I friggen loved Kingdom Hearts, so two points lost are meaningless to me.
***Stats websites***
Everything you could ever imagine:
Sortable Table for Every Contest Match:
Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2002 Extrapotated Standings:
Summer 2003 Extrapolated Standings:
Character comparisons Between Summer 2002 and Summer 2003:
Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
SFF Adjusted Spring 2004 Extrapolated Standings:
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating)
***Stats topics***
Summer 2002 Contest:
Summer 2003 Contest:
http://www.angelfire.com/games5/sum_contest/Page1.htm (See note)
2003-2004 Off-Season:
http://membres.lycos.fr/shindohikaru/stats1.htm (See note)
Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL.
Spring 2004 Pre-Season:
Spring 2004 Contest:
MMXcalibur's Prophet Sites:
Poll Vote Total Updator:
http://sc2k4.com/update.php (add "?pollid=[4-digit poll number]" at the end of url to look at charts from past polls)
Summer 2002 Match Pictures:
Summer 2003 Match Pictures:
Spring 2004 Match Pictures:
Summer 2004 Match Pictures:
!yawA tsoP
Winner of the Spring 2004 'Best. Game. Ever.' Contest
*Married to smitelf on 5/21/04* ++SCC GOD++
Tagged for future reference.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Championship
Sweet Sixteen: Duel of Heroes vs. Cloud Strife
Snake vs. Tanner - http://www.stripcreator.com/comics/Moltar
Sora vs. Ryu - Bracket: Ryu - Vote: Ryu (58/60)
Yay for Chain of Memories!
Summer Contest Current Score:59/60
Next Picks:Sora,Samus
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
Supporter of Sora. Ryu's current status: Ass kicked. Mission accomplished Sora!
Sora's next opponent/fodder:Sam Fisher. GO SORA! w00t.
60% when I woke up, now 61%. Even I didn't see Sora doing this much damage...
The good news for me is that this match will save my bracket.
Chances are, all the perfects are gone, and thusly only 1 point ahead of me.
I'm sure most of the -1 pointers lost this match, thusly are tied with me.
-2 Pointers are now behind me.
This is great cause I don't plan on missing anymore matches, and i'll be VERY close to at least being on the leaderboard before this contest is over.
Dub T's Sc2k4 bracket : 57 of 60
Next Match: Sora vs. Ryu Hayabusa
Dub T's Sc2k4 bracket : 57 of 60
Next Match: Sora vs. Ryu Hayabusa
I cant really blame the pic, but he wouldve done much better.
Score:52/56 Todays Pick: Sonic
Token Regis Philbin of Board 8
Winner of the Spring 2004 'Best. Game. Ever.' Contest
*Married to smitelf on 5/21/04* ++SCC GOD++
Lancelot BT, gawdess of the Legends and Official owner of the "Hi, my name is (user name) and I'm a (user level)." Topic ®™
By the way, bj good, your posts speak of wisdom as well as your name. - sakbato88
Fear Sora next year.
I am teh suxx0rz. PWN'D by a n00b.
~courtesy of mr wednesday
The Noble Nine will probably switch around with new games and stuff. I see it next year as:
Samus (Not a Typo)
then I think Gannondorf will take the 10 spot and MAYBE even the nine (this depends on a summer Zelda 10 release). Then I still think Tidus, Shadow, and Zero will stay ahead of him.
The Noble Nine will probably switch around with new games and stuff. I see it next year as:
Samus (Not a Typo)
then I think Gannondorf will take the 10 spot and MAYBE even the nine (this depends on a summer Zelda 10 release). Then I still think Tidus, Shadow, and Zero will stay ahead of him.
Here's my idea of the order next year...
Link/Samus (I'll have to wait and see on this; it all depends on LoZ10 and MP2:Echoes)
Cloud/Sephiroth (FF:AC could change things between 'em like how KH did)
Mega Man
Solid Snake (if MGS3 has him in it at all, and it'd be awesome if he played a large role)
Sonic/#10-#12 (you know without SFF matches, it'll be close here again)
From what I've seen so far and my future assumptions, I can see Ganondorf/Sora/Master Chief dueling it out for that position. Seriously about Master Chief, though it depends on how many Halo 2 fans'll come here. I expect enough to be honest Sweet Sixteen material and give Sonic a good match.
I am teh suxx0rz. PWN'D by a n00b.
~courtesy of mr wednesday
Oh, and Sora is stronger than Aeris and a touch weaker than Zero if Jill stayed constant. 0_o
Supporting the Blue Bomber and Samus to make the finals!
Anxiously awaiting... CRONO vs. mario
GameFAQs Claim to Fame: 8 hours of Superman 64... and counting...
M-me? Queen ***** of the Universe?
This is the happiest day of my life. ~ smitelf
If that's the case, we discover we have been REVERSE SFF'D...a year ago, and didn't even realize it.
I am teh suxx0rz. PWN'D by a n00b.
~courtesy of mr wednesday
Winner of the Spring 2004 'Best. Game. Ever.' Contest
*Married to smitelf on 5/21/04* ++SCC GOD++
M-me? Queen ***** of the Universe?
This is the happiest day of my life. ~ smitelf
I remember the hell that was. Almost like 'Nam, except replace each bullet shot with an account suicide.
I am teh suxx0rz. PWN'D by a n00b.
~courtesy of mr wednesday
I am teh suxx0rz. PWN'D by a n00b.
~courtesy of mr wednesday
Well, see, there's at least some explanation for Mega Man. MMAC was always thought to help him out, but most just figured it wouldn't be by much. Samus though just didn't have much of anything released and she's looking insanely strong.
The drop from 2002 to 2003 is interesting, because it looks like Sonic dropped in 2003 and then stayed that way in 2004; Samus on the other hand has just bounced back completely from that odd drop.
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
Heh, the mere mention of that match always brings a smile to my face. At least with Sora-Hayabusa, we acknowledged that Sora had a chance to win and would probably keep it close. I don't recall anyone who said that Squall-Luigi would be close.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Championship
Sweet Sixteen: Duel of Heroes vs. Cloud Strife
Supporting the Blue Bomber and Samus to make the finals!
Oh, and why is no one commenting on the ugly ass front page?!!
"Sonic has never asked me to do anything for him before. I promise that I will not let him down."--Miles "Tails" Prower
Samus probably couldn't beat link because of SFF, but she looks strong enough to challenge Cloud right now.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Championship
Sweet Sixteen: Duel of Heroes vs. Cloud Strife
Supporting the Blue Bomber and Samus to make the finals!
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
"Sonic has never asked me to do anything for him before. I promise that I will not let him down."--Miles "Tails" Prower
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Championship
Sweet Sixteen: Duel of Heroes vs. Cloud Strife
I can live with you having Mega Man in the finals. =p
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
That's why Mega Man is going to upset Link and Samus will beat him in the finals. Sorry, HM, but right now that's my dream final.
That dream won't become a reality.
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th
Right. Which is why Cloud could never beat Mario in 2k3, right? Whatever.
HM, don't underestimate the popularity of MZM.
It very well might. If anyone is going to take down one of the big 3 it'll be Mega Man or Samus.
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
That dream won't become a reality.
I agree. I have Mega Man beating Samus in my dream.
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th
Samus/Mega Man/Sephiroth. All three will be competing for that third spot.
The tenth spot should go to Auron, unless I'm completely wrong about him being stronger than Vivi. I hope I am wrong. Tidus might have a good shot as well. Frog and Sora also have very outside shots. To the guy who said Ganondorf, no freaking way. That SFF was 25% WORSE than Link/Samus SFF. Ganondorf will be extremely lucky to make the top 30 with those numbers.
I'd much rather be elitist than an idiot with a misconception that generalizes an entire board.~Bender1616
ZSB [aX]
Cloud/Seph will be there to rough Link up. Besides that Link should win 55-45 on Mega.
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
You forgot to include Squall. Hey, if Aeris can get reverse SFF due to Kingdom Hearts, why not Squall?
....What? Let me dream a little longer.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Championship
Sweet Sixteen: Duel of Heroes vs. Cloud Strife
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th
What? I think I've been on quite a streak as of late.
SC2k4 Winner: Mega Man
Tom Bombadil PWNED my socks off! (Sonic vs Ryu)
I'd much rather be elitist than an idiot with a misconception that generalizes an entire board.~Bender1616
ZSB [aX]
Hylian Knight Forever
SC2k4 Score: 60/62 Rank: 16th