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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 225
From: Phediuk
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:14:31 AM | Message Detail
So, anyone think that Knuckles has even a miniscule chance of winning tomorrow?
I guess Ulti's gonna have to eat some crow, too. Remember how you said you were saving the posts of everyone who thought Squall would beat Magus so you could laugh at them when the match came? :)
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
I guess Ulti's gonna have to eat some crow, too. Remember how you said you were saving the posts of everyone who thought Squall would beat Magus so you could laugh at them when the match came? :)
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: TheCruelAngel
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:16:47 AM | Message Detail
Oh, yes. I remember that very well. It's a shame that we didn't archive some of those posts.
Well, actually, there is this...
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/18/2005 2:11:59 PM | Message Detail
It's funny to watch a couple of vocal (and delusional) Squall fans actually convince people that Magus will take a drop based off of complete joke/fodder characters and their unreliable inconsistency.
If Magus gets more than 55% of the vote, can I reserve the right to just rub in all of your faces until the end of time? Not that I won't do it anyway after Magus wins, but still. You vastly underestimate the fact that most people hate Squall's guts.
I'm sorry, Ulti, but I'm easily amused. :P
Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!?
Squall: ...Flower.
Well, actually, there is this...
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/18/2005 2:11:59 PM | Message Detail
It's funny to watch a couple of vocal (and delusional) Squall fans actually convince people that Magus will take a drop based off of complete joke/fodder characters and their unreliable inconsistency.
If Magus gets more than 55% of the vote, can I reserve the right to just rub in all of your faces until the end of time? Not that I won't do it anyway after Magus wins, but still. You vastly underestimate the fact that most people hate Squall's guts.
I'm sorry, Ulti, but I'm easily amused. :P
Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!?
Squall: ...Flower.
From: Hufsa
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:17:53 AM | Message Detail
This isn't terribly surprising. Anyone who thought Terra was weaker
than Kerrigan was nuts. Of course, so was anyone who thought Dante was
weaker than Kerrigan, ie. me. Needless to say, I still think Vincent
will look decent against Squall, and Tifa will outperform Aeris on
Sonic. SC2K5 just got a lot less interesting with today's match, though.
There's always someone better.
There's always someone better.
From: Kyle Bowen
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:18:25 AM | Message Detail
From: Hufsa
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:18:52 AM | Message Detail
*Dante was weaker than Terra
See, the idea is so ludicrous I can't even type it our properly.
There's always someone better.
See, the idea is so ludicrous I can't even type it our properly.
There's always someone better.
From: andaca
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:21:12 AM | Message Detail
I think Knuckles has a serious chance of winning tomorrow. I think he
rose, and I think the adjusted stats from 2k4 overestimate Squall quite
a bit. Crono v. Magus was shown to not be nearly as much of a SFF
affair as we thought, and they are both from the same game. Cloud v.
Squall may not have had nearly the SFF that we once believed. The
general screwiness of the adjusted stats in general this year lends
further precedent to that. I think it more than possible that Squall
over-performed on Samus just as Magus apparently over-performed on
Link, even if i can't really explain it. But hell, people say that
Magus over-performed massively on Link all because of a sprite
(although the gap is so large as to be nonsensical), so I'm sure
they'll think up something equally as silly to explain away the glaring
holes in the stats if Knuckles makes it a close race tomorrow, or, God
forbid, wins.
Squall getting more than 53 percent would surprise me....and while I expect him to win, I'm not going to be surprised at all if I wake up tomorrow to see an echidna in the lead.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
Squall getting more than 53 percent would surprise me....and while I expect him to win, I'm not going to be surprised at all if I wake up tomorrow to see an echidna in the lead.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:22:30 AM | Message Detail
I think Knuckles has a serious chance of winning tomorrow. I think
he rose, and I think the adjusted stats from 2k4 overestimate Squall
quite a bit.
I thought that, too, until Kirby killed Tidus. There's simply no way Squall loses tomorrow, though he could get anywhere between 53-63%. I'd expect him to take it with 58% or so.
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
I thought that, too, until Kirby killed Tidus. There's simply no way Squall loses tomorrow, though he could get anywhere between 53-63%. I'd expect him to take it with 58% or so.
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:24:41 AM | Message Detail
I expect it to be a 55-45 match in Squall's favor. Squall's no Snake,
and Knuckles will really be able to exploit Square's weakness with the
day vote.
That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end.
ZSB [aX]
That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end.
ZSB [aX]
From: FourthDeus
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:27:27 AM | Message Detail
I'm having the same feeling about Knux's match tomorrow that I had
about his match with Magus. Looking at the match pic, I find it hard to
believe the casual voter could look at both of those pictures, and not
prefer Knuckles.
I don't think the new group of voters lean so much towards Nintendo as they do towards old-school in general.
Never forget. Never forgive.
I don't think the new group of voters lean so much towards Nintendo as they do towards old-school in general.
Never forget. Never forgive.
From: Keno316
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:34:29 AM | Message Detail
If Knuckles wins the Devil Division, and Snake beats Bowser, then I'll
be a firm believer that Knuckles/Snake cannot lose this contest without
facing each other...Which means we'd be seeing Solid Snake in the ToC...
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair & Millia Rage*
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair & Millia Rage*
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:35:28 AM | Message Detail
Well, it's now almost certain I'll lose the bet unless Dante falls
apart, but Vincent appears to have put the match itself out of reach.
Interesting note, the match is almost exactly on pace with
Crono/Vercetti, it's about 500 votes behind.
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
Vincent WILL break 60% on Dante.
(Place Holder for sig bet with YoYoChamp made 3/24/05)
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:46:17 AM | Message Detail
Come on Dante don't let Vincent push you under 46%
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: andaca
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:53:20 AM | Message Detail
I thought that, too, until Kirby killed Tidus.
I was hesitant to think Knuckles has a chance precisely because of that, but I'm inclined to think along the same lines as Deus - namely, that there has been some swing towards the old school voting block, which would clearly benefit Knuckles ,ore than Squall. Add to that the fact that Kirby had every reason to increase and Tidus had no reason to increase at all, and the fact that Nintendo characters seem to have been doing better than we expected (Knuckles being one of the adoptive children of Nintendo). I'm still thinking that Squall will win, but I'm not placing much weight on that claim.
In order for Knuckles to take down Magus the way he did without increasing (or Magus decreasing, which seems to me even more unlikely), there would have had to have been absolutely no SFF in Crono v. Magus. A pumped up echidna v. a likely overrated amnesiac? It could go either way.
And I would eat my own shoe if Squall made it to 58 percent on Knuckles. That just isn't going to happen. It Squall clears 53 percent he'd be exceeding my expectations.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
I was hesitant to think Knuckles has a chance precisely because of that, but I'm inclined to think along the same lines as Deus - namely, that there has been some swing towards the old school voting block, which would clearly benefit Knuckles ,ore than Squall. Add to that the fact that Kirby had every reason to increase and Tidus had no reason to increase at all, and the fact that Nintendo characters seem to have been doing better than we expected (Knuckles being one of the adoptive children of Nintendo). I'm still thinking that Squall will win, but I'm not placing much weight on that claim.
In order for Knuckles to take down Magus the way he did without increasing (or Magus decreasing, which seems to me even more unlikely), there would have had to have been absolutely no SFF in Crono v. Magus. A pumped up echidna v. a likely overrated amnesiac? It could go either way.
And I would eat my own shoe if Squall made it to 58 percent on Knuckles. That just isn't going to happen. It Squall clears 53 percent he'd be exceeding my expectations.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
From: andaca
| Posted: 8/30/2005 10:55:37 AM | Message Detail
To preempt the criticism - since Knuckles likely increased, there could
have been some SFF in Magus v. Crono. Just very, very little.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
From: The n00b Avenger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:00:44 AM | Message Detail
Took him long enough...
"No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do." - Tom Cruise
"No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do." - Tom Cruise
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:01:05 AM | Message Detail
noooo don't fall another .01% (he'll probably will though). Well 55% may be out of reach for Vincent.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
noooo don't fall another .01% (he'll probably will though). Well 55% may be out of reach for Vincent.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Heroic Viktor
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:06:17 AM | Message Detail
This match has been very static since the first hour. How delightfully
boring. And Knux has no shot tomorrow folks. Squall will pick up votes
from being a hero, votes that the sidekick Magus was unable to gain.
Knux, not being a hero himself, will not gain those votes. Even if
Squall and Magus were dead equal in the X-Stats, I would fully expect
Squall to outperform Magus. I will be shocked if tomorrow is ever in
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/2005
SC2k5 - 47/52 (Kefka, Magus, Ocelot, Tidus)
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/2005
SC2k5 - 47/52 (Kefka, Magus, Ocelot, Tidus)
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:07:08 AM | Message Detail
Don't forget that Vincent's last match was 3 weeks ago. The voting
trends could have changed with school and college starting for a lot of
MM are my INITIALS "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
MM are my INITIALS "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:33:46 AM | Message Detail
How does Kirby killing Tidus have anything whatsoever to do with Squall vs Knuckles?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Opiate109
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:34:45 AM | Message Detail
How does Kirby killing Tidus have anything whatsoever to do with Squall vs Knuckles?
I guess since Squall beat Kirby. They seem to forget about the existence of the DS, however.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
I guess since Squall beat Kirby. They seem to forget about the existence of the DS, however.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
From: qweasdfqwe
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:35:04 AM | Message Detail
a valid question ulti.
You can have your opinion...
...it's wrong, but you can still have it
You can have your opinion...
...it's wrong, but you can still have it
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:37:12 AM | Message Detail
I guess since Squall beat Kirby. They seem to forget about the existence of the DS, however.
Well, duh, we HAVE to ignore the only DS game that is called the handheld's only must-have by countless reviewers.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Well, duh, we HAVE to ignore the only DS game that is called the handheld's only must-have by countless reviewers.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: andaca
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:37:49 AM | Message Detail
How does Kirby killing Tidus have anything whatsoever to do with Squall vs Knuckles?
Kirby smashed Tidus, Kirby himself was beaten soundly by Squall in 2k4. Presumably, if Kirby is at least at his value that the adjusted stats show for 2k4, then Squall, the person he is traced through, should not be far off from what the adjusted put him at as well.
Yet, as has been mentioned, this completely ignores the existence of the DS.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
Kirby smashed Tidus, Kirby himself was beaten soundly by Squall in 2k4. Presumably, if Kirby is at least at his value that the adjusted stats show for 2k4, then Squall, the person he is traced through, should not be far off from what the adjusted put him at as well.
Yet, as has been mentioned, this completely ignores the existence of the DS.
Hail to the Queen of Blades.
From: Opiate109
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:38:00 AM | Message Detail
Well, duh, we HAVE to ignore the only DS game that is called the handheld's only must-have by countless reviewers.
Exactly. Besides, it's not like the DS sold well >_>
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
Exactly. Besides, it's not like the DS sold well >_>
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:38:03 AM | Message Detail
How does Kirby killing Tidus have anything whatsoever to do with Squall vs Knuckles?
Probably because of Magus.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
Probably because of Magus.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:40:40 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, I know, it's not tripling the PSP in worldwide sales, AT ALL.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:41:01 AM | Message Detail
Squall beat Kirby, who smashed Tidus, which should prove that he wasn't
overrated in 2k4 thanks to our SFF adjustments. If anything, he's
underrated, because he's been behind SFF for two years now. Kirby
beating Tidus also reinforces the idea that Magus and Tidus were never
that high to begin with, meaning that Knuckles probably isn't all too
far from his 2k4 value. Two things from one match that point to an easy
victory for Squall en route to him beating Vincent.
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" ~ Lenneth Valkyrie
From: Opiate109
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:41:23 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, I know, it's not tripling the PSP in worldwide sales, AT ALL.
You totally get it.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
You totally get it.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:42:13 AM | Message Detail
Oh, I forgot to mention that there's obviously blantant vote stuffing,
and around 2:45 my time Ceej will make a topic and remove enough votes
from Vincent to make Dante win with exactly 19 votes. Yep.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Lucid Faia
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:42:19 AM | Message Detail
I feel like reposting.
From: Lucid Faia | Posted: 8/30/2005 2:18:07 PM | Message Detail
I totally called this.
"Dante/Vincent will be relatively close. It won't be 70/30, and anyone who thinks otherwise should have their predicting priveledges revoked. It won't even be 60/40." - Me
And the response I got was something like this.
"lol that not wut the xstats say"
"right... and Kerrigan would struggle with Guybrush"
"Even putting Kerrigan around Freeman's level means Vincent is as strong as Zero and Ganondorf"
Told you so. :P
2nd Place, Spring Contest 2005
World Champion: Gyruss, Link's Awakening, Mega Man X, Solstice, Super Mario World, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
From: Lucid Faia | Posted: 8/30/2005 2:18:07 PM | Message Detail
I totally called this.
"Dante/Vincent will be relatively close. It won't be 70/30, and anyone who thinks otherwise should have their predicting priveledges revoked. It won't even be 60/40." - Me
And the response I got was something like this.
"lol that not wut the xstats say"
"right... and Kerrigan would struggle with Guybrush"
"Even putting Kerrigan around Freeman's level means Vincent is as strong as Zero and Ganondorf"
Told you so. :P
2nd Place, Spring Contest 2005
World Champion: Gyruss, Link's Awakening, Mega Man X, Solstice, Super Mario World, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:43:07 AM | Message Detail
Have I metioned how sexy Lucid is lately?
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:43:26 AM | Message Detail
As well as the DS has done, has Canvas Curse really moved that many units?
And how well did Kirby's adjusted predict him against Tidus' unadjusted?
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
And how well did Kirby's adjusted predict him against Tidus' unadjusted?
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Opiate109
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:44:18 AM | Message Detail
As well as the DS has done, has Canvas Curse really moved that many units?
Hellz yeah. And look at the reviews it's getting, everywhere. It's looking to become a classic.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
Hellz yeah. And look at the reviews it's getting, everywhere. It's looking to become a classic.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
From: Nai
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:48:21 AM | Message Detail
Kirby rose because of both Canvas Course and the general Nintendo
characters increase. Tidus is the main character of a Final Fantasy
game that was for many fans disappointing... and it's a game of some
years ago, so his popularity is clearily descending.
So, this doesn't make Kirby a powerful character for the contest. He's going down to Bowser in the Division Final, in fact.
Currently playing: Killer7 [GC] + Yoshi Touch & Go [DS]
So, this doesn't make Kirby a powerful character for the contest. He's going down to Bowser in the Division Final, in fact.
Currently playing: Killer7 [GC] + Yoshi Touch & Go [DS]
From: transience
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:48:32 AM | Message Detail
EC is sexing up the whole stats topic lately.
I see nothing unexpected has happened.. we'll see if Dante can keep it under 54%. it looks like 54% is a good guess as to where this will end.
not bad, Dante. not bad.
I see nothing unexpected has happened.. we'll see if Dante can keep it under 54%. it looks like 54% is a good guess as to where this will end.
not bad, Dante. not bad.
From: FourthDeus
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:49:04 AM | Message Detail
Hellz yeah. And look at the reviews it's getting, everywhere. It's looking to become a classic.
You don't actually look up sales figures do you?
The month of Kirby: Canvas Curse's release showed the DS reach its lowest in terms of units sold. Hell, Kirby was outsold by Coded Arms and Midnight Club 3.
Never forget. Never forgive.
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:50:00 AM | Message Detail
I have been known to sex one or two things in my day.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:50:39 AM | Message Detail
...Every day.
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:51:34 AM | Message Detail
Sales don't have much to do with popularity on GameFAQs.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:53:01 AM | Message Detail
I was more wondering the number of units sold, rather than the rank of
the game...seeing as how GameFAQs' audience can potentially make up a
proportionally greater amount of a game's audience than one might
think. Alucard's popularity, for instance, is a fine example of this.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:53:33 AM | Message Detail
As are the lack of popularity of Master Chief, CJ and Vercetti.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: FourthDeus
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:54:08 AM | Message Detail
No, sales don't matter with popularity here. I have no doubt that Kirby
got a boost from Canvas Curse, and I'm almost positive that it got a
boost mostly from people who haven't even played it.
Never forget. Never forgive.
Never forget. Never forgive.
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:54:18 AM | Message Detail
And the 3% boost Dante gained from a poor selling DMC3.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:54:31 AM | Message Detail
See, what I meant, but more succinctly. Thing is, there's a threshold
it has to cross before it can conceivably affect even the GameFAQs
population on a considerable level, and I was wondering if it had
passed that.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Opiate109
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:55:43 AM | Message Detail
See, what I meant, but more succinctly. Thing is, there's a
threshold it has to cross before it can conceivably affect even the
GameFAQs population on a considerable level, and I was wondering if it
had passed that.
Every Nintendo character with a game on the DS is ripping this contest apart, the DS has clearly affected the contest.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
Every Nintendo character with a game on the DS is ripping this contest apart, the DS has clearly affected the contest.
Wheels within wheels; in a spiral array,
A pattern so grand and complex.
From: Starion
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:55:50 AM | Message Detail
So did it sell poorly or not? Sports games sell a lot more than other
game genres but that doesn't matter in this contest. We just want to
know how well Kirby's game did sales-wise.
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 11:58:22 AM | Message Detail
I don't know why it matters so much... it's been said sales don't matter.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Karma Hunter
| Posted: 8/30/2005 12:00:54 PM | Message Detail
Well, for one, the game's design and recentness makes its sales figures
very reliable in gauging the total audience--you're not going to get
any numbers above what the sales project due to emulating, for
instance. I don't really want to see if it was a blockbuster or even a
big seller. I just want to make sure that the game didn't totally bomb.
If it did, then I'd be skeptical about an increase.
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
Only the Snake is the true hero. Solid Snake to the Final Four!
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/30/2005 12:04:48 PM | Message Detail
All I was able to manage to find was it's sales figures for July which was 49,058. It debuted June 13th in NA.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Starion
| Posted: 8/30/2005 12:05:37 PM | Message Detail
That's only partially true. There is a certain cut-off point (in terms
of sales) that a character requires in order to perform decently enough
in this contest. That's why Laharl is fodder and Alucard isn't an elite