Spring 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 119
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:05:26 PM | Message Detail
I've heard people ranking Bison from 2nd to 8th; the only thing people
agree on with Street Fighter popularity is that Ryu is #1.
From: RPGuy96 | Posted: 5/9/2005 6:59:38 PM | Message Detail
Kefka > Seymour > Kuja >> Ultimecia >= Sin >= Ultros as far as contest strength goes.
That's a lot of assuming, given that we've seen all of two of those characters in action thusfar and that two of them didn't even make it in the first place.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: RPGuy96 | Posted: 5/9/2005 6:59:38 PM | Message Detail
Kefka > Seymour > Kuja >> Ultimecia >= Sin >= Ultros as far as contest strength goes.
That's a lot of assuming, given that we've seen all of two of those characters in action thusfar and that two of them didn't even make it in the first place.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:06:19 PM | Message Detail
I would say Bison is 5th at best, behind Ryu, Akuma, Ken, and Chun-Li (in that order).
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:06:48 PM | Message Detail
I think most/all of the SF2 cast after Ryu and Ken (maybe Chun-Li, too)
would level off somewhat-evenly a lil' below Ken. I think Ken 2k3 was
just short of being equal to Tails, who's just a lil' stronger than
Kefka (though I think Kefka'd take Tails in a head-to-head match), so I
don't think M. Bison would be much lower than that...
...but he didn't make anybody proud in that upset poll either, so depending on how much stock should be put into that poll (probably not alot, but it's something worth looking at), I may be wrong on my theory.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
...but he didn't make anybody proud in that upset poll either, so depending on how much stock should be put into that poll (probably not alot, but it's something worth looking at), I may be wrong on my theory.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:07:12 PM | Message Detail
Ryu may win the SF2 poll easily, but I don't think he is that much
stronger than someone like Chun-Li in a 1-1 match, 60-40 tops. If
someone can come close to 80 percent of Ryu's popularity, he'd run away
with the division, but Bison ain't Chun-Li or Ken either. Wesker is the
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:07:50 PM | Message Detail
Akuma too; forgot to mention him.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:09:01 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:09:41 PM | Message Detail
Bison should have layed off those cheestos, he could of made 5 easily.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:09:49 PM | Message Detail
Oh, my opinion on the SF ladder, based off of nothing more than a guess:
1 - Ryu
2 - Ken
3 - Chun-Li
4(t) - Akuma
4(t) - M. Bison
6 - Sagat
7 - Cammy
8 - Guile
9 - Vega
10 - Tons of people not worth noting
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
1 - Ryu
2 - Ken
3 - Chun-Li
4(t) - Akuma
4(t) - M. Bison
6 - Sagat
7 - Cammy
8 - Guile
9 - Vega
10 - Tons of people not worth noting
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:09:52 PM | Message Detail
I am not sure if Akuma is well known enough to be considered SF2 top 5... though he did kill Bison.
From: swirldude
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:10:02 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:10:44 PM | Message Detail
If Chun-Li was at a 60/40 proportion with Ryu, that would put her
between Knux and Vercetti, which means she'd beat Ken with about 57%. I
wouldn't see that. Then again, RPGuy's adjustments for WDF have 2002
Ken in that same area.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: shadow8021
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:11:38 PM | Message Detail
"Whoever wins between Ridley and Diablo takes the division."
Let me state that in the correct way. Whoever wins between Ridley and Diablo gets beaten by Kefka.
Spring Contest Score: 6/6
Today's Pick: Lavos
Let me state that in the correct way. Whoever wins between Ridley and Diablo gets beaten by Kefka.
Spring Contest Score: 6/6
Today's Pick: Lavos
From: UItimaterializer
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:11:45 PM | Message Detail
From: SlangEdter41 | Posted: 5/9/2005 7:09:52 PM | Message Detail
I am not sure if Akuma is well known enough to be considered SF2 top 5
Sometimes I wonder if you honestly believe half the crap you post. Though given your history of alt trolling with all of that "Red XII" crap, it's impossible to believe much of what you say.
Get the X out.
I am not sure if Akuma is well known enough to be considered SF2 top 5
Sometimes I wonder if you honestly believe half the crap you post. Though given your history of alt trolling with all of that "Red XII" crap, it's impossible to believe much of what you say.
Get the X out.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:12:04 PM | Message Detail
I seriously expect Kefka, Bison, Ridley, and Diablo and possibly even
Wesker though Vergil isnt a good sign, to be within 3 percentages
points of each other.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:12:09 PM | Message Detail
I am not sure if Akuma is well known enough to be considered SF2 top 5... though he did kill Bison.
Oh, there's no doubt he is. Ever since he made his first appearance (and with a big bang at that), he's been in just about everything involving Street Fighter.
Plus, the casuals love him. He's SF's version of Shadow the Hedgehog, if you will.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Oh, there's no doubt he is. Ever since he made his first appearance (and with a big bang at that), he's been in just about everything involving Street Fighter.
Plus, the casuals love him. He's SF's version of Shadow the Hedgehog, if you will.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:12:17 PM | Message Detail
Ken apparently fell like a rock between 2k2 and 2k3, and I haven't the slightest idea why.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: UItimaterializer
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:12:54 PM | Message Detail
Let me state that in the correct way. Whoever wins between Ridley and Diablo gets beaten by M. Bison.
Get the X out.
Get the X out.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:13:21 PM | Message Detail
And it's strange that Ken would take a dive for seemingly no reason
when his counterpart is the embodiment of consistency in this contest.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: MegatokyoEd
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:13:38 PM | Message Detail
I think Akuma would be higher than M.Bison and Chun-Li. He's easily the
most popular SF character among casuals after Ryu. I also don't really
see any reason Sagat would be that high but blah.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:14:14 PM | Message Detail
Peoplewent crazy over Akuma when he first appeared, everyone thought he was Shen long.
And Akuma's been in every SF game except the first 4 SFII games and SFIII NG.
As well as X-Men Child of the Atom and Cyberbots.
And Akuma's been in every SF game except the first 4 SFII games and SFIII NG.
As well as X-Men Child of the Atom and Cyberbots.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:15:20 PM | Message Detail
I think we need to throw the 2002 stats off a large large cliff.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:15:43 PM | Message Detail
There could have been mass bracket voting in his match with Sonic lolololo
K, I need to go and study for my final before I go nuts. Ciao.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
K, I need to go and study for my final before I go nuts. Ciao.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:16:00 PM | Message Detail
Sagat should be pretty high, he's easily one of the most Badassed street Fighter characters just by his looks.
From: DomaDragoon
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:16:18 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, I think Akuma's safely in the Top 5 as far as general Street
Fighter popularity is. I am a bit surprised that nobody's considered
Dan Hibiki or Sakura as possible top ten choices.
Season 17 Team Match: Piastol, Beatrix, Yuffie, Meredy vs. Jade, Cecelia, Izlude, Grey. Only at www.rpgdl.com!
Season 17 Team Match: Piastol, Beatrix, Yuffie, Meredy vs. Jade, Cecelia, Izlude, Grey. Only at www.rpgdl.com!
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:17:25 PM | Message Detail
The problem with Akuma is a good percentage of the people who would for
Ryu will remember him for those first four SF games. I dont know the
sales numbers, but SF dropped off in popularity somewhere after
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:18:10 PM | Message Detail
Casuals hate Dan and Sakura isen't used if she's not broken.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:18:30 PM | Message Detail
If I had things my way, Dhalsim >>> all.
Fortunately, I don't.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Fortunately, I don't.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:18:52 PM | Message Detail
I've got Sagat up there because of how well-used he is. He's top tier
in a ton of games, and everyone who plays fighting games professionally
is a tier whore. There are also a lot of fighting game fans on this
site, underrated as their characters may be.
What's that one game where Sagat's warping fierce punch and low fierce kick make him borderline broken, again?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
What's that one game where Sagat's warping fierce punch and low fierce kick make him borderline broken, again?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
"If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh!" -Magus Zeal
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:19:44 PM | Message Detail
Akuma was in all of those popular VS games involving Capcom.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:19:58 PM | Message Detail
I am more surprised that nobody mentioned Blanka... I guess i should take the sig down ^^
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:20:22 PM | Message Detail
Street Fighter has to be the least known about original game of a big
series ever. I for the longest time just thought they started the
series with Street Fighter II.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:20:23 PM | Message Detail
Capcom vs SNK 2 or Old Sagat in Super turbo
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:21:57 PM | Message Detail
I actually saw an original Street Fighter arcade machine about 3 or 4 years ago. Too bad I didn't have any quarters.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:22:25 PM | Message Detail
There was only one playable character in Street Fighter 1 and it was
Ryu, notmention bad controls and Sagat having total prority over all
your attacks.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:22:36 PM | Message Detail
If we were just talking about the first 4 games, I could see Blanka being right behind Ryu and Ken in likeability.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:23:00 PM | Message Detail
Ken was playable in SF1.
From: Who Cares?
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:23:23 PM | Message Detail
What's that one game where Sagat's warping fierce punch and low fierce kick make him borderline broken, again?
I believe that was Capcom vs SNK 2
I believe that was Capcom vs SNK 2
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:23:31 PM | Message Detail
Or more of behind Guile for being most hated.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:23:36 PM | Message Detail
Actually what I read, Ken was also playable. Or atleast thats what the only Gamefaqs faq page says.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: AmazingKirby
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:24:26 PM | Message Detail
Ken was the 2nd player for player vs. player games.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
Hi,I'm partystar. ^_^
Or maybe I'm Leonhart. That's for you to decide.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:24:31 PM | Message Detail
Ken was a pallete swap for two player.
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:26:04 PM | Message Detail
I wasn't aware that Akuma is that well known to casuals. What about Evil Ryu??? Now thats a mean SOB.
From: transience
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:26:05 PM | Message Detail
it's been about 15 or something years since I played SF1, but I think 1P was Ryu and 2P was Ken.
if I had to rank sf2 characters, it'd go Ryu-Ken-Chun Li-Akuma-Guile-Bison-everyone else. I've never known anyone to care about Sagat or Blanca.
if I had to rank sf2 characters, it'd go Ryu-Ken-Chun Li-Akuma-Guile-Bison-everyone else. I've never known anyone to care about Sagat or Blanca.
From: NewLib
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:27:25 PM | Message Detail
Well we were like nine and maybe me and my friends just thought he was cool because of the blood sucking.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
Vote for Robotnik, he isnt a woman or a giant slug or a .... hand.
From: creativename
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:28:47 PM | Message Detail
Bowser, Sephiroth and Ultros are my favorite villains in this contest.
Golbez, Wiegraf, Bowser, and Garland (in no particular order) are probably my favorite video game villains overall.
Hojo would be a wildcard in this contest...I don't think anyone particularly cares about him, so he could be real weak; OTOH he might be able to beat guys like Vergil.
I remember a time when Blanka may have been the most popular SF2 character. He was real hot for a little while.
Golbez, Wiegraf, Bowser, and Garland (in no particular order) are probably my favorite video game villains overall.
Hojo would be a wildcard in this contest...I don't think anyone particularly cares about him, so he could be real weak; OTOH he might be able to beat guys like Vergil.
I remember a time when Blanka may have been the most popular SF2 character. He was real hot for a little while.
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:28:53 PM | Message Detail
For being a poor man's Akuma, Evil Ryu is VERY popular.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:30:29 PM | Message Detail
I used to like Sagat, and I once had a dog when I was a kid named
Blinka ('cuz that's how I thought you said it at the time, heh).
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily
"What awaits each person in Heaven is eternal peace, divine rest, and $10,000 cash." --Cartman
From: EvIlBeAsT616X_X
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:32:08 PM | Message Detail
All this button mashing talk reminds me of last year's awesome match
between the superior Super Mario RPG and that button masher with all
the emo fanboys who wouldn't quit crying weeks after the match.
Good times, good times.
I am the ultimate evil being...
Good times, good times.
I am the ultimate evil being...
From: SlangEdter41
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:33:17 PM | Message Detail
button mashing = Soul Calibur
From: Heroic_Cable
| Posted: 5/9/2005 4:34:15 PM | Message Detail
Mario RPG diden't beat Soul Calibur.