GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 297
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Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:23:31 PM | message detail |
Just for the record, there's nobody in this topic that actually thinks that Metal Gear would "SFF" Halo, right? ... No, just no. --- Moltar Status: Eagerly awaiting for the next Contest to begin. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:23:58 PM | message detail |
Hyrule Division: Round 1 - Match 1 – (1)Legend of Zelda vs. (8)Civilization Moltar’s Analysis Legend of Zelda The LoZ series has been a Nintendo staple since the NES days, and many are looking forward to the next installment to the series, Twilight Princess. Civilization The Civ series is highly revered by many people. People who’ve played it would tell you all the games in the series are good, the latest being Civilization IV. Ahh, nothing like starting out a new contest with a huge blowout. I mean, it’s tradition! The LoZ series is monstrous in popularity, and while the Civ games are praised, they just don’t stand up to the Zelda series. You really didn’t need all 9 of us to tell you this though, and if you did, well…that’s just sad. I won’t go off track this time, because it’s the first match, but next time, be ready! On the bright side for Civ-supporters, Civilization does have its dedicated fanbase, so I don’t expect to see any 90% blowout here. Heck, if they can get it over 15%, consider it a moral victory! Moltar’s Bracket Says: Legend of Zelda will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: LoZ: 86% - Civilization: 14% Ulti’s Analysis 7 contests, 7 overall 1 seeds from Nintendo. I haven't played any Civ games, so I can't comment much on this match. Then again, this might be a blessing given that Civ will be lucky to even break 15%. "I won't even dignify this with a response". Prediction: Zelda with 89.56% Soul’s Analysis There's a few things that every analysis crew needs: GFNW, DK Rap, CATS references, and of course, XxSoulxX finding some way to win it all. Ok, now I'm not the one to brag, so I definitely won't start here. I'm very happy to be involved in this project once again. With that being said, let's start this freaking contest! The contest opens with a very predictable first match. Legend of Zelda will take this one rather easily. The question is, will Zelda crack 90%? Before answering this question, let me just say how greatly appalled I am after hearing this series made it in over Starfox, Command & Conquer, Half Life, and other more deserving series. All these series would have performed better against Zelda (including the SFF beatdown that Starfox would get). Hell, Half Life could have scored at least 40% in this match (GFNW rule. GFNW reference: Check). Civilization... XD! Yeah, this match is a slaughter waiting to happen. Could Zelda score over 90%? It has a great chance. My prediction: LoZ wins with 90.53% of the vote. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:24:45 PM | message detail |
Leon’s Analysis Ah, another contest, another opening match by Nintendo. Seriously, would it kill you to put something Final Fantasy to start things off, CJayC? In any event, after a month-long nomination topic, people were almost starting to get weary with the idea of having this contest at all. Then we finally get the bracket, and it’s…not the greatest. Granted, it would have been hard to make a great bracket anyway, but there was still some wasted potential. This contest essentially boils down to Zelda vs. Final Fantasy, and we get to see the first big-hitter in action right away. First on the hit list is Sid Meier’s Civilization series, the computer strategy classic. The only problem is that GameFAQs isn’t too keen on PC games, so it doesn’t even stand a remote chance of keeping it close. I think Civilization could do respectably (compared to our general expectations anyway) and actually avoid the quadrupling. I’m not betting on it though. Not much analysis needed here. The Legend of Zelda’s contest history needs no introduction and would take a long, long time, so I won’t bother. Civilization has none, and it’ll have just one match after this contest. Leonhart’s Prediction: The Legend of Zelda with 82.41% HM’s Analysis Ah, contest time! I have never actually participated in one of these crazy things before, but it’s nice to be able to get things going with one of the easiest analyses in the entire bracket. There’s really not much to see here considering it’s Zelda against some RTS not named StarCraft – and even then it would be a no-brainer. The Legend of Zelda is one of two potential winners in this contest – some crazy people thinking Mario or SSB stand a chance need to get hit with a reality check! – and it’ll prove that here with an absolute slaughter of Civilization, which is a pretty popular series. Luckily, Civilization is one of those that weren’t wasted potential (I’m looking at Diablo here for the sacrifice to the one seed in this bracket) as an eight seed. It probably would have lost in the first round no matter what you put it up against. This match is just a warm up for the beast known as The Legend of Zelda. Civilization will be just one of many series that have to go up against Zelda before the epic showdown with Final Fantasy begins in the finals. Everything is basically fodder to Zelda until then; unfortunately, this analysis suffers a bit from the lack of something to actually analyze. Oh well, at the very least we’re back into the contest season, which is always a good thing! Aitch Emm’s Bracket Says : The Legend of Zelda will win. Aitch Emm’s Prediction : The Legend of Zelda 84% -- Civilization 16% Aitch Emm’s Vote : The Legend of Zelda --- Moltar Status: Eagerly awaiting for the next Contest to begin. |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/1/2006 4:28:42 PM | message detail |
How would LoZ (the game for NES) fair against CT? I forgot the math formula... --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:28:50 PM | message detail |
Yoblazer’s Analysis We don't really need an analysis for this one, right? Civilization is a very old, very respected series. That Sid Meier is really something, I tell you what. Unfortunately, his series is going up against one of the two most destructive forces on GameFAQs. That kind of means it's going to lose. I'm guessing that any single Zelda game can easily dispatch the entire Civilization series, so that gives us some idea of how ugly this will truly be. I'm a firm believer that Zelda will look like the favorite going into the final, at least on paper. A destruction here, followed by a brutal SFF beating of Mega Man X, followed by an even worse SFF pummeling of Metroid, followed by yet another spanking of Metal Gear/Kingdom Hearts/Halo. They will be but pieces of meat thrown to the lion that is The Legend of Zelda. This match is just the appetizer. The Legend of Zelda + Many games from which to draw popularity + Games spanning several consoles and eras + Second most popular game on the site + Fourth (possibly third?) most popular game on the site - None for this match Civilization + Made the contest + Sid Meier is a smart guy, so he probably chose a tasty last meal for his series - It's going to get killed My prediction: The Legend of Zelda def. Civilization (85-15) Mnm’s Analysis Battle Music: Phantom Ganon (The Wind Waker) So we start off this Best Series Ever contest with Ceej traditionally placing a Nintendo favorite at the top of the bracket! The Legend of Zelda starts this contest with its eyes on a showdown with Final Fantasy. First up in its path? Civilization. A series that I know absolutely nothing about. Thankfully it doesn’t matter in this instance, as Civilization poses absolutely no threat to Zelda. As for Zelda, we all know about its overall popularity. And this site absolutely adores the Zelda series. Ocarina of Time is the most popular game on this site this side of Final Fantasy VII, and A Link to the Past stands strong as the 4th fav. Even the original still has tons of fans. Not to mention the hordes of other Zelda games that fans adore. Adventure of Link, Link’s Awakening, the Oracle games, Four Swords, The Minish Cap… This series has plenty to draw from and will indeed be a force on in this contest. On the other side, we have Civilization. Now, I may know next to nothing about Civilization, but I at least know that it is a popular PC strategy game. Most of its games have gotten good reviews and it probably has a decent amount of fans. But it won’t matter against the Zelda series. Put it this way… the Hylian civilization would beat Civilization. The Kokiri civilization would beat Civilization. The Gerudo civilization would beat Civilization. The Zora and Goron civilizations would all beat Civilization. You get my drift. As for the percentage prediction, I have no idea how voting trends will be for this contest. I guess I could use the Games contest as a start. Ocarina of Time is the most popular Zelda game, and it got about 86% on Fallout 2, a popular PC game. I think Civilization is a much bigger PC name than Fallout, so even though we’re taking the Zelda series as a whole, I think it will do a bit better than Fallout. I can see Civilization getting a bit of support from fans of the series, seeing that Zelda is going to crush it anyways. Bracket: The Legend of Zelda Vote: The Legend of Zelda Prediction: The Legend of Zelda with 84.85% |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:29:04 PM | message detail |
HaRRich’s Analysis Predicted winner: Legend of Zelda Top 100 List comparison: ---LoZ:OoT - #2, LoZ:LttP - #4, LoZ - #30, LoZ:WW - #45, LoZ:MM - #46 ---Civ. - N/A (had no games on the drop-down list) Best Game Ever x-stat comparison: ---LoZ:OoT - 46.18% (32-64 Division runner-up), LoZ:LttP - 41.61% (16 Division runner-up), LoZ:WW - 37.29% (was behind Starcraft), LoZ - 34.49% (8 Divison runner-up) ---Civ. - N/A (no rep) This match should be great for two reasons: one, it will finally be the start of the contest many of us thought wouldn't happen, and two, we'll get our first taste of what kind of vote totals the contest will have. Other than's not like Civilization needs to have its strength shown so we can predict how its characters or games would do, it's not like Civilization is a big series here, it's not like we're anxious to see its day-vote/night-vote trends, and it's definitely not like we don't already know LoZ will get to the finals in style. In other words, it being the first match of the contest is the only reason why I care to see it. Expect an ass-whooping. Legend of Zelda wins with 85.12% Lopen’s Analysis Alright, the dramatic beginning to contest season... er... what am I supposed to say here, again!? Alright, alright… *ahem*. In the red corner, we've got a series of moderate PC fame, Civilization! In the blue corner, we've got GameFAQs hit the Legend of Zelda! Whoa, hold it! You've gotta be able to draw 15% of the vote to have a corner. Sorry Civilization, but we're gonna have to be taking that corner back! Aw… don't take it so hard! Lopen's Prediction: Legend of Zelda with 87.78% |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/1/2006 4:29:53 PM | message detail |
Ulti or Soul has the first match in the bag... --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:31:22 PM | message detail |
Yeesh, I posted that all wrong. I got it in 3 posts in the Crew topic. Stupid phone distracting me. Comments: Yeah, pretty obvious results. The Crew is in favor of Zelda 9-0. 85-86% seems to be the average, so we expect to see some Zelda domination. --- Moltar Status: Eagerly awaiting for the next Contest to begin. |
Sir Bormun | Posted 7/1/2006 4:39:47 PM | message detail |
I think Soul takes this one. Zelda's good at blowing out people, and c'mon... it's Civilization. And I want to do Dabu's list... Most Likely 7.) Warcraft > Grand Theft Auto 5.) Kingdom Hearts > Metal Gear 4.) Halo > Kingdom Hearts 10.) Street Fighter > Resident Evil 12.) Zelda > Final Fantasy 3.) Castlevania > Halo 8.) Sonic > Super Smash Bros 6.) Halo > Metal Gear 9.) Elder Scrolls > Street Fighter 11.) Mario > Final Fantasy 1.) Star Ocean > Pokemon 2.) Kirby > Metroid Least Likely --- Need new sig. |
creativename | Posted 7/1/2006 4:40:17 PM | message detail |
There’s really not much to see here considering it’s Zelda against some RTS not named StarCraft Oh boy... Civilization is not an RTS. At all :) It's turn-based strategy. --- |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 4:41:37 PM | message detail |
Shush! I don't play PC games. << --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/1/2006 4:43:13 PM | message detail |
Someone answer my question... --- =DC= Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/1/2006 4:44:23 PM | message detail | --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 4:45:58 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 4:46:08 PM | message detail |
100 - X / Y * 50 X = Lower percentage Y = Higher percentage Chrono Trigger gets 55.60% against The Legend of Zelda. (100 - 37.08 / 41.76 * 50) --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 4:46:17 PM | message detail |
or do it that way. I always forget that exists! probably because I never play with x-stats. --- xyzzy |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 4:47:16 PM | message detail |
whoa, and I did it wrong! go me. --- xyzzy |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 7/1/2006 4:47:29 PM | message detail |
Quick! Post your upsets! --- Scooped in a coupe, Snoop we got news/Your girl was trickin' while you was draped in your county blues I ain't been out a second/And already gotta do some mutha****in chin checkin |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 4:48:02 PM | message detail |
FF > Diablo! --- xyzzy |
Heroic Viktor | Posted 7/1/2006 4:48:26 PM | message detail |
I see no reason why Kingdom Hearts should not have a better showing
than last contest. Kingdom Hearts II is huge both to casuals and to
regulars. It had commercials up the wazoo. It is, simply, an amazing
sequel, something that rarely happens: a continuing sequel that actual
does not fail to impress. Halo could easily defeat it, but I am
hitching my contest bandwagon to the horse named Disney. --- RIP - Tnote827 (4/4/05) |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 4:50:06 PM | message detail |
Metal Gear > The Legend of Zelda! --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
therealmnm | Posted 7/1/2006 4:50:33 PM | message detail |
Yeah, people fail to realize that KH fans didn't care for it all that much back in 2k4. The series really didn't have much to it besides cameos and DARKNESS!. --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
Lopen | Posted 7/1/2006 4:52:13 PM | message detail |
Wow, see Soul, I told you I had your back. I read them all... although
that much jibba jabba on a gimme match makes me fear debatable matches
with lots to say such as Mario Kart/Mega Man. Although MNM takes the
length score for this match, I'm clearly the favorite on the %s, I've got almost a 3% range for victory !! I'm insulted that DMC > Sonic is not listed on Dabu's list. I'm self inserting it. (Oh, oh... I got it! The match is a toss up akin to Mega Man and Mario Kart! Hence it's not here!) 1.) Halo > Kingdom Hearts 2.) Street Fighter > Resident Evil 3.) Devil May Cry > Sonic 4.) Castlevania > Halo 5.) Halo > Metal Gear 6.) Star Ocean > Pokemon 7.) Warcraft > Grand Theft Auto 8.) Zelda > Final Fantasy 9.) Kirby > Metroid 10.) Kingdom Hearts > Metal Gear 11.) Sonic > Super Smash Bros 12.) Mario > Final Fantasy 13.) Elder Scrolls > Street Fighter --- Raiden is still [!!] nominations short! |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 4:53:01 PM | message detail |
Lopen so crazy. --- xyzzy |
creativename | Posted 7/1/2006 4:55:36 PM | message detail |
I was thinking KH had a decent shot against Metal Gear (not like it's a
lock against Halo, but KH vs. MG is more questionable I think). But
then I saw in some other topic about how Snake owned Sora; however,
when I looked it up and saw that he got 65%, I became more concerned
that Kingdom Hearts will win, not less. Snake did have a substantial pic advantage in that match, probably causing a couple points overperformance. Also this was before KHII. And most importantly I don't think Sora is as popular as his game - whereas Snake is probably very strong relative to his series. So I really find it hard to see Kingdom Hearts getting less then 44%ish on Metal Gear; and the upside volatility is there. I think KH over Metal Gear has a legitimate chance of happening. I don't think it's just hype. --- |
Big Bob | Posted 7/1/2006 4:56:15 PM | message detail |
Zelda's not gonna break 90%. Like Moltar said, Civilization is still popular and has a dedicated fanbase. --- Your score is: FAIL |
Master Moltar | Posted 7/1/2006 4:56:19 PM | message detail |
I read them all... although that much jibba jabba on a gimme match
makes me fear debatable matches with lots to say such as Mario
Kart/Mega Man. This match was 3.5 pages on Word. Pokemon/Star Ocean...yeah...that's 8.25 pages. Have fun with it! (And I don't have all the MM/MK analyses yet, but it's around 5 pages so far) --- Moltar Status: Eagerly awaiting for the next Contest to begin. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 7/1/2006 5:03:43 PM | message detail |
Ocarina of Time is the most popular Zelda game, and it got about 86%
on Fallout 2, a popular PC game. I think Civilization is a much bigger
PC name than Fallout, so even though we’re taking the Zelda series as a
whole, I think it will do a bit better than Fallout. Excellent point, mnm, which the others seem to have ignored. Civ >>> Fallout. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
yoblazer33 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:04:31 PM | message detail |
It was such a smart idea to swim in a pool with a chlorine content of
at least 187 million percent. I have to struggle to keep my eyes open
for more than two seconds. Perfect timing, too. The angst is flowing
tonight! --- Board 8: Where Wii treat each other right. |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 5:07:31 PM | message detail |
Kingdom Hearts II's release certainly helped out the series, but I
sincerely doubt it would be enough to approach Metal Gear's level. I
would wager on all three Metal Gear Solid games beating the original
Kingdom Hearts. Going with the assumption that Kingdom Hearts II has
already surpassed Kingdom Hearts -- something that may be hard to do
for some people -- then I'm taking the top Metal Gear Solid game over
the top Kingdom Hearts game. I don't see Kingdom Hearts II bringing the series up that much in short a timeframe. It is definitely the most popular game on GameFAQs right now, but that likely isn't even going to be enough to begin to approach Metal Gear's level. If it were not for Kingdom Hearts II, this match wouldn't even get a second look from people. So you have to be putting a lot on KH2 if you're looking at it being a viable upset choice. As for Snake/Sora, the fact that Snake demolished Sora in such a manner should at least make one entertain the possibility that there is some definite SFF between MGS and KH. It makes sense, too, since both are popular games attached to the PlayStation fanbase. If MGS does have the ability to SFF KH, then this match is even less of a worry, unless one thinks that Kingdom Hearts II shot the series through the roof in an almost unbelievable manner. I have trouble believing that Kingdom Hearts over Metal Gear is even remotely possible. There certainly hasn't been anything that leads me to believe something like that has the possibility of happening. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 5:08:22 PM | message detail |
You went swimming too, 'blazer!! --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 5:09:53 PM | message detail |
that's because you haven't played KH in the last week, HM!! --- xyzzy |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:12:07 PM | message detail |
Match I: (1) The Legend of Zelda vs. (8) Civilization Games in series The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1987) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES, 1988) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, 1992) The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (GB, 1993) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64, 1998) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64, 2000) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (GBC, 2001) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC, 2001) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC, 2003) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA, 2005) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (WII, 2006) Civilization (PC, 1991) Civilization II (PC, 1996) Civilization III (PC, 2001) Civilization IV (PC, 2005) Analysis Welcome to the first match of the Best Series Ever Contest. As usual we’ll start off with a Nintendo powerhouse destroying a happy to be here fodder. For all five of you people who haven’t heard of The Legend of Zelda series, it’s about a boy named Link (wonder why this isn’t called The Legend of Link) who goes on an adventure to save the princess, Zelda from the evil Ganon(dorf). Civilization is a popular PC series (also been ported to consoles) that I haven’t played. From what I gather it’s a game where you get a civilization (duh) and take it from the cave man age to an age of technology and power and you can do this in many different ways. This isn’t a question of whether or not LoZ can win it’s about how much can it win by. The only reason why Civilization is even in the contest was because of the release of Civilization IV a few months ago. Many people are predicting mid to high 80’s while some go as high as low 90’s. Now I know the LoZ series is very popular, but so is Civilization. In GameSpy’s (where PC games are praised) best game contest Civilization III did very well making it all the way final 8 meaning that PC fans do like the game, but how many PC fans are in GameFAQs? Well I think it’s enough to pull LoZ series to the low 80’s, but even if I’m wrong, it wouldn’t go below 10%. charmander6000’s Bracket: The Legend of Zelda over Civilization charmnader6000’s Prediction: 81.78% - 18.22% --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 5:12:57 PM | message detail |
Lies, tranny, I just played Kingdom Hearts II last night! (Stupid me wanting to complete the journal!) --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
shadow8021 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:13:10 PM | message detail |
4.) Halo > Kingdom Hearts 12.) Zelda > Final Fantasy 6.) Halo > Metal Gear 5.) Kingdom Hearts > Metal Gear 8.) Sonic > Super Smash Bros 1.) Star Ocean > Pokemon 7.) Warcraft > Grand Theft Auto 9.) Elder Scrolls > Street Fighter 10.) Street Fighter > Resident Evil 11.) Mario > Final Fantasy 3.) Castlevania > Halo 2.) Kirby > Metroid --- Series Contest Score: 0/0 Next Pick: The Legend of Zelda |
transience | Posted 7/1/2006 5:15:15 PM | message detail | woot! --- xyzzy |
NewLib | Posted 7/1/2006 5:16:35 PM | message detail |
You know for a non Blizzard PC game, I think Civilization might top the list with a few Bioware Games in strength. --- Where am I? |
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/1/2006 5:17:01 PM | message detail |
Holy crap. That is a really good first round picture. --- "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake |
Quaarma Hunter | Posted 7/1/2006 5:17:16 PM | message detail |
Link versus the parking lot!!! --- *is Karma Hunter* |
yoblazer33 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:17:42 PM | message detail |
We have a winner, boys! And wow, is Civilization going to get KILLED. --- Board 8: Where Wii treat each other right. |
NewLib | Posted 7/1/2006 5:18:18 PM | message detail |
I think Civilization should have been given like Nappy or Queen Lizzy. --- Where am I? |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/1/2006 5:19:30 PM | message detail |
I've got the lowest prediction by far here, so when Civilization does better than expected, I'll get the first point! --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
therealmnm | Posted 7/1/2006 5:19:38 PM | message detail |
There goes my prediction percentage.... Dammit Ceej, could you at least have PEOPLE representing Civilization? --- Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6 Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC |
yoblazer33 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:01 PM | message detail |
What is this, bad joke night all over again? Link is obviously going to get trampled. --- Board 8: Where Wii treat each other right. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:13 PM | message detail |
Man, that picture's friggin' huge! --- SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:15 PM | message detail |
Anyone else loving the match picture or is it because I haven't seen a new one in such a long time. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
NewLib | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:42 PM | message detail |
Seriously, give it one of the rulers faces from CIV 4. If you are
afraid the popularity of the historic figure might inflate its strength
than give it someone no one cares about. Huayna Capac or someone like
that. --- Where am I? |
Slowflake | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:43 PM | message detail |
Wait, so what if Pokémon's pic is a big close-up of Pikachu? --- Everything is "Ridiculous! Nonsense! If you believe that, you're a fool! How can that be when..." You'd make a great PW witness. -Shake to Vlado |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:58 PM | message detail |
I love that pic. Its gonna make Civilization get ****ing 3% >_> --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa JUST LIKE UR MOM LOLO AND URS TO LALA-Tombolo |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 7/1/2006 5:21:59 PM | message detail |
I think it's an awesome picture. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |