Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 254
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:40:55 PM | Message Detail
2 votes is better than nothing, I guess, though he needs more than that.
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:41:26 PM | Message Detail
...only two more votes for Sonic. Oh well, at least this match will
probably be better than the Kefka/Vercetti one. Hopefully we don't have
Ceejus come out and say there's cheating involved on one side, unless
the side cheating more is Mega Man...
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: transience
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:41:44 PM | Message Detail
300 vote barrier indeed. this is one hell of a match - easily the best one of the contest.
From: Dranze
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:43:58 PM | Message Detail
I'm glad my computer was fixed before this match happened.
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:45:40 PM | Message Detail
300 BARRIER BROKEN.... again...
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: Brett with Atreyu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:46:03 PM | Message Detail
18 for Sonic.
In a couple updates, it will be back up top 300.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
In a couple updates, it will be back up top 300.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
From: ShadowOwns
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:46:43 PM | Message Detail
Better than Knux and magus? i think so <33
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
From: James Owns Sam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:46:44 PM | Message Detail
^ Most likely...... >_>
I survived the 301 day NHL lockout
Co-founder of team whoa oh oh ohohohoh oh oh oh
I survived the 301 day NHL lockout
Co-founder of team whoa oh oh ohohohoh oh oh oh
From: Dranze
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:46:57 PM | Message Detail
If only Sonic just had a good first night vote..why oh why..
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:47:03 PM | Message Detail
I don't see MM coming back from this.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:47:17 PM | Message Detail
If Sonic wins, it'll be my favorite match in the contest and best we've seen in a long time.
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
From: Brett with Atreyu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:47:59 PM | Message Detail
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 9/16/2005 7:47:17 PM | Message Detail
If Megaman wins, it'll be my favorite match in the contest and best we've seen in a long time.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
If Megaman wins, it'll be my favorite match in the contest and best we've seen in a long time.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
From: yoblazer33
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:49:26 PM | Message Detail
So far, I still wouldn't put this ahead of Kefka/Vercetti.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
From: Dranze
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:49:32 PM | Message Detail
If Mario wins this contest, this will be my favorite contest by far.
From: ShadowOwns
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:49:55 PM | Message Detail
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 9/16/2005 7:47:17 PM | Message Detail
If Sonic wins, it'll be my favorite match in the contest and best we've seen in a long time.
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
If Sonic wins, it'll be my favorite match in the contest and best we've seen in a long time.
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:50:23 PM | Message Detail
If Megaman/Sonic beats Mario, this will be my favorite contest by far.
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:50:32 PM | Message Detail
If Sonic wins this will be the best match ever! And it looks like he might just do it!
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:50:41 PM | Message Detail
Keep at it, Sonic!
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:50:44 PM | Message Detail
Mmm, 21 more votes...
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: Super Luigi
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:51:00 PM | Message Detail
If Snake beat Mario, I would cry in a happy way. :)
SC2K5 Favorites - Solid Snake, Kirby, Mario, Leon Kennedy.
SC2K5 Favorites - Solid Snake, Kirby, Mario, Leon Kennedy.
From: DragoonsKill91
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:51:05 PM | Message Detail
Thats it sonic push for the win. Maybe he'll keep this up... or may be won't who knows? Thats what makes the good matches good.
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
From: Cavalier Lowen
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:51:18 PM | Message Detail
If Mega Man beats Sonic and Crono than this is the best match and
contest ever, simply cause its my first one and I might just get on the
leaderboard if that happens.
Economic Left/Right: 7.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.26
Economic Left/Right: 7.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.26
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:51:27 PM | Message Detail
The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing the 200 Barrier for Megaman..
The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing the 200 Barrier for Megaman..
From: ShadowOwns
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:51:57 PM | Message Detail
we are almost at sonics previous 251 deficite against megaman 3 hours ago xD(my spelling is really bad >_<)
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:52:08 PM | Message Detail
If Sonic wins it'll just be one step closer to the best finals ever.
Mario vs. Sonic
This is what 2k2 should've been.
17 have challenged Nintendo in the handheld market, 17 have failed. (see quote for list)
Mario vs. Sonic
This is what 2k2 should've been.
17 have challenged Nintendo in the handheld market, 17 have failed. (see quote for list)
From: Brett with Atreyu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:52:16 PM | Message Detail
Saying it again: if Megaman does nothing with 19:15, Sonic wins.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:54:12 PM | Message Detail
Saying it again: if Megaman does nothing with 19:15, Sonic wins.
You might want to give Mega Man more time than that. Just because he did it with Yoshi doesn't mean he'll get the exact time on Sonic.
17 have challenged Nintendo in the handheld market, 17 have failed. (see quote for list)
You might want to give Mega Man more time than that. Just because he did it with Yoshi doesn't mean he'll get the exact time on Sonic.
17 have challenged Nintendo in the handheld market, 17 have failed. (see quote for list)
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:54:37 PM | Message Detail
Hmm, I wonder how much all the MGS4 hype will affect tomorrow's
match... if Snake wins, I'll cry in happiness, and probably change my
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: DragoonsKill91
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:55:29 PM | Message Detail
Honestly thsi match will never be the best ever that has to go to
either Liquid Snake/Frog or Ryu H./Jill. LS/Frog because they were
within 10 votes
for over 2 hours straight (or something close to it), and Ryu H/Jill
because there something like 8 comebacks throughout the match? I dont
bring up MC/Frog because for the longest time it was pretty boring
(frog was winning easily) despite the fact that is the best ending we
will ever see.
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:55:35 PM | Message Detail
Heh, 16 more votes off. 250 Barrier is broken!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:55:39 PM | Message Detail
This is the closest Sonic has been in a long time.
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:55:54 PM | Message Detail
Leonhart was right; Brett was wrong!!
Leonhart was right; Brett was wrong!!
From: eaglesarebeasts
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:56:10 PM | Message Detail
do most battles get this many votes? it seems like alot
"..."-The most popular RPG quote ever.
"..."-The most popular RPG quote ever.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:56:11 PM | Message Detail
Here we go! Sonic's knocking off the votes each update now. Down to 247!
“A pro isn’t someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That’s just a fool.” – Reno
“A pro isn’t someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That’s just a fool.” – Reno
From: Brett with Atreyu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:56:22 PM | Message Detail
You might want to give Mega Man more time than that. Just because he
did it with Yoshi doesn't mean he'll get the exact time on Sonic.
Yoshi wasn't consistently gaining against Megaman.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
Yoshi wasn't consistently gaining against Megaman.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
From: ShadowOwns
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:56:30 PM | Message Detail
this is the clostest soincs been since he lead early in the morning
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
Sonic The Hedgehog's road to the best final possible:
20XX Division Champ: (1) MegaMan
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:57:21 PM | Message Detail
Honestly I think this will go down as the best match ever(if Sonic
wins) because of how long Sonic's comeback had to take. To do this
against a fellow Nober Niner is no joke. There's so many times in this
match where Sonic just looked completely out and yet he's still not
giving up.
From: transience
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:57:25 PM | Message Detail
no, this match wins because it's two noble nine characters. who cares
if Frog or LS win? this could be a trip to the finals right here.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:57:39 PM | Message Detail
Kojima obv saw Snake beat Bowser so he let out all the MGS4 to help Snake.
Snake > Mario for great justice.
Snake > Mario for great justice.
From: DragoonsKill91
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:59:00 PM | Message Detail
If the winner of this match gets to the finals then I'll eat my words
and declare this the best match ever. If not then its one of the best
but not quite.
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
"The Lotus in Konoha blooms twice..." Rock Lee
From: Mister Mario
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:59:16 PM | Message Detail
God damn, this contest went by quickly. I can't wait for the off-season, though!
Oh wait, the off-season sucks.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Mistress Snake
Oh wait, the off-season sucks.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Mistress Snake
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:59:32 PM | Message Detail
How big of a vote draw does everyone think a Mario/Sonic final would be? I'd expect a huge turnout, personally.
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
From: Majin Lou
| Posted: 9/16/2005 6:59:54 PM | Message Detail
Kojima obv saw Snake beat Bowser so he let out all the MGS4 to help Snake.
Snake > Mario for great justice.
For great justice indeed. Grandpa Snake is looking to kick some ass.
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
Snake > Mario for great justice.
For great justice indeed. Grandpa Snake is looking to kick some ass.
Kurotsuchi Mayuri fan
Supporter of Solid Snake in the Summer 2k5 Character Battle IV
From: yoblazer33
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:30 PM | Message Detail
I think Crono will be a better draw in the finals.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:44 PM | Message Detail
That Sonic is gaining on Mega Man THIS late into the match is the most
impressive thing. We haven't seen a match with a potential lead change
this late since Frog/Master Chief...
MM are my INITIALS "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
MM are my INITIALS "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:47 PM | Message Detail
Random Mega Spike..
From: DaruniaTheGoron
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:51 PM | Message Detail
Shoot MM came right back that time.
The only thing O.J. is guilty of is mercilessly slashing through all defenders to score touchdowns. - ImNotYou
Proud member of the Hylian Knights--99/120 in the 2k5 SC -- XBL GT: Vance Mendoza
The only thing O.J. is guilty of is mercilessly slashing through all defenders to score touchdowns. - ImNotYou
Proud member of the Hylian Knights--99/120 in the 2k5 SC -- XBL GT: Vance Mendoza
From: yoblazer33
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:54 PM | Message Detail
Nice job there, Mega Man.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
SC2K5 Guru Contest: Where _______ kicked my ass.
From: Brett with Atreyu
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:00:57 PM | Message Detail
Megaman goes up 17.
Not nearly enough to stop Sonic's damage.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
Not nearly enough to stop Sonic's damage.
Magus screwed my bracket over. Yay!
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/16/2005 7:01:12 PM | Message Detail
Heh, Sonic and Mega Man practically switched their vote totals from the previous update.
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are the same thing."