Spring 2004 Contest
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Contest Stats & Discussion - Part 21
From: steve illumina
| Posted: 6/1/2004 7:40:12 PM | Message Detail
Peeps of GameFAQ's! Heed my call as I beckon thee!
All of you who call this place a 2nd home! :) Well it's time for...the once again fully revised...
Steve Illumina Speaks
Indeed it is so, the legendary and ever humorous commentary spews forth from my quickly typing hands, to offer some funny and lighthearted yet well-honed levity, here on this the stats thread... the past, present and future bastion of proven intelligence on this overly fanboy dominated board.
And so it proceeds, with the FF fanboys finally flexing their collective nerdy muscle in the Golden Age Division
ROUND 4: Match LIX (59...)
(1)FFVII vs (2)Zelda Ocarina
Steve's Prediction: FFVII by 51.1%
Steve's Bracket: FFVII over Ocarina
No Way I'd Pick: Quest 64
Upset Chances: Nope...The overwhelming choice of bracketeers cannot and will not fall!
Comments: Well here we are, the match that will very likely be better than the final...the games that defined the Golden Age...they sold the most, they are loved the most, they are games that evolved their series and companies to new heights in creativity and gameplay. They are examples of what gaming is all about.
So many subplots here...If Trigger holds up as planned, and knocks off overachiever LTTP, Ocarina will be Link's final shot at reclaiming website glory. Sure it beat up popular Goldeneye and respected Mario 64 and cupcake Fallout 2. Sure it won with 70% margins...but hey, FF7 did too...
The FF fanboys, we know them and love them, and we need them now, more than ever. They have rallied all the groups they could, but even more are here now, thanks to massive fanboy spamming and posting through internet rallying and posts on other websites, taking a page from the StarCraft fanboy do-it-yourself manual "How to Win a Popularity Contest and Upset The Furies".
Editor's Note: This manual is available for download at bnet.com and scplanet.net, as well as for sale at game shops in Korea, Singapore, Laos, and Nauru.
So the FFVII fanboy cults stand in attention, carrying the colors of Jenova and salute: "Square Squad, Aeris' Army, Barret's Brigade, Tifa's Babes, International Brotherhood of Squaresoft, Vincent's Valentine Club, Highwinders, Shinra Union, Order of the Orange Chocobo, and the new groups Friends of Heidigger and the Red Herd" See, the fanboys continue to rally votes for the cause...
Why FFVII Will Advance: This game and its fanboys are what created the whole fanboy issue we all mock everyday. They will show their loyalty and the casuals will join them to defeat Nintendo's strongest tourney entry.
Why Zelda Wont Advance: Nintendrones will back it, but the casual RPG fanboy favors FF just a lil too much...
Probable Results: Best match of the Spring right here folks, at least to those who care about the purity of the contest and not about the happy go lucky bandwagon known as StarCraft.
More Quotes! "We're going to start the Neo Midgar Plan." -Pres. Shinra, "You don't get paid. You don't get praised." -Reeve, "Ghahahahah" -Heidigger, "Junk materia from junk reactors" -Scarlet, "I saw him with my own eyes!" -Palmer "Old man tried to control the world with money...seems to have been working." -Rufus
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
Peeps of GameFAQ's! Heed my call as I beckon thee!
All of you who call this place a 2nd home! :) Well it's time for...the once again fully revised...
Steve Illumina Speaks
Indeed it is so, the legendary and ever humorous commentary spews forth from my quickly typing hands, to offer some funny and lighthearted yet well-honed levity, here on this the stats thread... the past, present and future bastion of proven intelligence on this overly fanboy dominated board.
And so it proceeds, with the FF fanboys finally flexing their collective nerdy muscle in the Golden Age Division
ROUND 4: Match LIX (59...)
(1)FFVII vs (2)Zelda Ocarina
Steve's Prediction: FFVII by 51.1%
Steve's Bracket: FFVII over Ocarina
No Way I'd Pick: Quest 64
Upset Chances: Nope...The overwhelming choice of bracketeers cannot and will not fall!
Comments: Well here we are, the match that will very likely be better than the final...the games that defined the Golden Age...they sold the most, they are loved the most, they are games that evolved their series and companies to new heights in creativity and gameplay. They are examples of what gaming is all about.
So many subplots here...If Trigger holds up as planned, and knocks off overachiever LTTP, Ocarina will be Link's final shot at reclaiming website glory. Sure it beat up popular Goldeneye and respected Mario 64 and cupcake Fallout 2. Sure it won with 70% margins...but hey, FF7 did too...
The FF fanboys, we know them and love them, and we need them now, more than ever. They have rallied all the groups they could, but even more are here now, thanks to massive fanboy spamming and posting through internet rallying and posts on other websites, taking a page from the StarCraft fanboy do-it-yourself manual "How to Win a Popularity Contest and Upset The Furies".
Editor's Note: This manual is available for download at bnet.com and scplanet.net, as well as for sale at game shops in Korea, Singapore, Laos, and Nauru.
So the FFVII fanboy cults stand in attention, carrying the colors of Jenova and salute: "Square Squad, Aeris' Army, Barret's Brigade, Tifa's Babes, International Brotherhood of Squaresoft, Vincent's Valentine Club, Highwinders, Shinra Union, Order of the Orange Chocobo, and the new groups Friends of Heidigger and the Red Herd" See, the fanboys continue to rally votes for the cause...
Why FFVII Will Advance: This game and its fanboys are what created the whole fanboy issue we all mock everyday. They will show their loyalty and the casuals will join them to defeat Nintendo's strongest tourney entry.
Why Zelda Wont Advance: Nintendrones will back it, but the casual RPG fanboy favors FF just a lil too much...
Probable Results: Best match of the Spring right here folks, at least to those who care about the purity of the contest and not about the happy go lucky bandwagon known as StarCraft.
More Quotes! "We're going to start the Neo Midgar Plan." -Pres. Shinra, "You don't get paid. You don't get praised." -Reeve, "Ghahahahah" -Heidigger, "Junk materia from junk reactors" -Scarlet, "I saw him with my own eyes!" -Palmer "Old man tried to control the world with money...seems to have been working." -Rufus
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: steve illumina
| Posted: 6/1/2004 7:41:18 PM | Message Detail
smitelf: Assuming FFVII wins, the plan for its next match is to pepper
my commentary with all Sephiroth quotes, so yep, he is not forgotten!
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: steve illumina
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:34:13 PM | Message Detail
Peeps of GameFAQ's! Heed my call as I beckon thee!
All of you who call this place a 2nd home! :) Well it's time for...the once again fully revised...
Steve Illumina Speaks
Indeed it is so, the legendary and ever humorous commentary spews forth from my quickly typing hands, to offer some funny and lighthearted yet well-honed levity, here on this the stats thread... the past, present and future bastion of proven intelligence on this overly fanboy dominated board.
And so it proceeds, with a unholy alliance taking on an outsider, here to wrap up the Modern Era Division
ROUND 4: Match LX (60...)
(16)StarCraft vs (2)Super Smash Bros Melee
Steve's Prediction: StarCraft by 50.01%
Steve's Bracket: FFX over WindWaker (Geesh!)
No Way I'd Pick: Total Annihilation or Dark Reign
Upset Chances: It is the world we live in...Accept it.
Comments: Well here we are, the match that no one ever dreamed of in March or April...a match which never SHOULD have happened...but here it is, so I must mock it.
To do that...I present...
"From the home office in Kalamazoo Michigan, here is tonight's Top Ten List!"
"Tonight's list is 'Top 10 Fanboy Excuses to Vote For StarCraft!' OK here we go!
10. "My friend told me to, and I want to borrow his copy of Harvest Moon this weekend."
9. "I was gonna put it in my bracket but I bought into the Kingdom Hearts & Squall hype."
8. "Two words: Battle Net"
7. "I had an original NES that I had to blow in the cartridges too much to get them to work, and I am still bitter 15 years later."
6. "I dont wanna feel left out, and well, umm, everyone is doing it! Its trendy!"
5. "The picture was better looking."
4. "I misread it..I thought it said WarCraft..."
3. "Blizzard sent an email to everyone who ever filled out a product registration card promising coupons for money off copies of The Lost Vikings for GBA if we vote for StarCraft"
2. "Well the name of it reminds me of when I was in grade school and we made paper spaceships and model planets and stars and stuff! The teacher called it Star Crafts!"
And the number one fanboy excuse for voting for StarCraft...
1. "My parents wont buy me a GameCube!"
SSMB will fight bravely for all its worth. The Nintendites are seething over WindWaker's late hour fall after leading for 21+ hours. (And rightfully so) The Square Legions are still annoyed at how it toppled Kingdom Hearts. Even the Xbox Nation grieves for their loss some with Halo to this very night. This teetering triumvarite...bitter enemies usually, has decided to band together in a common (and for many of them) a personal cause...the saving of GameFAQ's from the evil entity known as StarCraft and the plague of battle.net
Will StarCraft destroy the fanboy dreams again? Or will the Unholy Alliance vanquish it? Thursday, we find out...though I think SSBM will somehow not get the job done...
Why StarCraft Will Advance: I believe the "Top Ten" list covers this in mocking detail...
Why SSBM Wont Advance: The bandwagon is still picking up passengers, mainly from all these broken brackets who think its cool StarCraft is doing so well. Fools...
Probable Results: Yet another undeserved victory for the fleet of carriers...by 1 to 2%...
More Quotes! No quotes today...sorry kiddies!
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
All of you who call this place a 2nd home! :) Well it's time for...the once again fully revised...
Steve Illumina Speaks
Indeed it is so, the legendary and ever humorous commentary spews forth from my quickly typing hands, to offer some funny and lighthearted yet well-honed levity, here on this the stats thread... the past, present and future bastion of proven intelligence on this overly fanboy dominated board.
And so it proceeds, with a unholy alliance taking on an outsider, here to wrap up the Modern Era Division
ROUND 4: Match LX (60...)
(16)StarCraft vs (2)Super Smash Bros Melee
Steve's Prediction: StarCraft by 50.01%
Steve's Bracket: FFX over WindWaker (Geesh!)
No Way I'd Pick: Total Annihilation or Dark Reign
Upset Chances: It is the world we live in...Accept it.
Comments: Well here we are, the match that no one ever dreamed of in March or April...a match which never SHOULD have happened...but here it is, so I must mock it.
To do that...I present...
"From the home office in Kalamazoo Michigan, here is tonight's Top Ten List!"
"Tonight's list is 'Top 10 Fanboy Excuses to Vote For StarCraft!' OK here we go!
10. "My friend told me to, and I want to borrow his copy of Harvest Moon this weekend."
9. "I was gonna put it in my bracket but I bought into the Kingdom Hearts & Squall hype."
8. "Two words: Battle Net"
7. "I had an original NES that I had to blow in the cartridges too much to get them to work, and I am still bitter 15 years later."
6. "I dont wanna feel left out, and well, umm, everyone is doing it! Its trendy!"
5. "The picture was better looking."
4. "I misread it..I thought it said WarCraft..."
3. "Blizzard sent an email to everyone who ever filled out a product registration card promising coupons for money off copies of The Lost Vikings for GBA if we vote for StarCraft"
2. "Well the name of it reminds me of when I was in grade school and we made paper spaceships and model planets and stars and stuff! The teacher called it Star Crafts!"
And the number one fanboy excuse for voting for StarCraft...
1. "My parents wont buy me a GameCube!"
SSMB will fight bravely for all its worth. The Nintendites are seething over WindWaker's late hour fall after leading for 21+ hours. (And rightfully so) The Square Legions are still annoyed at how it toppled Kingdom Hearts. Even the Xbox Nation grieves for their loss some with Halo to this very night. This teetering triumvarite...bitter enemies usually, has decided to band together in a common (and for many of them) a personal cause...the saving of GameFAQ's from the evil entity known as StarCraft and the plague of battle.net
Will StarCraft destroy the fanboy dreams again? Or will the Unholy Alliance vanquish it? Thursday, we find out...though I think SSBM will somehow not get the job done...
Why StarCraft Will Advance: I believe the "Top Ten" list covers this in mocking detail...
Why SSBM Wont Advance: The bandwagon is still picking up passengers, mainly from all these broken brackets who think its cool StarCraft is doing so well. Fools...
Probable Results: Yet another undeserved victory for the fleet of carriers...by 1 to 2%...
More Quotes! No quotes today...sorry kiddies!
SCK24: 84/104 Trivia XIII: Diehards Forever
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: tnote827
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:35:40 PM | Message Detail
Work early tomorrow morning, so I cannot stay up to watch the end of
the best. match. ever. The GunPoint was a tad high, but in the end I
think CT will stabilize around 50.4%. And now, time for the best. hype.
ever... and another Tnotez Take:
A perfect top half! <Pats myself on the back> And still, Division 128 bent me over the barrel. Aah well. I am not going to spend much time on this, because in my opinion OoT has no shot. Flame me if you must, but Slow showed me all I needed to see to justify my belief. We have gathered Cloud=Link, and when you throw in the supporting cast of FFVII, I hate to say it, but this could get ugly. Not 65-70% ugly, but...
GunPoint Prediction: Final Fantasy VII with 57%
Yep, you read that right. I think MGS gets 55-60% against GE, FFVII and OoT scored closely against those opponents, so I am just splitting the difference. Could OoT win? I doubt it, but if it does I will bet my account it does not gather more than 51%. I know how much everyone loves account closings, so you heard it hear. Tnote will shut down this account if OoT gains more than 51% on FFVII. But it will not, and I will collect my third perfect division.
Peace out yall.
Contest: 91/104; Division 128 absolutely pwned me... Perfect Division 8 & 16!
A perfect top half! <Pats myself on the back> And still, Division 128 bent me over the barrel. Aah well. I am not going to spend much time on this, because in my opinion OoT has no shot. Flame me if you must, but Slow showed me all I needed to see to justify my belief. We have gathered Cloud=Link, and when you throw in the supporting cast of FFVII, I hate to say it, but this could get ugly. Not 65-70% ugly, but...
GunPoint Prediction: Final Fantasy VII with 57%
Yep, you read that right. I think MGS gets 55-60% against GE, FFVII and OoT scored closely against those opponents, so I am just splitting the difference. Could OoT win? I doubt it, but if it does I will bet my account it does not gather more than 51%. I know how much everyone loves account closings, so you heard it hear. Tnote will shut down this account if OoT gains more than 51% on FFVII. But it will not, and I will collect my third perfect division.
Peace out yall.
Contest: 91/104; Division 128 absolutely pwned me... Perfect Division 8 & 16!
From: smitelf
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:48:37 PM | Message Detail
On another note, could God create a group of mass carriers so large that even he could not defeat them?
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:50:00 PM | Message Detail
Damn... it...
ALttP looks to be heading out...
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
ALttP looks to be heading out...
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: smitelf
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:53:03 PM | Message Detail
Hehe, I just saw the Starcraft vs. God topic...Starcraft is winning.
Are there really *that* many athiests/agnostics on this site, or is Starcraft just that popular on the boards now?
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
Are there really *that* many athiests/agnostics on this site, or is Starcraft just that popular on the boards now?
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
From: Tarrot
| Posted: 6/1/2004 8:55:23 PM | Message Detail
Well here we are, the match that no one ever dreamed of in March or
April...a match which never SHOULD have happened...but here it is, so I
must mock it.
I would like to note that my 128 bracket is perfect so far, and if SSBM wins, I'll take a screenshot and post it here just to gloat. It's only those other 3 brackets I f'd up on.
In addition, I would like to say to everyone who doubted me when I was initially promoting the no-Zelda FF you're welcome. I may have been wrong about FFVI's chances, but I've stood up to all the hype and bandwagoners and managed to keep a cool head without being tricked and bambuzled by decieving blowouts.
I would like to note that my 128 bracket is perfect so far, and if SSBM wins, I'll take a screenshot and post it here just to gloat. It's only those other 3 brackets I f'd up on.
In addition, I would like to say to everyone who doubted me when I was initially promoting the no-Zelda FF you're welcome. I may have been wrong about FFVI's chances, but I've stood up to all the hype and bandwagoners and managed to keep a cool head without being tricked and bambuzled by decieving blowouts.
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:00:53 PM | Message Detail
This board has always been massively atheist, and then there's the anti-BEth vote.
Hehe, I expected to get complaints about giving these two categories to FF7. Yes, these were really close, but FF7 did impress me a bit more in both. Gotta add the fact that Link has all these games to draw popularity from, and Cloud has FF7 and KH only.
Hmwell, didn't see the update topic yet, but it seems my bracket is OK for now. Think I'll make that FF10/SSBM sheet to kill time before the big one begins, yes, because I'll be there to see it start LIVE! And please tell me this isn't true, but my conscience is telling me to bracket-vote, and I don't want to... A potential of 56 points vs. my 3rd favorite game ever... this sucks. Really.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 089/104 --- Matches: 49/57 --- Rank: 00468/40940 --- Today's pick: CT
Hehe, I expected to get complaints about giving these two categories to FF7. Yes, these were really close, but FF7 did impress me a bit more in both. Gotta add the fact that Link has all these games to draw popularity from, and Cloud has FF7 and KH only.
Hmwell, didn't see the update topic yet, but it seems my bracket is OK for now. Think I'll make that FF10/SSBM sheet to kill time before the big one begins, yes, because I'll be there to see it start LIVE! And please tell me this isn't true, but my conscience is telling me to bracket-vote, and I don't want to... A potential of 56 points vs. my 3rd favorite game ever... this sucks. Really.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 089/104 --- Matches: 49/57 --- Rank: 00468/40940 --- Today's pick: CT
From: redline15
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:14:43 PM | Message Detail
Are there really *that* many athiests/agnostics on this site, or is Starcraft just that popular on the boards now?
i...can't imagine too many of the users here taking such a topic seriously.
most would likely vote for god (i am assuming this is a poll) if forced to fully consider the question.
And please tell me this isn't true, but my conscience is telling me to bracket-vote, and I don't want to... A potential of 56 points vs. my 3rd favorite game ever... this sucks.
tell your conscience the following:
tomorrow's match will likely receive over 80000 votes.
...you will account for 1.
signature (n.): a random bit of gibberish that no one ever reads.
i...can't imagine too many of the users here taking such a topic seriously.
most would likely vote for god (i am assuming this is a poll) if forced to fully consider the question.
And please tell me this isn't true, but my conscience is telling me to bracket-vote, and I don't want to... A potential of 56 points vs. my 3rd favorite game ever... this sucks.
tell your conscience the following:
tomorrow's match will likely receive over 80000 votes.
...you will account for 1.
signature (n.): a random bit of gibberish that no one ever reads.
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:18:23 PM | Message Detail
This match looks like it'll get around 96K-97K votes.
Could tomorrow's match actually hit triple digits? Wonder of wonders...
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
Could tomorrow's match actually hit triple digits? Wonder of wonders...
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: smitelf
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:19:09 PM | Message Detail
Could tomorrow's match actually hit triple digits? Wonder of wonders...
I doubt it.
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
I doubt it.
Married to UltimaterializerX on 5/21/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 87/104, Next Winner: Chrono Trigger
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:25:55 PM | Message Detail
Hehe, I just saw the Starcraft vs. God topic...Starcraft is winning
I'm beginning to resent Starcraft heavily and even I'd vote for it there ;)
without being tricked and bambuzled by decieving blowouts.
Indeed, the Zelda steamroller crashed and burned, and only Ocarina of Time is left if Chrono Trigger's slim lead holds (which it may very well not, 300 votes isn't much, it just seems like a lot in this match). Not what most expected after the 2nd round.
Damn the fickleness of Nintendo fans. Damn them all. (though, the only Zelda game I really wanted to make it was LoZ)
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
Hehe, I just saw the Starcraft vs. God topic...Starcraft is winning
I'm beginning to resent Starcraft heavily and even I'd vote for it there ;)
without being tricked and bambuzled by decieving blowouts.
Indeed, the Zelda steamroller crashed and burned, and only Ocarina of Time is left if Chrono Trigger's slim lead holds (which it may very well not, 300 votes isn't much, it just seems like a lot in this match). Not what most expected after the 2nd round.
Damn the fickleness of Nintendo fans. Damn them all. (though, the only Zelda game I really wanted to make it was LoZ)
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:27:32 PM | Message Detail
I doubt it.
Why? If this match can pass 95K that should get 100,000. I'd say it's more likely than not. 110K is probably a stretch but 105K is not out of the question.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
Why? If this match can pass 95K that should get 100,000. I'd say it's more likely than not. 110K is probably a stretch but 105K is not out of the question.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:29:44 PM | Message Detail
Man, I really thought ALttP had this...
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: ChichiriMuyo
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:45:46 PM | Message Detail
"4. "I misread it..I thought it said WarCraft...""
See now, if it were War2, it'd actually have some support from me.... but don't misunderstand the things going on. Some people voted for SC over WW just because it's better game strategy. If you didn't have either winning (like myself) then you may as well vote to minimize the damage. That was a vote for SC. On the flipside, SSBM is my pick of the division, so SC won't get my vote next time. There are as many bracket members out there who want to protect them selves by giving points to as few people as possible as there are people on this board who think it's cool to vote for the massively underseeded SC.
Oh, and Ulti, remember when I said SC was easily one of the top 4 in the division? Think about how badly it'd have to lose to SSBM for that to be incorrect? (mind you I said this in the midst of its match with KH)
ChichiriMuyo is officially the Discussion Guru Encyclopedia - UltimaterializerX
And I'm 23/24 myself. My loss was all part of Alucard's plan. - BigCow
See now, if it were War2, it'd actually have some support from me.... but don't misunderstand the things going on. Some people voted for SC over WW just because it's better game strategy. If you didn't have either winning (like myself) then you may as well vote to minimize the damage. That was a vote for SC. On the flipside, SSBM is my pick of the division, so SC won't get my vote next time. There are as many bracket members out there who want to protect them selves by giving points to as few people as possible as there are people on this board who think it's cool to vote for the massively underseeded SC.
Oh, and Ulti, remember when I said SC was easily one of the top 4 in the division? Think about how badly it'd have to lose to SSBM for that to be incorrect? (mind you I said this in the midst of its match with KH)
ChichiriMuyo is officially the Discussion Guru Encyclopedia - UltimaterializerX
And I'm 23/24 myself. My loss was all part of Alucard's plan. - BigCow
From: Tarrot
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:47:48 PM | Message Detail
You should've known by the piss-poor day vote. It carries the day
always and does worse at night. The fact that CT was able to basically
keep it 50/50 should've been enough evidence come the traditionally
strong night vote.
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:49:08 PM | Message Detail
I wasn`t about to say ALttP was done because it didn`t collect the day
vote. That would have been just stupid at the time, ALttP held off CT
for quite a long time after the day vote had been gone.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: charmander6000
| Posted: 6/1/2004 9:56:14 PM | Message Detail
I only looked at the 15 min. updates (for sometime there were 5) and I
found out there have been a total of 10 lead changes which beats out
the old record of Mario vs. Crono with either 6 or 8
LUE is a cancer, and if it can't be destroyed, it must be contained. - CjayC
My Score 85/104 CT vs. LoZ: LttP
LUE is a cancer, and if it can't be destroyed, it must be contained. - CjayC
My Score 85/104 CT vs. LoZ: LttP
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/1/2004 10:56:02 PM | Message Detail
The Final Fantasy VII pic is terrific, I love it. Sephiroth just being
a silhouette hurts the pic factor value of it, but it looks very nice.
The Ocarina of Time pic is great too but I like the Final Fantasy VII
one better. The watery background is very pretty and soothing to look
The user pics are certainly better than CJayC's. That's what you get when you utilize the abilities of dozens, perhaps hundreds of user submissions.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
The user pics are certainly better than CJayC's. That's what you get when you utilize the abilities of dozens, perhaps hundreds of user submissions.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 6/1/2004 10:59:29 PM | Message Detail
Maybe somebody should petition CJayC to let the summer contest pics all be user creations.
The FFVII-OoT picture is cool, but not as good as the CT-LttP one, which is downright awesome.
Spring Contest 2004: 88/104
Today: (1)Chrono Trigger over (6)Link to the Past
The FFVII-OoT picture is cool, but not as good as the CT-LttP one, which is downright awesome.
Spring Contest 2004: 88/104
Today: (1)Chrono Trigger over (6)Link to the Past
From: andaca
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:01:15 PM | Message Detail
Eh, depends on when you call an end to the day vote...although there
was never a lead being expanded upon, the momentum definetely shifted
in favor of CT by around 16:00 or so. At that point, although CT could
never get a lead going, Lttp suddenly found itself relying on sudden
bursts to prevent it from losing ground. At that point, i think this
match went fairly clearly for CT - the night vote didnt need much of a
shift from the day vote at all to doom LttP.
Having said this, watch LttP rally from nowhere.
88 points.
CT vs. LttP
Having said this, watch LttP rally from nowhere.
88 points.
CT vs. LttP
From: Slowflake
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:02:39 PM | Message Detail
Clutch? Please God no!
Also, the FF10/SSBM graphs are now up.
- Advantage FF7.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 089/104 --- Matches: 49/57 --- Rank: 00468/40940 --- Today's pick: CT
Also, the FF10/SSBM graphs are now up.
- Advantage FF7.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 089/104 --- Matches: 49/57 --- Rank: 00468/40940 --- Today's pick: CT
From: RamzaB
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:46:36 PM | Message Detail
I'm glad the vote totals are finally starting to climb. This match has
an excellent chance of hitting 99,000, which easily makes it the most
popular poll since the layout change.
Theifenburg Uncertainty Principle - Without any witnesses, who's to say what happened?
Proud warrior of THE LUCA BLIGHT ARMY
Theifenburg Uncertainty Principle - Without any witnesses, who's to say what happened?
Proud warrior of THE LUCA BLIGHT ARMY
From: Leonhart4
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:47:55 PM | Message Detail
Question: Now that Chrono Trigger-Link to the Past is drawing to a close, where does it rank among the greatest of all-time?
It deserves to be high on the list because it was back and forth all day long with neither game able to get a lead of more than 500. Closest match from wire to wire, despite the ho-hum finish.
Spring Contest 2004: 88/104
Today: (1)Chrono Trigger over (6)Link to the Past
It deserves to be high on the list because it was back and forth all day long with neither game able to get a lead of more than 500. Closest match from wire to wire, despite the ho-hum finish.
Spring Contest 2004: 88/104
Today: (1)Chrono Trigger over (6)Link to the Past
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:49:24 PM | Message Detail
where does it rank among the greatest of all-time?
Very high, that game was utter brilliance.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Very high, that game was utter brilliance.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: andaca
| Posted: 6/1/2004 11:49:31 PM | Message Detail
Agreed - the finish is fairly bland, but look at the match itself -
almost 100k votes, and the lead shifted a countless number of times
during the day, seeing as both games were neck and neck for what must
have been easily seven or eight hours.
88 points.
CT vs. LttP
88 points.
CT vs. LttP
From: cyko
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:29:45 AM | Message Detail
Why do I suddenly have this feeling that SMB3 is going to win it all?
heh, that would be awesome. i also can't see it making up the 10% of the vote that Super Mario World lost by, but now that FF6 is out, i am cheering for SMB3 all the way!!!
and now, FF7 is out to an early lead. i know most of us expected FF7 to take the early night lead, but 170 vote lead in the first 30 minutes? i doubt that OOT will come back from this one.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
heh, that would be awesome. i also can't see it making up the 10% of the vote that Super Mario World lost by, but now that FF6 is out, i am cheering for SMB3 all the way!!!
and now, FF7 is out to an early lead. i know most of us expected FF7 to take the early night lead, but 170 vote lead in the first 30 minutes? i doubt that OOT will come back from this one.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:30:20 AM | Message Detail
but 170 vote lead in the first 30 minutes? i doubt that OOT will come back from this one.
That is not hard to overcome at all.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
That is not hard to overcome at all.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:38:38 AM | Message Detail
That is not hard to overcome at all.
Considering the circumstances, it is actually hard to overcome.
From 15 minutes in, Final Fantasy VII gained about 2.5% on MGS, and 2.2% from what it had an hour in, to finish with 71.3%. MGS is pretty mainstream game too. It gained about 5% on Xenogears from an hour in to finish with 80.03%.
Ocarina of Time gained 1.97% on Goldeneye from 15 minutes, and 2.28% from an hour in, to finish with 73.05%. Goldeneye is another mainstream game. OoT gained 3.28% on Mario 64 from 15 minutes in and 1.78% from an hour in, to finish with 76.26%.
These are pretty similar records, so don't expect any severe trends in this match.
While the match is young and far from over, there is no doubt that Final Fantasy VII has a significant edge right now. It will be difficult to overcome its current deficit. Not impossible, but hard.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
Considering the circumstances, it is actually hard to overcome.
From 15 minutes in, Final Fantasy VII gained about 2.5% on MGS, and 2.2% from what it had an hour in, to finish with 71.3%. MGS is pretty mainstream game too. It gained about 5% on Xenogears from an hour in to finish with 80.03%.
Ocarina of Time gained 1.97% on Goldeneye from 15 minutes, and 2.28% from an hour in, to finish with 73.05%. Goldeneye is another mainstream game. OoT gained 3.28% on Mario 64 from 15 minutes in and 1.78% from an hour in, to finish with 76.26%.
These are pretty similar records, so don't expect any severe trends in this match.
While the match is young and far from over, there is no doubt that Final Fantasy VII has a significant edge right now. It will be difficult to overcome its current deficit. Not impossible, but hard.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: cyko
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:40:11 AM | Message Detail
i dunno, HM. FF7 is now past the 200 barrier with less than forty
minutes into the match and showing no signs of slowing down. that's
another 30-50 votes in ten minutes. OOT will need a cheap
Starcraft-esqe comeback later today at the rate FF7 is going right now.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:45:12 AM | Message Detail
Considering the circumstances, it is actually hard to overcome.
Even if the day vote is only going to slightly favor it like ALttP while FFVII plays much like CT this margin is even easier - at the moment - to overcome than the last match.
From 15 minutes in, Final Fantasy VII gained about 2.5% on MGS, and 2.2% from what it had an hour in, to finish with 71.3%. MGS is pretty mainstream game too. It gained about 5% on Xenogears from an hour in to finish with 80.03%.
I would expect FFVII to put up quite a fight against the morning/day vote but it should be in favor of Ocarina of Time. I hate to compare this match to any other out there, but I see the day vote going the way of ALttP vs. CT. GoldenEye is also a much more mainstream game, one of the biggest ones.
Ocarina of Time gained 1.97% on Goldeneye from 15 minutes, and 2.28% from an hour in, to finish with 73.05%. Goldeneye is another mainstream game. OoT gained 3.28% on Mario 64 from 15 minutes in and 1.78% from an hour in, to finish with 76.26%.
I do believe GE would rank as quite the higher of the two when it comes to mainstream. It should be noted that going by the day vote OoT had the harder opponent in that respect.
These are pretty similar records, so don't expect any severe trends in this match.
Obviously. There should not be a huge jump for either one with the day vote, but again I am fully expecting that OoT will snatch it up.
While the match is young and far from over, there is no doubt that Final Fantasy VII has a significant edge right now. It will be difficult to overcome its current deficit. Not impossible, but hard.
It got off to a fast start but OoT isn`t letting FFVII gain rapidly anymore. With about a 230 vote lead right now that is not that hard to overcome. With even a slight day vote we`ve seen that it is enough to overcome a 510 deficit much less a 230 one - but then again I expect FFVII`s lead to climb before morning.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Even if the day vote is only going to slightly favor it like ALttP while FFVII plays much like CT this margin is even easier - at the moment - to overcome than the last match.
From 15 minutes in, Final Fantasy VII gained about 2.5% on MGS, and 2.2% from what it had an hour in, to finish with 71.3%. MGS is pretty mainstream game too. It gained about 5% on Xenogears from an hour in to finish with 80.03%.
I would expect FFVII to put up quite a fight against the morning/day vote but it should be in favor of Ocarina of Time. I hate to compare this match to any other out there, but I see the day vote going the way of ALttP vs. CT. GoldenEye is also a much more mainstream game, one of the biggest ones.
Ocarina of Time gained 1.97% on Goldeneye from 15 minutes, and 2.28% from an hour in, to finish with 73.05%. Goldeneye is another mainstream game. OoT gained 3.28% on Mario 64 from 15 minutes in and 1.78% from an hour in, to finish with 76.26%.
I do believe GE would rank as quite the higher of the two when it comes to mainstream. It should be noted that going by the day vote OoT had the harder opponent in that respect.
These are pretty similar records, so don't expect any severe trends in this match.
Obviously. There should not be a huge jump for either one with the day vote, but again I am fully expecting that OoT will snatch it up.
While the match is young and far from over, there is no doubt that Final Fantasy VII has a significant edge right now. It will be difficult to overcome its current deficit. Not impossible, but hard.
It got off to a fast start but OoT isn`t letting FFVII gain rapidly anymore. With about a 230 vote lead right now that is not that hard to overcome. With even a slight day vote we`ve seen that it is enough to overcome a 510 deficit much less a 230 one - but then again I expect FFVII`s lead to climb before morning.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:46:19 AM | Message Detail
OOT will need a cheap Starcraft-esqe comeback later today at the rate FF7 is going right now.
This rate slows down as you get farther into the match at this time. It should not be able to get all that much more than it has right now, I expect a couple more hundred at the best but possibly more.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
This rate slows down as you get farther into the match at this time. It should not be able to get all that much more than it has right now, I expect a couple more hundred at the best but possibly more.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: nh82
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:53:55 AM | Message Detail
Are there really *that* many athiests/agnostics on this site, or is Starcraft just that popular on the boards now?
Beats me, even if I weren't a christian I'd still antivote Starcraft... ;)
but I imagine most actual christians (or other faiths) probably don't bother looking at those topics... leave it to the trolls! it'd always be hard to tell exactly what percentage of the board is religious or not: trolls are always going to mess it up one way or another.
back ontopic: i'm actually surprised this match is so close - i thought it'd be 55% one way or the other. A comeback is not out of the question, but is unlikely I feel.
Beats me, even if I weren't a christian I'd still antivote Starcraft... ;)
but I imagine most actual christians (or other faiths) probably don't bother looking at those topics... leave it to the trolls! it'd always be hard to tell exactly what percentage of the board is religious or not: trolls are always going to mess it up one way or another.
back ontopic: i'm actually surprised this match is so close - i thought it'd be 55% one way or the other. A comeback is not out of the question, but is unlikely I feel.
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:56:51 AM | Message Detail
You people are not allowed to stay up and watch these matches anymore. =P
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: cyko
| Posted: 6/2/2004 12:59:57 AM | Message Detail
ah, Heroic Mario - always the optimist. :)
past 380 vote lead under an hour into the match and still climbing. i'm just about ready to declare this entire contest over. if OOT can't slow FF7 down, then i seriously doubt any game will be able to.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
past 380 vote lead under an hour into the match and still climbing. i'm just about ready to declare this entire contest over. if OOT can't slow FF7 down, then i seriously doubt any game will be able to.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
From: Tarrot
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:03:05 AM | Message Detail
It started off fairly evenly, but FFVII's been climbing since. And if
there's one game a Zelda can't get the day vote against, it's FFVII.
And for the record, yes I will sing another heartfelt rendition of goodbye if/when the No-Zelda FF becomes a reality.
And for the record, yes I will sing another heartfelt rendition of goodbye if/when the No-Zelda FF becomes a reality.
From: Lieutenant Kettch
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:04:23 AM | Message Detail
Goldeneye should have been the more mainstream game, giving OoT a
slight edge in day vote percentage compared to FFVII. But FFVII has 54%
right now, and rising. I'll be surprised if OoT even manages to gain
votes during the day. It should do better percentage wise, but this is
simply too large a gap.
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:04:53 AM | Message Detail
And if there's one game a Zelda can't get the day vote against, it's FFVII.
If anything the strongest of them all should very well be able too.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
If anything the strongest of them all should very well be able too.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:08:23 AM | Message Detail
456 right now, CT peaked at 510. It should be obvious FFVII will be
getting more than this right now due to its strength over CT but this
is not an insurmountable lead by any stretch of the imagination. I
can`t believe some people are trying to say this match could very well
be over without even so much as a 1,000 vote lead.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: cyko
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:08:41 AM | Message Detail
oh, and btw - UltimaterializerX is TEH WINNAR!!!!!!!!
for the next five matches he has:
FF7 over OOT
SSBM over WindWaker (Starcraft)
CT over SMB3
FF7 over SSBM
FF7 over CT
right now, that is looking like the most likely finish to this contest. and if you look at the Top 50 leaderboard, our very own Ulti has the highest ranked bracket with FF7 winning the whole thing.
that means that if the next 5 matches go his way, Ulti wins the entire contest. and the biggest thing i see standing between Ulti and victory is Battle.Net. go figure.
as if he needed anything else to boost his popularity, anyways. =P
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
for the next five matches he has:
FF7 over OOT
SSBM over WindWaker (Starcraft)
CT over SMB3
FF7 over SSBM
FF7 over CT
right now, that is looking like the most likely finish to this contest. and if you look at the Top 50 leaderboard, our very own Ulti has the highest ranked bracket with FF7 winning the whole thing.
that means that if the next 5 matches go his way, Ulti wins the entire contest. and the biggest thing i see standing between Ulti and victory is Battle.Net. go figure.
as if he needed anything else to boost his popularity, anyways. =P
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
From: Tarrot
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:09:01 AM | Message Detail
OoT is arguabally the strongest Zelda. Many would put LttP ahead of it,
and it held even with Chrono Trigger outside of an early surge. I
definently place FFVII ahead of CT, plus FFVII has already got nearly a
500 vote edge an hour 15 in, which is the maximum difference between CT
and LttP, plus I would venture as being more well known then OoT.
From: Lieutenant Kettch
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:11:00 AM | Message Detail
PepeCamello and Kirin17 are tied with UltimaterializerX at 105, and
have FFVII winning as well. So he may need to win the tiebreaker for
first place.
From: Tarrot
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:14:10 AM | Message Detail
I believe he had though.
Then again, Ulti's screwed if SC wins against SSBM, which is looking more and more plausible. Plus I'm not sure who he took SMB3 or CT, and that one loss can easily ruin his #1 spot.
Then again, Ulti's screwed if SC wins against SSBM, which is looking more and more plausible. Plus I'm not sure who he took SMB3 or CT, and that one loss can easily ruin his #1 spot.
From: Lieutenant Kettch
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:16:55 AM | Message Detail
He's ahead of them in the listing, because he finalized his bracket
earlier, but the real tiebreaker at the end is the number of votes for
the Championship winner, and we won't know what that is until the end.
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:17:33 AM | Message Detail
OoT is arguabally the strongest Zelda.
No there isn`t anything to argue about OoT being the strongest. We knew this from day one. A few people, myself included, talked about ALttP possibly being stronger than OoT but that was obviously thrown out the door.
Many would put LttP ahead of it, and it held even with Chrono Trigger outside of an early surge.
The only people who would put it ahead is speaking from a quality standpoint, not strength in this contest. And yes, ALttP did manage to hold off CT at many points, but CT did the totally unexpected and managed to keep ALttP`s day vote gain to minimal.
I definently place FFVII ahead of CT,
I definitely put OoT ahead of ALttP. Pretty even so far.
plus FFVII has already got nearly a 500 vote edge an hour 15 in, which is the maximum difference between CT and LttP, plus I would venture as being more well known then OoT.
FFVII should be out to a bigger lead than CT because it is obviously more popular. This is not something that is totally unexpected especially if you are able to watch this happen often. OoT is definitely more popular than ALttP making this margin difference much like the one last night. As for being more well-known, I would honestly place that right into Zelda`s hand during that one. Then again what am I saying? Neither of these two is any more known than the other. Their namesake is about as high as you can get.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
No there isn`t anything to argue about OoT being the strongest. We knew this from day one. A few people, myself included, talked about ALttP possibly being stronger than OoT but that was obviously thrown out the door.
Many would put LttP ahead of it, and it held even with Chrono Trigger outside of an early surge.
The only people who would put it ahead is speaking from a quality standpoint, not strength in this contest. And yes, ALttP did manage to hold off CT at many points, but CT did the totally unexpected and managed to keep ALttP`s day vote gain to minimal.
I definently place FFVII ahead of CT,
I definitely put OoT ahead of ALttP. Pretty even so far.
plus FFVII has already got nearly a 500 vote edge an hour 15 in, which is the maximum difference between CT and LttP, plus I would venture as being more well known then OoT.
FFVII should be out to a bigger lead than CT because it is obviously more popular. This is not something that is totally unexpected especially if you are able to watch this happen often. OoT is definitely more popular than ALttP making this margin difference much like the one last night. As for being more well-known, I would honestly place that right into Zelda`s hand during that one. Then again what am I saying? Neither of these two is any more known than the other. Their namesake is about as high as you can get.
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: cyko
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:20:35 AM | Message Detail
Ulti took CT over SMB3. but i didn't notice the other two guys tied
with him, so yeah, Ulti is looking at least at the Top Three. and yeah,
Battle.Net can make the difference between the Top Three and absolutely
nothing. although, how many of the Top 200 brackets do you honestly
think put Starcraft in the Final Four? i see that two of the Top 50
picked it to win everything, but Starcraft winning might not push Ulti
out of the Top 50, still giving him a shot at something.
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
Current Score: *ripped up bracket*
cyko's 256 Game Contest: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=8&topic=14285047
From: creativename
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:24:17 AM | Message Detail
Even if the day vote is only going to slightly favor it like ALttP
while FFVII plays much like CT this margin is even easier - at the
moment - to overcome than the last match.
That match was very up in the air even when Chrono Trigger had a good early lead, we all knew this. Final Fantasy VII is not Chrono Trigger.
I hate to compare this match to any other out there, but I see the day vote going the way of ALttP vs. CT.
It's not impossible, but there is nothing to support this.
I do believe GE would rank as quite the higher of the two when it comes to mainstream. It should be noted that going by the day vote OoT had the harder opponent in that respect.
I fail to see how Goldeneye and MGS are on different tiers in terms of "mainstreamness".
but again I am fully expecting that OoT will snatch it up.
Your expectations have been very wrong for a while now, in a very public manner, so pardon people if they don't put too much stock in this ;) Seriously though, this doesn't make much sense.
You're right about one thing though--Ocarina of Time's day vote edge doesn't have to be that big, since that's when the vast majority of voting occurs. But it does need an edge. And there's very little reason to suspect that Ocarina of Time can make up 4.5% on Final Fantasy VII (and it's looking like that will have to be 5%, as Final Fantasy VII looks to be getting 55% soon). Again, not impossible, but right now it is looking substantially unlikely.
And it appears I may have spoke too soon about this being unlikely to pass 110,000 votes. A half hour in, Chrono Trigger vs. A Link to the Past had about 2,150 votes, and 3,500 votes an hour in. This match had about 3,000 votes a half hour in and about 4,800 an hour in. It's got about about 5,600 right now, whereas the last match had about 4,200 at this point. A lot of that no doubt has to be spill-over from the very exciting, very close Chrono Trigger vs. A Link to the Past match; but a 10% improvement in the final vote totals appears to be pretty conservative, even if this match isn't that close.
I said a while ago that if it weren't for the site layout change, this match might've gotten 150,000 votes. That certainly seems like what would've happened.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
That match was very up in the air even when Chrono Trigger had a good early lead, we all knew this. Final Fantasy VII is not Chrono Trigger.
I hate to compare this match to any other out there, but I see the day vote going the way of ALttP vs. CT.
It's not impossible, but there is nothing to support this.
I do believe GE would rank as quite the higher of the two when it comes to mainstream. It should be noted that going by the day vote OoT had the harder opponent in that respect.
I fail to see how Goldeneye and MGS are on different tiers in terms of "mainstreamness".
but again I am fully expecting that OoT will snatch it up.
Your expectations have been very wrong for a while now, in a very public manner, so pardon people if they don't put too much stock in this ;) Seriously though, this doesn't make much sense.
You're right about one thing though--Ocarina of Time's day vote edge doesn't have to be that big, since that's when the vast majority of voting occurs. But it does need an edge. And there's very little reason to suspect that Ocarina of Time can make up 4.5% on Final Fantasy VII (and it's looking like that will have to be 5%, as Final Fantasy VII looks to be getting 55% soon). Again, not impossible, but right now it is looking substantially unlikely.
And it appears I may have spoke too soon about this being unlikely to pass 110,000 votes. A half hour in, Chrono Trigger vs. A Link to the Past had about 2,150 votes, and 3,500 votes an hour in. This match had about 3,000 votes a half hour in and about 4,800 an hour in. It's got about about 5,600 right now, whereas the last match had about 4,200 at this point. A lot of that no doubt has to be spill-over from the very exciting, very close Chrono Trigger vs. A Link to the Past match; but a 10% improvement in the final vote totals appears to be pretty conservative, even if this match isn't that close.
I said a while ago that if it weren't for the site layout change, this match might've gotten 150,000 votes. That certainly seems like what would've happened.
Nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for the Summer 2004 Character Contest!
http://SC2k4.com/frog (click on the galleries)
From: Heroic Mario
| Posted: 6/2/2004 1:33:24 AM | Message Detail
That match was very up in the air even when Chrono Trigger had a
good early lead, we all knew this. Final Fantasy VII is not Chrono
I am perfectly aware of this, I was up most of the night last night to witness most of what CT did in the same respect I am up to see this match. FFVII does not have this guaranteed or even in a big favor for it right now. A 550 vote lead is not anything that is insurmountable not matter how you look at it.
It's not impossible, but there is nothing to support this.,
Of course. It is merely my projected prediction for the day vote, one of which I have a great track record with. =P
I fail to see how Goldeneye and MGS are on different tiers in terms of "mainstreamness".
I didn`t say they were on totally different tiers, however, I did say that I figured GoldenEye to be the bigger of the two when it comes to "mainstreamness".
Your expectations have been very wrong for a while now, in a very public manner, so pardon people if they don't put too much stock in this ;) Seriously though, this doesn't make much sense.
My percentage and winner predictions have been off but my day vote has yet to faulter in any match for a long time. In fact, I`ve been told just to stick to "predicting the day vote" instead of the entire match, heh. =)
And there's very little reason to suspect that Ocarina of Time can make up 4.5% on Final Fantasy VII (and it's looking like that will have to be 5%,
Throughout the entire day and morning I could definitely see OoT managing to at least catch up to FFVII at least. I can`t see FFVII remaining around that or having a comfortable lead all day long when heading into the night. This night vote favor is not surprising at all, and I`ve seen this happen many a time during the night.
Again, not impossible, but right now it is looking substantially unlikely.
The more of a lead it gains the harder it will be, yes. However, this is not looking like it is to far out of reach right now.
I said a while ago that if it weren't for the site layout change, this match might've gotten 150,000 votes. That certainly seems like what would've happened.
That would have been awesome to see it crack 150,000. A shame the new layout is lowering the totals like that. =\
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
I am perfectly aware of this, I was up most of the night last night to witness most of what CT did in the same respect I am up to see this match. FFVII does not have this guaranteed or even in a big favor for it right now. A 550 vote lead is not anything that is insurmountable not matter how you look at it.
It's not impossible, but there is nothing to support this.,
Of course. It is merely my projected prediction for the day vote, one of which I have a great track record with. =P
I fail to see how Goldeneye and MGS are on different tiers in terms of "mainstreamness".
I didn`t say they were on totally different tiers, however, I did say that I figured GoldenEye to be the bigger of the two when it comes to "mainstreamness".
Your expectations have been very wrong for a while now, in a very public manner, so pardon people if they don't put too much stock in this ;) Seriously though, this doesn't make much sense.
My percentage and winner predictions have been off but my day vote has yet to faulter in any match for a long time. In fact, I`ve been told just to stick to "predicting the day vote" instead of the entire match, heh. =)
And there's very little reason to suspect that Ocarina of Time can make up 4.5% on Final Fantasy VII (and it's looking like that will have to be 5%,
Throughout the entire day and morning I could definitely see OoT managing to at least catch up to FFVII at least. I can`t see FFVII remaining around that or having a comfortable lead all day long when heading into the night. This night vote favor is not surprising at all, and I`ve seen this happen many a time during the night.
Again, not impossible, but right now it is looking substantially unlikely.
The more of a lead it gains the harder it will be, yes. However, this is not looking like it is to far out of reach right now.
I said a while ago that if it weren't for the site layout change, this match might've gotten 150,000 votes. That certainly seems like what would've happened.
That would have been awesome to see it crack 150,000. A shame the new layout is lowering the totals like that. =\
Nintendo® - We Make Games Worth Playing
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke - Old Man; The Legend of Zelda
From: UltimaterializerX
| Posted: 6/2/2004 4:32:02 AM | Message Detail
I cannot imagine how Ulti feels sitting on the brink of the top 10 with this match actually meaning something to him...
I had to go to work because of the ****ers. Yes, the ****ers. But it`s okay, as we have a little thing called text messaging. I was told of CT owning the night vote as it all went down.
Married to smitelf on 5/21/04
I would like to take this moment to politely orgasm over Ulti's Halo/Starcraft analysis. -smitelf
I had to go to work because of the ****ers. Yes, the ****ers. But it`s okay, as we have a little thing called text messaging. I was told of CT owning the night vote as it all went down.
Married to smitelf on 5/21/04
I would like to take this moment to politely orgasm over Ulti's Halo/Starcraft analysis. -smitelf