
Okay, 85.63% is noticeably better than 80%, but I still wouldn't expect
MMX to be an "elite" series capable of such a high percentage. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Lopen | Posted 7/2/2006 2:15:23 PM | message detail |
Yeah, no doubt 70% is a blowout. Just the wrong side of one unfortunately for you !! --- Raiden is still [!!] nominations short! |
Read_Only_Thx | Posted 7/2/2006 2:15:48 PM | message detail |
Plus handhelds aren't that popular on GameFAQs anyway, besides maybe Pokemon, and even that's weak as far as the contests go. Even if it's become the DS's flagship game, it won't help much because handhelds are weak as far as GameFAQs go. --- sig |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/2/2006 2:16:13 PM | message detail |
On the wrong side? I picked Mega Man X! Unless crazy Ivan, er, Lopen has struck again and picked Suikoden! --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Quaarma Hunter | Posted 7/2/2006 2:17:28 PM | message detail |
Crazy Ivan sometimes speaks the truth... ...but not usually! --- *is Karma Hunter* |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 2:19:43 PM | message detail |
No one cares about the X series, my ass: ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 7/2/2006 2:20:55 PM | message detail |
Yes, bias is such a wonderful thing, oftentimes clouding the obvious. --- "...And then they made me their chief." - Captain Jack Sparrow |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 2:21:00 PM | message detail |
I think I predicted low 80s for Mega Man X. I wish I could lower that to, like, 78%. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
Quaarma Hunter | Posted 7/2/2006 2:27:08 PM | message detail |
Why does Battle Network have so many votes in that poll??? --- *is Karma Hunter* |
TransgenderLove | Posted 7/2/2006 2:27:40 PM | message detail |
I took MMX with 79.49% in the oracle, and I'm sticking with it.
Suikoden is just weak, and I sincerely doubt someone who hasn't played
or doesn't particularly like either is going to vote for Suikoden.
People like me who have only played the original MM series are going to
vote MMX, or so I would guess. --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Trannys. |
TransgenderLove | Posted 7/2/2006 2:28:06 PM | message detail |
Why does Battle Network have so many votes in that poll??? The true question is why doesn't it have more! --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Trannys. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 2:29:09 PM | message detail |
You know, with this huge vote totals it looks like fodder will look even more
fodder like than usual. If we are going to be getting over 100k votes,
I highly doubt that Suikoden fans will be voting at the same proportion
as Mega Man X fans when you get past the core fanbase. I think I may
have shot a little low with a tripling... --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 7/2/2006 2:29:37 PM | message detail |
I'm voting Suikoden myself. Nothing against MMX, I'm a big fan of that
series as well, but Suikoden I have more nostalgic feelings toward. --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa JUST LIKE UR MOM LOLO AND URS TO LALA-Tombolo |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 2:31:49 PM | message detail |
Why does Battle Network have so many votes in that poll??? Probably for gamers who started gaming in the N64/PSX era. It's not like the classic series and X series has been doing much since then. Battle Network was probably the first Mega Man game for a lot of the newer Nintendo gamers (post-SNES). --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 2:41:59 PM | message detail | X smiling at its competition! --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
Slowflake | Posted 7/2/2006 2:46:01 PM | message detail |
And more people will curse for undershooting. X and Zero meet Who The
Hell Is That, Looks Like The Statue Of Liberty, Guy Who Looks Like A
Girl Or Girl That Looks Like A Guy?, Guy With What Looks Like Tattoo On
Forehead, and Is That Guy With What Looks Like Tattoo On Forehead's
Shoulderpad Or A Giant Robot? --- I do declare, old chap! Even a Doom score could not possibly justify the unwarranted combustion of kittens! |
RPGGamer0 | Posted 7/2/2006 2:53:38 PM | message detail |
XD Slow --- My mom calls hers a Money Money Hole. :( - chaoscell |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 2:53:48 PM | message detail |
*Goes to raise MMX's percentage* --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 2:55:32 PM | message detail |
Oh, and tell me that after almost 100k voters see this picture with Mega Man X and
Zero that they will see Classic Mega Man later on and think it
represents the entire Mega Man series. Against the Mario Kart crew,
Classic Mega Man is toast!!!. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |