Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 226
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:41:06 PM | Message Detail
It's just like Ganon vs. Auron, nothing much happening.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: dragoontheguy
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:41:06 PM | Message Detail
Considering how eradic the poll has been I guess one side could have
some really huge cheating, but I wouldn't count on it. This match is
likely too one sided for any cheating to affect the outcome, and cjayc
only tends to mention cheat vote when they turn the tide of the match.
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Please sign this petition for a history board:
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:41:58 PM | Message Detail
Well, he mentioned StarCraft's excessive cheating in the SSBM match
(though I'd wager it's because it was blatantly obvious and he had to
say SOMETHING), and he didn't remove votes.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: transience
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:42:43 PM | Message Detail
is anybody getting logged out like with Auron/Ganon/CATS?
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:42:45 PM | Message Detail
*waits for CJayC to remove 8k votes from Vincent*
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:43:46 PM | Message Detail
I just tried, and I didn't log out.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:43:49 PM | Message Detail
This doesn't seem to be like Auron/Ganon. Seems like removing votes could be in order.
From: dragoontheguy
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:44:02 PM | Message Detail
Watch as in the next update dante is replaced by alucard who has 95% of the votes.
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From: cyko
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:44:19 PM | Message Detail
oh man. there's a whole section on FF7 and it's spinoffs in this EGM.
Vincent looks ******* awesome in Dirge of Cerberus. after that game
comes out, i can definitely see him at or near elite levels.
oh, and Before Crisis also looks like it will be very cool. ya gotta love the Turks. and Crisis Core for PSP is supposed to be about Zack's story, apparently. imagine the possibilites for 2K5. we could see: Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Vincent, Aeris, Barret, Yuffie, Reno, Rude, AND Zack.
"Start wearing purple, for me now. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, i promise. It's just a matter of time..."
oh, and Before Crisis also looks like it will be very cool. ya gotta love the Turks. and Crisis Core for PSP is supposed to be about Zack's story, apparently. imagine the possibilites for 2K5. we could see: Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Vincent, Aeris, Barret, Yuffie, Reno, Rude, AND Zack.
"Start wearing purple, for me now. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, i promise. It's just a matter of time..."
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:46:21 PM | Message Detail
For the record, Auron/Ganondorf was down for 45 minutes. This poll has now been down for 40.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: transience
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:46:31 PM | Message Detail
despite no company caps, more than four characters from one game seems
a little much to me. that's probably why Aeris didn't make it.
if these FF7 games actually do come out, it's possible we'll get five or six. I can't imagine eight, though.
if these FF7 games actually do come out, it's possible we'll get five or six. I can't imagine eight, though.
From: FastFalcon05
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:47:33 PM | Message Detail
Watch as in the next update dante is replaced by alucard who has 95% of the votes.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~Old Klingon Proverb
Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~Old Klingon Proverb
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:48:25 PM | Message Detail
Next update will be CATS winning with 100%
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:49:35 PM | Message Detail
I think people should e-mail CJayC if he doesn't know anything about it or this could end up like SotN vs. PD
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:50:24 PM | Message Detail
Poll is still frozen. WTF
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:50:52 PM | Message Detail
I think people should e-mail CJayC if he doesn't know anything about it or this could end up like SotN vs. PD
What happened in that match?
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
What happened in that match?
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: dragoontheguy
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:52:08 PM | Message Detail
I think I remember harrich saying when gannon vs. auron wasn't working
that if enough people go go to an extension like
gamefaqs.com/poll_not_working or something cjayc well get messages
about the link not working. Is that true? If so we should give it a try.
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Please sign this petition for a history board:
From: greatone10
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:52:35 PM | Message Detail
At least we know that CATS isn't at fault this time.
BertTheOne | Can't hurt this Bert
Never eat a stoner. We have powers you havent even seen!
BertTheOne | Can't hurt this Bert
Never eat a stoner. We have powers you havent even seen!
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:54:17 PM | Message Detail
What happened in that match?
The poll didn't update for like 10 hours or something and when CJayC fixed it he made a post saying that he didn't know about this problem until late afternoon.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
The poll didn't update for like 10 hours or something and when CJayC fixed it he made a post saying that he didn't know about this problem until late afternoon.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Team Rocket Elite
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:55:25 PM | Message Detail
HaRRicH was kidding about the "poll not working" link. A topic on MBH might work though.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: Mithrandir1331
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:55:26 PM | Message Detail
That's what he said about Jill/Ryu also I believe, that no one had told him it was happening.
Carpe Diem, or so some may say. I don't really know.
Carpe Diem, or so some may say. I don't really know.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:56:57 PM | Message Detail
I cannot believe that many people decided to side with Knuckles. Man, I'm looking forward to Squall giving him a beat down.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: dragoontheguy
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:57:23 PM | Message Detail
HaRRicH was kidding about the "poll not working" link.
Wow, I'm dense. >_>
MBH is a good idea, but do the mods have any way of contacting cjayc quickly?
Please sign this petition for a history board:
Wow, I'm dense. >_>
MBH is a good idea, but do the mods have any way of contacting cjayc quickly?
Please sign this petition for a history board:
From: SonicRaptor
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:58:21 PM | Message Detail
I cannot believe that many people decided to side with Knuckles. Man, I'm looking forward to Squall giving him a beat down.
And I'm looking forward to a match that could go either way. I'll be voting Knuckles and hope he gets it.
Today's subliminal thought is:
And I'm looking forward to a match that could go either way. I'll be voting Knuckles and hope he gets it.
Today's subliminal thought is:
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:58:40 PM | Message Detail
Cloud would need a miracle to win this year.
There won't be any miracles performed, but Cloud shall still emerge victorious.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
There won't be any miracles performed, but Cloud shall still emerge victorious.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:59:29 PM | Message Detail
Cloud isn't doing anything against Link.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:59:30 PM | Message Detail
I've already made topic.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 8:59:56 PM | Message Detail
And I'm looking forward to a match that could go either way.
Then it'd be best for you to look elsewhere. This match will never be in question.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Then it'd be best for you to look elsewhere. This match will never be in question.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:00:21 PM | Message Detail
Cloud isn't doing anything against Link.
Except for winning.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Except for winning.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: mr_BRIAN
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:01:09 PM | Message Detail
People expect Knuckles to win? O.o
...Whatever. No points for them... or me >_>
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
...Whatever. No points for them... or me >_>
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:01:35 PM | Message Detail
Cloud isn't winning anything except a first round loss to Link.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:01:56 PM | Message Detail
...Why does Cloud need a miracle? 5000 votes isn't an impossible margin to overcome.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:02:16 PM | Message Detail
First round loss? That's impossible considering Cloud will be winning the Tournament of Champions.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:02:33 PM | Message Detail
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/30/2005 9:01:56 PM | Message Detail
...Why does Cloud need a miracle? 5000 votes isn't an impossible margin to overcome.
Because the main argument for the Cloud > Link upset is gone.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
...Why does Cloud need a miracle? 5000 votes isn't an impossible margin to overcome.
Because the main argument for the Cloud > Link upset is gone.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:02:52 PM | Message Detail
It's because of that massive, massive Nintendo boost.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:03:09 PM | Message Detail
Once again, it's 5000 votes. That's not an impossible margin to overcome. He doesn't need ANYTHING to do it.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:03:14 PM | Message Detail
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted: 8/30/2005 9:02:16 PM | Message Detail
First round loss? That's impossible considering Cloud will be winning the Tournament of Champions.
On the contrary, Cloud won't be doing anything of the sort.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
First round loss? That's impossible considering Cloud will be winning the Tournament of Champions.
On the contrary, Cloud won't be doing anything of the sort.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:05:14 PM | Message Detail
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted: 8/30/2005 9:02:52 PM | Message Detail
It's because of that massive, massive Nintendo boost.
Yes, because FFVII has been impressing so much. Especially today.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
It's because of that massive, massive Nintendo boost.
Yes, because FFVII has been impressing so much. Especially today.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: Team Rocket Elite
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:05:14 PM | Message Detail
MBH is a good idea, but do the mods have any way of contacting cjayc quickly?
No, but CJayC sometimes passes through and Sailor Bacon is there fairly often.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
No, but CJayC sometimes passes through and Sailor Bacon is there fairly often.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:05:30 PM | Message Detail
Hey, there we go.
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:05:50 PM | Message Detail
Because the main argument for the Cloud > Link upset is gone.
He never needed Advent Children in order to win in the first place. Even when I argued how much it would help him, I always stated he wouldn't need it to overcome Link's 4533 vote win in 2004 -- take note of the amount he won by, it's nothing that is insurmountable.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
He never needed Advent Children in order to win in the first place. Even when I argued how much it would help him, I always stated he wouldn't need it to overcome Link's 4533 vote win in 2004 -- take note of the amount he won by, it's nothing that is insurmountable.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:06:09 PM | Message Detail
Just updated. I guess it was just a glitch or something. It was still accepting votes.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:06:33 PM | Message Detail
278 for Vincent
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:07:11 PM | Message Detail
...Why does Cloud need a miracle? 5000 votes isn't an impossible margin to overcome.
2k4 saw his KHF fading, albeit only by a little.
If it fades a little more this year, all hope is lost.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
2k4 saw his KHF fading, albeit only by a little.
If it fades a little more this year, all hope is lost.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:07:15 PM | Message Detail
Vincent got 54.66% of the votes there, and yet he only went up .02%. I guess it's because there aren't as many votes coming in.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:07:53 PM | Message Detail
2k4 saw his KHF fading, albeit only by a little.
As far as we can tell.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
As far as we can tell.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 2: (3) Mag...Er...(6) Knuckles the Echidna
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:08:16 PM | Message Detail
Whew. I'm glad the poll didn't lose any votes because of that.
Yes, because FFVII has been impressing so much. Especially today.
Vincent underperformed expectations of people who were putting him at a level that would give him a chance against Crono. I'm positive that Dante has increased from his 2004 value. Vincent shouldn't be that far off from my original projection before the contest.
But the "impressing" you speak of will happen when Tifa beats Sonic... and Mega Man. Oh, sorry, I might be "overestimating" FFVII again. =p
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
Yes, because FFVII has been impressing so much. Especially today.
Vincent underperformed expectations of people who were putting him at a level that would give him a chance against Crono. I'm positive that Dante has increased from his 2004 value. Vincent shouldn't be that far off from my original projection before the contest.
But the "impressing" you speak of will happen when Tifa beats Sonic... and Mega Man. Oh, sorry, I might be "overestimating" FFVII again. =p
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:09:15 PM | Message Detail
2k4 saw his KHF fading, albeit only by a little.
That didn't appear to affect Cloud at all.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
That didn't appear to affect Cloud at all.
Sullen and unrefined; only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. His fighting moves, while rough and unpolished, are executed with absolute precision.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:09:21 PM | Message Detail
But the "impressing" you speak of will happen when Tifa beats
Sonic... and Mega Man. Oh, sorry, I might be "overestimating" FFVII
again. =p
Tifa will be brought back down to earth when she fails to break 60% on Luigi.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
Tifa will be brought back down to earth when she fails to break 60% on Luigi.
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/54 points
Current Match Prediction: Magus vs. Squall Leonhart
From: dragoontheguy
| Posted: 8/30/2005 9:10:41 PM | Message Detail
Right now I think that it's likely that FFVII is much like
streetfighter, in the sense that it has a lot of characters who are at
about the same level of strength outside the biggest powerhouse (or
biggest two powerhouses in this case). Tifa, Aeris, and vincent are
probably very close to each other in strength.
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