Spring 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 135
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:39:49 AM | Message Detail
Eh, is something going on >_>
Oh, wedding, yeah... umm. Okay son, the important thing to learn about marriage is this, have as much sex as you can on your honeymoon because after that it's on a "when she feels like it" basis, which is in many cases never. Anyway, yeah, congrats.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing over half of the brackets that Ridley could win. - Harrich
Oh, wedding, yeah... umm. Okay son, the important thing to learn about marriage is this, have as much sex as you can on your honeymoon because after that it's on a "when she feels like it" basis, which is in many cases never. Anyway, yeah, congrats.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing over half of the brackets that Ridley could win. - Harrich
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:41:56 AM | Message Detail
but Ulti convinced me to bring Mega Man up, chiefly because of Ryu > Snake
Well, it's obvious that Snake took a dip in strength anyway. And it's not like he blew Ryu out either. He would be awfully close regardless.
All I can say is that the 20XX Division blows hard.
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Well, it's obvious that Snake took a dip in strength anyway. And it's not like he blew Ryu out either. He would be awfully close regardless.
All I can say is that the 20XX Division blows hard.
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: Shadowdude II
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:43:42 AM | Message Detail
All I can say is that the 20XX Division blows hard.
Except for Kefka, who is awesome.
"I'd like to see the 500th post actually be on topic this time." ~LordOfDabu
Except for Kefka, who is awesome.
"I'd like to see the 500th post actually be on topic this time." ~LordOfDabu
From: Shadowdude II
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:44:49 AM | Message Detail
BTW the link doesn't work for me, so I'll just go out on a limb and say congrats Ulti!
"I'd like to see the 500th post actually be on topic this time." ~LordOfDabu
"I'd like to see the 500th post actually be on topic this time." ~LordOfDabu
From: voltch
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:45:03 AM | Message Detail
anyone think snake will increase his strength because of mgs3 and mg acid and the hype of three new metal gear games
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:45:03 AM | Message Detail
Chichiri, I have a very good sex life. As for the whole myth about
girls losing their sex drive after getting married, she isn't really
like that. She's.... new-agey, I suppose.
Ulti convinced me to bring Mega Man up, chiefly because of Ryu > Snake.
Yeah, that was the first thing that jumped out at me about those stats.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Ulti convinced me to bring Mega Man up, chiefly because of Ryu > Snake.
Yeah, that was the first thing that jumped out at me about those stats.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:46:09 AM | Message Detail
Except for Kefka, who is awesome.
I'm talking stats-wise. Kefka wasn't even the best character in his own match. There are still some question marks about him, too, particularly how he managed to make such a large gap between him and Pac-Man in one year.
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
I'm talking stats-wise. Kefka wasn't even the best character in his own match. There are still some question marks about him, too, particularly how he managed to make such a large gap between him and Pac-Man in one year.
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:46:22 AM | Message Detail
I was joking. You know, makin' a funny.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing over half of the brackets that Ridley could win. - Harrich
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing over half of the brackets that Ridley could win. - Harrich
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:49:25 AM | Message Detail
I wonder if Alanna will still throw herself at you after August 21...
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:49:57 AM | Message Detail
Why would that change anything?
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:50:10 AM | Message Detail
Well, Snake would go from beating Ryu with 57.26% in 2k3 to losing with
46.46% in 2k4 without any 20XXDF. Something is wrong there, methinks.
Mega Man, Zero, Vercetti, and Knuckles also take conspicuous falls.
Something else could have happened with the trio and Crash, Tanner
looks even worse, Tidus and Shadow look even more pathetic and can't be
strong again, Max acutally falls into place, and we can't say anything
about Proto or EJ. I think that covers everyone.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:51:55 AM | Message Detail
I've come to a conclusion that I think many will agree with. In 2k3, he
barely beats Pac-Man and is then SFF'd by Crono...how badly, we don't
know. In 2k4, FF3/6 does excellently despite losing in the Sweet
Sixteen and Kefka shows some new-found strength against Knuckles. Luigi
then goes on to blow Pac-Man out of the water...there's two problems
though: Luigi then lost to the SFF'd Yoshi, and Kefka was in the
controversial 20XX division. Now, Kefka looks fairly unimpressive
against Mithos before decimating Wesker worse than he should have to
Luca, then manages to lose to Diablo...so, my conclusion is this:
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: ernest
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:52:01 AM | Message Detail
any characters expected to become stronger this summer contest?
So what do you do all day ? I run a couple of newspapers.- Orson Welles in Citizen Kane
So what do you do all day ? I run a couple of newspapers.- Orson Welles in Citizen Kane
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:54:18 AM | Message Detail
Dante, Master Chief, and possibly Samus all should become stronger.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:56:48 AM | Message Detail
Blah, I'll wait and see what Sephiroth and Ganondorf do first, then.
Perhaps 20XX Factor wasn't ALL Link overperformance and Mega Man did
dip somewhat. Either way, that whole division sends contradictory
signals. Kefka acts like there was SFF against Crono and Pac-Man acts
like there wasn't. Zero performs almost exactly like he was supposed to
against Vercetti (despite Max doing better than he should, but he did
face Sephy in 2003) and Mega Man. Snake obviously dropped, and Knux
appears stable. Tidus/Shadow goes almost exactly as it should, and then
Mega Man blows him out by nearly 10% more than he should. And of
course, there's the Frog/MC/Liquid trio, not to mention Crash, whose
numbers NEVER make sense in any year.
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:57:50 AM | Message Detail
Don't forget Crono. And if the contest begins in August, Advent
Children is released right near the end. Might make a difference (in
addition to screwing up our numbers if it does).
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:59:13 AM | Message Detail
And here I thought we'd get answers from this contest, not more questions. Why do FF villains hate number so?
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
If you go to him, he will destroy you. And your last moments will be of shadow and pain.
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:59:16 AM | Message Detail
Who knows? Perhaps the angel picture did make a difference against
Wesker. Still, I wouldn't have thought it would make him look like
Kirby (not literally, of course).
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 5/29/2005 11:59:56 AM | Message Detail
I thought we'd get more answers than questions, too.
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
“You see, at this point… I’m pretty much the Queen ***** of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again.”
From: Sir Crono
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:00:45 PM | Message Detail
Not to mention, there's still the very real possibility that Sin >= Kefka if Robotnik >= Tails.
Out of all of the FF villains to be second strongest...it had to be a giant whale, didn't it?
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
Out of all of the FF villains to be second strongest...it had to be a giant whale, didn't it?
Can't keep a good man down, baby!
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:05:57 PM | Message Detail
But it makes sense for Sin/Kefka to be 2-3 considering the only game
that rivals FFVI/X strength outside of VII killing them both is FFVIII
and it doesnt have a good villian to put in here. I mean Ultimetica who
is Miss "Lets talk about her for 15 seconds and then never mention her
again until the end of Disk 3". The only villian that could have any
strength is Edna and she falls into the "Magus" rule.
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:06:30 PM | Message Detail
Side-note, but I find it funny that Diablo's gettin' what I dub the "church vote", heh.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:10:03 PM | Message Detail
Edea, you mean.
I still say Seifer is at worst the 3rd most popular FFVIII character. I'm surprised he didn't make it.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
I still say Seifer is at worst the 3rd most popular FFVIII character. I'm surprised he didn't make it.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:11:25 PM | Message Detail
And even with how close FFVI and FFX are, I still wouldn't think it'd be enough to put Sin (SIN!) over Kefka.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:12:15 PM | Message Detail
Yeah sorry, I was going through a Maniac Mansion (one of the best games ever!) phase with that name.
Also any contest without a FFVIII character is a great contest by default.
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
Also any contest without a FFVIII character is a great contest by default.
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:12:33 PM | Message Detail
I really wish Seymour had gotten into the contest instead of Sin. I'm really wondering how he would have done.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:13:56 PM | Message Detail
If Seymour was stronger than Sin, he'd probably be at least as strong
as Yuna. He would almost have to be. It's strange how close Sin is to
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:16:50 PM | Message Detail
I'm not sold on Seymour being stronger than Sin for some reason. He just comes off as being the FFX version of Kefka.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:17:05 PM | Message Detail
Diablo's lead is over 4 times as high as it was against Bison at this
same time. Granted, this is a Sunday match, so the voting patterns are
different, but still. It's worth noting.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:18:48 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:19:23 PM | Message Detail
I'm not sold on Seymour being stronger than Sin for some reason. He just comes off as being the FFX version of Kefka.
And that's a bad thing, really? Sin comes off as the FFX version of Lavos, and the giant whale is almost certain to be stronger than the porcupine.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
And that's a bad thing, really? Sin comes off as the FFX version of Lavos, and the giant whale is almost certain to be stronger than the porcupine.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:20:31 PM | Message Detail
This does bring up the age old question:
Who would win: Whale or Porcipine
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
Who would win: Whale or Porcipine
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
From: Phediuk
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:21:02 PM | Message Detail
Ah, so we finally get to see a picture of Ulti.
I have a picture online, but believe me, I'm very stereotypical nerd-like. >_>
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
I have a picture online, but believe me, I'm very stereotypical nerd-like. >_>
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:35:58 PM | Message Detail
I think it's a given that a whale would practically eat a porcupine
alive, although I think it would attack valiantly for what it's worth.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:36:41 PM | Message Detail
Nah, it wouldn't put up a fight against a killer whale. Those things are vicious.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:41:34 PM | Message Detail
Kefka 46.64% 23318
Diablo 53.36% 26682
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
Diablo 53.36% 26682
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: Phediuk
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:42:48 PM | Message Detail
Man, this contest has been boring...
...we haven't had a single exciting match yet.
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
...we haven't had a single exciting match yet.
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:44:37 PM | Message Detail
*crossing my fingers that Bowser can hold a lead against Sephiroth for a few minutes*
And diabloii.net is down! It's OVER for Diablo! Kefka will now come storming back to win!
...Or not.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
And diabloii.net is down! It's OVER for Diablo! Kefka will now come storming back to win!
...Or not.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:44:56 PM | Message Detail
Master Hand/Kuja was alright.
And yeah, that's the first modern picture I've ever posted here. That's a few months old, though. The goatee's been kept a little shorter, the hair is a lot longer, and I'm thinner and more muscular. You can't look like crap when you're getting married! <3
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
And yeah, that's the first modern picture I've ever posted here. That's a few months old, though. The goatee's been kept a little shorter, the hair is a lot longer, and I'm thinner and more muscular. You can't look like crap when you're getting married! <3
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:47:48 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, you let yourself go AFTER you get married.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:49:13 PM | Message Detail
Hmm... longer hair, shorter goatee, thinner, more muscular... He's trying to look like Magus >_>
All he needs now is to completely lose the goatee and dye his hair silver.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
All he needs now is to completely lose the goatee and dye his hair silver.
Sephiroth is good, if he wasn't good, sephiroth wouldn't have 8.000 fans around the world. ~Siimor11
ZSB [aX]
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:50:00 PM | Message Detail
And shave with a scythe.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:50:54 PM | Message Detail
But he just said you CAN'T look like crap when you're getting married.
Har har.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Har har.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: FFDragon
| Posted: 5/29/2005 12:52:07 PM | Message Detail
I could totally see Ulti cosplaying as Magus. >_>
But heh, congrats man.
Insomnia is like having immortality, except you're gonna die. ~PepsiPlunge
But heh, congrats man.
Insomnia is like having immortality, except you're gonna die. ~PepsiPlunge
From: Adept_Of_Aiur
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:14:18 PM | Message Detail
I hope Diablo gets quadrupled next round, just to utterly **** up the stats.
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
Heil Dweebenheimer!!! For I am MasterMage119!!!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:15:22 PM | Message Detail
Oh yeah? Well, I hope Diablo gets disqualified, and we don't even have stats!
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Robotnik
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000." --Cartman
From: Starion
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:30:51 PM | Message Detail
Never figured Ulti to have long hair. I honestly expected him to have a
shaved head or a crew cut hairstyle. Anyway, congratulations on your
wedding Ulti.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:31:20 PM | Message Detail
I hope we get nominations for Summer Contest the day after the Spring
Contest ends so we dont try to hard to fit the stats from the Villians
Contest in.
The fact is they are two different contests and voting patterns could be different.
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
The fact is they are two different contests and voting patterns could be different.
"You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun" - Manny Calavera
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:37:49 PM | Message Detail
Haven't been around this weekend, looks like I missed a whole topic, and I don't have time to read the old posts.
So it seems questionable that Ganon will break 30% on Sephiroth. It wouldn't be a shock to see Bowser perform just a bit better than Ganon; though they should get around the same.
So it seems questionable that Ganon will break 30% on Sephiroth. It wouldn't be a shock to see Bowser perform just a bit better than Ganon; though they should get around the same.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/29/2005 1:39:27 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]