Spring 2004 Contest
Stats & Discussion - Spring 2004 Contest - Part 2
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From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 6:37:41 AM | Message Detail
So I have to act like a total ass before I get your best? And here I am thinking that my recovered respect (save instances of blatant stupidity) for most people was a good thing.

And to be 100% serious, I don`t try to be egotistical at all. I`m just very strong with my opinions and try to back them up with facts. That can come off the wrong way, I guess :(

Oops, looks like I unintentionally insulted you. I didn’t mean my comment about you being egotistical at all seriously. Don’t give me the sad face! :(

But oh, well. This is far beyond the point. This is the part of my post where I get to laugh at smitelf and Sir Chris for picking Pokémon to win this match:

Yes, Ulti, I bow to your wisdom on this one ^_~

<3<3 All in friendly fire and sarcasm like always, smitelf. And why are you always sleep deprived, anyway? You working a full time job to pay for living expenses and school or something?


Oh, and before I forget, I apologize if I offended you in that one debate topic. I guess we just have two differing opinions about America *shrug* But hey, I think we handled ourselves well enough.

I wasn’t offended at all. I was glad to discuss the subject with someone who knew what the hell they were talking about but processed the information differently. It is extremely difficult to offend me. Even Chichiri hasn't quite done it yet, and just *look* at all the groundless insults to my intelligence and mad reading skillz that he's spewed! Hehe...

Now, to finally get to the subject at hand. This argument started over whether or not the casual voters make any difference, which I agree with Chichiri on. It doesn`t make a damned of difference in the least, if you ask me. If anything, the voting remains constant from what we saw yesterday.

And I already agreed that I didn’t think the outcome would change but I don’t agree with him using the Message Boards as part of his argument because they are even less reliable than the FAQ pages.

And the other issue here is FAQ hits. They mean little to nothing in this contest. During last year`s Summer 2003 Contest, Vice City was the #1 FAQ for quite a long time, which I`m surprised no one has brought up yet. Did this help Vercetti against Mega Man? Nope.

But as I’ve argued before, Vercetti is not necessarily representative of the popularity of the GTA series. We’ll find out soon enough, I suppose, but for now I take Vercetti’s pwning with a grain of salt.

FAQ hits don`t mean votes on the front page. They mean FAQ hits, most of which are directly linked through by search engines. If someone is looking up an FAQ for Pokémon, they aren`t necessarily going straight to gamefaqs` home page. They`re probably more likely to go to Google and type in Pokémon, where they will then be directly linked to an FAQ.

I agree with you there. I never said FAQ pages were a completely accurate way to judge support base (and this match proves they aren’t). I was incorrect in thinking that they would have some effect on this match and I freely admit it. That’s what cost me a point here. I completely agree with Chichiri’s results, just not his methodology, which according to Chichiri means that I'm a fool and dyslexic.
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: jonthomson | Posted: 4/20/2004 6:40:56 AM | Message Detail
"Hehe. You know, national pollsters would kill to have even just a 1% sample of the total population."

BTW, I love that statement.

There's a reason why opinion polls only take a relatively small percentage (say 1,000 or 2,000 people in the UK for example) - statistically, the number is large enough to provide a representative sample of the population. Pollsters could easily take 1% of the population, it's merely a cost thing. It's unnecessary and wouldn't provide a hugely better insight into trends and patterns of the population as a whole.
Jon Thomson - 15/17 - today: Xenogears - tomorrow: FFT
From: Phediuk | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:01:30 AM | Message Detail
Damn! I got pwned...again...

"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:17:24 AM | Message Detail
smitelf, you didn`t insult me. I`ve heard a lot of people say that about me, so I`m used to it. But all things aside, it doesn`t bother me. I know when I`m right and admit when I`m wrong. I know that`s not egotistical, despite what lesser educated people may think. And I`m glad to see we`re on good terms, because you pwn ass. You`re one of the people who has kept me sticking around on this site, because this place has been overrun by trolls and dumbasses. It`s nice to have a topic like to this escape to.

Summer Contests / Polls of the Day

The only interesting element here is Ramza's performance last year... a 58-42 loss to Kirby. Sure, Kirby isn't a pushover, but when you are made by Square and you have Final Fantasy tacked onto the title, one would expect a bit better. But they say Ramza < FFT. Let's see if this is true. Meanwhile, we just can't draw any conclusions.


I totally disagree on this one. Having been an FFT board regular since my early days on the site, I notice whenever FFT appears in a poll. It`s rare, but we occasionally get the "Which Final Fantasy spinoff title is your most favorite?", which FFT always dominates in. Meanwhile, every "Do you own a dancepad poll gets greeted by Xbox answers, as in no one wants to or gives two ****s about dancing games.

FFT gets to advantage in your poll category with ease, good sir.

*psst* one of those FFT FAQs is mine, you know, and it is one of my biggest legacies on this site. I still get IM floods from FFT people to congratulate me and to ask for SCC help. It`s pretty crazy, and that accomplishment of mine branded me as one of FFT`s Four Gods:

Notti - Knowledge God. The guy literally knows everything.

Goryus - Gameshark God. Along wth Aerostar, he created codes we had never even thought existed in the past.

Aerostar - Mechanics God, and is also damned handy with a Gameshark *points to his GS FAQ* Oh, and if you`re big on FFT, read this man`s Battle Mechanics Guide. Over 500K of pure genius.

UltimaterializerX (that`s me, you know ^_^) - SCC God, Patron Saint of Gaming, founder of Ultimaterialism, defeater of the impossible, the most patient/insane man alive, the guy who kicks more ass than anyone... *drones onward quoting random things people have said after he cleared the Calculator SCC*

And yes, those are all real things people have said to me. No lie. And there is a lot more. I had no clue at all that there would be three different board explosions the night that thing was completed. If anyone is curious, the Calc SCC was finally completed during the Link/Magus match after over a year of work. Read my FAQ if you get time. It`s pretty fun. I`m currently working on a similar legacy on this board, but haven`t really hit the same magic yet. Still, I`ve had my moments where I`ve had the board going nuts, both for good and bad reasons. But the only way for this board to ever like me as much as the FFT community would be to win one of these contests and/or have a perfect bracket. Could take years to do, and by then everyone will be spewing perfect brackets. But I`ll find my way to become a legend around here, you watch ^_^

Where was I again? Oh, yeah. Go Xenogears!
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:20:33 AM | Message Detail
See Slow, I told you there was nothing to worry about. In fact, I didn't want to say this directly, but I assumed Xenogears was actually going to have a better lead due to increased "casual" voters and practically the same number of hardcore voters on the same side. The low vote totals today do scare me, anyway we can compare them to Mario 3/Metal Gear? I hope we don't have a second false start. Well, I guess we do have more like 75% of voters instead of 25%, so it's not all that bad...
If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian. - Gandhi
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:21:40 AM | Message Detail
Well we still have the matter of the other poll ****ing everything up, which I am still very angry about.
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:43:09 AM | Message Detail
Perhaps Ceej will finally figure out that having the contest polls below other polls hurts vote totals.
If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian. - Gandhi
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/20/2004 7:45:16 AM | Message Detail
I think he could care less. He turned into a sellout over a year ago, and whatever gets him the most money wins. It`s not like we regular users that keep the site popular matter much these days.
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:10:07 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:11:18 AM | Message Detail
I think he could care less. He turned into a sellout over a year ago, and whatever gets him the most money wins. It`s not like we regular users that keep the site popular matter much these days.

Calling Ceej a sellout might be a little harsh (although, technically speaking, he *did* sell out to CNet). I doubt he's rolling in the dough and it seems to me that the site probably takes a lot of $$$ to run, so yeah, we're seeing more and more advertisements.

One thing I'd like to note, though, is that I'm not *hearing* any of the ads. I'm not sure if you've forgotten that irritating coke ad with the cheers and the even more irritating ad with the gunshot that scared the crap out of me but I have not and I've noticed that the site is silent lately. Maybe Ceej still does have a line as far as ads are concerned?

I only question the wisdom of Ceej holding this contest if he's going to periodically drop the poll lower on the page. It screws with the voter base and the vote totals and makes this contest even less valid than it would be under normal circumstances. It annoyed me when he did it for the first few days of the contest and it annoys me more now. I've mentioned all that before but let's think further into the contest. If it happens during an important match like Final Fantasy VII vs. Ocarina of Time it will only serve to escalate the inevitable war that will be going on here during and after that match as people throw accusations that all the "insert Final Fantasy or Zelda here" fanboys did not see the poll. It would trigger an even worse reaction if it happened during SMB3 vs. Chrono Trigger (if the match occurs) because of Ceej's already dubious history relating to Mario v. Crono matches in the past.

Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:13:25 AM | Message Detail
From what I hear, CjayC is a paid CNET employee upon salary. Advertizements are an added bonus, I guess.
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: Felpool Leon | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:14:01 AM | Message Detail
Not alot of posters eh?
Why must you people pervert every single innocent topic I make? Is it because you can't stand the fact that I dislike both porn and hentai?A9
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:16:44 AM | Message Detail
From what I hear, CjayC is a paid CNET employee upon salary. Advertizements are an added bonus, I guess.

But I'm also assuming that this site is worthless to CNet without some form of advertisements that put money in CNet's pocket. I'm guessing advertising is compulsory.

I agree that CJay doesn't give a damn what the board users think about any of this, though. He is well aware that what he is doing is messing with the vote totals by now and that clearly does not concern him in the least.
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:19:22 AM | Message Detail
Sure, FFT dominates in the FF spinoff department. But with what kind of competition? FFTA? Mystic Quest? Meanwhile, FF7 posts similar scores against the FF6, FF8 and FF10 of this world. Of course, this is nothing bad against DDR, but it's just the sign of its demise against MGS.

And as for the dance pad thing... I never cared about dancing games, so I know jack squat about the hardware required.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 013/017 --- Matches: 13/17 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: Xenogears
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:20:03 AM | Message Detail
Exactly, and doesn`t that piss you off, at least a little? It`s almost as if the advertizers are paying CjayC to paste their filthy logos all over the landscape of the most important matches. We had them in the beginning, we now have them during a very debated first round match, and I`m sure we`ll see them near the end. In my opinion, this is totally pathetic on CjayC`s part, and this site was far better before CNET came along. Some people don`t realize that they aren`t a good company.
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: Starion | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:21:38 AM | Message Detail
Considering this place has grown how else is Cjay going to pay for all of it? I can't imagine going back to those times without a Gamefaqs.
Sp2004 Score:16/17 Today's Pick: Pokemon
Nominate Death for the 2004 Character Contest
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:29:56 AM | Message Detail
Exactly, and doesn`t that piss you off, at least a little?


It`s almost as if the advertizers are paying CjayC to paste their filthy logos all over the landscape of the most important matches.

Oh, now *there's* an interesting theory...we'll see how long the ESPN Baseball polls last. I think, for the moment, that the advertisers are oblivious to which matches they're interrupting -- this might change if they ever notice the ridiculous vote totals in matches involving games like Final Fantasy VII, though. I'd like to see if Ceej gets any sponsors that last for only a day during matches with the heavyweights near the end of this contest or in the Summer Contest.

We had them in the beginning, we now have them during a very debated first round match, and I`m sure we`ll see them near the end. In my opinion, this is totally pathetic on CjayC`s part, and this site was far better before CNET came along. Some people don`t realize that they aren`t a good company.

I'll agree that the site was better before CNET. No noisy ads, no sponsored PotDs, and less censorship. Alas, those days are gone.
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 1:03:36 PM | Message Detail
Match Review: Final Fantasy VII vs. Suikoden II

Man, this match feels like it happened a lifetime ago! Final Fantasy VII didn't do quite as well as I expected it to, but it did close enough for me to not be too concerned. It showed itself to be a heavyweight but now we have to wait for OoT's match against Fallout II to see how the two will compare.

I do think it's safe to say, though, that any competition for Final Fantasy VII will come from its own division. Based on its performance, it would destroy Chrono Trigger, and I'm still unconvinced about LttP's power to take down CT, let alone Final Fantasy VII.

Match Preview: Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Dance Dance Revolution

Final Fantasy Tactics: I'm sure you've all heard enough of Ulti gushing over it; no need for me to comment. Again, all we need to know is that it is Square.

Dance Dance Revolution: I love this game. I don't get into arcades enough but when I do this is the game I head for -- it's a guilty pleasure. But really, an arcade game against a Final Fantasy game? It's going to get stomped on.

It'll be a cold day in hell before I bet against a Square RPG again unless it's against another Square RPG. Final Fantasy Tactics shall emerge victorious.

My prediction: Final Fantasy Tactics 80%, Dance Dance Revolution 20%
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: creativename | Posted: 4/20/2004 1:36:14 PM | Message Detail
Looks like the re-match vote isn't very different from the pre-match.

I have to say, anyone honestly surprised by this hasn't been paying much attention to these contests ;)

Well, why on earth would the casual visitors like Xenogears more?

Because there are no "casual" visitors--or at least, no ignorant voters. Xenogears has a very good reputation. This isn't Earthbound and definitely not Shining Force. It's a very well-known game among RPG fans. And obviously, for the most part, people just don't like Pokemon.

Today's POTD is very relevant to all the discussion that always goes on here. I wish we had update breakdowns for this poll too. Might have given us some insight into how the voting pattern dynamics work over different periods of the day.

Here are the 04:45am Eastern time results (01:45 GameFAQs time):

Which company's games are you most fanatical about?

Capcom 8.81% 169
Nintendo 21.68% 416
Sega 5.37% 103
Square Enix 37.1% 712
Another company's 11.41% 219
I'm not that fanatical 15.63% 300

The 4:25pm Eastern time results:

Capcom 7.69% 2516
Nintendo 23.46% 7679
Sega 4.86% 1591
Square Enix 37.53% 12283
Another company's 11.52% 3769
I'm not that fanatical 14.94% 4888

Not much difference.

It's is astounding to note however that the POTD has almost as many votes as the match (which has 35,541 currently).

One can safely say that this POTD is affecting the match vote total more than the previous ones did. It's already got more votes than the one for the Metroid vs. Pac-Man match (which had 27,630 votes) and almost as many as the SMB3 vs. Metal Gear one (which had 37,899 votes). For whatever reason, this poll is attracting more votes than those, probably at the expense of the contest poll.

Is it me, or does this poll look bigger than those? If so, that would be one obvious explanation. If not, then I don't know. Maybe the baseball image is more noticeable and draws the eye better than the GameRiot images (whatever those were), or something like that. We can only speculate.
Remember to nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for Summer Contest 2K4!
From: steve illumina | Posted: 4/20/2004 1:42:13 PM | Message Detail
Well it appears the Pokemon have failed me...thats three bad picks now...at least my commentary was still top notch good!

I underestimated Xeno's popularity...I really thought the kiddies would be overwhelming for Mewtwo and the gang...but I guess I was wrong...

Oh well, I am still headed for the leaderboard...just a matter of time! Ya gotta believe! lol
SC2K4: 15/18! Read my Satirical Contest Commentary!
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: creativename | Posted: 4/20/2004 1:44:28 PM | Message Detail
I am still headed for the leaderboard

What leaderboard... -_-
Remember to nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for Summer Contest 2K4!
From: Phediuk | Posted: 4/20/2004 3:11:55 PM | Message Detail
Match #19 Preview:

The game that isn't Dance Dance Revolution will win.
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: cyko | Posted: 4/20/2004 3:14:47 PM | Message Detail
Because there are no "casual" visitors--or at least, no ignorant voters. Xenogears has a very good reputation. This isn't Earthbound and definitely not Shining Force. It's a very well-known game among RPG fans. And obviously, for the most part, people just don't like Pokemon.

well, after today's rematch matches up with yesterday's results, it seems like there is no "Casual Voter". however, upon further investigation, it seems that this really wasn't a good way to differentiate the the "Casuals" from the Board and Bracket voters. originally, i thought the bug was that only registered accounts could vote in the Pokemon vs. Xenogears poll. correct if i'm wrong, but i believe that the bug was that you could only vote in one of the two polls instead of both, regardless of whether or not you had an account. that means that unregistered "Casual Voters" could vote if they voted in the matchup before the other poll. unless i'm totally wrong, that could be a possibility.

either way, it seems that both polls today prove that Square is tough to beat, even if it is a cult Square title.

cyko's Point of View

Match 19

(5) Final Fantasy Tactics vs. (12) Dance Dance Revolution

i nominated DDR. yep - and i even own a dance pad. two of 'em, to be honest, so that i can play multiplayer. and, i even bust out my awesomely unmatched DDR skills at weddings. "The Safety Dance" starts playing and i bust into a mad flurry of moving my feet - "Forward, Forward, Back, Back, Left, Right, Left, Right, Back, Forward, Jump, Jump, Jump".......................... i rule. >_>


sorry about that, i was momentarily blinded by the shining mass of FFT's impending blowout. if today didn't convince you that Square rules these tournaments then you are either not paying attention or legally stupid. dancing arcade games don't draw nearly as many fanboys to this site as finely crafted Square RPG's do.

the interesting question about this match is: how well does FFT have to do to stand a chance against MGS next round? i'm expecting FFT to get near the 80% mark. if it can climb into the high 80's or even 90, then MGS will be in for a heckuva fight.

prediction: Final Fantasy Tactics with 77-80%

my bracket: Final Fantasy Tactics

personal favorite: Final Fantasy Tactics
- no contest. not that DDR isn't worth playing, because it is a lot of fun. and there's nothing funnier than watching a bunch of your gamer friends who are pretty good at most games(cough*Taco*cough) blunder their way through DDR, all while losing to a girl who doesn't know the difference between a Nintendo and an X-Box. *snicker*

Current Score: 16/17 (through FF7 vs Suikoden 2) ?????/????? with ???? other people
A WINNER of Trivia 12
From: Yesmar | Posted: 4/20/2004 4:44:26 PM | Message Detail
Yesmar's Contest Comments: Day 17: 4/18/04

· Well this is surprising. The casual vote appears to be favoring Xenogears. Of course when I came home Xenogears had 59% and now it has 57, so the percentage appears to be somewhat erratic, but still the "casual" vote appears to be against Pokemon.

· Oh well, I suppose that this is probably attributed to some anti-voting. And no, I'm not saying that Pokemon lost because of this, Xenogears is winning by too much, I'm just saying that it's probably there. Don't try saying Anti-Votes don't exist. Look at Mario Vs. Shadow, MC Vs. Felix, and to a more arguable extent Sephiroth Vs. Megaman/Samus in 2002.

· This just happens to be the first time a losing game has suffered from anti-votes (Once again, not why it's losing.) Even though people like Mario and Master Chief could have suffered from it in their losses, since the results seemed natural to us, nobody really paid any attention. Anti-votes would be a built in part of a character/game's popularity, so it probably shouldn't matter that much, but apparently it is there. Just something to think about.

Heh Heh... The wind... It is blowing...--Ganondorf
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/20/2004 4:49:29 PM | Message Detail
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here actually want to see a CT vs. FFVII final? Hehe...if I had *my* way, the final would be Tetris vs. KOTOR...
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/17, Next Winner: Pokemon
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/20/2004 4:58:46 PM | Message Detail
If I had my way it would be CT vs. OoT. Not exactly an impossiblilty.

to a more arguable extent Sephiroth Vs. Megaman/Samus in 2002

This is really arguable. The problem, as it stands, is Sephiroth overperforming against Link. If you remove these few extra points, Megaman is on the level of Cloud, Sephiroth, Crono and Mario (the latter two staying true in 2003, the others not for well-documented reasons). And Samus was on the level of Sonic and Snake... Samus moving up is probably due to Prime/Fusion. What we can conclude is that Samus didn't get any backlash from her match against Sonic, else she'd have gotten a lower score and not been deserving of the 2-seed she got last year, in theory.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 013/017 --- Matches: 13/17 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: Xenogears
From: Yesmar | Posted: 4/20/2004 5:16:58 PM | Message Detail
The problem, as it stands, is Sephiroth overperforming against Link.

The only problem I have with this is that I don't see why Sephiroth would just overperform for no apparent reason. At least if we assume he underperformed we can just attribute this to Square anti-votes. There has to be some.
Heh Heh... The wind... It is blowing...--Ganondorf
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 4/20/2004 8:21:17 PM | Message Detail
It pains me to have to do this... really, physically, pains me. But as things now stand, I'm afraid I have no choice.

...there are now only 3 Perfects remaining. And I am... not one of them. *sobs*

The Perfects

And since this match shook thing up plenty throughout the rankings, I'll post the complete updated version.

The Contest Guru Scoreboard

1st Ncrdrg 18
1st Bananaquest 18
1st Sephirot 18
4th Ngamer 17
4th smitelf 17
4th IMAP 17
4th UltimaterializerX 17
4th King Morgoth 17
9th cyko 16
9th neoatomtaco 16
9th Haste2 16
9th Starion 16
9th Shake 16
9th StopPokingMe 16
9th Heroic Mario 16
9th nh82 16
9th solarshadow 16
9th Ringworm 16
9th Z1mZum 16
9th red sox 777 16
9th Xuxon 16
9th FastFalcon 16
9th swirldude 16
9th charmander 16
25th Team Rocket Elite 15
25th Sir Chris 15
25th Yesmar 15
25th creativename 15
25th ChichiriMuyo 15
25th torey luvullo 15
31st DomaDragoon 14

You know, that isn't really as bad as I thought it might be. As it turned out, only 3 Gurus ended up moving upwards to pull even with myself and smitelf on our way down. The final result appears to be that everyone and their mother is sitting in the middle with 16 points.

PD VS SotN is the next biggie, but for us, it won't be as huge as you might think. We were incredibly more confident in Castlevania than the board in general, favoring it for the win by 86.67%, a full 19.02%(!) higher than the Board Odds. Of course, should PD be able to pull the upset (and I think it has a very good shot), we're all in trouble, and we'd also lose our last 3 Perfects.

Guru Rankings: geocities.com/cyber1166/gamefaqs/ContestGurus.xls
The Contest Archives: http://geocities.com/cyber1166/gamefaqs
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 4/20/2004 8:34:48 PM | Message Detail
Our general consensus hasn't been wrong yet, has it? If that's the case I'm fairly sure we won't be starting with SotN.
If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian. - Gandhi
From: creativename | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:04:29 PM | Message Detail
The problem, as it stands, is Sephiroth overperforming against Link.

You speak as if this is fact, when the evidence is spotty. There's also no real reason for it.

Don't try saying Anti-Votes don't exist. Look at Mario Vs. Shadow, MC Vs. Felix, and to a more arguable extent Sephiroth Vs. Megaman/Samus in 2002

I question the nature of anti-votes. I don't think they're different from core popularity. Hatebases clearly affect voting, but as I've stated before, I don't think it's performance skewing; I doubt anti-votes lead to more centralized results, or over-performance by opponents of entrants that get anti-votes. I do not believe that anti-votes, as people generally mean them, exist.

Perhaps next year Shadow's performance will give us a better idea. If he goes against a different opponent and his performance in the extrapolated standings is much worse, that'll indicate over-performance due to Mario anti-votes. At is stands now, I'm not at all convinced of this. It makes more sense to believe that Shadow is just that popular.

Felix vs. Master Chief is more convincing, as Felix's strong showing doesn't make much sense otherwise (better than KOS-MOS and Yuna?); but, he did look very badass and had a sword in that pic. Maybe his character model is just attractive to voters. Until we see his performance against someone else we won't know, but I doubt he'll even be in the next contest.

At any rate, I don't think Pokemon vs. Xenogears is nearly as "clear" a case of an inflated-performance phenomenon as Master Chief vs. Felix. It wasn't until I saw the board hype that I was even that worried for this match. I'm thinking that Pokemon would perform as expected against other opponents, without anti-votes being any sort of factor.

Our general consensus hasn't been wrong yet, has it? If that's the case I'm fairly sure we won't be starting with SotN.

The board hype has made me very confident in Castlevania. At this point I'd be very surprised if Perfect Dark even pulled 45%. I'll probably get more nervous when the time for the match comes.
Remember to nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for Summer Contest 2K4!
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:15:54 PM | Message Detail
It makes more sense to believe that Shadow is just that popular.

Only from a math standpoint, man.
If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian. - Gandhi
From: creativename | Posted: 4/20/2004 9:56:54 PM | Message Detail
Only from a math standpoint, man.

How so? Shadow not only has a character design that people love, but he was also billed as "Shadow the Hedgehog" (the "tacked on" factor). Everyone could clearly see his relation to Sonic, even if they (like myself) had never heard of him before. Thus it makes sense he would get great portion of the Sonic fanbase's support.

Analsysis: Final Fantasy Tactics vs. DDR

DDR is gonna go down faster than a Princess on Link.
Remember to nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for Summer Contest 2K4!
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 4/20/2004 10:00:12 PM | Message Detail
DDR is gonna go down faster than a Princess on Link.

Lol. XD Funniest thing I`ve heard on the board all day. ;)
Nintendo® - The Beginning and the End
Heroic Mario`s back! Bigger and badder than ever before!
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 4/20/2004 10:00:36 PM | Message Detail
I agree too.
Nintendo® - The Beginning and the End
Heroic Mario`s back! Bigger and badder than ever before!
From: creativename | Posted: 4/21/2004 1:59:53 AM | Message Detail


So Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Metal Gear Solid now appears to be a hot topic of discussion. I really don't think Tactics can win, though I would be ecstatic if it did. If MGS doesn't get 70% against Resident Evil then maybe this warrants discussion, but otherwise it's probably just a bandwagon issue.

Today's poll is also actually rather interesting, because it could help us quantify the European factor. Current results:

Which professional sport do you follow most closely?
Baseball 9.97% 208
Basketball 13.61% 284
Football 18.4% 384
Hockey 10.69% 223
Soccer 19.26% 402
None of the Above 28.08% 586

Soccer is at 19.26%, implying a large European contingent to the current voting. One would expect that to go down during the day. If we had update data on this poll, we could see the inflection points on where the voting patterns changed.

And I was surprised--and happy--to see hockey with 10% :)
Remember to nominate Frog from Chrono Trigger for Summer Contest 2K4!
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/21/2004 4:37:05 AM | Message Detail
The problem, as it stands, is Sephiroth overperforming against Link.

You speak as if this is fact, when the evidence is spotty.

The evidence is glaringly obvious, on the contrary. Either Sonic, Samus, Ken, Ryu and Megaman all went down big time, or it's Sephiroth against Link. It would make much more sense to blame one match result instead of five. Plus, if you were to take Tidus' raw numbers in 2002, he would have gotten practically no help from KH, whereas it's generally accepted than there's a huge difference from 42% against Sonic to 49% against Ganondorf. Especially when there wasn't any SFF match in Ganondorf's way and stats give Sonic and Ganondorf practically dead even.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 013/017 --- Matches: 13/17 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: Xenogears
From: cyko | Posted: 4/21/2004 4:38:59 AM | Message Detail

Baseball 9.97% 208

heh, and i find it amusing that the sport that is sponsoring the poll is in dead last. ha!

Top 5 Biggest Blowouts (difference in percentage)

1) 90.40% - Legend of Zelda over Adventure
2) 82.30% - Legend of Zelda : LTTP over Gunstar Heroes
3) 75.28% - Final Fantasy over Pitfall
4) 71.26% - Final Fantasy 7 over Suikoden 2
5) 66.58% - Super Metroid over Phantasy Star 4

Top 5 Biggest Vote Gaps (difference in votes)

1) 88208 - Legend of Zelda over Adventure
2) 78272 - Legend of Zelda : LTTP over Gunstar Heroes
3) 76348 - Final Fantasy 7 over Suikoden 2
4) 74682 - Final Fantasy over Pitfall
5) 61229 - Super Mario World over The Simpsons

Top 5 Closest Matches (difference in percentage)

1) 0.14% - Donkey Kong over Duck Hunt
2) 12.48% - Super Mario RPG over Street Fighter 2
3) 14.08% - Doom over Earthbound
4) 15.90% - Xenogears over Pokemon G/S/C *

5) 22.04% - Contra over Phantasy Star

Top 5 Smallest Vote Gaps (difference in votes)

1) 143 - Donkey Kong over Duck Hunt
2) 11114 - Xenogears over Pokemon G/S/C *

3) 12076 - Super Mario RPG over Street Fighter 2
4) 12164 - Doom over Earthbound
5) 20080 - Contra over Phantasy Star

Top 5 Most Popular Polls (by vote totals)

1) 107150 - Final Fantasy 7 vs. Suikoden 2
2) 99194 - Final Fantasy vs. Pitfall
3) 97580 - Legend of Zelda vs. Adventure
4) 97285 - Super Mario World vs. The Simpsons
5) 97126 - Sonic 2 vs. Shining Force

Top 5 Least Popular Polls (by vote totals)

1) 69876 - Xenogears over Pokemon G/S/C *

2) 72743 - Metroid vs. Pac-Man *
3) 74556 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Metal Gear *
4) 84501 - Tetris vs. Galaga
5) 84664 - Super Metroid vs. Phantasy Star 4

Top 5 Highest Individual Votes

1) 92894 - Legend of Zelda
2) 91749 - Final Fantasy 7
3) 86938 - Final Fantasy
4) 86690 - Legend of Zelda: LTTP
5) 79257 - Super Mario World

Top 5 Lowest Individual Votes

1) 4686 - Adventure
2) 8418 - Gunstar Heroes
3) 12256 - Pitfall
4) 13197 - Metal Gear
5) 14144 - Phantasy Star 4

Top 5 Most Impressive Losers (by votes)

1) 48444 - Duck Hunt
2) 42314 - Street Fighter 2
3) 37127 - Earthbound
4) 35513 - Phantasy Star
5) 29381 - Pokemon G/S/C *

Top 5 Least Impressive Winners (by votes)

1) 40495 - Xenogears *

2) 48587 - Donkey Kong
3) 49291 - Doom
4) 49837 - Metroid *
5) 54390 - Super Mario RPG

Top 5 Easiest Matches to Predict (based on entrants choosing the winner)

1) bleh, no data yet, but soon!!!

Top 5 Hardest Matches to Predict (based on entrants choosing the winner)

1) no data yet...... hopefully soon......... please..........

* = shared PotD with GameRiot or ESPN poll

Current Score: 17/19 (through FFT vs DDR) ?????/????? with ???? other people
A WINNER of Trivia 12
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/21/2004 5:54:07 AM | Message Detail
So Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Metal Gear Solid now appears to be a hot topic of discussion.

Why - because FFT can get 78% against an arcade game? Yawn.
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/18, Next Winner: Final Fantasy Tactics
From: steve illumina | Posted: 4/21/2004 7:25:52 AM | Message Detail
Well here we go kiddies :) Time for...

Steve Illumina Speaks

Thats right, the infamous yet humorous commentary is back, to go with all the rest of us here in this, the greatest of threads, the most worthy of postings on this fanboy dominated board.

And so it continues, with two genre creators going at it head to severed head in the "Golden Age" Division

Match XX

(4)Metal Gear Solid vs (13)Resident Evil

Steve's Prediction: Metal Gear Solid by 64.9%
Steve's Bracket: Metal Gear Solid
Newbie's Pick: Hmm..they are both Mature rated...can I pick both?
Upset Chances: Slightly below average...

Comments: Here we got a first of its kind match in this tourney, a match between 2 genre creating games that are both well liked and respected.

There have been interesting matches thus far...there have been close matches...and there have been upsets. But there has not been a match against 2 very equally matched games. 2 games that came out around the same time and created new genres of gaming that have been widely admired and copied by others. This all makes for a match unlike any other in the 1st round.

On the one side, ya got Metal Gear Solid. This tactical espionage stealth action game stole the show from FFVII at E3 in 1997 (yes Square fanboys it did, read your back issues of EGM...) This game blew away all manner of expectations. It still holds up today too as a must play on PS1. It got sequels, spawned great games like Splinter Cell, and it got remade on the Cube it is so, well, solid!

On the other side, ya got Resident Evil. Coming to us all in 1996, this game spooked many a kiddie with its unique style of play, moody graphics and great storyline. It also created the genre we all know and love as survival horror. It too gave rise to sequels, a Cube remake, and many other great spooky game series including Silent Hill, Clock Tower, and The Suffering, a Steve Illumina endorsed game by Midway. Go buy it, u wont be disappointed!

So yep, to sum it up...both good games...both deserve to be here...both have a real shot at winning if ya think about it...but only one can...and it will be...


Probable Results: MGS will win only cause it is just a tad more recent in gamers minds. If the amazing looking RE IV came out recently it would be closer. But MGS has the more recent releases in MGS 2 and the MGS remake on Cube. SO it gets the nod, by a comfy margin.

Steve's Moments: MGS: An already great game gets greater on the Cube. What are ya waiting for? RE: This one too...great remake on the Cube. Can ya tell I love the Cube?
SC2K4: 16/19! Read my Satirical Contest Commentary!
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: Garsha | Posted: 4/21/2004 7:27:20 AM | Message Detail
I expected Soccer to take the most votes...

I guess Europeans were fooled by picking Football when they actually wanted to pick Soccer.

To Europeans:

Football = Soccer
American Football = Football
Points: 17/17/192
My pick for today:
(9)Xenogears over (8)Pokemon - Tomorrow: (5)FFT over (12)Dance Dance Revolution
From: steve illumina | Posted: 4/21/2004 7:29:00 AM | Message Detail
So Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Metal Gear Solid now appears to be a hot topic of discussion.

I respectfully disagree. This is shaping up to be another Pokemon vs Xenogears. And just like Xeno beat the so called favorite Pokemon...Tactics, a Square RPG and a well liked one, will beat Solid. With rare exception here...its all about the Square RPG's when they go against a game from another genre altogether. Remember Street Fighter 2??

So I am not worried. Tactics will take it by 10% or more.
SC2K4: 16/19! Read my Satirical Contest Commentary!
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
From: Garsha | Posted: 4/21/2004 7:34:30 AM | Message Detail
I disagree with the last post.
Points: 17/17/192
My pick for today:
(9)Xenogears over (8)Pokemon - Tomorrow: (5)FFT over (12)Dance Dance Revolution
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/21/2004 7:43:10 AM | Message Detail
Eh, illumina there has been wrong many times in this contest ^_^

And I highly doubt FFT will beat MGS. Had this poll been held before the Twin Snakes I`d think different, though.
MIASU! I think im going to mark this topic for being too intelligent for GameFAQs. -Tulidian
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:01:20 AM | Message Detail
If MGS fails to double RE then we'll talk. For now it's the favorite.

Oh, look: football overtook soccer. Guess Europeans indeed vote more during nighttime.

MGS vs. RE review coming up.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 014/018 --- Matches: 14/18 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: FFT
From: Tai | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:08:09 AM | Message Detail
Top 5 Least Popular Polls (by vote totals)

1) 69876 - Xenogears over Pokemon G/S/C *
2) 72743 - Metroid vs. Pac-Man *
3) 74556 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Metal Gear *
4) 84501 - Tetris vs. Galaga
5) 84664 - Super Metroid vs. Phantasy Star 4

That match got re-did and it still got the least votes. I thought people were looking forward to that match ;_;

*Bops the PoTD with a hammer* It is all YOUR fault!! DIE!!!

Oh yeah, I'm so happy Xenogears was able to beat a game for 8-year olds. GameFAQs has served justice once more. :-)
Just like Doom was able to beat a game starring a kid with a ****ing baseball bat -___________- .

Welcome to Sp2CK4, where your opinion does not matter. -Xenobi.
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:19:43 AM | Message Detail
Match Review: Xenogears vs. Pokemon

I'm just glad it's over. It's not like this match will have lasting repercussions anyway, since either game was always fated to be raped by Final Fantasy VII. Heh, Pokemon may have been the real winner after all...

Match Preview: Metal Gear Solid vs. Resident Evil

Metal Gear Solid: I haven't played a single game in the Metal Gear series and I probably never will. This is the hulk of the series and is one of the most popular games around here that isn't made by Square or Nintendo.

Resident Evil: That game with the massive amount of GameCube sequels. Whatever.

MGS will take this match easily. Resident Evil isn't as popular as it used to be and the Metal Gear series has a recent addition to the family. So does RE, every month or so it seems, so who cares anymore?

My prediction: Metal Gear Solid 70%, Resident Evil 30%
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/18, Next Winner: Final Fantasy Tactics
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:30:21 AM | Message Detail


I don't remember the exact members, but MGS slightly outsold RE in both NA and Japan. A bit surprising, since RE seems to be a slightly more household name. Guess MGS really has that kind of big appeal.

So if some RE whiner says it's more popular because it sold more, just laugh your head off.

- Advantage MGS.


On GameFAQs? Metal Gear is leaps and bounds ahead of RE. So much for REvolutionizing survival horror, because no one cares about survival horror on this site.

- Advantage MGS.

GameFAQs Status

Number of FAQs: MGS
Number of reviews: MGS
Average review score: MGS w/o remakes, RE w/ remakes
Board activity: MGS

That's right, Twin Snakes actually got really low reviews here, especially compared with the original MGS for PS1, while the REmake pushes RE over the top. Nothing of note apart from that.

- Advantage MGS.

Board Odds Project

PICKS (out of 102)
Metal Gear Solid - 101
Resident Evil - 1

14. Metal Gear Solid - 323
54. Resident Evil - 1

*yawns* Bring on PD/SOTN already!

- Advantage MGS.

Summer Contests / Polls of the Day

Estimates say Snake would double Jill. I doubt the first RE is the most popular in the series, but MGS most definitely is, so I'd expect somewhere around 70% from that logic.

- Advantage MGS.


Not much to say here... except that Twin Snakes is very fresh in the minds of those who played it, and it can sway a few more votes in MGS' favor just for that.

- Advantage MGS.

Conclusion: Look! A shutout!

Psycho Mantis sez: You bought an N-Gage, didn't you?
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 014/018 --- Matches: 14/18 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: FFT
From: Slowflake | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:32:10 AM | Message Detail
Xenogears was able to beat a game for 8-year olds.

An 8-year old wouldn't beat Pokémon either.
SpC2K4 Status --- Points: 014/018 --- Matches: 14/18 --- Rank: ?????/????? --- Today's pick: FFT
From: smitelf | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:46:13 AM | Message Detail
Xenogears was able to beat a game for 8-year olds.

For Christ's sake, would you people play the damn game or shut up? My brother beat Chrono Trigger when he was nine so that shows how much strategy and brainpower it takes to beat your vaunted Square RPGs. Having played both Xenogears and Pokemon, let me inform you that Pokemon is intended for all ages and that an eight-year-old couldn't come close to beating the game. Xenogears would just bore an eight-year-old to tears.
Engaged to MWIS 04/07/04
Current Sp2K4 Score: 17/18, Next Winner: Final Fantasy Tactics
From: steve illumina | Posted: 4/21/2004 8:55:32 AM | Message Detail
Eh, illumina there has been wrong many times in this contest ^_^

No more than my fellow elites of this board, eh? :)

And even if I aint right on it...I had my moments thus far...calling Doom's percentage within 1% being the best example. And more will come. And besides, my commentaries rule :) So its all good Ulti :)
SC2K4: 16/19! Read my Satirical Contest Commentary!
Steve Illumina: Standing tall against fanboys for over 20 years
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