Spring 2005 Contest
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Contest stats and Discussion - Part 126
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/18/2005 10:42:30 AM | Message Detail
From: Ma Chao the Wanderer | Posted: 5/18/2005 1:34:53 PM | Message Detail
Whether or not Magus is a villain is entirely up to the player and/or how you choose to go through the game.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Whether or not Magus is a villain is entirely up to the player and/or how you choose to go through the game.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: Ma Chao the Wanderer
| Posted: 5/18/2005 10:43:56 AM | Message Detail
Magus shouldn't be a villain to anyone. He should be a god to everyone.
Slowflake here. Thanks to Steinershocker for lending me his alt while I'm in warnination.
Slowflake here. Thanks to Steinershocker for lending me his alt while I'm in warnination.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:01:45 AM | Message Detail
11:00:01 | 15095 | 15319 | 49.63% | 50.37% | 224
EST schools let out in an hour...
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
EST schools let out in an hour...
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:03:52 AM | Message Detail
Glove's lead was 224 3 minutes ago? It's now 265-ish.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: A Hogasm IN POG FORM
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:04:50 AM | Message Detail
ZOMG HE'S PULLIN AWAY!!!!!!!!11!!!
You have the best username I have ever seen. Make love to me.-Bloofy
You have the best username I have ever seen. Make love to me.-Bloofy
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:06:24 AM | Message Detail
If Master Hand does so much as hit the 350-lead mark at any time once
the after-school votes start, I believe that'll be the breaking point
of Kuja. There's less than an hour until then though, and MH is almost
at 300 as-is. Kuja's best hope is to go toe-to-toe with the glove
during the after-school hours, and hope he gets a steady pace going in
his favor after that.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:06:25 AM | Message Detail
50 vote swing in five minutes. That's got to hurt Kuja.
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:07:12 AM | Message Detail
11:05:00 | 15209 | 15488 | 49.55% | 50.45% | 279
55 votes in 5 minutes. A prelude of the after school vote?
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
55 votes in 5 minutes. A prelude of the after school vote?
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:07:34 AM | Message Detail
55 votes in five minutes? That's pretty odd.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:08:52 AM | Message Detail
Kuja 49.51% 15280
Master Hand 50.49% 15580
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
Master Hand 50.49% 15580
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:11:39 AM | Message Detail
After spending two and a half hours trying to break 200, MH looks like MC and hits 300 in 35 minutes
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: Tjian
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:13:05 AM | Message Detail
Uhg, live by the board, die by the board. I had Robotnik over Kuja in
the second round but changed it after some minor convincing. Now if he
can even beat the hand, he will have another tough match.
We need to get back to real characters, these scrubs vs scrubs are annoying.
Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you feel it's warmth.
We need to get back to real characters, these scrubs vs scrubs are annoying.
Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you feel it's warmth.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:13:56 AM | Message Detail
Miscarriage of justice, etc. Comparison of vote totals in next post.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:15:32 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:16:24 AM | Message Detail
Wrong topic, heh.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:16:45 AM | Message Detail
At the 11:10 mark, this match has 30952 votes. To compare to other matches at the same time:
Wily/Ultros - 31498
Kefka/Mithos - 30093
Albedo/Bison - 29048
Robotnik/Sin - 30172
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Wily/Ultros - 31498
Kefka/Mithos - 30093
Albedo/Bison - 29048
Robotnik/Sin - 30172
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:17:13 AM | Message Detail
And Kuja's starting to bring the margin back down after Master Hand hit 300.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:17:39 AM | Message Detail
...I feel dumb; this WAS The right topic, heh.
Scrubs versus scrubs RULE; when most characters have a good shot of winning one match in a normal contest, scrubs do not. This is their chance to win not one, but TWO, and we don't know how in the hell they're gonna perform. Give me Kuja/Hand over Link/Cloud any day of the ****ing week.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Scrubs versus scrubs RULE; when most characters have a good shot of winning one match in a normal contest, scrubs do not. This is their chance to win not one, but TWO, and we don't know how in the hell they're gonna perform. Give me Kuja/Hand over Link/Cloud any day of the ****ing week.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:19:02 AM | Message Detail
Actually, Link/Cloud should be interesting this summer. If the contest
starts August 1st, Advent Children is released right in the middle.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: TheRye
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:20:58 AM | Message Detail
By the way, I highly doubt that Kuja is stronger than Sin. I'd feel mighty good if I had Robotnik in my bracket.
This is what I've been saying all week.
“TheRye is like Jesus, if Jesus ever played video games.” -Inviso
This is what I've been saying all week.
“TheRye is like Jesus, if Jesus ever played video games.” -Inviso
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:22:20 AM | Message Detail
People have been saying that since the bracket was released.
Still not convinced, even if Kuja loses.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Still not convinced, even if Kuja loses.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:22:54 AM | Message Detail
This could be the closest wire to wire match ever at this rate. The two
seeds are really messing up my bracket. Especially if Wily goes and
wins as well.
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:23:34 AM | Message Detail
I'd still take Link; I've made my stand about FF:AC not being a great boost to Cloud or Sephiroth already, right or wrong.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:23:39 AM | Message Detail
Thank the lord, I come home 5 hours later to find 50 votes behind turn
into a few hundred vote lead, expected, but still good to see.
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:24:36 AM | Message Detail
And the lead is over 350 now. It's all over the place.
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
Jon Thomson - 14/15, today: Kuja, tomorrow: Bowser
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:24:45 AM | Message Detail
I've made my stand about FF:AC not being a great boost to Cloud or Sephiroth already, right or wrong.
Hype is at its highest at the very beginning. The boost would probably be temporary, but still enough.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hype is at its highest at the very beginning. The boost would probably be temporary, but still enough.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:25:29 AM | Message Detail
Kuja 49.45% 15686
Master Hand 50.55% 16037
That's a lead of 351 guys...I'm not gonna call it now by any means and act like it's final, but, I don't think Kuja'll recover.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Master Hand 50.55% 16037
That's a lead of 351 guys...I'm not gonna call it now by any means and act like it's final, but, I don't think Kuja'll recover.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:25:31 AM | Message Detail
358... niiiiiiice jump.
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:25:55 AM | Message Detail
Yes, because 350 is an impossible margin to recover from.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:26:32 AM | Message Detail
I agree that'd be when it'd help the most, but I still think it'd be just short of what Cloud would need to beat Link this year.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: The n00b Avenger
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:26:54 AM | Message Detail
Master Hand attacks Kuja with "schools are letting out"
It's super effective!
*Taps on your shoulder and points* My tuba!
It's super effective!
*Taps on your shoulder and points* My tuba!
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:27:00 AM | Message Detail
*looks at Master Hand in his bracket*
anyone's got HM's quote on our insanity for picking that? =)
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
anyone's got HM's quote on our insanity for picking that? =)
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:27:21 AM | Message Detail
Cloud needs no more than 2500 voters to change their minds. You don't think he can get that?
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:28:22 AM | Message Detail
Believe he called us "clinically insane" and "the three crazies"
(though I think there's actually four or five of us, if I'm not
mistaken). The match ain't over yet though, even if our point's been
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:29:48 AM | Message Detail
From voting for Link because of a movie? Probably not, though I'm certain it'd be close.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:30:42 AM | Message Detail
Waking up and seeing Master Hand winning is worth a good laugh. And there's 8 or 9 of us in the Gurus.
No matter how this one goes, I'm happy to have proven my point on both Sin and Master Hand...
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
No matter how this one goes, I'm happy to have proven my point on both Sin and Master Hand...
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:30:59 AM | Message Detail
And you think Link fans aren't Cloud fans already? It's extremely obvious that their fanbases overlap by a lot.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Explicit Content
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:32:04 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, the best part about him calling us clinically insane, is I think Mumei sigged it, might have been someone else. Nothing quite like shoving things in peoples face, after something like that.
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
It's a Pinball Masquerade
Cheer up Emo kids. ~This sig was pimped by Icon's sig~
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:36:58 AM | Message Detail
As a fan of both of them, I wouldn't think so...but I'm also in the minority, as I don't have much interest in seeing FF:AC.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:38:21 AM | Message Detail
Yep, you're definitely in the minority.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Lucid Faia
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:40:16 AM | Message Detail
If Master Hand wins, I believe I'll have someone's head.
I was here when the bracket was announced by CJayC, and I'm positive I was the first to suggest that Master Hand could beat Kuja. I kept trying to tell you FF9 fans that Kuja is NOT a popular villain. Sheesh. That's the last time I let the board change my mind about something.
Now Playing: EarthBound, MAME, Tales Of Symphonia
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
I was here when the bracket was announced by CJayC, and I'm positive I was the first to suggest that Master Hand could beat Kuja. I kept trying to tell you FF9 fans that Kuja is NOT a popular villain. Sheesh. That's the last time I let the board change my mind about something.
Now Playing: EarthBound, MAME, Tales Of Symphonia
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:41:05 AM | Message Detail
If Master Hand wins, I believe I'll have someone's head.
You can take it. If Kuja loses, I won't want it.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
You can take it. If Kuja loses, I won't want it.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: TheRye
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:41:35 AM | Message Detail
To be honest, I had to think longer about picking Kuja over Master Hand than any match in the contest.
“TheRye is like Jesus, if Jesus ever played video games.” -Inviso
“TheRye is like Jesus, if Jesus ever played video games.” -Inviso
From: perdevious
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:43:15 AM | Message Detail
Now you tell us.
Sometimes I'm happy to have them, but more often than not, I find myself hating them. What, you say? Limits.
Sometimes I'm happy to have them, but more often than not, I find myself hating them. What, you say? Limits.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:43:19 AM | Message Detail
I don't think I was the first (though I know I was among the quickest to point it out), but I know I've had him since day one.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: Lucid Faia
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:44:08 AM | Message Detail
Well, if Master Hand wins, I still have a perfect bracket, but it's not my "prizes" one. Oh well.
Now Playing: EarthBound, MAME, Tales Of Symphonia
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
Now Playing: EarthBound, MAME, Tales Of Symphonia
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:45:37 AM | Message Detail
Thinking about it, I'd be willing to bet that MH has the brackets behind him, and by a lot.
But my silent fears have gripped me, long before I reach the phone, long before my tongue has tripped me. Must I always be alone?
But my silent fears have gripped me, long before I reach the phone, long before my tongue has tripped me. Must I always be alone?
From: Starion
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:46:29 AM | Message Detail
I pegged the glove to win two matches right at the start. I never
thought MH was as weak as people say it is. I'm sure others felt the
same way.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
A soda a day invites tooth decay.
From: Heroic Knuckles
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:46:52 AM | Message Detail
My bracket is dead anyway... GO MASTER HAND!
This is really Kuja vs. SSBM, isn't it?
From now on, anyone that makes fun of me, I'll kill them, just like that!"
"Eddie, have you gone nuts?"
This is really Kuja vs. SSBM, isn't it?
From now on, anyone that makes fun of me, I'll kill them, just like that!"
"Eddie, have you gone nuts?"
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/18/2005 11:47:26 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and just because I can...
Whether or not Magus is a villain is entirely up to the player and/or how you choose to go through the game.
Magus was never a villain. He's an anti-hero.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Whether or not Magus is a villain is entirely up to the player and/or how you choose to go through the game.
Magus was never a villain. He's an anti-hero.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.