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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 110
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:25:51 AM | Message Detail
On the off chance that Kuja IS weaker than Kefka, it won't be by any
large margin. I seriously doubt he will though, but everyone just
continues to underestimate FFIX, for whatever reason.
but I'd take Master Hand over Falco regardless
That's just being silly, HaRRicH. Please use some common sense. Master Hand only has two games to draw from, and he's nothing special in either one of them, the argument you seemed to use for Falco, which isn't even true anyway. Falco has been in popular games in addition to SSBM. Why in the world do you even think people will take Master Hand seriously enough for him to beat characters from his own game that also have other popular games to draw from? How hard is it to comprehend that Master Hand is a glove, and even Smash Brothers fans don't care about him?
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
but I'd take Master Hand over Falco regardless
That's just being silly, HaRRicH. Please use some common sense. Master Hand only has two games to draw from, and he's nothing special in either one of them, the argument you seemed to use for Falco, which isn't even true anyway. Falco has been in popular games in addition to SSBM. Why in the world do you even think people will take Master Hand seriously enough for him to beat characters from his own game that also have other popular games to draw from? How hard is it to comprehend that Master Hand is a glove, and even Smash Brothers fans don't care about him?
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:29:44 AM | Message Detail
It's not like he's gonna be a force to be reckoned with
More than Master Hand would be.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
More than Master Hand would be.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Mumei
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:37:17 AM | Message Detail
... I honestly think that Kuja would be a bit above Kefka. >_>
Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni. ~ Dante Alighieri
Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni. ~ Dante Alighieri
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:40:13 AM | Message Detail
I do, too, but as we've seen, despite what we've seen from Vivi, people
believe that Kuja will get no support, and that Master Hand, despite
being little more than a boss battle you'd find in any video game, will
get most/all of Melee's support.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:44:18 AM | Message Detail
To be fair, I don't see Master Hand as just some "glove"... He's the
hand from SSBM. I think it's cool to just see MH in the contest.
Hilarious actually. I don't think he holds a candle to Kuja though.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:49:56 AM | Message Detail
I had Duck Hunt too, heh. Still one of my favorite matches...
Master Hand only has two games to draw from, and he's nothing special in either one of them, the argument you seemed to use for Falco, which isn't even true anyway.
And what makes Falco so special in the SF series besides afew lines in SF64? I haven't played either Gamecube SF, mind you, but he's still a guy whose ass you cover. Not much more than that.
Falco has been in popular games in addition to SSBM.
Point taken, yet he's still little more than a guy you protect at times.
Why in the world do you even think people will take Master Hand seriously enough for him to beat characters from his own game that also have other popular games to draw from? How hard is it to comprehend that Master Hand is a glove, and even Smash Brothers fans don't care about him?
So you wouldn't take Master Hand over Pikachu? 'Cuz I'd call you crazy for taking Pikachu over MH, and this is coming from a guy who's got MH over Kuja. As for why I take him that seriously, it's really not that seriously that you have to take him; Kefka's not top-dog material, and I'm anxious to see whether or not Kuja is above him (like you believe) or below Kefka (like I believe).
As for the glove comment, meh, at least he's showin' off his hand than his ass. Useless comment you keep throwing in there.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Master Hand only has two games to draw from, and he's nothing special in either one of them, the argument you seemed to use for Falco, which isn't even true anyway.
And what makes Falco so special in the SF series besides afew lines in SF64? I haven't played either Gamecube SF, mind you, but he's still a guy whose ass you cover. Not much more than that.
Falco has been in popular games in addition to SSBM.
Point taken, yet he's still little more than a guy you protect at times.
Why in the world do you even think people will take Master Hand seriously enough for him to beat characters from his own game that also have other popular games to draw from? How hard is it to comprehend that Master Hand is a glove, and even Smash Brothers fans don't care about him?
So you wouldn't take Master Hand over Pikachu? 'Cuz I'd call you crazy for taking Pikachu over MH, and this is coming from a guy who's got MH over Kuja. As for why I take him that seriously, it's really not that seriously that you have to take him; Kefka's not top-dog material, and I'm anxious to see whether or not Kuja is above him (like you believe) or below Kefka (like I believe).
As for the glove comment, meh, at least he's showin' off his hand than his ass. Useless comment you keep throwing in there.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:53:06 AM | Message Detail
Useless comment you keep throwing in there.
I wouldn't say it's that useless considering that's all he is, and nobody has any incentive to care about or like him.
And what's so special about Master Hand that would give people the incentive to vote him over Falco, huh? He's still just a fight at the end of single player mode. Nothing more.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
I wouldn't say it's that useless considering that's all he is, and nobody has any incentive to care about or like him.
And what's so special about Master Hand that would give people the incentive to vote him over Falco, huh? He's still just a fight at the end of single player mode. Nothing more.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 8:54:27 AM | Message Detail
And Master Hand COULD beat Pikachu because most people despite and
anti-vote him. You're not dealing with the same situation against Falco.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:07:38 AM | Message Detail
Considering he's a cool original fight and Falco's essentially the same
as Slippy or Peppy (again, except for afew cool lines in SF64), then
that either SSB or SSBM are more popular here and -probably- sold more
than any SF game...then that, again, Falco's a tough secret character
to get in just SSBM (he's no Vincent, at least), and I think there's
reason to believe it. I stand by my MH > Falco pick.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:11:43 AM | Message Detail
Considering he's a cool original fight
Original, yes. Cool...Not really. Besides, just being a cool fight hasn't really gotten anyone anywhere.
Oh, and I could guarantee you that the SF fanbase thinks far more highly of Falco than they do of Peppy or Slippy. You're acting like nobody cares about him. Then again, you seem to think nobody will care about Kuja either, so what's the use when you think people will care about Master Hand?
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
Original, yes. Cool...Not really. Besides, just being a cool fight hasn't really gotten anyone anywhere.
Oh, and I could guarantee you that the SF fanbase thinks far more highly of Falco than they do of Peppy or Slippy. You're acting like nobody cares about him. Then again, you seem to think nobody will care about Kuja either, so what's the use when you think people will care about Master Hand?
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:19:40 AM | Message Detail
Oh yeah, Falco's the coolest of Fox's side-kicks, no doubt...but
considering how much weaker all three would be than Fox and how Fox is
about on par with Tails (who is just above Kefka), I don't see what's
so unreasonable to believe that MH would beat where Falco would land in
you seem to think nobody will care about Kuja either
I've never said that, but I've yet to see why he will be more highly thought of than Kefka.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
you seem to think nobody will care about Kuja either
I've never said that, but I've yet to see why he will be more highly thought of than Kefka.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:21:19 AM | Message Detail
I don't see what's so unreasonable to believe that MH would beat where Falco would land in strength.
Because Master Hand is nothing special himself. At least Falco has likeable qualities. Master Hand has...well...a fight that gets boring after the 2nd or 3rd time.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
Because Master Hand is nothing special himself. At least Falco has likeable qualities. Master Hand has...well...a fight that gets boring after the 2nd or 3rd time.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:21:43 AM | Message Detail
I've yet to see why he will be more highly thought of than Kefka.
Dude, it's GameFAQs we're talking about. I can't figure out why ANYONE would be more highly thought of than Kefka, but hey, that's just me.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
Dude, it's GameFAQs we're talking about. I can't figure out why ANYONE would be more highly thought of than Kefka, but hey, that's just me.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:22:21 AM | Message Detail
Personally, I still love beatin' the **** out of it. To each their own there.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:23:54 AM | Message Detail
Hey, I have only seen parts of FF9 and I'm going to vote for Kuja. MH is... just... nothing.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:25:55 AM | Message Detail
Meh, it's just the same old mundane thing over and over again.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:28:31 AM | Message Detail
Master Hand's only fun when Crazy Hand is around, on VH mode, and any
attack of theirs is a OHKO. Otherwise... it got old the second time
around on the first SSB.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:28:40 AM | Message Detail
I just realized that two of my upsets involve 3 seeds winning. That can't be good.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:29:49 AM | Message Detail
Again, I ask to be spoiled on Kuja's story/actions/character/whatever,
and I'd like to see some more pics of the guy too, especially this
Traunce Kuja that's supposed to be real cool.
Until then, I nap.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Until then, I nap.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:33:14 AM | Message Detail
Spoileriffic pictures of Trance Kuja below:
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:36:02 AM | Message Detail
That's Trance Kuja.
And that's regular Kuja.
Summary of Kuja's actions: He manipulates Queen Brahne into getting Garnet's summons, takes the summons for himself in order to defeat Garland and take control of the alternate world Terra, finds out that Garland created him, so he won't live much longer, and then proceeds to destroy Terra. There's more, but I'm lazy.
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
That's Trance Kuja.
And that's regular Kuja.
Summary of Kuja's actions: He manipulates Queen Brahne into getting Garnet's summons, takes the summons for himself in order to defeat Garland and take control of the alternate world Terra, finds out that Garland created him, so he won't live much longer, and then proceeds to destroy Terra. There's more, but I'm lazy.
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 9:40:16 AM | Message Detail
More spoilers.....
Plus, he basically plunges the entire world of Gaia into war without even lifting a finger. He's as clever of a manipulator as you'll find. He's also the one responsible for creating Vivi.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
Plus, he basically plunges the entire world of Gaia into war without even lifting a finger. He's as clever of a manipulator as you'll find. He's also the one responsible for creating Vivi.
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 4/21/2005 10:38:43 AM | Message Detail
I'd almost forgotten how awesome that Kuja FMV was. In my opinion he's a much better villain than Sephiroth, minus wardrobe. Terra Destruction > Pyre of Niebelhiem.
The only Squaresoft villain that surpasses Kuja is Id from Xenogears. Id is the ultimate combination of sinister and badassedness! If you don't who he is, you need to know... NOW!
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
I'd almost forgotten how awesome that Kuja FMV was. In my opinion he's a much better villain than Sephiroth, minus wardrobe. Terra Destruction > Pyre of Niebelhiem.
The only Squaresoft villain that surpasses Kuja is Id from Xenogears. Id is the ultimate combination of sinister and badassedness! If you don't who he is, you need to know... NOW!
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 4/21/2005 10:45:17 AM | Message Detail
Picture of Id. Just because I feel like it...
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: neoblackmage
| Posted: 4/21/2005 10:50:05 AM | Message Detail
why the heck are people arguing master hand VS falco?
Kuja's above kefka, i thought we established that already?
unless we end up with "lettuce kefka" vs "thong kuja"...
but somehow i think there are quite a few closeted (and not-so-closeted) people on gamefaqs who would actually vote for 'thong kuja'.
Kuja's above kefka, i thought we established that already?
unless we end up with "lettuce kefka" vs "thong kuja"...
but somehow i think there are quite a few closeted (and not-so-closeted) people on gamefaqs who would actually vote for 'thong kuja'.
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:02:02 AM | Message Detail
1. I'm still a little ticked Id didn't make it.
2. I'd vote for "thong" Kuja. Kuja rocks.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet. Make a little birdhouse in your soul.
2. I'd vote for "thong" Kuja. Kuja rocks.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet. Make a little birdhouse in your soul.
From: Legendary Vyse
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:04:47 AM | Message Detail
Hey, if people would vote for Zelos in a speedo, why not Kuja in a thong?
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
"Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they give up." - Vyse the Legend
From: Gordon Finish
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:36:50 AM | Message Detail
By the by, a zero points bracket will definately happen this time. Fun.
I have rationalized my entire line-up. I'm ready for you, contest, and frankly, feeling much better about it. Watch out.
Justice shall prevail!
I have rationalized my entire line-up. I'm ready for you, contest, and frankly, feeling much better about it. Watch out.
Justice shall prevail!
From: Billoba
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:37:06 AM | Message Detail
You guys think Robotnik will get past Sin? How about Bison, SF II did
really bad in the game contest, but that doesn't exactly mean he will
lose. I never heard of that other guy, same with Ansem but I don't
think CATs will ever win, just like Gordon...
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:40:46 AM | Message Detail
"By the by, a zero points bracket will definately happen this time. Fun."
Not a real accomplishment, though.
I think Robotnik beats sin, Albedo beats Biason and CATS always loses.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet. Make a little birdhouse in your soul.
Not a real accomplishment, though.
I think Robotnik beats sin, Albedo beats Biason and CATS always loses.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet. Make a little birdhouse in your soul.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:42:23 AM | Message Detail
I'm just hoping the Curse of the Three Seed that Crono weakened finally
breaks. I have all of the 3s beating the 6s and two 3s in the Elite 8.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: Billoba
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:48:01 AM | Message Detail
Meh, I'm keeping Bison and changing Robotnik to the winner. Sonic is
getting weaker as his games hit rock bottom, but still, I can't deny
the seeding...
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
From: Gordon Finish
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:49:18 AM | Message Detail
No, you must pay heed to the seeding. It should not be ignored.
Justice shall prevail!
Justice shall prevail!
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 4/21/2005 11:57:47 AM | Message Detail
Since when is Sonic getting weaker? And why is everyone sticking to
seedings based on nominations that were only announced for about a
week? Remember, the nominations weren't announced until AFTER they were
open for about a week.
And remember, most voters aren't involved in nominations.... That's why we see so many "upsets" in this contest.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
And remember, most voters aren't involved in nominations.... That's why we see so many "upsets" in this contest.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: Gordon Finish
| Posted: 4/21/2005 12:02:34 PM | Message Detail
No, you're wrong, CjayC always sorts out the seeding himself.
Justice shall prevail!
Justice shall prevail!
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 4/21/2005 12:05:50 PM | Message Detail
CT's been good so far. About six or so hours in, just found that broken
sword thing. If that's slow I don't care, I adopt a "kill everything
that moves" attitude. What now? Fix the thing I guess and find the guy
that Ulti always raves about...
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo
From: Billoba
| Posted: 4/21/2005 12:06:57 PM | Message Detail
Sonic is getting weaker, look at his contest results. He certainly
isn't gaining many votes. He lost mine, and I know I'm not alone after
what Sega has done this gen...
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?
From: Zylo the wolf
| Posted: 4/21/2005 12:11:06 PM | Message Detail
Sonic did much better in 2004 than what he did in 2003, he almost got doubled by Cloud.
Just like everything quiet and beautiful on this planet, my thread was ruined by man. Sakura 26
Zelos: Don't hate me just because I'm beautiful.
Just like everything quiet and beautiful on this planet, my thread was ruined by man. Sakura 26
Zelos: Don't hate me just because I'm beautiful.
From: therealmnm
| Posted: 4/21/2005 12:17:22 PM | Message Detail
He tweaks SOME matches, but from my knowledge the seedings are generally based on nominations... I could be wrong though.
Regardless I've seen plenty of people use the nominations/seeding factor to verify a character's strength. I was just refuting that point.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
Regardless I've seen plenty of people use the nominations/seeding factor to verify a character's strength. I was just refuting that point.
Graduation: April 30, 2005 "There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those that read binary and those that don't."
From: steve illumina
| Posted: 4/21/2005 1:29:57 PM | Message Detail
Read Steve Illumina Speaks on the Pub Trivia board today :)
10 days til the contest starts...and 9 til I can bash the first match...Bowser vs Some Jobber...
SP2K Dream Final: Dr. Wily vs Kefka
Read Steve Illumina Speaks! Pub Trivian Forever
10 days til the contest starts...and 9 til I can bash the first match...Bowser vs Some Jobber...
SP2K Dream Final: Dr. Wily vs Kefka
Read Steve Illumina Speaks! Pub Trivian Forever
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/21/2005 2:27:54 PM | Message Detail
I'm ****ing tired of that "Sonic's getting weaker" BS. 2002 was his
best year, sure, but not by much. All that's going to do, just like
last year, is jinx the dude directly ahead of him in the standings, and
that would be Mario. So yeah, don't spew too much BS if you don't want
to see Mario get beaten up by Zero.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 2:55:16 PM | Message Detail
I still insist on a Mario/Sonic match one day, preferably this year. Just give it up and give it to us already.
As for Trance Kuja, I almost like his look before-hand more (not including the thong; not exactly my thing there), but he definitely does look like a powerful mofo in those shots.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
As for Trance Kuja, I almost like his look before-hand more (not including the thong; not exactly my thing there), but he definitely does look like a powerful mofo in those shots.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 4/21/2005 2:57:52 PM | Message Detail
That's an understatement there, HaRRicH. Kuja is arguably the most powerful character in the series.
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
From: CaptainFlufflez
| Posted: 4/21/2005 2:59:48 PM | Message Detail
a mario vs. sonic match would be fun, but only because i would pick it
right and the other fifty percent of the people would pick it wrong.
what would really be interesting would be zero vs. mario or aeris vs.
mario. something of that nature.
Mario Sunshine-120 Shines || BtT 3:34.65 || HRC 37,592.3 ||
Mario Sunshine-120 Shines || BtT 3:34.65 || HRC 37,592.3 ||
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:00:36 PM | Message Detail
Mario would beat both with ease.
At least there's some sort of mystique in a Sonic/Mario match.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
At least there's some sort of mystique in a Sonic/Mario match.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:01:06 PM | Message Detail
what would really be interesting would be zero vs. mario or aeris vs. mario
Mario is guaranteed to win both of those so I don't see how they would be all that interesting. At least with Sonic / Mario, both of them are fairly close in the stats and had a previous rivalry back during the 16-bit days.
“Booster has such a nice place…I miss my fortress…I miss the good old days…Toadstool screaming in terror, Mario rushing in to save her…”
Mario is guaranteed to win both of those so I don't see how they would be all that interesting. At least with Sonic / Mario, both of them are fairly close in the stats and had a previous rivalry back during the 16-bit days.
“Booster has such a nice place…I miss my fortress…I miss the good old days…Toadstool screaming in terror, Mario rushing in to save her…”
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:17:41 PM | Message Detail
Mario/Zero? Give me an interesting one instead, like Mario/Mega
Man...heh, or Mario/Cloud on the day that Mario 128 comes out. =)
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:24:49 PM | Message Detail
Hey, if Mario can barely beat Cloud before Kingdom Hearts despite the perfect circumstances, it ain't gonna happen now.
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:42:22 PM | Message Detail
I know, but for the sake of the "OMG!!!!!"'s we could get for that
match and the "WOW M128 IS GONNA HELP MORE THAN SMS!!!!!"'s that'd be
their support, heh, I'd still find it funny. Besides, if Crono got two
rematches to redeem himself against Mario, Cloud needs one against him
sometime...say, in the Elite Eight or Final Four sometime.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 4/21/2005 3:43:58 PM | Message Detail
Well, we've got that kind of humor right now with people thinking "Oh,
Super Smash Brothers is going to propel Master Hand over Kuja," but I
get your point.
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot