Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 255
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:31:06 AM | Message Detail
Does it really matter? I mean we're more or less the only people that
use the x-stats, and we all know that Samus is stronger than how she'll
look if she goes unadjusted, and if you did use her number from a
previous year and she was higher than Mario, we would all still know in
a direct match-up Mario > Samus.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:31:25 AM | Message Detail
Snake breaks 45%!
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:31:43 AM | Message Detail
Is that why you didn't trust Samus > Mario in 2k4, even before SFF?
I didn't even look at the stats for Samus/Mario, and on that note, I'm still not quite over the hilarity of Samus supporters bringing up stats when we Mario supporters mentioned the "IT'S FREAKING MARIO" theory. Not so stupid now, is it?
From day one, I never believed that Samus would ever come close to Mario. Ever. Samus, a third rate Nintendo character from a niche series, was at the very least not going to SFF Mario. And right about there is where people brought up their wonderful stats, and I just laughed. Oh, how I laughed.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
I didn't even look at the stats for Samus/Mario, and on that note, I'm still not quite over the hilarity of Samus supporters bringing up stats when we Mario supporters mentioned the "IT'S FREAKING MARIO" theory. Not so stupid now, is it?
From day one, I never believed that Samus would ever come close to Mario. Ever. Samus, a third rate Nintendo character from a niche series, was at the very least not going to SFF Mario. And right about there is where people brought up their wonderful stats, and I just laughed. Oh, how I laughed.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
From: ernest
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:31:56 AM | Message Detail
so how much of an effect will AC have i mean there are definately more FF7 fans coming round here recently.
and i wonder how strong snake will be after his next three games come out. man that new subsistence trailer kicked ass with sokolov being a playable character on online
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
and i wonder how strong snake will be after his next three games come out. man that new subsistence trailer kicked ass with sokolov being a playable character on online
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
From: Mister Mario
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:32:09 AM | Message Detail
Just under 55%.
Mario will kill Snake. KILL HIM, TEAR HIM, RIP HIM TO SHREDS.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Mistress Snake
Mario will kill Snake. KILL HIM, TEAR HIM, RIP HIM TO SHREDS.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Mistress Snake
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:32:20 AM | Message Detail
Samus vs Snake would be a good match....
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:32:50 AM | Message Detail
Good, Snake under 55%.
For reference, this is nearly where he was against Mega Man in 2k4 at this time...though obviously he and Mario don't share identical voting trends.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For reference, this is nearly where he was against Mega Man in 2k4 at this time...though obviously he and Mario don't share identical voting trends.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: ernest
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:33:02 AM | Message Detail
magus/knuckles was truly the most hilarious match of the contest heh?
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
From: yoblazer33
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:33:08 AM | Message Detail
I'd bet my life that Snake overperforms on Samus.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:33:22 AM | Message Detail
"I mean we're more or less the only people that use the x-stats"
I doubt that.
I once made a sig bet with TRE that Ganon wasn't actually over 31 on BL. The jury's still out on the pigman, but props to TRE 'cause I'm a believer again.
I doubt that.
I once made a sig bet with TRE that Ganon wasn't actually over 31 on BL. The jury's still out on the pigman, but props to TRE 'cause I'm a believer again.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:35:20 AM | Message Detail
I use the X-Stats, and I'm more or less only a tourist. And I know
casuals who use them as well, if only because I've pointed them toward
them. Needless to say, I've had a few harsh words on the outcome of
certain matches...
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:35:57 AM | Message Detail
Overperform so much as to win?
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:36:17 AM | Message Detail
WTF Mario only +3..
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:36:19 AM | Message Detail
Mario by only 3 that update!!!
<3 <3 <3
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
<3 <3 <3
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:36:29 AM | Message Detail
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 9/17/2005 3:30:02 AM | Message Detail | #147
I....agree with Ulti =/.
I haven't bothered arguing with you since that whole Purg incident, so it really shouldn't come as a shock. I only bother attacking horrifically stupid posts, which you.... sort of don't make outside of the horrid grammar and emotes.
Besides, you had to evacuate from that *****, Katrina. I don't give a crap if you've trolled the topic in the past, because having fun on the internet at someone else's expense isn't really comparable to having your life threatened by the worst disaster ever to hit the US. Does trolling annoy people (which you don't really do anymore)? Sure. Does that mean we should wish the worst upon you in real life? Of course not. I'm glad to see you made it back safely, because I can't imagine being one of those people not having food or water for a week.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
I....agree with Ulti =/.
I haven't bothered arguing with you since that whole Purg incident, so it really shouldn't come as a shock. I only bother attacking horrifically stupid posts, which you.... sort of don't make outside of the horrid grammar and emotes.
Besides, you had to evacuate from that *****, Katrina. I don't give a crap if you've trolled the topic in the past, because having fun on the internet at someone else's expense isn't really comparable to having your life threatened by the worst disaster ever to hit the US. Does trolling annoy people (which you don't really do anymore)? Sure. Does that mean we should wish the worst upon you in real life? Of course not. I'm glad to see you made it back safely, because I can't imagine being one of those people not having food or water for a week.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:37:38 AM | Message Detail
Snake would be posing merely this much of a challenge to Samus, maybe a
bit more. If he can finish strong, though (or technically, do well
enough in the night so that he'll finish higher than he should), then
I'm putting a ****ing asterisk on the Dream Division, and NO ONE WILL
STOP ME (laughs maniacally).
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:38:06 AM | Message Detail
I'm speechless.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:39:30 AM | Message Detail
Apparently not, because you POSTED lol
Anyway, I want to see Snake win an update before I go to bed.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
Anyway, I want to see Snake win an update before I go to bed.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:39:38 AM | Message Detail
Oh Ulti, you could eat your stomach for a week straight and you know it.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
From: ernest
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:41:05 AM | Message Detail
is it possible the TGS news about the new MG games are causing snake to boost?
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:41:21 AM | Message Detail
Given that I've lost a lot of weight, no I really couldn't.
And given that last update, screw hoping for Snake to win one. G'night.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
And given that last update, screw hoping for Snake to win one. G'night.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:41:31 AM | Message Detail
You couldn't really say that Karma Master..
You can't just assume all the votes Mario gets are the votes Samus gets.
Seriously, who is to say Bowser wouldn't put up a similiar performance as Samus that Mario did.
Bowser is a strong fella. I can Bowser nabbing 53-57 against Samus and SFFing her similiar to what Mario did.
You can't just assume all the votes Mario gets are the votes Samus gets.
Seriously, who is to say Bowser wouldn't put up a similiar performance as Samus that Mario did.
Bowser is a strong fella. I can Bowser nabbing 53-57 against Samus and SFFing her similiar to what Mario did.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:41:34 AM | Message Detail
From: ernest | Posted: 9/17/2005 3:41:05 AM | Message Detail | #170
is it possible the TGS news about the new MG games are causing snake to boost?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
is it possible the TGS news about the new MG games are causing snake to boost?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem 8, WC3: Frozen Throne, Advance Wars
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:41:54 AM | Message Detail
No, but that's because I don't believe in hype having any affect on a match.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:42:18 AM | Message Detail
MGS4 news causing Snake to boost? That's such an insignificant factor
that I never even considered it happening. I'll attribute anything that
doesn't line up to the pic, and leave it at that.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:42:30 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
From: Blood Talon
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:43:22 AM | Message Detail
You'd figure with that MGS4 trailer out that Snake would get a big voting push against Mario.
"LIAR!!!...I already know Metal Gear is nothing but a nuclear equipped, walking death mobile!"
"LIAR!!!...I already know Metal Gear is nothing but a nuclear equipped, walking death mobile!"
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:43:23 AM | Message Detail
Old Man Snake > *
From: ernest
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:44:38 AM | Message Detail
i ain't talking about just MGS4 but also MGA2 and subsistence. i mean
it could make snake get a couple of votes here and there and when you
add it all up it does a nice amount no?
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:46:22 AM | Message Detail
Doubt it. If someone liked Mario more than Snake before, a trailor
isn't going to change anything. If you want to believe that you may as
well say there was blue SFF yesterday and mean it.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
Cheer up Emo kids.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:46:34 AM | Message Detail
Mario > --|45%line|-- < Snake
Hold Your Ground Snake =/.
Hold Your Ground Snake =/.
From: ernest
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:47:20 AM | Message Detail
oh and has ulti started his post contest analysis yet? he usually starts it round now
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
What a 42 carat plonker you really are~del boy only fools and horses
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:49:10 AM | Message Detail
My boredom led me to create a new bracket... with all square characters.
All-Square Bracket:
Nibelheim Division
1) Cloud Strife
16) Mint
8) Zidane Tribal
9) Terra Branford
5) Celes Chere
12) Selphie Tilmitt
4) Yuffie Kisaragi
13) Robo
6) Rikku
11) Fei Fong Wong
3) Vivi Orunitia
14) Harle
7) Rufus Shinra
10) Lucca Ashtear
2) Kefka
15) Garland
Zanarkand Division
1) Auron
16) Quina Quen
8) Aya Brea
9) Ultros
5) Locke Cole
12) Laguna Loire
4) Serge
13) Barret Wallace
6) Seymour Guado
11) Seifer Almasy
3) Lavos
14) Jecht
7) Lynx
10) Citan Uzuki
2) Vincent Valentine
15) Gato
Balamb Division
1) Squall Leonhart
16) Gilgamesh
8) Cecil Harvey
9) Kuja
5) Aeris Gainsborough
12) Wiegraf Folles
4) Tifa Lockheart
13) Mallow
6) Marle
11) Reno
3) Tidus
14) Lenneth
7) Mog
10) Cait Sith
2) Crono
15) Ashley Riot
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
1) Sephiroth
16) Sion Barzahd
8) Ultros
9) Kain Highwind
5) Red XIII
12) Ramza Beoluve
4) Frog
13) Galuf
6) Cid Highwind
11) Grahf
3) Yuna
14) Quistis Trepe
7) Black Mage
10) Shadow
2) Magus
15) Dalton
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
All-Square Bracket:
Nibelheim Division
1) Cloud Strife
16) Mint
8) Zidane Tribal
9) Terra Branford
5) Celes Chere
12) Selphie Tilmitt
4) Yuffie Kisaragi
13) Robo
6) Rikku
11) Fei Fong Wong
3) Vivi Orunitia
14) Harle
7) Rufus Shinra
10) Lucca Ashtear
2) Kefka
15) Garland
Zanarkand Division
1) Auron
16) Quina Quen
8) Aya Brea
9) Ultros
5) Locke Cole
12) Laguna Loire
4) Serge
13) Barret Wallace
6) Seymour Guado
11) Seifer Almasy
3) Lavos
14) Jecht
7) Lynx
10) Citan Uzuki
2) Vincent Valentine
15) Gato
Balamb Division
1) Squall Leonhart
16) Gilgamesh
8) Cecil Harvey
9) Kuja
5) Aeris Gainsborough
12) Wiegraf Folles
4) Tifa Lockheart
13) Mallow
6) Marle
11) Reno
3) Tidus
14) Lenneth
7) Mog
10) Cait Sith
2) Crono
15) Ashley Riot
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
1) Sephiroth
16) Sion Barzahd
8) Ultros
9) Kain Highwind
5) Red XIII
12) Ramza Beoluve
4) Frog
13) Galuf
6) Cid Highwind
11) Grahf
3) Yuna
14) Quistis Trepe
7) Black Mage
10) Shadow
2) Magus
15) Dalton
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:54:02 AM | Message Detail
1) Auron
Elite 8->Finals
1) Auron
Elite 8->Finals
From: transience
| Posted: 9/17/2005 12:58:39 AM | Message Detail
blah, looks like the match ended up being anticlimactic. oh well, at
least MM won. as predicted, the top tiers had MM and the lower guys
had, well, other people; I predicted 30% for MM, so not bad. definitely
more people had MM than Sonic.
now we get a snoozefest until Crono/MM, which should be another great match.
now we get a snoozefest until Crono/MM, which should be another great match.
From: transience
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:10:56 AM | Message Detail
here's the entire bracket's x-stats, simply because I feel stupid pasting MM/Sonic's division:
Mario: 50.00
Samus: 40.21
Zero: 37.14
Ganon: 32.44
Auron 29.80
Ryu Hayabusa: 27.48
Yuna: 25.17
Frog: 24.09
Riku: 23.28
Lloyd: 19.87
Joanna: 19.10
wesker: 18.01
Ness: 17.20
Big Boss: 16.99
Carl Johnson: 15.43
Yuri: 10.20
Solid Snake: 50.00
Bowser: 49.41
Kirby: 47.32
Zelda: 45.59
Ryu: 40.53
Tidus: 40.07
Vivi: 36.87
Rikku: 35.90
Sora: 34.74
Chun Li: 33.70
Alucard: 31.02
Kratos: 27.60
Cecil: 2346
Agent 47: 20.34
King: 22.00
Manny: 15.91
Crono: 50.00
Vincent: 44.62
Squall: 44.09
Dante: 41.05
Knuckles: 40.74
Magus: 40.03
Master Chief: 38.71
DK: 38.10
Tommy: 29.15
Kefka: 28.49
Sam Fisher: 26.85
CATS: 24.13
Terra: 23.40
Zidane: 23.28
Geno: 22.19
Kerrigan: 18.74
Mega Man: 50.00
Sonic: 49.63
Tifa: 43.28
Luigi: 40.37
Leon: 35.44
Yoshi: 31.92
Diablo: 31.22
Gordon Freeman: 29.37
KOS-MOS: 27.46
Kratos Aurion: 27.00
Conker: 23.98
Jin: 23.67
Vyse: 18.98
Pac-Man: 17.35
Ocelot: 16.91
Laharl: 16.81
Mario: 50.00
Samus: 40.21
Zero: 37.14
Ganon: 32.44
Auron 29.80
Ryu Hayabusa: 27.48
Yuna: 25.17
Frog: 24.09
Riku: 23.28
Lloyd: 19.87
Joanna: 19.10
wesker: 18.01
Ness: 17.20
Big Boss: 16.99
Carl Johnson: 15.43
Yuri: 10.20
Solid Snake: 50.00
Bowser: 49.41
Kirby: 47.32
Zelda: 45.59
Ryu: 40.53
Tidus: 40.07
Vivi: 36.87
Rikku: 35.90
Sora: 34.74
Chun Li: 33.70
Alucard: 31.02
Kratos: 27.60
Cecil: 2346
Agent 47: 20.34
King: 22.00
Manny: 15.91
Crono: 50.00
Vincent: 44.62
Squall: 44.09
Dante: 41.05
Knuckles: 40.74
Magus: 40.03
Master Chief: 38.71
DK: 38.10
Tommy: 29.15
Kefka: 28.49
Sam Fisher: 26.85
CATS: 24.13
Terra: 23.40
Zidane: 23.28
Geno: 22.19
Kerrigan: 18.74
Mega Man: 50.00
Sonic: 49.63
Tifa: 43.28
Luigi: 40.37
Leon: 35.44
Yoshi: 31.92
Diablo: 31.22
Gordon Freeman: 29.37
KOS-MOS: 27.46
Kratos Aurion: 27.00
Conker: 23.98
Jin: 23.67
Vyse: 18.98
Pac-Man: 17.35
Ocelot: 16.91
Laharl: 16.81
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:14:37 AM | Message Detail
Agent 47: 20.34
King: 22.00
We dislike being unfairly ranked below Neo-Tanner.
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
King: 22.00
We dislike being unfairly ranked below Neo-Tanner.
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: transience
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:20:28 AM | Message Detail
whoa, I have mad typos in there. go me.
From: transience
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:21:56 AM | Message Detail
and besides..
Yuri: 10.20
bite me.
Yuri: 10.20
bite me.
From: Silverflame
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:22:32 AM | Message Detail
From: Explicit Content | Posted: 9/17/2005 12:46:22 AM | #180
Doubt it. If someone liked Mario more than Snake before, a trailor isn't going to change anything. If you want to believe that you may as well say there was blue SFF yesterday and mean it.
There's probably a lot of MGS fans who don't visit GameFAQs every day, but might have come today to read up on news about the news from TGS. The actual effect it has on the match will probably be insignificant, though.
Penguins > All
Second only to Kaxon in the Sp2k5 First Vote Contest
Doubt it. If someone liked Mario more than Snake before, a trailor isn't going to change anything. If you want to believe that you may as well say there was blue SFF yesterday and mean it.
There's probably a lot of MGS fans who don't visit GameFAQs every day, but might have come today to read up on news about the news from TGS. The actual effect it has on the match will probably be insignificant, though.
Penguins > All
Second only to Kaxon in the Sp2k5 First Vote Contest
From: _Smurf_
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:24:18 AM | Message Detail
This is sickening, Sonic could have taken this contest.
I don't buy a Snake increase and now I don't buy a Mario one.
Presuming that Snake is slightly stronger then Shadow, this match would not have been out of place in 2003.
^ Smurf, The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism.
I don't buy a Snake increase and now I don't buy a Mario one.
Presuming that Snake is slightly stronger then Shadow, this match would not have been out of place in 2003.
^ Smurf, The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism.
From: transience
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:25:12 AM | Message Detail
sure, if Mario, Crono or Mega Man weren't there, he could have taken the contest.
From: _Smurf_
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:30:59 AM | Message Detail
Mario has proved here that he has been coasting through this contest.
All he did was SFF two characters and expose a character who's been expected to be overrated for a long time.
He's a regular Magus...
And Crono? Don't get me started on Crono. 61% aganist a mid-carder? Struggling aganist Squalls equal?
XD. Is he even noble any more?
^ Smurf, The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism.
All he did was SFF two characters and expose a character who's been expected to be overrated for a long time.
He's a regular Magus...
And Crono? Don't get me started on Crono. 61% aganist a mid-carder? Struggling aganist Squalls equal?
XD. Is he even noble any more?
^ Smurf, The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:33:06 AM | Message Detail
Don't downplay how strong Mario has become. I'm ecstatic that Snake is
scoring 45% on him, even if it is his best time right now. Nintendo has
been an absolute FORCE this contest, and none greater than Mr. Nintendo
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:34:57 AM | Message Detail
All of the NN have had 'down years', excluding Clinkeroth. This year
just doesn't look to be Crono's. There's probably a non-NN at any given
time that can take down the weakest NNer out there given the right
circumstances and the right day, but they have been the biggest
consistent forces in every contest to date. Impressive, to say the
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Team Rocket Elite
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:38:11 AM | Message Detail
Mario has proved here that he has been coasting through this contest.
Well yeah, that's what happens when you completely outclass over 90% of the field. There aren't many paths he could have that don't count as coasting. Although to be fair, he did have to deal with Samus. It's like saying Link coasted through the Summer 2004 Contest because the only character with any chance of beating him was on the other side of the bracket.
''If I were the rain that binds together the earth and sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind the hearts of people together?''
Well yeah, that's what happens when you completely outclass over 90% of the field. There aren't many paths he could have that don't count as coasting. Although to be fair, he did have to deal with Samus. It's like saying Link coasted through the Summer 2004 Contest because the only character with any chance of beating him was on the other side of the bracket.
''If I were the rain that binds together the earth and sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind the hearts of people together?''
From: Kaxon
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:39:26 AM | Message Detail
All-Square Bracket:
There's only one thing I can do with this... favorites it.
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 1) Cloud Strife
8) Zidane Tribal defeats 9) Terra Branford
5) Celes Chere defeats 12) Selphie Tilmitt
13) Robo defeats 4) Yuffie Kisaragi
11) Fei Fong Wong defeats 6) Rikku
3) Vivi Orunitia defeats 14) Harle
10) Lucca Ashtear defeats 7) Rufus Shinra
2) Kefka defeats 15) Garland
Zanarkand Division
1) Auron defeats 16) Quina Quen
9) Ultros defeats 8) Aya Brea
5) Locke Cole defeats 12) Laguna Loire
13) Barret Wallace defeats 4) Serge
11) Seifer Almasy defeats 6) Seymour Guado (ugh)
3) Lavos defeats 14) Jecht
10) Citan Uzuki defeats 7) Lynx
15) Gato defeats 2) Vincent Valentine
Balamb Division
16) Gilgamesh defeats 1) Squall Leonhart
8) Cecil Harvey defeats 9) Kuja
5) Aeris Gainsborough defeats 12) Wiegraf Folles
4) Tifa Lockheart defeats 13) Mallow
6) Marle defeats 11) Reno
3) Tidus defeats 14) Lenneth
7) Mog defeats 10) Cait Sith
2) Crono defeats 15) Ashley Riot
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
1) Sephiroth defeats 16) Sion Barzahd
9) Kain Highwind defeats 8) Ultros (I'm only taking Kain because you have two Ultroses in the bracket)
12) Ramza Beoluve defeats 5) Red XIII
4) Frog defeats 13) Galuf
6) Cid Highwind defeats 11) Grahf
3) Yuna defeats 14) Quistis Trepe
10) Shadow defeats 7) Black Mage
2) Magus defeats 15) Dalton
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 8) Zidane
5) Celes defeats 13) Robo
3) Vivi defeats 11) Fei
10) Luca defeats 2) Kefka
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 1) Auron
5) Locke defeats 13) Barret
3) Lavos defeats 11) Seifer (worst 4-pack of the tournament)
15) Gato defeats 10) Citan
Balamb Division
8) Cecil defeats 16) Gilgamesh
5) Aeris defeats 4) Tifa
6) Marle defeats 3) Tidus
2) Crono defeats 7) Mog
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
9) Kain defeats 1) Sephiroth
12) Ramza defeats 4) Frog
3) Yuna defeats 6) Cid
2) Magus defeats 10) Shadow
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 5) Celes
3) Vivi defeats 10) Luca
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 5) Locke
15) Gato defeats 3) Lavos
Balamb Division
5) Aeris defeats 8) Cecil
2) Crono defeats 6) Marle
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
12) Ramza defeats 9) Kain
2) Magus defeats 3) Yuna
East Heaven Division
16) Mint defeats 3) Vivi
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 15) Gato
Balamb Division
5) Aeris defeats 2) Crono
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
2) Magus defeats 12) Ramza
16) Mint defeats 9) Ultros
5) Aeris defeats 2) Magus
16) Mint defeats 5) Aeris
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Nominate Jay Solano from Operation Shadow for SC2k6
There's only one thing I can do with this... favorites it.
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 1) Cloud Strife
8) Zidane Tribal defeats 9) Terra Branford
5) Celes Chere defeats 12) Selphie Tilmitt
13) Robo defeats 4) Yuffie Kisaragi
11) Fei Fong Wong defeats 6) Rikku
3) Vivi Orunitia defeats 14) Harle
10) Lucca Ashtear defeats 7) Rufus Shinra
2) Kefka defeats 15) Garland
Zanarkand Division
1) Auron defeats 16) Quina Quen
9) Ultros defeats 8) Aya Brea
5) Locke Cole defeats 12) Laguna Loire
13) Barret Wallace defeats 4) Serge
11) Seifer Almasy defeats 6) Seymour Guado (ugh)
3) Lavos defeats 14) Jecht
10) Citan Uzuki defeats 7) Lynx
15) Gato defeats 2) Vincent Valentine
Balamb Division
16) Gilgamesh defeats 1) Squall Leonhart
8) Cecil Harvey defeats 9) Kuja
5) Aeris Gainsborough defeats 12) Wiegraf Folles
4) Tifa Lockheart defeats 13) Mallow
6) Marle defeats 11) Reno
3) Tidus defeats 14) Lenneth
7) Mog defeats 10) Cait Sith
2) Crono defeats 15) Ashley Riot
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
1) Sephiroth defeats 16) Sion Barzahd
9) Kain Highwind defeats 8) Ultros (I'm only taking Kain because you have two Ultroses in the bracket)
12) Ramza Beoluve defeats 5) Red XIII
4) Frog defeats 13) Galuf
6) Cid Highwind defeats 11) Grahf
3) Yuna defeats 14) Quistis Trepe
10) Shadow defeats 7) Black Mage
2) Magus defeats 15) Dalton
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 8) Zidane
5) Celes defeats 13) Robo
3) Vivi defeats 11) Fei
10) Luca defeats 2) Kefka
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 1) Auron
5) Locke defeats 13) Barret
3) Lavos defeats 11) Seifer (worst 4-pack of the tournament)
15) Gato defeats 10) Citan
Balamb Division
8) Cecil defeats 16) Gilgamesh
5) Aeris defeats 4) Tifa
6) Marle defeats 3) Tidus
2) Crono defeats 7) Mog
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
9) Kain defeats 1) Sephiroth
12) Ramza defeats 4) Frog
3) Yuna defeats 6) Cid
2) Magus defeats 10) Shadow
Nibelheim Division
16) Mint defeats 5) Celes
3) Vivi defeats 10) Luca
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 5) Locke
15) Gato defeats 3) Lavos
Balamb Division
5) Aeris defeats 8) Cecil
2) Crono defeats 6) Marle
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
12) Ramza defeats 9) Kain
2) Magus defeats 3) Yuna
East Heaven Division
16) Mint defeats 3) Vivi
Zanarkand Division
9) Ultros defeats 15) Gato
Balamb Division
5) Aeris defeats 2) Crono
J-E-N-O-V-A Division
2) Magus defeats 12) Ramza
16) Mint defeats 9) Ultros
5) Aeris defeats 2) Magus
16) Mint defeats 5) Aeris
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Nominate Jay Solano from Operation Shadow for SC2k6
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:41:40 AM | Message Detail
because you have two Ultroses in the bracket
...Oops >_>
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
...Oops >_>
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:46:04 AM | Message Detail
Snake 50/50'd Mario that update!
C'mon, Snake...just one more vote next time...
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
C'mon, Snake...just one more vote next time...
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/17/2005 1:51:16 AM | Message Detail
And Snake wins an update--and HOW!!!
Okay...I'm satisfied. Excellent work, Snake.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.
Okay...I'm satisfied. Excellent work, Snake.
For the first time ever, Solid Snake has made the Final Four! Believe it.