Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 179
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:13:44 PM | Message Detail
Rikku looks really good...
“Yeah, sure. I always see it. But… who cares? I speak with passion, from the heart! That’s what matters most.”
Laguna Loire
“Yeah, sure. I always see it. But… who cares? I speak with passion, from the heart! That’s what matters most.”
Laguna Loire
From: Eggplant Lord
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:15:48 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, I didn't think Rikku would look good with that pic, but she does O_o
Oh. My. God.
Did the PS2's light just change color...?!
Oh. My. God.
Did the PS2's light just change color...?!
From: meche313
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:17:29 PM | Message Detail
It's time to bump our Oracle predictions a bit lower? <__<
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
From: LordOfDabu
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:18:50 PM | Message Detail
Only if you believe the pictures matters (which it does, but there's a
number who insist it doesn't in order to minimize the errors in the all
time extrapolated statistics).
To be defeated by us is an honor.
To be defeated by us is an honor.
From: creativename
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:19:23 PM | Message Detail
From: Sir Bormun | Posted: 8/2/2005 10:14:15 PM | Message Detail | #100
While the Street Fighters after the second one have been popular, SFII was the highest point of the series... and the only one that I, myself, have played. I don't think Akuma would be weak, but I think his late entrance into the series would prevent him from being stronger than Bison.
Indeed. Akuma would definitely not be weak, he would be a force; but to have absolute faith in him being stronger than Bison is ridiculous.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted: 8/2/2005 8:22:03 PM | Message Detail | #069
What?! How the hell was I wrong about Chun-Li? I called for Bowser to clear 60% with no trouble at all. If anything, I pegged Chun perfectly. Don't confuse me with someone else.
Weren't you one of the people that had complete confidence in Chun-Li being much stronger than Bison?
You seem to have the insane idea that after SF2 there was this large dropoff in the number of people that played Street Fighter.
...? You cannot possibly think that there wasn't. There was a monumental drop-off in the number of people that played Street Fighter games after 2, this is simply historical sales fact. At GameFAQs this drop-off might not be as drastic as among the general gaming population; but it would definitely still be present.
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/2/2005 10:31:18 PM | Message Detail | #114
What's up with these people saying Akuma wouldn't be as popular because he wasn't around during the series's prime? Was Shadow around during the prime of Sonic's series? He's the kind of guy that the casuals love, and he has been well-traveled, despite not being around until SSFIIT. The series did not die then, you know. There are plenty of people who are familiar with who Akuma is. If he was weaker than Bison, it wouldn't be due to lack of recognizability, I can guarantee that.
Different genres.
And if he was weaker than Bison, yes, it would be because of recognizability. Akuma has more core character appeal because of his badassness, which is what you're saying. If he was as well known as Bison he'd probably be much, much stronger.
And sales did not die after 2, which is why they kept making more sequels. But they did experience a big-time drop. SF2 was the peak of the franchise's popularity, and one much higher than anything after it.
While the Street Fighters after the second one have been popular, SFII was the highest point of the series... and the only one that I, myself, have played. I don't think Akuma would be weak, but I think his late entrance into the series would prevent him from being stronger than Bison.
Indeed. Akuma would definitely not be weak, he would be a force; but to have absolute faith in him being stronger than Bison is ridiculous.
From: Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted: 8/2/2005 8:22:03 PM | Message Detail | #069
What?! How the hell was I wrong about Chun-Li? I called for Bowser to clear 60% with no trouble at all. If anything, I pegged Chun perfectly. Don't confuse me with someone else.
Weren't you one of the people that had complete confidence in Chun-Li being much stronger than Bison?
You seem to have the insane idea that after SF2 there was this large dropoff in the number of people that played Street Fighter.
...? You cannot possibly think that there wasn't. There was a monumental drop-off in the number of people that played Street Fighter games after 2, this is simply historical sales fact. At GameFAQs this drop-off might not be as drastic as among the general gaming population; but it would definitely still be present.
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 8/2/2005 10:31:18 PM | Message Detail | #114
What's up with these people saying Akuma wouldn't be as popular because he wasn't around during the series's prime? Was Shadow around during the prime of Sonic's series? He's the kind of guy that the casuals love, and he has been well-traveled, despite not being around until SSFIIT. The series did not die then, you know. There are plenty of people who are familiar with who Akuma is. If he was weaker than Bison, it wouldn't be due to lack of recognizability, I can guarantee that.
Different genres.
And if he was weaker than Bison, yes, it would be because of recognizability. Akuma has more core character appeal because of his badassness, which is what you're saying. If he was as well known as Bison he'd probably be much, much stronger.
And sales did not die after 2, which is why they kept making more sequels. But they did experience a big-time drop. SF2 was the peak of the franchise's popularity, and one much higher than anything after it.
From: Kaxon
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:20:27 PM | Message Detail
I've been thinking about Jay Solano, and I'm worried he may not be
generic enough. After all, Jay has one big thing going for him that
Tanner lacked: a last name. Having no last name definitely made Tanner
even more generic than he would have been otherwise. I'm sure Jay would
be awful in this contest, but I think we might be able to do better (or
worse, as the case may be).
By the way, for those who are in the Oracle Challenge, I know there are some people in this topic who haven't made predictions for the second half of the first round yet. If you want to get them in before CATS/Master Chief, the topic is here:
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Current Score: 13/14 | Today: Bowser over Chun Li
By the way, for those who are in the Oracle Challenge, I know there are some people in this topic who haven't made predictions for the second half of the first round yet. If you want to get them in before CATS/Master Chief, the topic is here:
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Current Score: 13/14 | Today: Bowser over Chun Li
From: PiGuy96
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:21:20 PM | Message Detail
These are a lot of fun to make.
Summer Contest 2005: 13/14
Today: Bowser, Tomorrow: Ryu
These are a lot of fun to make.
Summer Contest 2005: 13/14
Today: Bowser, Tomorrow: Ryu
From: LordOfDabu
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:24:32 PM | Message Detail
About Street Fighter's popularity, remember that when SF II first came
out you'd be lucky to even see the machine due to the massive crowds.
While it is true that arcades are a lot less popular now, even if they hadn't declined it is hard to imagine any SF game being at its old level.
To be defeated by us is an honor.
While it is true that arcades are a lot less popular now, even if they hadn't declined it is hard to imagine any SF game being at its old level.
To be defeated by us is an honor.
From: PiGuy96
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:25:15 PM | Message Detail
Scratch that last one. I like this better.
Summer Contest 2005: 13/14
Today: Bowser, Tomorrow: Ryu
Scratch that last one. I like this better.
Summer Contest 2005: 13/14
Today: Bowser, Tomorrow: Ryu
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:29:23 PM | Message Detail
Wow, after performing incredibly crappily in the Oracle challenge in
the first 13 matches, I might get two top 5 predictions in a row o_O.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/2/2005 9:40:03 PM | Message Detail
Some random facts:
2k3 Ken would get 35.05% on 2k3 Bowser.
Assuming Chun-Li is only slightly weaker than Ken, you can say that the 2k3 X-stats are scarily accurate.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
2k3 Ken would get 35.05% on 2k3 Bowser.
Assuming Chun-Li is only slightly weaker than Ken, you can say that the 2k3 X-stats are scarily accurate.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:00:06 PM | Message Detail
The thing with fighting games is their popularity hit a peak in the
SNES/Genesis era. Tekken and Soul Calibur were able to revitalize it,
but it has never even seen the levels it once did. This is a genre
whose focus isnt on individual characters and its hard to pick a main
character many times. (Ryu is the only obvious main character I can
think of.) Thats why Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat characters do so
much better than anything else here. (Except for Morrigan, but I think
she is a bit overrated by her stats and would be nowhere near that
level in 2005). I even say a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat character
introduced after the the SNES/Genesis era (Akuma or Stryker for
example) would not do nearly as well as the ones who did exist in that
era. It was just the Golden age of fighters.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Tripling Gordon Freeman.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Tripling Gordon Freeman.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:03:22 PM | Message Detail
I really don't see why Akuma would have a recognizability problem. Yes,
sales dropped after SFII, but it's not like they completely died. After
his introduction, Capcom plugged in Akuma anywhere and everywhere they
had the opportunity. The SF Alpha games sold decently well (I believe
SFA3 sold in the neighborhood of 1 million), where Akuma was very
Ken is to Akuma and Knuckles is to Shadow, I would think. Once again, Shadow was introduced after the peak of Sonic's popularity, and he has done just fine.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Ken is to Akuma and Knuckles is to Shadow, I would think. Once again, Shadow was introduced after the peak of Sonic's popularity, and he has done just fine.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:07:25 PM | Message Detail
I even say a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat character introduced
after the the SNES/Genesis era (Akuma or Stryker for example) would not
do nearly as well as the ones who did exist in that era
Akuma was not introduced that late. Super Street Fighter II Turbo was released in 1994, when the Super Nintendo was alive and well. The only problem is that the game wasn't released on any console other than the 3DO (well, until a rerelease on the PSX a few years back).
Regardless, Akuma has been in games that have sold quite well (including any and all of the Capcom crossover fighters).
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Akuma was not introduced that late. Super Street Fighter II Turbo was released in 1994, when the Super Nintendo was alive and well. The only problem is that the game wasn't released on any console other than the 3DO (well, until a rerelease on the PSX a few years back).
Regardless, Akuma has been in games that have sold quite well (including any and all of the Capcom crossover fighters).
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Fearless Magus
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:09:28 PM | Message Detail
Akuma sucks. I say we keep Ryu, Chun, Ken and Bison for next year.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:13:52 PM | Message Detail
This match is 500 behind Tidus/KoAC right now, so it's gonna be a close call for 100,000.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Haste2
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:15:08 PM | Message Detail
M. Bison > Ken? Nah, I believe Ken vs. Samus was Ken's true
strength. Don't give me that Ken vs. Ryu garbage, either (nor bracket
voting...). Hardly anyone would even think of that when voting in the
polls, and most wouldn't even remember enough about the bracket to know
possible setups.
2k3 Ken would get 35.05% on 2k3 Bowser.
That is an interesting way to look at it...I'll keep open for the possibility that Bowser didn't really increase, and that Chun-Li is a bit below Ken. Hey, matches have been predicted almost perfectly one year later, so taking data from two years ago isn't necessarily THAT bad.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
2k3 Ken would get 35.05% on 2k3 Bowser.
That is an interesting way to look at it...I'll keep open for the possibility that Bowser didn't really increase, and that Chun-Li is a bit below Ken. Hey, matches have been predicted almost perfectly one year later, so taking data from two years ago isn't necessarily THAT bad.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:17:40 PM | Message Detail
Can someone tell me what 2K5 Yuna would be projected to get on Ryu? Or 2K3 if that's not possible.
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:19:52 PM | Message Detail
2003 Yuna would be expected to get 36.10% on Ryu (Yes, she was weaker than KOS-MOS 2004).
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:21:51 PM | Message Detail
I don't see how Rikku could be weaker than that. But just how big was
Yuna's boost? It would seem like a lot considering Ganon > Ryu,
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:22:39 PM | Message Detail
From: AmazingKirby | Posted: 8/2/2005 10:21:51 PM | Message Detail
I don't see how Rikku could be weaker than that. But just how big was Yuna's boost? It would seem like a lot considering Ganon > Ryu, right?
I think Ganondorf would win with about 53% if he were to face Ryu.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
I don't see how Rikku could be weaker than that. But just how big was Yuna's boost? It would seem like a lot considering Ganon > Ryu, right?
I think Ganondorf would win with about 53% if he were to face Ryu.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:24:59 PM | Message Detail
Hey, matches have been predicted almost perfectly one year later, so taking data from two years ago isn't necessarily THAT bad.
I wish I can use the 2k4 X-stats, but I just can't.
Bowser's value in the 2k4 X-stats is nothing but guesswork, and Ken wasn't even in.
So I'm left with no choice other than the 2k3 X-stats, where both chars have legitimate values.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
I wish I can use the 2k4 X-stats, but I just can't.
Bowser's value in the 2k4 X-stats is nothing but guesswork, and Ken wasn't even in.
So I'm left with no choice other than the 2k3 X-stats, where both chars have legitimate values.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:26:49 PM | Message Detail
It would seem like a lot considering Ganon > Ryu, right?
It seems like alot, especially when you take into account his Villains Contest performance (if you believe it). It all depends on how strong Rikku is in relation to Yuna.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
It seems like alot, especially when you take into account his Villains Contest performance (if you believe it). It all depends on how strong Rikku is in relation to Yuna.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:27:03 PM | Message Detail
So, now...Yuna got...an 8% boost? o_O
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
I know what I'm getting into, I don't care if I die trying!-Peppita Rossetti
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:27:55 PM | Message Detail
It really depends on where Ganondorf is really at. It's still a bit of a mystery.
Basing Ganondorf on Sp2K5 and completely moving Yuna up brings her up to 27.91%, right below Dante, meaning Ryu would win with 57.41%.
Basing Ganondorf on 2003 and completely moving Yuna up brings her up to 26.94%, a little above Knuckles, meaning Ryu would win with 58.89%.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Basing Ganondorf on Sp2K5 and completely moving Yuna up brings her up to 27.91%, right below Dante, meaning Ryu would win with 57.41%.
Basing Ganondorf on 2003 and completely moving Yuna up brings her up to 26.94%, a little above Knuckles, meaning Ryu would win with 58.89%.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: NewLib
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:28:46 PM | Message Detail
'Dorf has room to decrease from 2003 and still beat Ryu.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Tripling Gordon Freeman.
Leon's Quest For Ultimate Glory:
1. Tripling Gordon Freeman.
From: sidharta
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:28:58 PM | Message Detail
Can someone tell me what 2K5 Yuna would be projected to get on Ryu? Or 2K3 if that's not possible.
Based on the SFF-adjusted 2k4 X-stats, 2k5 Yuna would get 42.10% on Ryu.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
Based on the SFF-adjusted 2k4 X-stats, 2k5 Yuna would get 42.10% on Ryu.
Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:29:21 PM | Message Detail
From: AmazingKirby | Posted: 8/2/2005 10:27:03 PM | Message Detail
So, now...Yuna got...an 8% boost? o_O
I don't know. That seems too high for me. I think it was just a case of Ganondorf being overrated by the Villains Contest. I'm not saying Yuna didn't get a boost (which she most certainly did), it's just that she did MUCH better than what she was expected.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
So, now...Yuna got...an 8% boost? o_O
I don't know. That seems too high for me. I think it was just a case of Ganondorf being overrated by the Villains Contest. I'm not saying Yuna didn't get a boost (which she most certainly did), it's just that she did MUCH better than what she was expected.
Summer 2005 Contest - 13/15 points
Current Match Prediction: Ryu (Street Fighter) vs. Rikku
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:30:30 PM | Message Detail
Oh, and for reference, Yuna's 2003 value was 23.66%.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Lopen
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:33:39 PM | Message Detail
I wouldn't take Ganondorf over Ryu, stats be damned. Hell, I wouldn't take any non noble niner over Ryu. And I didn't.
The thing about Ryu is, he always works for his high %age. Ryu has never lost with below 40% of the vote. It just seems like it would be easier to get a fluke 33% on Link than it is to get 45% on Sonic, regardless of where that actually puts them in the stats.
I know that most probably don't agree with me, but it just seems to make sense to me.
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
The thing about Ryu is, he always works for his high %age. Ryu has never lost with below 40% of the vote. It just seems like it would be easier to get a fluke 33% on Link than it is to get 45% on Sonic, regardless of where that actually puts them in the stats.
I know that most probably don't agree with me, but it just seems to make sense to me.
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 8/2/2005 10:40:06 PM | Message Detail
1059 brackets left after today. Book it.
This sig was pimped by Icons sig
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
This sig was pimped by Icons sig
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:11:50 PM | Message Detail
I hope that people are now willing to re-examine their stance that
Akuma>>Bison. That's another thing that large amounts of people
were absolutely insistent on.
While I don't think I insisted on it, I know I argued for this...and question if that's still the case or not; if Akuma is, it can't be be alot. Akuma is much more casual-friendly than Chun-Li though, I would think, so I would still take Akuma over Chun-Li...I just don't know about Akuma over M. Bison.
Tidus had a chance? ...That's news to me...
Knowledge is power. Consider yourself stronger now.
How does everyone expect Bowser's prediction percentage to compare to that of Kirby/Tidus/Ryu?
I'm gonna go with 84.55%, and I'm also thinkin' Ryu/Rikku's prediction percentage is gonna be just under that.
As a matter of fact, wasn't Akuma like, the first secret character?
Probably, though I'm not sure. This makes me think of the legendary Sheng Long rumor though...heh, assuming he EVER got into a match, would anybody take Sheng Long over CATS? =)
He he he.
You said something that made no sense. Knuckles wins in a series poll, but in a contest, watch him burn against the hedgehogs. Bison gets no votes whatsoever in a favorite SF character poll, yet in a contest environment he beats them all but Ryu. Kuja murders Sin, Squall creams Tidus...
I don't think Kuja's ever been in any of those polls. Do correct me if I'm wrong though.
What's up with these people saying Akuma wouldn't be as popular because he wasn't around during the series's prime? Was Shadow around during the prime of Sonic's series?
Good arguement, though, to play devil's advocate, Shadow's ranking in the x-stats is still in plenty of question.
And don't tell me that counts for nothing. It means something.
I'll back AK up on this; obviously, you're gonna find your flaws in almost all of them (if not all of them). However, you can find out some important info or realized something in hindsight with them as well; there ARE correlations, it's just that they're sporadiac. For example, while it was brought up several times, Dr. Robotnik did horrible in the most-favorite and least-favorite Sonic polls...and he backed that up against Ganondorf. Had he lost to Sin (like he nearly did), I think more people would have seen the writing on the wall afterwards.
Of course, for every Dr. Robotnik who's drilled, there's a Knuckles who's bad to believe.
1059 brackets left after today. Book it.
I'm gonna go with an even 1,100.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
While I don't think I insisted on it, I know I argued for this...and question if that's still the case or not; if Akuma is, it can't be be alot. Akuma is much more casual-friendly than Chun-Li though, I would think, so I would still take Akuma over Chun-Li...I just don't know about Akuma over M. Bison.
Tidus had a chance? ...That's news to me...
Knowledge is power. Consider yourself stronger now.
How does everyone expect Bowser's prediction percentage to compare to that of Kirby/Tidus/Ryu?
I'm gonna go with 84.55%, and I'm also thinkin' Ryu/Rikku's prediction percentage is gonna be just under that.
As a matter of fact, wasn't Akuma like, the first secret character?
Probably, though I'm not sure. This makes me think of the legendary Sheng Long rumor though...heh, assuming he EVER got into a match, would anybody take Sheng Long over CATS? =)
He he he.
You said something that made no sense. Knuckles wins in a series poll, but in a contest, watch him burn against the hedgehogs. Bison gets no votes whatsoever in a favorite SF character poll, yet in a contest environment he beats them all but Ryu. Kuja murders Sin, Squall creams Tidus...
I don't think Kuja's ever been in any of those polls. Do correct me if I'm wrong though.
What's up with these people saying Akuma wouldn't be as popular because he wasn't around during the series's prime? Was Shadow around during the prime of Sonic's series?
Good arguement, though, to play devil's advocate, Shadow's ranking in the x-stats is still in plenty of question.
And don't tell me that counts for nothing. It means something.
I'll back AK up on this; obviously, you're gonna find your flaws in almost all of them (if not all of them). However, you can find out some important info or realized something in hindsight with them as well; there ARE correlations, it's just that they're sporadiac. For example, while it was brought up several times, Dr. Robotnik did horrible in the most-favorite and least-favorite Sonic polls...and he backed that up against Ganondorf. Had he lost to Sin (like he nearly did), I think more people would have seen the writing on the wall afterwards.
Of course, for every Dr. Robotnik who's drilled, there's a Knuckles who's bad to believe.
1059 brackets left after today. Book it.
I'm gonna go with an even 1,100.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:13:26 PM | Message Detail
Good arguement, though, to play devil's advocate, Shadow's ranking in the x-stats is still in plenty of question.
Regardless, Shadow is either equal to Knuckles or firmly ahead of him.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Regardless, Shadow is either equal to Knuckles or firmly ahead of him.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:13:58 PM | Message Detail
Ryu > Ken > Chun-Li > Bison = Akuma
I've been saying this forever, and glad to know today's match more or less solidified that.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
I've been saying this forever, and glad to know today's match more or less solidified that.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Eggplant Lord
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:14:33 PM | Message Detail
Bowser 66% 65594
Chun Li 34% 33786
In case not everyone noticed.
Oh. My. God.
Did the PS2's light just change color...?!
Chun Li 34% 33786
In case not everyone noticed.
Oh. My. God.
Did the PS2's light just change color...?!
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:14:39 PM | Message Detail
Sheng Long isen't a character, it's chinese for Dragon Punch because CoA accidently put that instead of Shoryuken.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:15:35 PM | Message Detail
Bowser 66% 65601
Chun Li 34% 33790
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
Chun Li 34% 33790
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:16:35 PM | Message Detail
I've been saying this forever, and glad to know today's match more or less solidified that.
It says nothing about Akuma, really. Though if Ken is stronger than both, Bowser is closer to his 2003 level than his Spring Contest level.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
It says nothing about Akuma, really. Though if Ken is stronger than both, Bowser is closer to his 2003 level than his Spring Contest level.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Lopen
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:16:38 PM | Message Detail
"More or less solidified?". Isn't this just about exactly what Bison would have been expected to get on Bowser?
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:17:39 PM | Message Detail
I'm well aware Sheng Long isn't a real character, which is why a match against CATS would be awesome.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:18:08 PM | Message Detail
Akuma most likey won't ever make a contest because most board memebers
hate him, but to casuals he's the Wolverine of fighting games.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:21:09 PM | Message Detail
Characters to rally for in 2006: Seifer Almasy, Celes/Locke/Edgar, Akuma...
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Kagato Toujou
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:22:12 PM | Message Detail
As a matter of fact, wasn't Akuma like, the first secret character?
I believe Reptile from the original Mortal Kombat ranks as the first, but he's not playable in that game, unlike Akuma in Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
I believe Reptile from the original Mortal Kombat ranks as the first, but he's not playable in that game, unlike Akuma in Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
From: Lopen
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:22:48 PM | Message Detail
... and Raiden. The mission will not fail again!
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:23:15 PM | Message Detail
Should have gone to the SvC Chaos board during nominations, they only
use Shin Akuma, litteraly, the only other characters they use are
Violent Ken and Vega.
From: FrostHarpy
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:24:28 PM | Message Detail
Even though Geese and Zero own everyone else in the travesty known as SvC.
Lonely Angel
Lonely Angel
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:24:54 PM | Message Detail
Talking about rallying, Leonhart, I think that since there will have
been four character contests after this summer, you should consider
characters who have only made it into one contest thus far (not
counting 2k5, of course). Raiden, Protoman, and more should have
chances again...perhaps if you did your traditional Top Four, then
allow for a one-and-out character to be eligible for the fifth Wildcard
spot or something?
Just idea-tossing, and hopefully something worth considering.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
Just idea-tossing, and hopefully something worth considering.
Hillary Clinton: We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco or alcohol.
Lewis Black: Namely as valued contributors to our re-election fund.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:25:00 PM | Message Detail
Wasn't Smoke a secret character in MKII? It's been a long time since I've played the game, but I seem to remember that.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:25:07 PM | Message Detail
Not in the Xbox version, their infinties were taken out.
From: FrostHarpy
| Posted: 8/2/2005 11:26:33 PM | Message Detail
I think I'm gonna rally for Zangief or Captain Commando next year.
Lonely Angel
Lonely Angel