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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 187
From: WHEREEAGLESDARE | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:27:27 PM | Message Detail
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:27:36 PM | Message Detail
These are stats from the 19:00 - 20:00 hour, with the 18:00 - 19:00 hour vote totals for the leader in parenthesis.

Mario/Joanna - 3,330 votes; Mario +2537 (last hour: 2763)
Ness/CJ - 3,278 votes; Ness +1760 (last hour: 1848)
Zero/Ryu H. - 2,966 votes; Zero +1859 (last hour: 2015)
Lloyd/Wesker - 2,666 votes; Lloyd +1485 (last hour: 1505)
Samus/Yuri - 2,863 votes; Samus +2448 (last hour: 2524)
Riku/Frog - 3,680 votes; Frog +1875 (last hour: 1745)
Ganondorf/Yuna - 3,503 votes; Ganondorf +2089 (last hour: 2158)
Auron/Big Boss - 3,055 votes; Auron +2210 (last hour: 2361)
Solid/Manny - 2,862 votes; Snake +2421 (last hour: 2617)
Zelda/Vivi - 3,544 votes; Zelda +2053 (last hour: 2115)
Alucard/Kratos - 2,975 votes; Alucard +1583 (last hour: 1587)
Sora/Agent - 3,007 votes; Sora +2145 (last hour: 2183)
Kirby/Cecil - 3,270 votes; Kirby +2417 (last hour: 2521)
Bowser/Chun - 3,245 votes; Bowser +2013 (last hour: 2195)
Ryu/Rikku - 3,615 votes; Ryu +2025 (last hour: 2110)
M.C./CATS - 3,046 votes; M.C. +2114 (last hour: 2289)
DK/Sam - 2,702 votes; D.K. +1670 (last hour: 1736)
Kefka/Tommy - 4,016 votes; Kefka +2127 (last hour: 2040)

Kefka vs. Tommy has brought in the highest vote totals for that hour of the contest so far, but with a match this close, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise...the notable thing here is that Kefka's vote total for the hour was up from the hour before, a feat matched only by Frog among match leaders. In Frog's case, Riku's vote totals also went up slightly from the 18:00 - 19:00 hour, but in Kefka's case, Vercetti's vote totals dipped from 2,032 to 1,889, which seems fairly in line with what we've seen from most other characters in this contest.
From: sidharta | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:27:43 PM | Message Detail
It's over, Kefka got this one.

The night vote has kicked in, Vercetti no longer has a chance to win.

Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: arkenaga | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:28:17 PM | Message Detail
Hopefully, this match will at least break the top 10 for smallest vote gaps.

FYI, current No. 10 is Mario vs Cloud 2k2 with 277 vote gap.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." ~ Isaac Asimov
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:29:33 PM | Message Detail
Well he does have a chance, but if he wants to win he's going to have to do it soon

*gives Vercetti Remote Gernades*
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:30:34 PM | Message Detail
277? I don't think it'll keep under there without some serious stalling from Vercetti--and if he does that, I fear that he might start pushing back...
I'm about to get sigged by Karma Hunter, and all I'll get is this lousy T-shirt.--Clockwork Dragon
From: sidharta | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:31:11 PM | Message Detail
Hopefully, this match will at least break the top 10 for smallest vote gaps.

FYI, current No. 10 is Mario vs Cloud 2k2 with 277 vote gap.

We can hope, but it's very unlikely to happen.

The night vote has kicked in, and Kefka already has 250+ vote lead.

Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: MyWorldIsSega | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:32:54 PM | Message Detail
It's 246 now.

So by what people are saying, Kefka isn't really doing any running away with the night vore period.
From: benchp300 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:33:35 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 50.13% 45160
Tommy Vercetti 49.87% 44918

Back down to 242. Is Vercetti making one more late push?

The word "noob", and all its variations, lost all meaning Aug. 8 2003, when it was used for the trillionth time by a guy playing Starcraft online.
From: MyWorldIsSega | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:38:47 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 50.13% 45238
Tommy Vercetti 49.87% 45007

231 votes. So, can someone tell me what happened to that night vote that would come and swoop Kefka from the high tower he's trapped in before T. Vercetti went and blew it up?
From: benchp300 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:38:49 PM | Message Detail
Um, where did everyone go? Vercetti IS pushing back again:

Kefka 50.12% 45276
Tommy Vercetti 49.88% 45058

Down to 218.
The word "noob", and all its variations, lost all meaning Aug. 8 2003, when it was used for the trillionth time by a guy playing Starcraft online.
From: arkenaga | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:40:33 PM | Message Detail
Kefka's voters must've gotten complacent.

I said voters, ok? Chill.


"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." ~ Isaac Asimov
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:40:39 PM | Message Detail
231 votes. So, can someone tell me what happened to that night vote that would come and swoop Kefka from the high tower he's trapped in before T. Vercetti went and blew it up?

I didn't hear this an hour ago. = P

And Vercetti can still push back, as I've referenced before (though I remain confident Kefka will win the night vote). But he's got less and less time to pull off another one of his long...long...LONG...comebacks...
I'm about to get sigged by Karma Hunter, and all I'll get is this lousy T-shirt.--Clockwork Dragon
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:41:24 PM | Message Detail
So everytime I give Vercetti a weapon he gains?

because he's done that like 3 or 4 times already

I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: HaRRicH | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:44:01 PM | Message Detail
Just to ask, would anybody take Kefka over Donkey Kong?
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:44:30 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 50.11% 45444
Tommy Vercetti 49.89% 45244

Vercetti ain't givin' up yet.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: benchp300 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:44:54 PM | Message Detail
WAKE UP EVERYONE! It's not over yet:

Kefka 50.11% 45444
Tommy Vercetti 49.89% 45244

Down to 200 again.
The word "noob", and all its variations, lost all meaning Aug. 8 2003, when it was used for the trillionth time by a guy playing Starcraft online.
From: Keno316 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:08 PM | Message Detail
Well, this is getting interesting again...
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair & Millia Rage*
From: alpha door | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:14 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 50.11% 45449
Tommy Vercetti 49.89% 45250

It's (maybe) within 200 again...
Official Chrono Trigger Fan
This line is filler.
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:16 PM | Message Detail
The bastard might have more ammo, but these barriers will not fall again!
Moltar's Comics -
Kefka vs. Tommy V. - Bracket: Kefka - Vote: Kefka (17/18)
From: JonPen1416 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:39 PM | Message Detail
He may try, but I think it's a little too little too late.
I need to put something here.
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:46 PM | Message Detail
Round 1, never. Round 2 or higher, with a better chance of sprite or Angel pic, and I'm much happier with that choice. I'd go for it.

I think Vercetti would actually be ahead right now (though not by much) if he were wearing his Hawaiian shirt, or at least had a more photogenic pic. I'm a big believer in the pic factor, sorry.
I'm about to get sigged by Karma Hunter, and all I'll get is this lousy T-shirt.--Clockwork Dragon
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:45:56 PM | Message Detail
If he can bring this up a little more we could have another 500 topic. (he needs 15 votes/15 minute update)
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:46:20 PM | Message Detail
Uh...Don't look now, but he's under 180.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Mister Mario | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:46:38 PM | Message Detail
Under 200.

He's dropping quickly now.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Master Ness
From: RPGGamer0 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:46:39 PM | Message Detail
He can get a vote a minute...

From: benchp300 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:46:51 PM | Message Detail
Didn't Slowflake already call the match officially over for Kefka? Nobody let him know that Vercetti is coming back again.
The word "noob", and all its variations, lost all meaning Aug. 8 2003, when it was used for the trillionth time by a guy playing Starcraft online.
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:46:52 PM | Message Detail
OK, I'm caught up. This match is ****ing insane. Any account suiciding/admission to cheating/CJayC appearance yet?

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:47:31 PM | Message Detail
The GTA board has admitted to voting multiple times, but other than that...Nah.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:47:35 PM | Message Detail
Didn't you predict a blowout Ulti? ;_;
I'm about to get sigged by Karma Hunter, and all I'll get is this lousy T-shirt.--Clockwork Dragon
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:47:57 PM | Message Detail
OK, I'm caught up. This match is ****ing insane. Any account suiciding/admission to cheating/CJayC appearance yet?

Not yet, but this match just got even better.
I've been Pwned by KoaC. He really is the king of all cosmos.
From: therealmnm | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:48:17 PM | Message Detail
You actually READ through all of these topics? You didn't miss anything but people reporting all the 5-minute updates to the topic, and a bunch of trolls trying to start their own Stats topic threads...
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:48:56 PM | Message Detail
OMG Kefka's holding the barrier!
I'm about to get sigged by Karma Hunter, and all I'll get is this lousy T-shirt.--Clockwork Dragon
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:49:26 PM | Message Detail
160 now.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: meche313 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:49:40 PM | Message Detail
Down to 165 only. I don't like this....
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
From: Adept_Of_Aiur | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:50:02 PM | Message Detail
Ya know, for all the descriptions of close matches causing people to suicide, I've never seen it actually happen.
"All pretty girls are a trap, a pretty trap, and men expect them to be."
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:50:08 PM | Message Detail
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 8/6/2005 11:47:35 PM | Message Detail | #230
Didn't you predict a blowout Ulti? ;_;

Yep. You are never EVER going to see me call a close match obvious beforehand ever again. I owned myself to hell with my writeup.


Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Aprosenf | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:50:22 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 50.08% 45620
Tommy Vercetti 49.92% 45475

Under 150 now.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: Keno316 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:50:24 PM | Message Detail
This is starting to remind me of Crono/Mario II. WOnder if they know the match ends at 12AM PST...
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair & Millia Rage*
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:50:42 PM | Message Detail
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:51:03 PM | Message Detail
Come on, Tommy >_<
Summer 2005 Contest -- Current Score: 17/18
Today's Prediction -- Kefka vs. Tommy Vercetti
From: Mister Mario | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:51:09 PM | Message Detail
These incoming Vercetti votes are quite suspect. Kefka doesn't seem to bve doing anything odd right now, but Vercetti is just getting 4+ votes a second.

Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Master Ness
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:51:27 PM | Message Detail
Down to 145. Maybe God loves me. Ever since I got home, Vercetti has been coming back.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:51:46 PM | Message Detail
Tommy, break the 100 Barrier! Last One to Break!!
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 18/18
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Tommy
From: HaRRicH | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:52:37 PM | Message Detail
Watch CJay take away about 300 cheat-votes from Vercetti, much to the board's pleasure...

...then watch Vercetti barely beat Kefka, much to the boards disgust, heh.

I'm not saying Vercetti's gonna win here, mind you; I will NOT jinx this match.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: meche313 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:52:40 PM | Message Detail
<__< and now Kefka came back.
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:53:20 PM | Message Detail
This may be the only time I ever agree with TG. Though if Kefka wins, he'll just say that he had Kefka winning the entire time.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: smitelf | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:54:24 PM | Message Detail
Hang in there, Kefka!
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
From: Mister Mario | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:54:50 PM | Message Detail
That little Vercetti push seems to be over.
Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Master Ness
From: meche313 | Posted: 8/6/2005 8:55:03 PM | Message Detail
Back to 173, Vercetti's push is ending.
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
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