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Summer 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 162
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:29:19 AM | Message Detail
Lloyd is falling back to where he was before. He better not lose the match somehow.
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From: Starion | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:32:11 AM | Message Detail
Wesker just gained in the last update. It all depends on how each performs in the day at this rate.
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:32:20 AM | Message Detail
01:15 | Lloyd | 03211 | +0476 | 54.12% | Wesker | 02722 | +0356 | 45.88% | Lead of 0489 | (Up 120)
01:30 | Lloyd | 03601 | +0390 | 53.72% | Wesker | 03102 | +0380 | 46.28% | Lead of 0499 | (Up 10)

"Updates Left: 90
Votes per update needed for Wesker to catch up: 5.545
Lloyd's % last update: 50.65%
Total Votes so far: 6703"

And now Lloyd gets a bad update.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: Mac Arrowny | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:35:32 AM | Message Detail
Well other then the fact that I don't think frog was in 2k3 anwyays.

I worded that poorly...I meant suspiciously close to Magus's 2k3 version.
From: Tjian | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:44:00 AM | Message Detail
Or Wesker just has alot of bracket support for some reason.

Sidenote, I left a post on tales.namco board. Go Lloyd!
Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you feel it's warmth.
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:46:47 AM | Message Detail
01:30 | Lloyd | 03601 | +0390 | 53.72% | Wesker | 03102 | +0380 | 46.28% | Lead of 0499 | (Up 10)
01:45 | Lloyd | 03926 | +325 | 53.36% | Wesker | 03432 | +330 | 46.64% | Lead of 0494 | (Down 5)

"Updates Left: 89
Votes per update needed for Wesker to catch up: 5.551
Lloyd's % last update: 49.62%
Total Votes so far: 7358"

Not good at all for Lloyd.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: transience | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:50:05 AM | Message Detail
I saw a couple of posts on other boards of people saying Wesker was a lock to get to Mario. it sounds nuts, but it's possible he'll have bracket support.
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:52:22 AM | Message Detail
Wesker had 55.91% backing against Luca Blight. It would be insane to think Wesker would have the bracket advantage on Lloyd. So he probably does.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:53:43 AM | Message Detail
This contest has been so bizarre. I wonder if gamespot really has played any role in these results.
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From: Pierce_Sparrow | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:55:54 AM | Message Detail
I still don't get it. How is this Lloyd person more popular than Wesker? I could swear more people know, and like, Wesker. Then again, it could just be a Gamefaqs thing.
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 1:58:21 AM | Message Detail
I still don't get it. How is this Lloyd person more popular than Wesker? I could swear more people know, and like, Wesker. Then again, it could just be a Gamefaqs thing.

GameFAQs thing.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:03:04 AM | Message Detail
01:45 | Lloyd | 03926 | +0325 | 53.36% | Wesker | 03432 | +0330 | 46.64% | Lead of 0494 | (Down 5)
02:00 | Lloyd | 04222 | +0296 | 53.29% | Wesker | 03701 | +0269 | 46.71% | Lead of 0521 | (Up 27)

"Updates Left: 88
Votes per update needed for Wesker to catch up: 5.921
Lloyd's % last update: 52.39%
Total Votes so far: 7923"

Wesker's turn to take a dive this time.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: Explicit Content | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:03:22 AM | Message Detail
I just stopped playing God of War for 4 hours with a couple of my friends to see how bad Wesker was getting rocked and feel like crying because Wesker > Thou. <3<3<3 How close this is, and Hot Damn Go Spring Contest Go! >_>

It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
From: Kagato Toujou | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:12:05 AM | Message Detail
Lloyd Irving 53.2% 4450
Albert Wesker 46.8% 3914

I *heart* you, Albert Wesker. You sexy, SEXY beast. You're still going to lose, but at least not look totally pathetic doing so.

Fie on you, Lloyd Irving!

*bites thumbs*
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:21:12 AM | Message Detail
02:00 | Lloyd | 04222 | +0296 | 53.29% | Wesker | 03701 | +0269 | 46.71% | Lead of 0521 | (Up 27)
02:15 | Lloyd | 04512 | +0290 | 53.19% | Wesker | 03971 | +0270 | 46.81% | Lead of 0541 | (Up 20)

"Updates Left: 87
Votes per update needed for Wesker to catch up: 6.219
Lloyd's % last update: 51.79%
Total Votes so far: 8483"

Pretty much the same as the previous update.

Ness vs CJ - 8841
Lloyd vs Wesker - 8483

Falling way behind now.

And with that I'm off to sleep.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:22:20 AM | Message Detail
I can't believe Lloyd is actually starting to lose his lead. Resident evil is the most unpredictable thing ever in this contest.
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From: transience | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:23:55 AM | Message Detail
TRE, if no one's told you this recently, you rule. thanks for updating.

From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:44:07 AM | Message Detail
This is a new record for closing out a csad topic, yeah?
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:46:01 AM | Message Detail
Maybe, but it well take forever to finish unless two or three people rush it to the end. 6-8:30 or so are the completely dead hours on every board on gamefaqs.
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From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:46:50 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and guys... one thing you must rememebr is that the average bracket maker has no clue that Kefka is weak. They, like us in 2k3, assume he should be uber powerful and never seem to learn. Look as how many people had him going to Ganon in the spring after he lose to Knux in round 1 last year (and the brackets supported ihm then, too). They may never learn, and by extension Wesker isn't considered to be uber weak meaning he probably should have the bracket advantage here.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:47:13 AM | Message Detail
I knew Lloyd would disappoint.

I didn't know he would disappoint this badly though....
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:47:48 AM | Message Detail
Damn you guys and your eastern time. The board is in pst, and even the contest starts at midnight pst, so can't you follow along?
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:48:54 AM | Message Detail
Yeah. I figured he'd beat Wesker since Mithos would and that Kratos had no shot at Diablo from the second I saw them in the bracket. The ToS characters made for the easiest picks of the newbs, excepting Tifa.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:51:02 AM | Message Detail
I wanna know how Kefka went from being the underdog against Pac-Man among bracket makers to being as overestimated as he is now. Did people say "OMG HE BEAT PAC-MAN!" and suddenly think he was strong as hell? Whhhhhhy?
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:52:52 AM | Message Detail
So like, what, 25ish more to go, ya? I'm sure we'll do that before too long. It's the closest match yet (and a close one most of us didn't see coming) this year, and should remain as so for nearly a week. Oh, and Zelda vs. Vivi is going to kill me... I have to root for a character I like significantly less to win to protect my bracket... I hate matches like that. Either way I'm voting for Vivi though, cause I don't think the match will be undecided at any point, really. I love Vivi, but this is considerably Zelda's match to lose regardless of what many of you say.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: Zylo the wolf | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:53:00 AM | Message Detail
Told you guys. Hayabusa>Lloyd.
My biggest predictions: Mario over Samus, Alucard over Sora, Magus over Dante.
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:53:46 AM | Message Detail
Didn't you see how far Pac Man got? Oh, and he's a legend. People don't forget these things, even if they mean nothing in the contest.

Status = nothing.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:53:54 AM | Message Detail
I think all the casual bracket maker is aware of is that nintendo and square are both strong. That's my guess as to why even the weak nintendo and square characters have high prediction percentages when facing characters outside the two companies.
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From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:55:34 AM | Message Detail
No proof of that yet, though it's quite possible for Hayabusa to be above Lloyd.

I'd take Strider over both of them combined... damn his absence. Why'd you peeople have to rally around Lloyd when Strider may have been as little as a dozen votes off (being the highest nominated character on the board not to make the contest)?
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/22/2005 2:58:25 AM | Message Detail
Yeah there isn't any real proof to my statement, I was just thinking that when I looked at 51% forseeing Ness beating CJ. Then again a lot more people have played earthbound then we realize. Emulation cause a good number of people to be exposed to it for the first time every year. Same thing goes for CT.
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From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:03:43 AM | Message Detail
Well, the fact of the matter is that Ness is in SSBM. That makes him a force... and I think we've all underestimated him everytime he's been up to bat. I know he was underestimated last year, but a handful of people listened when I reminded them that the only thing that Samus had to keeping going after 7 years was SSB/M (though obviously Metroid was more meaningful to begin with). It really is a house, and having supported SSB might in my brackets every year I'm saddened that I missed this one (though I'm glad to see CJ get punked, especially since he's been talked about as a contest hopeful since long before SA came out).
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:09:23 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and Master Hand doens't count. that was just friggin weird.

I'm tired, and rambling on...
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:28:33 AM | Message Detail
Board: *blargh!*
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:29:25 AM | Message Detail
Board: *blargh!*
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:37:10 AM | Message Detail
I am the master of non-sametime double posts.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: Starion | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:41:45 AM | Message Detail
Bah, the lead changes are back and forth. When does the actual significant day vote start again?
From: rpgapzx | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:43:40 AM | Message Detail

Sorry... you had a 5 post combo going.
Spring Contest 2k5 Score: 76/80 T-117th
From: Mister Mario | Posted: 7/22/2005 3:46:24 AM | Message Detail
Woahmg, 650ish now.

Mario is Winnar
Next victim: Master Ness
From: Dilated Chemist | Posted: 7/22/2005 4:25:50 AM | Message Detail
Wow, I just realized how stupid I am to have actually thinked Mithos could beat Albert Wesker.

MITHOS beat ALBERT @#$!IN' WESKER! What was I thinking!? *goes on a rampage*

From: jonthomson | Posted: 7/22/2005 4:33:43 AM | Message Detail
Either my Kefka pick looks better twice in three days, or Lloyd really is that bad.
Jon Thomson - MARIO, Samus, SOLID SNAKE, Bowser, CRONO, Squall, Sonic, MEGA MAN
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 7/22/2005 4:59:43 AM | Message Detail
Does todays result proive that Ryu H. maybe is above LLoyd Irving?
190/192 points in sc2004
tiebrakowned by nifboy
From: Zylo the wolf | Posted: 7/22/2005 5:03:51 AM | Message Detail
Just what I have been saying the whole time.
My biggest predictions: Mario over Samus, Alucard over Sora, Magus over Dante.
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/22/2005 5:13:29 AM | Message Detail
I haven't read any other comments, but HOLY **** HOLY ****. Unless Angel Kefka really made a difference, it seems Mithos > Lloyd. But even with that, Wesker through Luca was only projected to do as well as Mithos, so Mithos and Lloyd seem to be very close regardless. So much for Kratos over Diablo, eh?

Oh, and Wesker still needs his skin checked.
SC2K5 status - Points: 002/003 - Matches: 02/03 - Rank: 12444/33793 - Today: Lloyd - Tomorrow: Samus
From: SecondBest | Posted: 7/22/2005 5:59:20 AM | Message Detail
I love this Contest. Wesker for the win, darnit. These picks aren't important, anyway. I need Bowser and Vincent more than anything.
There's always someone better.
From: Starion | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:10:15 AM | Message Detail
Lloyd is increasing his lead but not all that fast (he sometimes loses the updates too). I doubt he's going to get a 6% increase like Mithos. So Lloyd must really be <= Mithos.
From: Heroic Hentai Fanboy | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:12:26 AM | Message Detail
Makes sense. Mithos>>Lloyd as a character.
Well, when the parents are away... brother and sister can play...
From: -Clarke | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:14:00 AM | Message Detail
And then what.
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:14:34 AM | Message Detail
mithos may be above him
190/192 points in sc2004
tiebrakowned by nifboy
From: Not Dave | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:14:47 AM | Message Detail
So we all on the same page that Ryu H wins this contest?

From: BZer0 | Posted: 7/22/2005 6:15:01 AM | Message Detail
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