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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 135
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:08:53 PM | Message Detail
That was always infeasible and I made the post in jest; it made Kefka > Kirby, and, right now, Diablo > Zelda (heh). I would like to point out that it has climbed to 52.92% victory for Diablo by now.
Don't disregard the possibility.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:10:50 PM | Message Detail
Heh, in my bracket, I have CJ and Leon in the same four-pack as well.
I'm thinking about doing a fanfic, since I have loads of free time.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:11:46 PM | Message Detail
That is one badass picture, I must say.
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
That is one badass picture, I must say.
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:13:57 PM | Message Detail
As for the picture: Ganondorf looks awesome and Robotnik looks like
he's trying to eat his own boob. I think a better picture could have
been found.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:16:18 PM | Message Detail
MM's right; again, I think Ganon's got it and there's probably not
gonna be much question to the match...but between the arguements
Chichiri has made for Magus's four-pack being over-rated and the
general suspicion of that four-pack being fishy, CATS being our most
consistant character to date thus far, and Bison/Diablo drawing more
votes than either of Ganon's matches...it's not out of this world. I
think Wesker beat Luca noticably more than he would have been expected
to if they were indirectly compared though, thus screwin' Kefka and
Diablo from any gains like that, but if Ganon really is at 25.9% on
Link, Diablo might be able to make it closer than we thought.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:17:58 PM | Message Detail
CATS predicts Ganon at 28.43% on 2k3 Link.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:26:04 PM | Message Detail
I was using 2k4 Link...I get the feeling we're still doin' something
else different though, since I'm gettin' 27.77% for Ganon on Link
2k3...lemme clarify what I'm doin' and you tell me if I'm doin' it
right or not:
Assuming CATS 2k4 = CATS 2k5, he's at 12.17% on Link 2k4. Ansem should then be at 13.24% (12.17/45.96*50=Ansem). Therefore, Ganon should be at 25.9% (13.24/25.56*50=Ganon), and that's what they should get on Link 2k4.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Assuming CATS 2k4 = CATS 2k5, he's at 12.17% on Link 2k4. Ansem should then be at 13.24% (12.17/45.96*50=Ansem). Therefore, Ganon should be at 25.9% (13.24/25.56*50=Ganon), and that's what they should get on Link 2k4.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:26:32 PM | Message Detail
CATS predicts Ganon at 28.43% on 2k3 Link.
And that could very well be possible. I'd rather make assumptions based on a very constant character than make them on a close four-pack when close matches would logically cause a few more anamolies.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
And that could very well be possible. I'd rather make assumptions based on a very constant character than make them on a close four-pack when close matches would logically cause a few more anamolies.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:28:15 PM | Message Detail
I don't like basing Ganon off of 2k3's four-pack OR fodder like CATS,
no matter how consistant he is; I just think we should look more at
Ganon through CATS since at least he has a rep of being consistant and
we're able to argue more and more against Magus's strength.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:32:16 PM | Message Detail
Doing anything assuming a constant CATS is just rediculous. CATS quite
obviously overperformed in his match against Ansem due to bracket
support and having his most recognizable picture, not to mention he was
up against freakin' ANSEM, not a powerhouse like Link or Cloud.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:38:45 PM | Message Detail
Bah, I hate using 2k4 Link as a base. Anyway, to get that 2k4 Link to
2k3 Link, take 50 * 25.9 / (100 - 54.46) = 28.43 (my way), or 50 * 25.9
/ (100 - 53.62) = 27.92 (cn's way). I think it's easier to just go with
2k3 Link.
And I've always wondered about this; what makes close matches more susceptible to anomalies?
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
And I've always wondered about this; what makes close matches more susceptible to anomalies?
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:39:47 PM | Message Detail
I'm not saying basing Ganon off of a steady CATS is right; I'm just
saying that it may be closer to being right than basing Ganon off of
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: mr_BRIAN
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:46:57 PM | Message Detail
I'd think CATS would get some votes for his picture, as neither him nor Ansem are THAT well known or cared about by most.
SpC2k5: 32/36 Final four: Bowser, SEPHIROTH, Kefka, GANONDORF
*is Janus5000*
SpC2k5: 32/36 Final four: Bowser, SEPHIROTH, Kefka, GANONDORF
*is Janus5000*
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:47:27 PM | Message Detail
And I've always wondered about this; what makes close matches more susceptible to anomalies?
Not really sure, it just seems like it would make sense.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:49:27 PM | Message Detail
Not really sure, it just seems like it would make sense.
Why does it make sense? Which side would it favor? Just like "Nintendo vs Square," this seems to pop up every now and again with no justification or even explanation of who it benefited.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
Why does it make sense? Which side would it favor? Just like "Nintendo vs Square," this seems to pop up every now and again with no justification or even explanation of who it benefited.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:50:33 PM | Message Detail
Why does it make sense? Which side would it favor? Just like "Nintendo vs Square," this seems to pop up every now and again with no justification or even explanation of who it benefited.
I'll try to put it into words. Just, not this second.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:52:37 PM | Message Detail
And I've always wondered about this; what makes close matches more susceptible to anomalies?
Close matches should definitely be less susceptible to anomalies.
There can be more volatility at more extreme levels of performance; in close matches, there will be much less. e.g., Mario vs. Crono series.
Close matches should definitely be less susceptible to anomalies.
There can be more volatility at more extreme levels of performance; in close matches, there will be much less. e.g., Mario vs. Crono series.
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:53:06 PM | Message Detail
Not really sure, it just seems like it would make sense.
It would defy sense.
It would defy sense.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 7:54:32 PM | Message Detail
I think close matches CAN cause anomolies if the one that's supposed to
win doesn't, but since they're supposedly so close anyways, I think
that only matters a little. I think what he's referring to is how
people will rally for outside voters and/or cheat in closer matches,
which it may be possible if the rallying/cheating isn't in the right
I'm not sure where you get the 54.46 or 53.62 values, though. I kinda took a shortcut when it came to converting from Link 2k4 to Link 2k3; I took a character with a nearby value in the 2k4 stats (Dante in this case) and divided what it showed him to get against Link 2k3 by what he was supposed to get against Link 2k4 (27.33/25.49=1.0721851...). I round it off afew digits (I used 1.0721) and multiplied it by what Ganon was expected to get against Link 2k4 (25.9 in this case), and I got approximately 27.77% for Ganon on Link 2k3. I'm not surprised this's is considerably closer to cn's way though, since I'm using his conversions from sc2k4.com right now, heh.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
I'm not sure where you get the 54.46 or 53.62 values, though. I kinda took a shortcut when it came to converting from Link 2k4 to Link 2k3; I took a character with a nearby value in the 2k4 stats (Dante in this case) and divided what it showed him to get against Link 2k3 by what he was supposed to get against Link 2k4 (27.33/25.49=1.0721851...). I round it off afew digits (I used 1.0721) and multiplied it by what Ganon was expected to get against Link 2k4 (25.9 in this case), and I got approximately 27.77% for Ganon on Link 2k3. I'm not surprised this's is considerably closer to cn's way though, since I'm using his conversions from sc2k4.com right now, heh.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:03:18 PM | Message Detail
I think what he's referring to is how people will rally for outside voters and/or cheat in closer matches
We've never seen a case where this would alter the % much. The only possibility seems like Kuja vs. Master Hand—but it is clear that this was because of the day vote, not cheater deciding to rally behind Master Hand because of a close match.
Also, cheaters would give up once a good sized lead was established anyway. Not to mention that a good sized lead usually doesn't amount to much difference in percentage performance.
If close matches do cause cheating, and it is on both sites, the %es won't be affected much. Even if it is one-sided it shouldn't affect percentage performance much, unless you're talking about many thousands of one-way cheating votes.
We've never seen a case where this would alter the % much. The only possibility seems like Kuja vs. Master Hand—but it is clear that this was because of the day vote, not cheater deciding to rally behind Master Hand because of a close match.
Also, cheaters would give up once a good sized lead was established anyway. Not to mention that a good sized lead usually doesn't amount to much difference in percentage performance.
If close matches do cause cheating, and it is on both sites, the %es won't be affected much. Even if it is one-sided it shouldn't affect percentage performance much, unless you're talking about many thousands of one-way cheating votes.
From: Starion
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:06:10 PM | Message Detail
Maybe because close matches are highly dependent on turnout? It's
similar to an explanation I heard about politics. For example, America
has a roughly even split between Democrats and Republicans. A
presidential candidate who can mobilize his base more during election
will win (cough Diablo cough), even though his opponent has a similar
number of supporters.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
From: Lopen
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:07:01 PM | Message Detail
It's not that there's a reason, it's just
that it seems to be the case. Look at Liquid, dropped... like... rock.
Look at Tidus, dropped... like... rock. Not to mention all of those
close chains seem to be exceptionally high in the standings.
I'm calling it... Ganondorf, dropped... like... rock.
He needs nominations, 61! Nominate Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2) for SC2K5!
I'm calling it... Ganondorf, dropped... like... rock.
He needs nominations, 61! Nominate Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2) for SC2K5!
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:07:48 PM | Message Detail
Aw, looks like Diablo should be ending around that 54% area. Very, very nice for him to perform this well though.
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:09:06 PM | Message Detail
Oh, and the whole PGC thing with Cloud/Mario. But even that would be
only a difference of 3 points; the volatility of blowouts seems to be
much higher than that, in terms of impact.
Rmember that a 3 point swing in a 50/50 match isn't as big a deal as a 1 point swing in an 85/15 match.
Rmember that a 3 point swing in a 50/50 match isn't as big a deal as a 1 point swing in an 85/15 match.
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:11:02 PM | Message Detail
It's not that there's a reason, it's just that it seems to be the
case. Look at Liquid, dropped... like... rock. Look at Tidus,
dropped... like... rock. Not to mention all of those close chains seem
to be exceptionally high in the standings.
Where do you get this from? That doesn't seem like the explanation one should find there.
A series of close matches will result in more trustworthy extrapolated results than a series of blowouts.
Where do you get this from? That doesn't seem like the explanation one should find there.
A series of close matches will result in more trustworthy extrapolated results than a series of blowouts.
From: Lopen
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:13:50 PM | Message Detail
What other series of close matches are there? Are there any? I want to
know to see if they dropped... like... rock. (okay I'll stop that now)
He needs nominations, 61! Nominate Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2) for SC2K5!
He needs nominations, 61! Nominate Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2) for SC2K5!
From: Heroic Viktor
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:14:13 PM | Message Detail
Christ... Ganondorf looks like a freakin' gargoyle...
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
Team Dragostea Din Tei for Trivia XV
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
Team Dragostea Din Tei for Trivia XV
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:17:01 PM | Message Detail
What I'm saying is, for as far as we know, how do we know matches like
FFT/MGS or Liquid/Frog had the right winner? The cheating and rallying
may have been pretty close to equal, but both of those matches were
decided by 38 and 93 votes (respectively). Now, their vote totals
weren't really all that different from other matches there, though they
were in the upper end of vote totals as far as other matches in the
round said match was in...but 38-93 votes is hardly anything; our stats
don't account for wrongful winners (except for Crono >
Magus...that's my weddin' gift to ya Ulti, enjoy).
Again, I think if they were that close to begin with, then it won't make for much of a difference though there will still be some irregularities (such is the way of the stats). I'm just saying that, in all likelyhood, there IS that difference somewhere in probably a good number of our matches that are within, say, 52.5-47.5.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Again, I think if they were that close to begin with, then it won't make for much of a difference though there will still be some irregularities (such is the way of the stats). I'm just saying that, in all likelyhood, there IS that difference somewhere in probably a good number of our matches that are within, say, 52.5-47.5.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:18:35 PM | Message Detail
I'm calling it... Ganondorf, dropped... like... rock.
Ganon's value is 2 years old. He had a pig picture against Ansem. CATS had his best pic ever. All these things were mentioned as reasons for Ganon to underperform the straight-up expectation before the Ganon vs. Ansem match.
Ganon will most likely underperform relative to the straight-up expectation vs. Sephiroth as well, as he doesn't seem to be at 34.72% against 2K3 Link—maybe 30%. And Sephiroth seems to be stronger than his value in 2K4; probably closer to his 2K3 value. Take Ganon at 30% and Sephiroth at close to 50%, and you're approaching 70% for Seph. The straight-up SFF-adjusted 2K4 values put Sephiroth at only 61.8%. I would be quite surprised if Ganon held Sephiroth so low.
Ganon's value is 2 years old. He had a pig picture against Ansem. CATS had his best pic ever. All these things were mentioned as reasons for Ganon to underperform the straight-up expectation before the Ganon vs. Ansem match.
Ganon will most likely underperform relative to the straight-up expectation vs. Sephiroth as well, as he doesn't seem to be at 34.72% against 2K3 Link—maybe 30%. And Sephiroth seems to be stronger than his value in 2K4; probably closer to his 2K3 value. Take Ganon at 30% and Sephiroth at close to 50%, and you're approaching 70% for Seph. The straight-up SFF-adjusted 2K4 values put Sephiroth at only 61.8%. I would be quite surprised if Ganon held Sephiroth so low.
From: MasterMoltar
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:22:26 PM | Message Detail
Oh my....I <3 Ganon. He looks AWESOME in that picture! Robotnik isn't have bad either.
Out of space....
Oh my....I <3 Ganon. He looks AWESOME in that picture! Robotnik isn't have bad either.
Out of space....
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:23:31 PM | Message Detail
how do we know matches like FFT/MGS or Liquid/Frog had the right winner?
The winner is irrelevant; this doesn't matter at all. Super-close matches are flukes in terms of who wins, and it doesn't matter for the extrapolated method. Switch the winners' and losers' percentages for all these matches and any effects would be trivial.
The winner is irrelevant; this doesn't matter at all. Super-close matches are flukes in terms of who wins, and it doesn't matter for the extrapolated method. Switch the winners' and losers' percentages for all these matches and any effects would be trivial.
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:24:56 PM | Message Detail
Robotnik's pic last round was better. This one is sort of weird.
Ganon's is decent. Though he looks Scottish.
Ganon's is decent. Though he looks Scottish.
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:27:26 PM | Message Detail
Robotnik's picture was better last round, but his picture this round does look good.
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:33:11 PM | Message Detail
OMG!!! SC Wars Episode V: Attack of the Stats!!! Witness the transformation of Sephiroth into Dark Lord of the Stats!
I'm actually hoping that Bowser and Ganondorf screw up the stats even more against Sephiroth.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
I'm actually hoping that Bowser and Ganondorf screw up the stats even more against Sephiroth.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:33:58 PM | Message Detail
The winner is irrelevant; this doesn't matter at all. Super-close
matches are flukes in terms of who wins, and it doesn't matter for the
extrapolated method. Switch the winners' and losers' percentages for
all these matches and any effects would be trivial.
Not really true. If the opponent in the next round (e.g. Crono) shares a significant fanbase with one of the contenders (e.g. Magus) but not the other (e.g. Ganondorf), the result of the next match can be vastly different, depending on the winner.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
Not really true. If the opponent in the next round (e.g. Crono) shares a significant fanbase with one of the contenders (e.g. Magus) but not the other (e.g. Ganondorf), the result of the next match can be vastly different, depending on the winner.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 8:37:34 PM | Message Detail
Not really true. If the opponent in the next round (e.g. Crono)
shares a significant fanbase with one of the contenders (e.g. Magus)
but not the other (e.g. Ganondorf), the result of the next match can be
vastly different, depending on the winner.
We can switch the percentages around arbitrarily. It would just be question of altering strength numbers. In this case, simply flipping around the values for the winner/loser. If this were done for close matches, there would be virtually no difference in the standings' values.
We can switch the percentages around arbitrarily. It would just be question of altering strength numbers. In this case, simply flipping around the values for the winner/loser. If this were done for close matches, there would be virtually no difference in the standings' values.
From: cyko
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:05:30 PM | Message Detail
hooray for Ulti!! *cries for Kefka*
No, it was just that we had no proof that Link overperformed on Mega Man, and the Blue Bomber should have NEVER been automatically given his 2003 number, especially since that was the only year we had anything absolute on him. For him to receive that number again with no debate whatsoever is ridiculous.
i remember saying something like this about the 20xx Factor some time ago. i still agree that it was unusual to count that as an undisputed adjustment. it does seem odd to me that Snake could drop so much, though. but still.....
Who knows? Perhaps the angel picture did make a difference against Wesker. Still, I wouldn't have thought it would make him look like Kirby (not literally, of course).
i continue to stand by this. i believe that Kefka would be much closer to Diablo if he got that pic instead of this ugly clown pic. i'm not sure if it would have been enough to win, but it would have been very close.
I'm not sold on Seymour being stronger than Sin for some reason. He just comes off as being the FFX version of Kefka.
if you ask me, he comes off as being the FFX version of Kuja.
I hope we get nominations for Summer Contest the day after the Spring Contest ends so we dont try to hard to fit the stats from the Villians Contest in.
i hear that, man. i could do without a month of nothing between contests.
Heh. Ganondorf might have a crappy performance tommorow if there's any merit to Wind Waker Link being weak.
cel-shaded Ganon still looks cool and has casual appeal, unlike, the big-eyed kid version of Link. heck, i wouldn't be surprised in the least if a Young Link pic hurt Link's performance a little bit.
Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
No, it was just that we had no proof that Link overperformed on Mega Man, and the Blue Bomber should have NEVER been automatically given his 2003 number, especially since that was the only year we had anything absolute on him. For him to receive that number again with no debate whatsoever is ridiculous.
i remember saying something like this about the 20xx Factor some time ago. i still agree that it was unusual to count that as an undisputed adjustment. it does seem odd to me that Snake could drop so much, though. but still.....
Who knows? Perhaps the angel picture did make a difference against Wesker. Still, I wouldn't have thought it would make him look like Kirby (not literally, of course).
i continue to stand by this. i believe that Kefka would be much closer to Diablo if he got that pic instead of this ugly clown pic. i'm not sure if it would have been enough to win, but it would have been very close.
I'm not sold on Seymour being stronger than Sin for some reason. He just comes off as being the FFX version of Kefka.
if you ask me, he comes off as being the FFX version of Kuja.
I hope we get nominations for Summer Contest the day after the Spring Contest ends so we dont try to hard to fit the stats from the Villians Contest in.
i hear that, man. i could do without a month of nothing between contests.
Heh. Ganondorf might have a crappy performance tommorow if there's any merit to Wind Waker Link being weak.
cel-shaded Ganon still looks cool and has casual appeal, unlike, the big-eyed kid version of Link. heck, i wouldn't be surprised in the least if a Young Link pic hurt Link's performance a little bit.
Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
From: Mister Mario
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:15:00 PM | Message Detail
Mario got mass support to beat Cloud in 2002, because PGCN linked there, right?
Couldn't that also be why Link was so strong in 2002? I mean, he's already stronger than anyone on this site, but with that added support, it may have been why he did so well against everyone.
Or did they only link during Mario matches?
"The PS3 isn't designed to lean towards games. It's not a computer for children."- Ken Kutaragi
Mario got mass support to beat Cloud in 2002, because PGCN linked there, right?
Couldn't that also be why Link was so strong in 2002? I mean, he's already stronger than anyone on this site, but with that added support, it may have been why he did so well against everyone.
Or did they only link during Mario matches?
"The PS3 isn't designed to lean towards games. It's not a computer for children."- Ken Kutaragi
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:18:42 PM | Message Detail
We can switch the percentages around arbitrarily. It would just be
question of altering strength numbers. In this case, simply flipping
around the values for the winner/loser. If this were done for close
matches, there would be virtually no difference in the standings'
I'm not sure you understand my point. Let's say we have Ganondorf vs. Magus with the winner going up against Crono.
Case 1: Magus beats Ganondorf 50.30% / 49.70%, and then Crono beats Magus 69.78% / 30.22%. Extrapolated results against Crono are then
Crono: 50.00%
Magus: 30.22%
Ganondorf: 30.04%
Case 2: Ganondorf beats Magus 50.30% / 49.70%, and then Crono beats Ganondorf 56.46% / 43.54% (the results I get using the SFF-adjusted standings, but this number is arbitrary - all that matters is that it is significantly different from 69.78%). The extrapolated results against Crono are then
Crono: 50.00%
Ganondorf: 43.54%
Magus: 43.28%
As you can see, a tiny swing in one match that alters the winner can have a huge effect on the results of the next match, and thus on the extrapolated standings, due to one characer having SFF but the other not.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
I'm not sure you understand my point. Let's say we have Ganondorf vs. Magus with the winner going up against Crono.
Case 1: Magus beats Ganondorf 50.30% / 49.70%, and then Crono beats Magus 69.78% / 30.22%. Extrapolated results against Crono are then
Crono: 50.00%
Magus: 30.22%
Ganondorf: 30.04%
Case 2: Ganondorf beats Magus 50.30% / 49.70%, and then Crono beats Ganondorf 56.46% / 43.54% (the results I get using the SFF-adjusted standings, but this number is arbitrary - all that matters is that it is significantly different from 69.78%). The extrapolated results against Crono are then
Crono: 50.00%
Ganondorf: 43.54%
Magus: 43.28%
As you can see, a tiny swing in one match that alters the winner can have a huge effect on the results of the next match, and thus on the extrapolated standings, due to one characer having SFF but the other not.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:18:43 PM | Message Detail
if you ask me, he comes off as being the FFX version of Kuja.
Good comparison. I've never believed the Seymour>Sin stuff myself. I don't think Seymour would be as strong as Sin.
Good comparison. I've never believed the Seymour>Sin stuff myself. I don't think Seymour would be as strong as Sin.
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:20:19 PM | Message Detail
As you can see, a tiny swing in one match that alters the winner can
have a huge effect on the results of the next match, and thus on the
extrapolated standings, due to one characer having SFF but the other
To be fair, we always adjust for those situations.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
To be fair, we always adjust for those situations.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:21:34 PM | Message Detail
Aprosent, that doesn't affect what we're talking about. We already make
(controversial) SFF adjustments to the best of our abilities. "What if"
scenarios don't enter the picture anywhere.
Though if you wanted, you could certainly make a make-believe SFF adjustment in some cases—e.g., if Mario did face Wario. That's no problem (as long as you don't expect to be accurate in terms of what would've actually happened...). That's not related to our discussion though.
Though if you wanted, you could certainly make a make-believe SFF adjustment in some cases—e.g., if Mario did face Wario. That's no problem (as long as you don't expect to be accurate in terms of what would've actually happened...). That's not related to our discussion though.
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:24:31 PM | Message Detail
Ok, I guess we're just arguing about different things then. What we can
agree on is that the extrapolated standings are only accurate and
useful when SFF does not exist to a significant extent. Given the
results of one match not involving SFF, we can only make an educated
guess at the extrapolated results of a match involving SFF or
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:27:23 PM | Message Detail
The reason I think that close matches are less likely to be very
inaccurate is more or less just... a feeling... I mean, I think that
two characters permorming equally against each other would not
perform equally against any other common opponent. I feel that they
happen to have a unique situation when they will perform almost equally
against each other. But I could be completely wrong, and probably am.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:33:00 PM | Message Detail
My thoughts exactly. I was just writing a post explaining my thoughts
on that. I think Master Chief/Frog would be a good example of that....
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:35:09 PM | Message Detail
I wanted to say Frog/MC, but I didn't due to there being some linkage.
It's one thing to rally or cheat, but linkin' (while similar) is
something above those two I think, so I used Liquid/Frog instead.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: swirldude
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:35:14 PM | Message Detail
We need Donkey Kong/Tails in the first round this summer to test MasterMage's theory.
O, flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! ~Mercutio
O, flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! ~Mercutio
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:37:13 PM | Message Detail
How would that match prove his theory? You would need two people who
HAVE faced each other in a close match go against a common opponent....
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: swirldude
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:38:37 PM | Message Detail
...I misread his theory.
But we still must have that match.
O, flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! ~Mercutio
But we still must have that match.
O, flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! ~Mercutio
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 9:39:40 PM | Message Detail
How would that match prove his theory? You would need two people who
HAVE faced each other in a close match go against a common opponent....
Exactly. And we'd need two who have probably not changed over the course of a contest, so Master Chief is out. Basically, we need a situation where Frog and Liquid Snake both end up facing Link in the same contest.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
Exactly. And we'd need two who have probably not changed over the course of a contest, so Master Chief is out. Basically, we need a situation where Frog and Liquid Snake both end up facing Link in the same contest.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!