Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 168
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:43:47 AM | Message Detail
The wind... it is blowing...
*Creativename's websites*
Everything you could ever imagine:
Summer 2002 Contest Information:
Summer 2003 Contest Information:
Spring 2004 Contest Information:
Summer 2004 Contest Information:
Summer 2005 Contest Information:
Sortable Table for Every Contest Match:
*Extrapolated Standings*
Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
A = Strongest Character
B = Character Weaker than A
C = Character Weaker than B
To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA
To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB
To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA
Summer 2002 Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2003 Extrapolated Standings:
Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
SFF Adjusted Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
SFF Adjusted Summer 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
Spring 2005 Extrapolated Standings:
All Time Extrapolated Standings:
*Solarshadow's Sites*
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating)
*Old Stats topics*
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
http://www.angelfire.com/games5/sum_contest/Page1.htm (See note)
2003-2004 Off-Season:
http://membres.lycos.fr/shindohikaru/stats1.htm (See note)
Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL.
Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them):
Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them):
*Match Pictures*
All the match pics, save for three from 2002:
Creativename's Page of Links:
MMXcalibur's Contest Sites:
Poll Vote Total Updater:
All Time Top 25/Top 10 Lists:
!yawa tsoP
*Creativename's websites*
Everything you could ever imagine:
Summer 2002 Contest Information:
Summer 2003 Contest Information:
Spring 2004 Contest Information:
Summer 2004 Contest Information:
Summer 2005 Contest Information:
Sortable Table for Every Contest Match:
*Extrapolated Standings*
Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
A = Strongest Character
B = Character Weaker than A
C = Character Weaker than B
To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA
To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB
To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA
Summer 2002 Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2003 Extrapolated Standings:
Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
SFF Adjusted Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
SFF Adjusted Summer 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
Spring 2005 Extrapolated Standings:
All Time Extrapolated Standings:
*Solarshadow's Sites*
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating)
*Old Stats topics*
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
http://www.angelfire.com/games5/sum_contest/Page1.htm (See note)
2003-2004 Off-Season:
http://membres.lycos.fr/shindohikaru/stats1.htm (See note)
Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL.
Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them):
Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them):
*Match Pictures*
All the match pics, save for three from 2002:
Creativename's Page of Links:
MMXcalibur's Contest Sites:
Poll Vote Total Updater:
All Time Top 25/Top 10 Lists:
!yawa tsoP
From: swirldude
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:44:45 AM | Message Detail
SO SOON?!!?!?
This signature avaliable for rent.
This signature avaliable for rent.
From: Zylo the wolf
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:50:13 AM | Message Detail
Cloud VS Tifa in the final!!!
My biggest predictions: Mario over Samus, Alucard over Sora, Magus over Dante.
My biggest predictions: Mario over Samus, Alucard over Sora, Magus over Dante.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:51:08 AM | Message Detail
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:51:16 AM | Message Detail
Ryu > Bowser and Tidus
Summer 2005 Contest - 5/6 points
Current Match Prediction: Ganondorf vs. Yuna
Summer 2005 Contest - 5/6 points
Current Match Prediction: Ganondorf vs. Yuna
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:51:35 AM | Message Detail
That quote really, REALLY sucks. Not that it is terrible, but people
quote it like it's the most badass line ever. Just like all the people
that quote Sephiroth's "I'm going to see my mother". Ugh.....
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: The n00b Avenger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:52:17 AM | Message Detail
My mother, it is blowing.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Master Moltar
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:52:48 AM | Message Detail
Ganon > The Wind
Moltar's Comics - http://www.stripcreator.com/comics/Moltar
Ganondorf vs. Yuna - Bracket: Ganon - Vote: Ganon (5/6)
Moltar's Comics - http://www.stripcreator.com/comics/Moltar
Ganondorf vs. Yuna - Bracket: Ganon - Vote: Ganon (5/6)
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 9:54:48 AM | Message Detail
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:08 PM | Message Detail | #004
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: steve illumina
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:29:21 AM | Message Detail
As he walks the path of life...his name is called for..chanted by
those, his fellow Elites, his equals, who know the power of his
prose...as the noobs, fanbabies, and nerdboys cower in the
darkness...afraid the truth of their blind loyalty will be brought
forth before their judgment clouded eyes...
He answers the call with a tip of his BoSox cap...draws forth his pen to compose the very column that has increased Stats thread readership by 23.39%... He is...
The Sage of Board 8, Steve Illumina
Hahahaha, greetings gamers the world over...the time has come to write once more...be afraid kiddies, be very afraid indeed...
And so for 2005 it continues, in the 'Ridley' Zebes Division..
(2) Auron vs (7) Big Boss
Steve's Pick: Auron
Fanboy-O-Meter: Favors Auron handily...
Upset Odds: Possible...
Match Fun Factor: 8/10: I think this will be closer than people think, but not close enough...though the kiddies will call Auron stronger or weaker than he is no matter what .00% he ends with... Fools.
Comments: Before I discuss the non-equal power of the FF series characters...I shall do...a Weekend Update!
Yes, kiddies, in SNL tradition...here is the Weekend Update!
On Sunday, everyone's favorite amphibian, Frog, comfortably defeated some 2nd tier RPG-girl named Riku last night. When asked for commentary, he simply said... "Forthwith I shall slay Samus and restore honor!" Someone forgot to tell him he has no chance against the Nintendite heroine, but hey...at least he can catch a fly on the tip of his tongue!
Editors Note: Yes I picked Frog...Remember the 'Theory of Frogability' from last year? Anyone who does and posts its complex mathematical formula gets a cookie!
On Monday, the powerhouse pig, Ganondorf Dragmire, waxed poetic with FF starlet Yuna, who just cant seem to win a match yet keeps coming back for more. Her contest dreams over, she plans to star in FFX-3, the rebirth of Sin...
Editor's Note 2: Yes I picked Ganon...you think I am a fool like Tequilla? And I like Yuna too...oh well.
Mario, the King of Platformers, fresh off defeating some nobody, and Samus, Queen of Zebes, fresh off defeating another nobody, had 2 groups of their fanboys debating who is stronger just cause Samus had a .40 or so percentage of win prediction higher than the King. The nerds argued for hours until Ulti, Lord of Board 8, told them to shut up...and it was so. (Until Round 2 anyway)
Future Sweet 16er Zero was seen getting his oil changed at a Sunoco station, and when pressed for comment, he only replied, "I aint Protoman! I am a winner!"
In other news, the body of Carl Johnson was found on the streets of San Andreas, having been beaten over the head with a baseball bat repeatedly. Witnesses spotted an egghead shaped fellow leaving the scene...
Mathematicians the world over are trying to ascertain how a game that sold 5 million copies and is supposedly worshipped by underage fans the world over could not defeat a cult classic RPG character in an opinion poll. Apparently those 5 million players were too busy trying to sip some 'Hot Coffee' that day...
And finally, Lloyd Irving has conceded defeat in his next match weeks in advance saying, quote, "I am a nobody..really...dont vote for me...I suck."
And that brings us to today...one of the better 1st round matches with a #2 seed, as one of the FF beloved takes on a newbie from rising (in popularity) GameFAQ's series star Metal Gear Solid..in the Big Boss. All I can say is...Big Boss is gonna need a Bomb Blast Suit I do believe.
Prediction: Auron shall handle the Big Boss rather easily, making him look more like 'Little Fodder'
Quote of the Day: "Believe in the Theory of Frogability!" -Steve Illumina, Summer 2004
Steve Illumina: 'Sage of Board 8', Renowned Author, MK Master, Noob Basher & Fanbaby Smacker! Score: 6/7
He answers the call with a tip of his BoSox cap...draws forth his pen to compose the very column that has increased Stats thread readership by 23.39%... He is...
The Sage of Board 8, Steve Illumina
Hahahaha, greetings gamers the world over...the time has come to write once more...be afraid kiddies, be very afraid indeed...
And so for 2005 it continues, in the 'Ridley' Zebes Division..
(2) Auron vs (7) Big Boss
Steve's Pick: Auron
Fanboy-O-Meter: Favors Auron handily...
Upset Odds: Possible...
Match Fun Factor: 8/10: I think this will be closer than people think, but not close enough...though the kiddies will call Auron stronger or weaker than he is no matter what .00% he ends with... Fools.
Comments: Before I discuss the non-equal power of the FF series characters...I shall do...a Weekend Update!
Yes, kiddies, in SNL tradition...here is the Weekend Update!
On Sunday, everyone's favorite amphibian, Frog, comfortably defeated some 2nd tier RPG-girl named Riku last night. When asked for commentary, he simply said... "Forthwith I shall slay Samus and restore honor!" Someone forgot to tell him he has no chance against the Nintendite heroine, but hey...at least he can catch a fly on the tip of his tongue!
Editors Note: Yes I picked Frog...Remember the 'Theory of Frogability' from last year? Anyone who does and posts its complex mathematical formula gets a cookie!
On Monday, the powerhouse pig, Ganondorf Dragmire, waxed poetic with FF starlet Yuna, who just cant seem to win a match yet keeps coming back for more. Her contest dreams over, she plans to star in FFX-3, the rebirth of Sin...
Editor's Note 2: Yes I picked Ganon...you think I am a fool like Tequilla? And I like Yuna too...oh well.
Mario, the King of Platformers, fresh off defeating some nobody, and Samus, Queen of Zebes, fresh off defeating another nobody, had 2 groups of their fanboys debating who is stronger just cause Samus had a .40 or so percentage of win prediction higher than the King. The nerds argued for hours until Ulti, Lord of Board 8, told them to shut up...and it was so. (Until Round 2 anyway)
Future Sweet 16er Zero was seen getting his oil changed at a Sunoco station, and when pressed for comment, he only replied, "I aint Protoman! I am a winner!"
In other news, the body of Carl Johnson was found on the streets of San Andreas, having been beaten over the head with a baseball bat repeatedly. Witnesses spotted an egghead shaped fellow leaving the scene...
Mathematicians the world over are trying to ascertain how a game that sold 5 million copies and is supposedly worshipped by underage fans the world over could not defeat a cult classic RPG character in an opinion poll. Apparently those 5 million players were too busy trying to sip some 'Hot Coffee' that day...
And finally, Lloyd Irving has conceded defeat in his next match weeks in advance saying, quote, "I am a nobody..really...dont vote for me...I suck."
And that brings us to today...one of the better 1st round matches with a #2 seed, as one of the FF beloved takes on a newbie from rising (in popularity) GameFAQ's series star Metal Gear Solid..in the Big Boss. All I can say is...Big Boss is gonna need a Bomb Blast Suit I do believe.
Prediction: Auron shall handle the Big Boss rather easily, making him look more like 'Little Fodder'
Quote of the Day: "Believe in the Theory of Frogability!" -Steve Illumina, Summer 2004
Steve Illumina: 'Sage of Board 8', Renowned Author, MK Master, Noob Basher & Fanbaby Smacker! Score: 6/7
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:30:27 AM | Message Detail
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/25/2005 10:54:48 AM | Message Detail | #009
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:08 PM | Message Detail | #004
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:08 PM | Message Detail | #004
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:32:15 AM | Message Detail
^2 14) Tequilla Gundam 254.63
- 15) steve illumina 253.28
Huzzah! Oracle challenge __-
I guess I'm the new Board 8 sage ^_^
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
^2 14) Tequilla Gundam 254.63
- 15) steve illumina 253.28
Huzzah! Oracle challenge __-
I guess I'm the new Board 8 sage ^_^
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:33:16 AM | Message Detail
Steve, I looked at your prediction with Ganon vs Yuna..
Match #7 - Ganondorf with 81.10%
Yeah _-.
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Match #7 - Ganondorf with 81.10%
Yeah _-.
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:33:20 AM | Message Detail
Get over yourself.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:35:20 AM | Message Detail
I'm trying but the Linkin Park isn't working :(
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:39:35 AM | Message Detail
I really wish I could make sense of that, but seriously, you're just going out of your way to be a complete ass to Ulti every time he posts, you can dislike someone, but you don't have to attack them in every post you make after seeing one of theirs. I mean god I hate thejp, but even I hold back from him when he doesn't say something that deserves a response like that.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
I really wish I could make sense of that, but seriously, you're just going out of your way to be a complete ass to Ulti every time he posts, you can dislike someone, but you don't have to attack them in every post you make after seeing one of theirs. I mean god I hate thejp, but even I hold back from him when he doesn't say something that deserves a response like that.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:43:41 AM | Message Detail
Ulti is on my GameFOX blacklist..As far as Im concerned, he could have
posted 30 times in this topic alone __-. Attacking? Im defending..Look
into the previous topic and see who took the first "strike"..It doesn't
really matter. He effects me and my life in no possible way and his
opinions are worth **** overall. In the end, he is just another average
Joe talking on the internet..
New Subject Alert'd
Will Auron have trouble with Big Boss?
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
New Subject Alert'd
Will Auron have trouble with Big Boss?
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:51:19 AM | Message Detail
If he's on your blocklist why are you responding to him in this topic.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
If he's on your blocklist why are you responding to him in this topic.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Tai
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:52:28 AM | Message Detail
Snake > Bowser
PETITION: Ability to preview contests to moderators before posting it. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=7&topic=19643565 (202 Signs!)
Snake > Bowser
PETITION: Ability to preview contests to moderators before posting it. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=7&topic=19643565 (202 Signs!)
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:53:50 AM | Message Detail
From: Delirium Trigger | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:19 PM | Message Detail | #018
If he's on your blocklist why are you responding to him in this topic.
The feud was in the other topic..This topic was made a tad bit earlier..
Tai, is right! INEQUALITES WE GO!
Snake > Ryu > Tidus > Bowser
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
If he's on your blocklist why are you responding to him in this topic.
The feud was in the other topic..This topic was made a tad bit earlier..
Tai, is right! INEQUALITES WE GO!
Snake > Ryu > Tidus > Bowser
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Vile Requiem
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:58:17 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: red sox 777
| Posted: 7/25/2005 11:58:32 AM | Message Detail
CATS > Ganon (04) > Zero (03) > Solid Snake (04) > Sonic (03) > Cloud (02) > Link (03)
Summer Contest 2005 --- Score: 5/6 --- Rank: T-4218
Summer Contest 2005 --- Score: 5/6 --- Rank: T-4218
From: arkenaga
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:01:26 PM | Message Detail
Ulti is on my GameFOX blacklist..As far as Im concerned, he could have posted 30 times in this topic alone __-.
You can still see Ulti's post headers, you know. So you'd still see his posts, just not the post messages. And what's with all the "__-"? Did you lose an eye or something?
When you get upset, remember it takes 42 muscles to frown, but only 4 to extend your middle finger.
You can still see Ulti's post headers, you know. So you'd still see his posts, just not the post messages. And what's with all the "__-"? Did you lose an eye or something?
When you get upset, remember it takes 42 muscles to frown, but only 4 to extend your middle finger.
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:01:28 PM | Message Detail
You can B-B-B-B-B-B-BALANCE Vile Requiem.
Cloud (05) >> Link (05)
Riku's and Yuna's overperformance must mean something :(
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Cloud (05) >> Link (05)
Riku's and Yuna's overperformance must mean something :(
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:02:22 PM | Message Detail
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 1:49:54 PM | Message Detail
From: UItimaterializer | Posted: 7/25/2005 11:48:24 AM | Message Detail | #408
Thanks, inferior one..
Seriously, how old are you? 13? 12?
You know what, screw it. I keep forgetting that GameFOX has an ignore feature on it.
Ulti, we all know you are a 45 year old pedophile who lives with his mom. Its O-Tay!
*uses GameFOX's ignore feature*
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:30:27 PM | Message Detail
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/25/2005 10:54:48 AM | Message Detail | #009
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:08 PM | Message Detail | #004
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Yes, 40 minutes afterwards, is clearly beforehand, I don't know what I was thinking.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: UItimaterializer | Posted: 7/25/2005 11:48:24 AM | Message Detail | #408
Thanks, inferior one..
Seriously, how old are you? 13? 12?
You know what, screw it. I keep forgetting that GameFOX has an ignore feature on it.
Ulti, we all know you are a 45 year old pedophile who lives with his mom. Its O-Tay!
*uses GameFOX's ignore feature*
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:30:27 PM | Message Detail
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/25/2005 10:54:48 AM | Message Detail | #009
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 7/25/2005 12:51:08 PM | Message Detail | #004
Start waiting until 500 guy..
Shut up.
Yes, 40 minutes afterwards, is clearly beforehand, I don't know what I was thinking.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Tis the Season
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:03:12 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:04:14 PM | Message Detail
From: arkenaga | Posted: 7/25/2005 1:01:26 PM | Message Detail | #023
Ulti is on my GameFOX blacklist..As far as Im concerned, he could have posted 30 times in this topic alone __-.
You can still see Ulti's post headers, you know. So you'd still see his posts, just not the post messages. And what's with all the "__-"? Did you lose an eye or something?
_-, You obv weren't here for Sc2k1 when I had to face Magus in the finals. Let's just say that Magus has an extremely sharp Sycthe.
Don't believe me..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Ulti is on my GameFOX blacklist..As far as Im concerned, he could have posted 30 times in this topic alone __-.
You can still see Ulti's post headers, you know. So you'd still see his posts, just not the post messages. And what's with all the "__-"? Did you lose an eye or something?
_-, You obv weren't here for Sc2k1 when I had to face Magus in the finals. Let's just say that Magus has an extremely sharp Sycthe.
Don't believe me..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Vile Requiem
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:05:19 PM | Message Detail
What happens if you have an obsessive need to balance the equation?
For example, right now Ganondorf is leading Yuna, thus Ganondorf > Yuna by 15125
But we could say that:
Ganondorf = Yuna + 15125
Or Ganondorf = 1.661 Yuna's
I have been so completely beaten, and by a Yoshi!
Why did I start a fight I could not win?
For example, right now Ganondorf is leading Yuna, thus Ganondorf > Yuna by 15125
But we could say that:
Ganondorf = Yuna + 15125
Or Ganondorf = 1.661 Yuna's
I have been so completely beaten, and by a Yoshi!
Why did I start a fight I could not win?
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:07:14 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
From: Tis the Season
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:07:20 PM | Message Detail
Ulti is on my GameFOX blacklist..As far as Im concerned, he could have posted 30 times in this topic alone __-.
Yet you're still responding to (and trolling) things well after the fact. You're quite the bad liar, and the sooner you realize that no one wants you here, the better. This will probably happen after you lose your perfect bracket, because your mental stability is clearly such that you'll be borderline suicidal afterwards.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
Yet you're still responding to (and trolling) things well after the fact. You're quite the bad liar, and the sooner you realize that no one wants you here, the better. This will probably happen after you lose your perfect bracket, because your mental stability is clearly such that you'll be borderline suicidal afterwards.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:07:44 PM | Message Detail
Vile, I like the way you think..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Draco1214
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:08:29 PM | Message Detail
This is what I think the xst rankings are going to be for each division:
MUSHROOM: Mario > Zero > Ryu H. > Ness > CJ > Lloyd > Wesker > Joanna
ZEBES: Samus > Ganondorf > Auron > Frog > Riku > Big Boss > Yuri
GEAR: Solid Snake > Sora > Alucard > Vivi > Zelda > Kratos (GoW) > Agent 47 > Manny Calavera
DREAM: Ryu > Bowser > Tidus > Kirby > Chun-Li > Rikku > Cecil > King of All Cosmos
FLOOD: Crono > Master Chief > Tommy Vercetti > Kefka > Donkey Kong > Zidane > Sam Fisher > CATS
DEVIL: Magus > Squall > Knuckles > Dante > Vincent > Terra > Kerrigan > Geno
CHAOS: Sonic > Tifa > Luigi > Diablo > KOS-MOS > Vyse > Kratos Aurion > Jin Kazama
20XX: Mega Man > Leon Kennedy > Yoshi > Revolver Ocelot > Pac-Man > Conker > Laharl > Gordon Freeman
Summer 2005 Contest - 6/7 points
Current Match Prediction: Auron vs. Big Boss
MUSHROOM: Mario > Zero > Ryu H. > Ness > CJ > Lloyd > Wesker > Joanna
ZEBES: Samus > Ganondorf > Auron > Frog > Riku > Big Boss > Yuri
GEAR: Solid Snake > Sora > Alucard > Vivi > Zelda > Kratos (GoW) > Agent 47 > Manny Calavera
DREAM: Ryu > Bowser > Tidus > Kirby > Chun-Li > Rikku > Cecil > King of All Cosmos
FLOOD: Crono > Master Chief > Tommy Vercetti > Kefka > Donkey Kong > Zidane > Sam Fisher > CATS
DEVIL: Magus > Squall > Knuckles > Dante > Vincent > Terra > Kerrigan > Geno
CHAOS: Sonic > Tifa > Luigi > Diablo > KOS-MOS > Vyse > Kratos Aurion > Jin Kazama
20XX: Mega Man > Leon Kennedy > Yoshi > Revolver Ocelot > Pac-Man > Conker > Laharl > Gordon Freeman
Summer 2005 Contest - 6/7 points
Current Match Prediction: Auron vs. Big Boss
From: Tis the Season
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:08:32 PM | Message Detail
You're one of the most immature, unintelligent people I've ever seen post in this topic.
Yes, how mature. Take what someone else posted and simply repeat it back to them. You are not a day over the age of eleven.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
Yes, how mature. Take what someone else posted and simply repeat it back to them. You are not a day over the age of eleven.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
From: Delirium Trigger
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:08:38 PM | Message Detail
Thanks for ignoring my post and proving it's truth. ^.~
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
Explicit Content, having fun, not being warned.
Cheer Up Emo Kids.
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:08:51 PM | Message Detail
Tequila Gundam, just shut up... You are making yourself look like a
jack ass. And not just any jack ass. A mentally challenged jack ass.
That's pretty much the worst kind there is.
What I'm trying to tell you is, you're a moron. Go away. I don't think anyone in this topic wants you here anymore.
"Heil Dweebenheimer!"
What I'm trying to tell you is, you're a moron. Go away. I don't think anyone in this topic wants you here anymore.
"Heil Dweebenheimer!"
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:09:14 PM | Message Detail
Reading an argument when you're ignoring one of the users completely is just comedy gold. This is awesome.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:09:27 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:10:22 PM | Message Detail
And he's not even trying anymore, just being a troll.
"Heil Dweebenheimer!"
"Heil Dweebenheimer!"
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:11:04 PM | Message Detail
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 7/25/2005 1:08:29 PM | Message Detail | #032
This is what I think the xst rankings are going to be for each division:
MUSHROOM: Mario > Zero > Ryu H. > Ness > CJ > Lloyd > Wesker > Joanna
ZEBES: Samus > Ganondorf > Auron > Frog > Riku > Big Boss > Yuri
GEAR: Solid Snake > Sora > Alucard > Vivi > Zelda > Kratos (GoW) > Agent 47 > Manny Calavera
DREAM: Ryu > Bowser > Tidus > Kirby > Chun-Li > Rikku > Cecil > King of All Cosmos
FLOOD: Crono > Master Chief > Tommy Vercetti > Kefka > Donkey Kong > Zidane > Sam Fisher > CATS
DEVIL: Magus > Squall > Knuckles > Dante > Vincent > Terra > Kerrigan > Geno
CHAOS: Sonic > Tifa > Luigi > Diablo > KOS-MOS > Vyse > Kratos Aurion > Jin Kazama
20XX: Mega Man > Leon Kennedy > Yoshi > Revolver Ocelot > Pac-Man > Conker > Laharl > Gordon Freeman
Looks good Draco..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
This is what I think the xst rankings are going to be for each division:
MUSHROOM: Mario > Zero > Ryu H. > Ness > CJ > Lloyd > Wesker > Joanna
ZEBES: Samus > Ganondorf > Auron > Frog > Riku > Big Boss > Yuri
GEAR: Solid Snake > Sora > Alucard > Vivi > Zelda > Kratos (GoW) > Agent 47 > Manny Calavera
DREAM: Ryu > Bowser > Tidus > Kirby > Chun-Li > Rikku > Cecil > King of All Cosmos
FLOOD: Crono > Master Chief > Tommy Vercetti > Kefka > Donkey Kong > Zidane > Sam Fisher > CATS
DEVIL: Magus > Squall > Knuckles > Dante > Vincent > Terra > Kerrigan > Geno
CHAOS: Sonic > Tifa > Luigi > Diablo > KOS-MOS > Vyse > Kratos Aurion > Jin Kazama
20XX: Mega Man > Leon Kennedy > Yoshi > Revolver Ocelot > Pac-Man > Conker > Laharl > Gordon Freeman
Looks good Draco..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: Tis the Season
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:12:54 PM | Message Detail
I don't think anyone in this topic wants you here anymore.
No one has wanted him here for weeks. He's quite clearly nothing more than a bad troll.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
No one has wanted him here for weeks. He's quite clearly nothing more than a bad troll.
You were banned from saying that - Garbling
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:23:08 PM | Message Detail
*smashes ants with sledgehammer*
Ganon is dipping..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Ganon is dipping..
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: XxBilly2xX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:27:10 PM | Message Detail
I think he should be banned for being underaged. No one over 13 can be that stupid.
This is not a sig, just felt like writing something down here.
This is not a sig, just felt like writing something down here.
From: Lopen
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:28:38 PM | Message Detail
Gundam, you must be an agent of the GameFOX advertisement agency.
After all, that "blacklist" thing is looking about 40x better now that you've been spamming these topics. Pure genius on the part of GameFOX.
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
After all, that "blacklist" thing is looking about 40x better now that you've been spamming these topics. Pure genius on the part of GameFOX.
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:30:34 PM | Message Detail
After all, that "blacklist" thing is looking about 40x better now
that you've been spamming these topics. Pure genius on the part of
Lopen and I... we agree on something?
Bah, this can't be right.
Squall > Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Lopen and I... we agree on something?
Bah, this can't be right.
Squall > Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:31:09 PM | Message Detail
(yeah I did that on purpose, but it's hilarious anyway)
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to be destroyed... I must simply laugh!" -Magus
From: Lopen
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:35:08 PM | Message Detail
Um... Magus > Squall then? I can't let the poor guy be abandoned...
We do agree on more than you'd think, actually. Your game list... pure gold! FFT for life! *throws Hokuten gang symbol*
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
We do agree on more than you'd think, actually. Your game list... pure gold! FFT for life! *throws Hokuten gang symbol*
Raiden fact of the contest: Alucard is a plagiarist, this year Raiden will prove it!
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:35:23 PM | Message Detail
From: Lopen | Posted: 7/25/2005 1:28:38 PM | Message Detail | #043
Gundam, you must be an agent of the GameFOX advertisement agency.
After all, that "blacklist" thing is looking about 40x better now that you've been spamming these topics. Pure genius on the part of GameFOX.
*smashes another ant with his sledgehammer*
How did you know I was a secret agent!
Ganon staying steady at 62.27%....
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Gundam, you must be an agent of the GameFOX advertisement agency.
After all, that "blacklist" thing is looking about 40x better now that you've been spamming these topics. Pure genius on the part of GameFOX.
*smashes another ant with his sledgehammer*
How did you know I was a secret agent!
Ganon staying steady at 62.27%....
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
From: JonPen1416
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:35:40 PM | Message Detail
Gundam, can you at least try and post intelligently?
Anyway, we're still on the first page, so quotes are still fair game.
"You say it's your story, but it's my story, too, you know? It would be so easy...to let my fate just carry me away...following this same path my whole life through. But I know...I can't."
I need to put something here.
Anyway, we're still on the first page, so quotes are still fair game.
"You say it's your story, but it's my story, too, you know? It would be so easy...to let my fate just carry me away...following this same path my whole life through. But I know...I can't."
I need to put something here.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:36:07 PM | Message Detail
Nothing to see here, folks.
*points to "Do not feed the troll" sign*
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
*points to "Do not feed the troll" sign*
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Tequilla Gundam
| Posted: 7/25/2005 12:41:32 PM | Message Detail
*also points to the "Do not feed the trolls" sign*
Nice quote jonny...
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron
Nice quote jonny...
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 6/6
Rank : 1/33793 Today: Ganondorf Tomorrow: Auron