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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 238
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:04:20 PM | Message Detail
% boost, but no change, indeed. This is turning into a pretty fun
match up after all. Kirby has gone completely uber this contest. It's
ridiculous to think that in 2002 he was so weak that he lost to Jill...
The little guy's strength has inflated ^_^
Or Cecil, Tidus and Bowser could just be that weak. :P
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
Or Cecil, Tidus and Bowser could just be that weak. :P
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:05:39 PM | Message Detail
Bowser is just not godly like many think he is !
No one thinks he's godly... just strong. His performance on Seph, showed that, and he backed that up with a decimation of Ryu.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
No one thinks he's godly... just strong. His performance on Seph, showed that, and he backed that up with a decimation of Ryu.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: NewLib
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:06:02 PM | Message Detail
No Bowser is still strong. Look if you take Bowser's Spring numbers, it
actually portrays everyone else fairly realistic. Going much lower
makes Ryu and Tidus look much worst than they were in 2004.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
From: bigkevinm84
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:06:02 PM | Message Detail
Speaking of Jill vs. Kirby 2002, does anyone have any idea what that
picture looked like? I wonder if that had anything to do with it, along
with the 3 vs. 14 seed disadvantage.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:06:27 PM | Message Detail
God... Kirby increased, it's A LOT more plausible than saying Bowser is just that weak.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:07:08 PM | Message Detail
Meh... a measely 5 votes.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: bigkevinm84
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:08:02 PM | Message Detail
Better than 50/50..
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:08:14 PM | Message Detail
You know, Kirby seems to rise to the level of his competition annually.
He was stronger than Jill in 2003. He might've been stronger than
Alucard in 2004. He's acting like he's stronger than Squall here in
2005. Next year, he'll be above Bowser. Bank on it.
Or maybe Kirby's fanbase is just that dedicated. He's gotten about 45% or more in every loss. You know how many other characters can make such a claim? Link and Cloud. That's it.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Or maybe Kirby's fanbase is just that dedicated. He's gotten about 45% or more in every loss. You know how many other characters can make such a claim? Link and Cloud. That's it.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:11:05 PM | Message Detail
What the Mongolian Monkey is going on?
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: Habito
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:11:14 PM | Message Detail
And Bowser finally bites back by picking up 21.
"Waspinator has a headache in his whole body" - Waspinator, Transformers: Beast Wars
I newb me wanna ask newb question - mjbolin
"Waspinator has a headache in his whole body" - Waspinator, Transformers: Beast Wars
I newb me wanna ask newb question - mjbolin
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:11:20 PM | Message Detail
If Bowser is just that strong, though, at this rate it seems, once
again, to argue for the adjustment rather than the unadjustment. I
mean, wouldn't unadjusted Tidus put Bowser obscenely low?
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Master Moltar
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:11:35 PM | Message Detail
Or maybe Kirby's fanbase is just that dedicated.
Thank you. Us Kirby fans do love to support our Puffball in his times of need.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Kirby vs. Bowser - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Kirby (68/76)
Thank you. Us Kirby fans do love to support our Puffball in his times of need.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Kirby vs. Bowser - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Kirby (68/76)
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:13:34 PM | Message Detail
The higher Kirby goes, the more Tidus looks like his adjusted value, which makes Mario look really good.
Heck, based off of Spring Contest Bowser, Tidus is now ABOVE his 2004 adjusted value, albeit only slightly.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Heck, based off of Spring Contest Bowser, Tidus is now ABOVE his 2004 adjusted value, albeit only slightly.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: NewLib
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:14:47 PM | Message Detail
Actually Tidus unadjusted puts Bowser ABOVE his 2k4 level.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:14:49 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, but if the adjustment was correct, that means that Mario is now
going to easily beat Samus...and Sephiroth, for that matter.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:15:00 PM | Message Detail
God... Kirby increased, it's A LOT more plausible than saying Bowser is just that weak.
0_o My comment was a joke, as denoted by the (:P) symbol...lighten up a little.
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
0_o My comment was a joke, as denoted by the (:P) symbol...lighten up a little.
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
From: Kyle Bowen
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:15:05 PM | Message Detail
All this fancy smancy talk.
I trust Sir Crono, what he says goes.
I trust Sir Crono, what he says goes.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:15:59 PM | Message Detail
Actually Tidus unadjusted puts Bowser ABOVE his 2k4 level.
I meant in comparison to Spring Bowser, which for all intents and purposes has been touted as a GOD compared to his earlier incarnations.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
I meant in comparison to Spring Bowser, which for all intents and purposes has been touted as a GOD compared to his earlier incarnations.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:16:07 PM | Message Detail
Bah, Bowser's starting to win updates again, though not significantly, so Kirby's percentage keeps climbing.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: rpgapzx
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:17:21 PM | Message Detail
Or maybe Kirby's fanbase is just that dedicated. He's gotten about
45% or more in every loss. You know how many other characters can make
such a claim? Link and Cloud. That's it.
Viewtiful Joe!
Spring Contest 2k5 Score: 76/80 T-117th
Viewtiful Joe!
Spring Contest 2k5 Score: 76/80 T-117th
From: bigkevinm84
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:18:04 PM | Message Detail
Or maybe Kirby's fanbase is just that dedicated. He's gotten about
45% or more in every loss. You know how many other characters can make
such a claim? Link and Cloud. That's it.
Wow... you're right... I never took that into mention before. Besides Clink, Kirby is the ONLY character who hasn't gotten blown out... his fanbase must really love him, I know I do.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Wow... you're right... I never took that into mention before. Besides Clink, Kirby is the ONLY character who hasn't gotten blown out... his fanbase must really love him, I know I do.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:18:15 PM | Message Detail
I was referring more to contest staple characters, but meh.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: NewLib
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:18:54 PM | Message Detail
Yeah but if the adjusted stats are correct then Gordon Freeman jumped from 14.37 to 22.67!
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:19:22 PM | Message Detail
Kirby just couldn't keep up the pace...it'll be interesting to see if
he could crack 47%, though. I find it doubtful, but who knows?
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:19:43 PM | Message Detail
I might be wrong, but if you were to put every contest character ever,
I believe that in a worst percentage category, Aya Brea would come out
on top.
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:19:49 PM | Message Detail
What happens when the stats are unadjusted?
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:20:02 PM | Message Detail
Well, he's still getting 47%+ per 5 minute update. I think it depends on how strong Bowser's night vote is.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:20:46 PM | Message Detail
Let's just stop arguing about the adjustments, OK? If what we're seeing
is any indication, the voter pool changed more drastically than ever
and we're going to have to start anew.
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:20:51 PM | Message Detail
Looks like I spoke too soon. 32 vote gain for Kirby.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:20:57 PM | Message Detail
Yeah but if the adjusted stats are correct then Gordon Freeman jumped from 14.37 to 22.67!
...LOL? >_<
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
...LOL? >_<
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: bigkevinm84
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:22:33 PM | Message Detail
I might be wrong, but if you were to put every contest character
ever, I believe that in a worst percentage category, Aya Brea would
come out on top.
.... What?
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
.... What?
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:22:36 PM | Message Detail
Kirby above Bowser next year? All would be right in that world, I'm sure.
No balls to be bustin', no fightin', no cussin'... just a love for a drug called contest statin'.
No balls to be bustin', no fightin', no cussin'... just a love for a drug called contest statin'.
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:22:58 PM | Message Detail
And to think I was laughing my ass off when I saw Kirby with a 1-seed.
He's very much justifying it, when we think of our expectations.
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
"You can't have gone over a kilometer up. 1500 meters, tops." -Samus Aran
"I'll express my love to you slowly, later." -Setzer Gabbiani
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:23:36 PM | Message Detail
O_o My comment was a joke, as denoted by the (:P) symbol...lighten up a little.
Not everyone else was.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
Not everyone else was.
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: Starion
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:24:03 PM | Message Detail
I can believe that Kirby's fanbase is very dedicated. Correct me if I
am wrong but isn't the pink puffball the 4th strongest Nintendo lead
character? There's the question of Fox and DK but I don't see them
ranking higher than Kirby.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:24:42 PM | Message Detail
Man, I would LOVE to see Kirby/Dante now.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Ars Arcanum13
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:24:57 PM | Message Detail
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
Explicit Content
Back on even a crappier name!
From: NewLib
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:25:14 PM | Message Detail
Kirby is by far the fourth strongest Nintendo lead.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Gordon Freeman; 2. Mega Man
From: Safer Sephiroth 777
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:26:00 PM | Message Detail
Who are the other 3?Mario,Samus and Bowser?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:26:13 PM | Message Detail
Link, duh.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:26:21 PM | Message Detail
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:26:26 PM | Message Detail
Who else besides Kirby would be the fourth strongest lead anyway? The
only competition he has are Ness, DK and Fox. Chumps compared to him.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:27:08 PM | Message Detail
You could try to argue for Yoshi...but even then, I'd take Kirby over Yoshi.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:27:41 PM | Message Detail
Who are the other 3?Mario,Samus and Bowser?
Bowser's a villain. Mario, Samus, and Link are three he was talking about I believe.
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
Bowser's a villain. Mario, Samus, and Link are three he was talking about I believe.
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
From: Master Moltar
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:27:58 PM | Message Detail
Kirby vs. Yoshi....I'd cry if that match were to happen.
It should end in a tie, they both move on and face the next opponent.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Kirby vs. Bowser - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Kirby (68/76)
It should end in a tie, they both move on and face the next opponent.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Kirby vs. Bowser - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Kirby (68/76)
From: Safer Sephiroth 777
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:28:04 PM | Message Detail
Ah damn,there are too many Nintendo characters.Well whatever.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:28:06 PM | Message Detail
Yoshi's a side character like Luigi. In my opinion anyway.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:28:09 PM | Message Detail
Yoshi generally isn't considered a lead character, even with SMW2 and Yoshi's Story.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Devil Division Final: (5)Vincent Valentine
From: Kyle Bowen
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:28:30 PM | Message Detail
I would still take Squall over Kirby.
I am too much a fanboy, and still unconvinced of Kirbys massive increase.
I am too much a fanboy, and still unconvinced of Kirbys massive increase.
From: bigkevinm84
| Posted: 9/8/2005 2:30:54 PM | Message Detail
Kirby vs. Yoshi....I'd cry if that match were to happen.
It should end in a tie, they both move on and face the next opponent.
Indeed, that match would be awful. Kirby is a bit stronger, and I don't mind that, but if the two had to face off, that match just wouldn't be right. I hope it never happens, I love them both.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.
It should end in a tie, they both move on and face the next opponent.
Indeed, that match would be awful. Kirby is a bit stronger, and I don't mind that, but if the two had to face off, that match just wouldn't be right. I hope it never happens, I love them both.
Vote for Yoshi
You have no chance to survive make your time.