Spring 2005 Contest
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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 107
From: Forceful Dragon
| Posted: 4/12/2005 9:59:07 PM | Message Detail
so wait, are people saying that Albedo > KOS-MOS now?
--'nuff said--
--'nuff said--
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:04:39 PM | Message Detail
I doubt Albedo > KOS-MOS, seeing as how I remember the few
commercials I saw for Xenogears (or Xenosaga, whichever) prominently
showed KOS-MOS.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:05:51 PM | Message Detail
Xenosaga, HaRRicH. Xenogears was made by Square.
I'm leaning toward Albedo now...
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
I'm leaning toward Albedo now...
"It feels as though the raindrops are blessing our victory." - Kuja
"I never trust a Frenchman." - Revolver Ocelot
From: Forceful Dragon
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:06:59 PM | Message Detail
of *bison*? Bison is going to be incredibly recognizable.
--'nuff said--
--'nuff said--
From: iGenesis
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:26:22 PM | Message Detail
I'd like to join the contest gurus, if possible. I'll submit my bracket to whoever is in charge by the deadline.
[+[_]::] 11.21.2004
[+[_]::] 11.21.2004
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:28:05 PM | Message Detail
Just add your name on the list, and you'll be good to go.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: creativename
| Posted: 4/12/2005 10:43:02 PM | Message Detail
Two things:
1) Albedo WILL NOT beat Bison.
2) Who's "pedo"?
In America, men flirt with women. In Shinra Midgar, Don Corneo flirts with YOU!
1) Albedo WILL NOT beat Bison.
2) Who's "pedo"?
In America, men flirt with women. In Shinra Midgar, Don Corneo flirts with YOU!
From: Team Rocket Elite
| Posted: 4/12/2005 11:07:39 PM | Message Detail
I believe "Pedo" is Seymour from FF10. It's a reference to Videogame Recaps.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: creativename
| Posted: 4/12/2005 11:24:04 PM | Message Detail
Thanks TRE.
In America, men flirt with women. In Shinra Midgar, Don Corneo flirts with YOU!
In America, men flirt with women. In Shinra Midgar, Don Corneo flirts with YOU!
From: FastFalcon05
| Posted: 4/12/2005 11:52:05 PM | Message Detail
A contest that Magus would win!
You mean YOSHI, yay!
Although the vote totals for such a contest could be humorously low.
and with bison and albedo, well first of, I'm not really a fan of either, but I do remember Bison back from super nintendo days I suppose, and he never struck me as a great villain. Sort of just kind of the last boss, I guess I could have been too young to understand any plot, but then again fighting games aren't renown for their stories. So does bison have any depth at all? I mean at least Ryu is the figurehead for Street Fighter, but as it seems is commonly agreed, Bison isn't even second...or third...or even fourth.
and I did enjoy that pun chichiri, more so because I believe it was unintended.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Old Klingon Proverb
You mean YOSHI, yay!
Although the vote totals for such a contest could be humorously low.
and with bison and albedo, well first of, I'm not really a fan of either, but I do remember Bison back from super nintendo days I suppose, and he never struck me as a great villain. Sort of just kind of the last boss, I guess I could have been too young to understand any plot, but then again fighting games aren't renown for their stories. So does bison have any depth at all? I mean at least Ryu is the figurehead for Street Fighter, but as it seems is commonly agreed, Bison isn't even second...or third...or even fourth.
and I did enjoy that pun chichiri, more so because I believe it was unintended.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Old Klingon Proverb
From: Heroic Dr Wily
| Posted: 4/13/2005 12:00:46 AM | Message Detail
Fighting games not renown for their stories? You must not have played Darkstalkers/Rival Schools.
Bison's the leader of a drug organiztion called shandowlaw and has an army of brainwashed 16 year olds who wear thongs. He also has a black english thug, a Mike Tyson look alike and a feminine male Spainish ninja who wears a hockey mask and has a claw.
Bison's the leader of a drug organiztion called shandowlaw and has an army of brainwashed 16 year olds who wear thongs. He also has a black english thug, a Mike Tyson look alike and a feminine male Spainish ninja who wears a hockey mask and has a claw.
From: Heroic Dr Wily
| Posted: 4/13/2005 12:03:03 AM | Message Detail
And in a way Bison's the only woman in the contest.
From: Lucid Faia
| Posted: 4/13/2005 12:07:31 AM | Message Detail
And in a way, FFIX never happened.
Now Playing: Dragon Breed, Gyruss, Final Fantasy VII
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
Now Playing: Dragon Breed, Gyruss, Final Fantasy VII
My Video Game World Records: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&p=35289
From: Heroic Dr Wily
| Posted: 4/13/2005 12:11:13 AM | Message Detail
Bison actually did have a vagina for a year or two when he reunited
with Rose, in fact he wanted to have a vagina for the rest of his life
with Cammy's body.
From: Kaxon
| Posted: 4/13/2005 12:40:13 AM | Message Detail
Okay, now I'm voting for Albedo.
SC2k4 Oracle ranking: 4th
Supporting CATS and Ultros in the Spring Contest.
SC2k4 Oracle ranking: 4th
Supporting CATS and Ultros in the Spring Contest.
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 4/13/2005 3:54:40 AM | Message Detail
We wait for the bracket lockdown to submit our Gurus bracket, yes?
I'm personally hoping to get through day 2 with a perfect bracket, which would be better than the last two contests.
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo
I'm personally hoping to get through day 2 with a perfect bracket, which would be better than the last two contests.
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 4:44:55 AM | Message Detail
I do believe so, yes.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/13/2005 4:50:10 AM | Message Detail
I said this in the last topic, but it's worth repeating: Ridley could
be conceivably seen beating Kefka. Diablo could be conceivably seen
beating Kefka. Bison could be conceivably seen beating Kefka. Albedo
could NOT. Therefore, Bison it is.
I used that same logic for SMB3/LoZ last year, and it paid off.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
I used that same logic for SMB3/LoZ last year, and it paid off.
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: neoblackmage
| Posted: 4/13/2005 5:53:13 AM | Message Detail
Then why not ridley/diablo?
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:05:34 AM | Message Detail
Because they aren't in the match involving Bison and Albedo...
SpC2K5 Elite 8
SpC2K5 Elite 8
From: Tai
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:17:21 AM | Message Detail
Man, Sin/Eggman...so tough..but.
Robotnik's nothing, he hasn't been able to get into a single contest until now, and probably won't ever again unless there's another villian contest.
And then, he faces a Final Fantasy character who shares the company of Tidus and Yuna. Now, Dr.Robotnik couldn't be equal to Knuckles if only 1 out of the 2 characters, the latter of course, actually got into the Summer Contests, right?
People who know the likes of Tidus and Yuna will probably vote for Sin.
58.42%-42.58%, be prepared to be TAI'D UP AND HANG'D. All your base are belong to Square. Yes, even Robotnik's. Make your time, and your bracket's casket. Make a small 8x11 with a paper shredder..
PETITION: Ability to preview contests to moderators before posting it. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=7&topic=19643565 (127 Signs!)
Robotnik's nothing, he hasn't been able to get into a single contest until now, and probably won't ever again unless there's another villian contest.
And then, he faces a Final Fantasy character who shares the company of Tidus and Yuna. Now, Dr.Robotnik couldn't be equal to Knuckles if only 1 out of the 2 characters, the latter of course, actually got into the Summer Contests, right?
People who know the likes of Tidus and Yuna will probably vote for Sin.
58.42%-42.58%, be prepared to be TAI'D UP AND HANG'D. All your base are belong to Square. Yes, even Robotnik's. Make your time, and your bracket's casket. Make a small 8x11 with a paper shredder..
PETITION: Ability to preview contests to moderators before posting it. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=7&topic=19643565 (127 Signs!)
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:39:27 AM | Message Detail
Tai, while I think Sin has as good a chance to win as Robotnik, your
logic is horribly flawed and annoying; you can mirror that EXACT
argument in Robotnik's favor, so that means nothing to me. Plus, Sonic
> Tidus = Shadow and Knuckles > Yuna = Tails. While Auron is left
out (solely because you chose to leave him out first), the other two
FFX reps are beaten by a big-name Sonic character and tied with a
lesser-named Sonic character. Therefore, your argument is a mess...you
may end up being right, but your argument's a mess.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:44:27 AM | Message Detail
For Bison to beat Kefka, he'd have to be stronger than Ken, and I think that is pretty unlikely.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:44:49 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and here's something I wanna ask; it's bein' thought of that both
Wesker and M. Bison could pull off their respective upsets...but for
kicks, let's say they both pull it off. Who wins, Wesker or M. Bison?
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:47:10 AM | Message Detail
I don't think Bison would have any trouble with Wesker. Wesker is
probably going to be the weakest character to win a match in this
contest; the only one I could see being weaker is Ansem.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:47:25 AM | Message Detail
Wait, people are talking about Bison being on Ken's level now?
Remember, for every other contest, the only SF characters that have
seriously been even talked about are Ryu, Ken, and Chun. M. Bison has
been absolutely nowhere on anyone's radar throughout every single
contest. Albedo, on the other hand, has had diehard supporters for
quite some time.
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 6:49:57 AM | Message Detail
I'm a believer that, outside of Ryu, most of the SF characters are
gonna be close to Ken's level (give or take a lil'). It may not be all
that right, but if Albedo isn't up to keeping KOS-MOS's strength like I
don't think he can, then there's still room for error.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: cyko
| Posted: 4/13/2005 7:12:12 AM | Message Detail
eh, i could see Bison doing a bit lower than Ken, but not much lower.
i've actually said before that i think Chun Li and maybe Akuma would do
better than Ken.
but since when has Albedo had diehard supporters for quite some time? i have never seen anyone on this board even mention Albedo's name until this villain contest was announced. if he's had long-time, die-hard support, it sure hasn't been visible.
but since when has Albedo had diehard supporters for quite some time? i have never seen anyone on this board even mention Albedo's name until this villain contest was announced. if he's had long-time, die-hard support, it sure hasn't been visible.
From: Tediz247
| Posted: 4/13/2005 7:14:45 AM | Message Detail
*points to smitelf*
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
I'm like a mentally insane girl who keeps running back to her abusive boyfriend. ~ Mars
ZSB [aX]
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 7:15:41 AM | Message Detail
I think Albedo did come close to beating Mario in Leonhart's NCAA
thing, but that doesn't mean alot on this board. I feel the same way
about Kuja as you do about Albedo.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: swirldude
| Posted: 4/13/2005 9:03:46 AM | Message Detail
I sense that as the hours wear on, reading this topic will make me lose confidence in nearly every match.
The Xbox has two modes: Off and Halo. Sony has everything else. ~UltimateralizerX
The Xbox has two modes: Off and Halo. Sony has everything else. ~UltimateralizerX
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 9:05:21 AM | Message Detail
The only match that I will consider changing is Wesker over Luca Blight.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 9:23:22 AM | Message Detail
If you read the stats topics enough, you'll lose your confidence in
'bout anything; good arguments can be made in most cases. I know I was
prayin' to be able to switch both my SSBM-over-GTA:VC and SSBM-over-FFX
picks by the time the brackets locked down, heh. Good thing I couldn't
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: smitelf
| Posted: 4/13/2005 9:39:53 AM | Message Detail
but since when has Albedo had diehard supporters for quite some
time? i have never seen anyone on this board even mention Albedo's name
until this villain contest was announced. if he's had long-time,
die-hard support, it sure hasn't been visible.
*raises hand* I campaigned for Albedo in the last character contest... and the contest before that... you have no idea how annoyed I was to see that lifeless, stale robot bimbo get in instead of him.
He's mostly a fan favorite, though. He could get some cool factor points if he's going up against someone significantly less cool, though, but probably not enough to make up for KOS-MOS' sexy robochick advantage.
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
*raises hand* I campaigned for Albedo in the last character contest... and the contest before that... you have no idea how annoyed I was to see that lifeless, stale robot bimbo get in instead of him.
He's mostly a fan favorite, though. He could get some cool factor points if he's going up against someone significantly less cool, though, but probably not enough to make up for KOS-MOS' sexy robochick advantage.
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:04:33 AM | Message Detail
Who do you guys think the Top 8 Villains are going to be? My guesses:
1 Sephiroth
2 Ganondorf
3 Bowser
4 Liquid Snake
5 Ocelot
6 Dr. Wily
7 Kefka
8 Robotnik
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
1 Sephiroth
2 Ganondorf
3 Bowser
4 Liquid Snake
5 Ocelot
6 Dr. Wily
7 Kefka
8 Robotnik
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:06:44 AM | Message Detail
That looks about right.
BtT: 3:43.45 | HRC: 51,246.1 ft OV aaaargh
Or, the Katamari thing. It's like getting high, withought the death part. - Link the Midgit
BtT: 3:43.45 | HRC: 51,246.1 ft OV aaaargh
Or, the Katamari thing. It's like getting high, withought the death part. - Link the Midgit
From: JonthePenguin
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:09:15 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: JonthePenguin
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:09:53 AM | Message Detail
Wait, this is talking in the standings, isn't it? In that case, I dunno.
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo! - Sashanan
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo! - Sashanan
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:10:48 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, I was talking about the standings.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: cyko
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:10:50 AM | Message Detail
1 Sephiroth
2 Ganondorf
3 Bowser
4 Liquid Snake
5 Ocelot
6 Sigma
7 Kefka
8 Dr.Wily
although, i think Wily and Kefka will be very close and Diablo could wind up anywhere from just below Ocelot to a complete flop.
2 Ganondorf
3 Bowser
4 Liquid Snake
5 Ocelot
6 Sigma
7 Kefka
8 Dr.Wily
although, i think Wily and Kefka will be very close and Diablo could wind up anywhere from just below Ocelot to a complete flop.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:12:09 AM | Message Detail
Liquid Snake
Revolver Ocelot
Dr. Robotnik
For me, it doesn't get tricky 'til after the first five.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Liquid Snake
Revolver Ocelot
Dr. Robotnik
For me, it doesn't get tricky 'til after the first five.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:13:19 AM | Message Detail
Crap, I forgot about Sigma...knock off Diablo and throw Sigma between Revolver and Robotnik.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:13:41 AM | Message Detail
I realize that, Harrich, but it sounds somewhat odd to ask for the Top
6-8 Villains. Plus, I'm curious to see how Liquid relates to Bowser.
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:15:29 AM | Message Detail
I understand, heh; just statin' what I think is easy, though some
people think Liquid and Revolver or Bowser and Ganon could be switched.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: RPGuy96
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:33:51 AM | Message Detail
Out of curiosity, who would you take between Vergil and Bison?
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
Proud supporter of Ghaleon, Kefka, Bowser, Ultros, Liquid, Ocelot, and Wily!
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:50:46 AM | Message Detail
Friggin' yikes. I'd probably let bias take hold of me and pick M. Bison
there, but I couldn't make an argument one way or another there.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Janus5000
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:58:34 AM | Message Detail
I'd pick Bison pretty easily. Ryu > Dante and Bison's had much more
exposure, whereas Vergil's been in one game (albeit a good one from
what I've heard.)
BtT: 3:43.45 | HRC: 51,246.1 ft OV aaaargh
Or, the Katamari thing. It's like getting high, withought the death part. - Link the Midgit
BtT: 3:43.45 | HRC: 51,246.1 ft OV aaaargh
Or, the Katamari thing. It's like getting high, withought the death part. - Link the Midgit
From: HaRRicH
| Posted: 4/13/2005 10:58:43 AM | Message Detail
I actually take it back; considering how high Dante is and with DMC3
released, I'd risk it on Vergil. That would be tough though.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
Serious Reminder: Vote for Dr. Wily in 2k5
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the contest-hype.
From: Heroic Viktor
| Posted: 4/13/2005 11:14:52 AM | Message Detail
I can't find the guru list anywhere in the topic, and account isn't
high enough to search for topics... can somebody paste it into this
topic so I can add my name?
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
Fighting Illini (37-2): #2 in the nation, #1 in our hearts
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
Fighting Illini (37-2): #2 in the nation, #1 in our hearts
From: jonthomson
| Posted: 4/13/2005 11:17:35 AM | Message Detail
About post 230.
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo
About post 230.
Jon Thomson - knows nothing
Ridley's Road to Victory - Round 1 vs. (7) Diablo