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Summer 2003 Contest
Stats & Discussion - Summer 2003 Contest
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From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/10/2003 5:41:27 PM | Message Detail
Match #10 Review

Now I feel so dumb for writing my longest preview yet for this match, but what I said there had to be said. Like I and many others predicted, Auron is doing even better than Alucard against Tails. For that reason, Auron will come closer to Cloud than Alucard, but to no avail, unless the Square Schism takes a really unexpected twist. One thing to note about this matchup is the incredible vote count... as of this writing, it looks like it could beat Tidus vs. Ganondorf. Gathering this much votes, if you recall, was Cloud's and Megaman's department last year.

Rebuttal time: On the topic of Knuckles vs. Yuna, I have to disagree with those that say the results will be about the same. Tails is, like I stated in the preview, the weakest link of the Sonic cast, and Auron was probably the heavy favorite of FF10 fans. Knuckles, on the other hand, stands more about where Sonic is, because he has an attitude of his own (and pretty much always operates separately from him and Tails) and that people like, while Yuna seems closer to Tidus. However, if the word spreads of that one scene in FF10-2 in the next two weeks, poor Knuckles is toast. j/k. Let's just hope Knuckles is more popular than Ganondorf...

Match #11 Preview

Nintendo fans are known to vote as a block. However, you have their legendary villain on one hand, and... an RPG character on the other! Let's put it that way, the SSB games are the most likely sources of Ness' popularity. It got some people to play Earthbound, and they liked it (not me, though). But Bowser isn't exactly a pushover. He is the most famous video game villain ever! However, there are two major hindrances for Bowser.

1. Name recognition doesn't mean crap. Especially not against a relatively obscure RPG character. Just ask Donkey Kong.

2. If Tidus vs. Ganondorf is any indication, Nintendo fans don't back their villains much.

And, just to make myself sound more confident in my picks, two advantages:

1. Ganondorf is much less "present" in the Zelda series than Bowser in the Mario series. So... how will be Bowser backed?

2. Ness isn't a Square/FF character. 'Nuff said.

So, to make a long story short, Bowser will take it, but not in the biggest of blowouts.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 8/9 . . . . . Position unknown . . . . . 0 lost
Today's pick: Auron
From: CapnAmerica | Posted: 7/10/2003 6:21:12 PM | Message Detail
Wow.. I love this topic..

Hey.. Am i crazy for puttin Bowser over Yoshi? I thought it could be a potential upset.
What da dealio ~ Marge Simpson
From: Samberdog | Posted: 7/10/2003 9:15:27 PM | Message Detail
Match #8 - Samus VS Isaac - Review

Samus destroys Isaac in a match I'm sure just about everyone got. Samus performed very well, and there's really no debating that. 80 000 votes against the star of a popular RPG series is really something. Golden Sun is fairly popular on Gamefaqs, it's one of the few GBA games that has sold well (almost one million I believe). After her strong victory, Samus should have no trouble meeting Link in the division finals. If their first round matchups were any indication, Samus will steamroll KOS-MOS before taking a fairly easy victory from Luigi, as Isaac is far more popular than Ratchet. Looking at the other match involving a Golden Sun character, I still can't imagine Felix beating Master Chief after watching Isaac's performance. Felix had only a small role in Golden Sun, and I don't think many people have played Golden Sun 2 yet. Felix will most likely lose his match as well.

So that ends the 1st Round of the North Division. I still think that it was the toughest first round division to predict, although the analysis topics correctly chose 7/8 (and it was also noted that Jill and Squall *would* be close). Tidus surprised us by doing better than expected. Magus disappointed many by not obliterating Sam. All is on track for things to end with a Link over Samus final though.

Match #9 - Cloud VS CATS - Review

What a great match! Very interesting, even if if wasn't close at all. First, the vote differential definitely changed here. I suppose we can chalk all that up to hard-core pro-CATS or anti-Cloud people getting their votes in first. When I saw it, Cloud only had about 65% of the vote, which grew threw the night and over the day to about 85%. Cloud also manages to dethrone Link as the biggest vote getter, showing us that while Link is powerful, he isn't the only one that will receive an inordinate amount of votes this year. Final Fantasy continues to perform strongly, Cloud should have no trouble in his division, and if this keeps up he could even give Link a challenge.

Match #10 - Auron VS Tails - Current

Final Fantasy continues to kick just about everyone else's ass. Poor Tails. We'll see how things change in part two of this match (Yuna VS Knuckles)

Match #11 - Bowser VS Ness - Preview

Most seem to agree that Bowser should be able to defeat Ness. He's a popular villain, while Ness, despite his RPG roots, probably isn't popular enough to defeat the King of Koopas.

I'm starting to get antsy. I wish CJayC would hurry up and start with the contest stats and rankings. I want to know how things stand!

Summer 2003: "The Great GameFAQs Character Battle II"
Current Record: 8-1 / 8 points won / 1 point lost
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/10/2003 11:40:10 PM | Message Detail
Auron vs. Tails

Although this match gathered a surprising amount of hype on the board, it really wasn't difficult to see that Auron was going to win. Tails is a character from a rapidly fading series, while Auron is in most people's opinions the best character of his Final Fantasy game. Throw in a definite picture advantage and you have the recipe for a win. The fabled morning vote had little power this match, with Auron holding around 65% of the vote throughout the day. The more cynical among us will doubtlessly point to this as proof that vote-stuffing was responsible for Luigi's gradual decline through his match, but personally I attribute it to the fact that Square supporters and Sonic fans both care enough to vote in the first few hours, and that their voting patterns were both constant. Also, we could see from this board that quite a few people had Tails winning the match, so the bracket-voters were also evenly matched in this case.

The next FFX vs. Sonic match remains as difficult to judge as ever. We could all agree that Auron > Yuna, while last year's results suggest that Knuckles > Tails. Does the 65-35 margin show enough support for FFX for Yuna to breathe easy about her first round match? That's doubtful. The anti-vote effect, too, will also act in full swing. In the end, though, I still think Yuna will squeak by, albeit with a miniscule margin - possibly similar to the one Ganon had over Tidus.

Despite Auron's convincing win, though, he ain't going far. Were this another site, he might have a bit of a chance against Cloud, but this is GameFAQs. A site where the FF7 board is every bit as busy as LUE or Current Events. A site where FF7 remains a mainstay in the top 20 FAQs even seven years after its release. With them both being badass FF heroes, Cloud's icon status will probably matter even more. Sorry, Auron, but I don't see you taking more than 30% in this match.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: nifboy | Posted: 7/11/2003 12:09:46 AM | Message Detail
Bowser vs. Ness:
Even 46 votes in it was quite clear who had the advantage: Bowser. Even then, I don't think anybody thought that the King of the Koopas would give the psi boy such a sound thrashing. There are two major factors I would attribute this to: Firstly, they're both Nintendo characters: Fanbases have little to no say in this, so whatever Nintendo fanbase there is splits. Secondly, EarthBound is a cult classic, with a high noise-to-fan ratio, which is to say Ness fans are few but vocal, making their numbers only seem bigger (And, let's face it, last year's winner Link didn't get a whole lot of air time, it was either Mario, Cloud, Sephiroth, Snake, or one of the underdogs).
"We seek as much data - raw facts, direct experience - as we can, and then we make up our own minds." - J. Moore
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/11/2003 12:24:27 AM | Message Detail
Solar, I love you. I even read the entire writeup on LAST year`s topic, and was enthralled. It`s about damned time I can actually post in your topic and have it actually mean something :)

Anyway, I know I`m looking ahead, but how do you see the MC/Felix match? Personally, I`ve never played Halo, and still think MC will beat both Felix AND Aeris. He should have no problems with Felix, Aeris` popularity has been on the steady decline for years, and Halo`s popularity is vastly, vastly underestimated. He could be a dark horse until Sonic, or he could lose in the first round. Who in the hell knows. We have nothing from last year to compare him with. But if he`s a 3 seed, then he got a whole hell of a lot of nominations from SOMEWHERE, didn`t he?

Furthermore, there are the matters of the West. I don`t think Knuckles should have many problems with Yuna. She`s more hated than Tidus, and Knuckles literally rivals Sonic as THE most popular character from the series. Does Knuckles carry the flag for Sega? Hell no. But does he have the same following of fans. You`d better believe it. I don`t even think that match will be close, personally. If Ganondorf can beat Tidus, then Knuckles should be able to smoke Yuna. After all, who DIDN`T own a Sega along with their Nintendo/SNES back in the day?

And then, there`s Lara/Zelda. I may have made a mistake in picking Lara to win, but then again, Zelda is just the dumb ***** you have to save in every game. Saying Zelda would win is like saying Princess Peach would be able to beat Lara, and sorry, but Peach would get killed, easily. Lara also has a movie coming out, and you can see Angelina Jolie in every magazine/newspaper by this point advertizing it. Furthermore, a lot of people on gamefaqs (not ALL of them, so don`t go getting offended by this) don`t have much of a social life, which inevitably leads to porn-surfing. I guarantee you that they`ve looked up Angelina Jolie at least once or twice. You think that won`t matter for Lara Croft? Think agian.
SUMMER CONTEST STATS: 10/10 Current Pick: (5)Bowser vs (12)Ness, Boards Hunted: 461
From: CapnAmerica | Posted: 7/11/2003 1:37:40 AM | Message Detail
Btw, thanks for everyone to answering my question I appreciate it.

Also, great work everyone... You guys are what keep this contest entertaining. Keep pumpin out the stats and updating the sites. Cuz it is makin a difference to me.
What da dealio ~ Marge Simpson
From: cyko | Posted: 7/11/2003 6:50:30 AM | Message Detail
cyko's Match 10 Preview

Bowser vs. Ness

*points up at Slowflake's post^^^*
not the biggest of blowouts, eh? so far, Bowser as a little over 75% of the vote, which is a little more than i expeccted. (i was gonna predict 70-75%) this isn't a big surprise because Bowser has been around for a very long time as a powerful, yet lovable bumblimg villain. he's way more well-known and recognizable, while earthbound was never a very huge hit. in fact, more people probably recognize Ness from super smash bros. Ness also loses some of his fanbase by being put up against a heavy hitter from nintendo, his own company. he probably could have fared better against someone from a different company, because he would have had the nintendo fanboy factor going for him. the only remaining question for this match is now: if Yoshi doesn't score as big of a blowout against Conker, does that mean Bowser can take him next round?

cyko's Match 12 Preview

Yoshi vs. Conker

you have two very opposite characters in this match. a cute, happy-go-lucky, friendly sidekick is up against a drunken, foul-mouthed, urinating hero. why won't Conker win? here are some reasons:

1) Yoshi is well-known and has been around much longer and in many more games than Conker, who has one decent game, a forgettable game boy game, one new game coming out sometime soon. and Yoshi is not just known as that dinosaur from the Mario series; he has his own following and is one of the few sidekicks that can hold his own (unlike Tails), with even a few of his own games.

2)since rare sold out a nd moved over to the x-box, that left a sour taste in the mouths of some fans, which now makes Conker an x-box character. and i don't need to go into great detail of how anti x-box this site is.

3) the one well-known game Conker does have does not have mainstream appeal. it's a mature rated game with a lot of crude humor that is mostly enjoyed by young teens that are (supposedly) too young to play the game.

i predict Yoshi will pull in about 70% on this one.

Currently a fan of these Summer2K3 characters:
Magus, Cloud, Zero, Bowser, Kefka, Sephiroth and Mr. Resetti
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/11/2003 4:36:41 PM | Message Detail
Match #11 Review

Oh. MY. ****ING. GOD. Despite me not liking Earthbound very much and being a big Mario fan, this is just wrong. Anyway, as Cyko pointed out, I'll gladly eat my words. I predicted a blowout for Ganondorf, anyway. (Speaking of Ganondorf, this match throws out my Nintendo villain theory out of the window.) And something I'd like to point out is that Bowser is doing to Ness what Mario did to... Servbot. The same Mario that went on to defeat Cloud for the North title. And it's ridiculous not to believe that Ness is much, much more popular than Servbot. Ness had, unlike Isaac, SSBM to back him up, yet he's doing the same kind of performance. This should say something about Bowser's popularity. So he could have a really decent shot at Cloud... if it wasn't for the even more popular Yoshi. I'm not saying today's match spells Cloud's doom, but he'll certainly have a much tougher way to the Final 4 than previously anticipated.

Match #12 Preview

After what Bowser accomplished, it will take an incredible blowout by Yoshi to take a psychological edge for their inevitable match in Round 2. Fortunately, this task should be no problem, as his opponent appeared in only two games (Diddy Kong Racing and BFD), and both were duds (apparently BFD didn't even sell 100000 copies). Therefore, Conker has nothing behind him, unlike Fox and probably Dante, whose last/upcoming titles bombed, but had good games before. Pretty much everyone has Yoshi winning in their brackets, but the question is... by how?
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 9/10 . . . . . Position unknown . . . . . 0 lost
Today's pick: Bowser
From: GunMage | Posted: 7/11/2003 10:42:39 PM | Message Detail
Match 11 - Bowser vs. Ness Review
0_0 Dang, Bowser with a massive 75% victory over an obscure RPG character!? I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Ness had the same company factor, the cult classic factor, and the ever-valuable RPG factor going for him, and he still gets trashed! This does not look good for whoever wins tomorrow *cough*Yoshi*cough*. Unless something really wild happens, I'd say Bowser roasts the dino next round. (In a less serious note, this match brought back the memory of that 8-bit fiend, mindlessly jumping on a bridge over lava. Ah, the memories... of completely owning him with fireballs!)

Match 12 - Yoshi vs. Conker Preview
I would safely say that Yoshi has this match in the bag. Conker has nothing but the hardcore appeal, and that doesn't amount to a lot of votes. The nostalgia of Yoshi as Mario's noble steed and the dino's rise to his own stardom should be more than enough against a cute squirrel gone bad. 70-30 Yoshi. Whether this will be enough to counter Bowser's intimidating victory is not at all certain.
Who says magic users can't use guns? Best of both worlds, I say.
(GCB Fanfiction:
From: Jjukil | Posted: 7/11/2003 10:51:36 PM | Message Detail
No, I'm not dead. Just...slow. ...and busy. >_<

Samus vs. Isaac

Polls Open: From 7-7-03 at 11:35 PM to 7-9-03 at 12:04 AM
Final Results: Samus 81123 (75.34%), Isaac 26560 (24.66%)
Locked to 15-Minute Updates @: 11:45 PM, 7-7-03
--Results At That Time: Samus 1979 (79.7%), Isaac 504 (20.3%)
--Differential: 4.36%

--First Round Wrap-Up--

Earliest Poll:
--Match 1 - Link vs. AiAi, 11:23 PM
Latest Poll:
--Match 4 - Sam vs. Magus, 12:24 AM
Longest Poll:
--Match 8 - Samus vs. Isaac, 24h 29m
Shortest Poll:
--Match 4 - Sam vs. Magus, 23h 8m
Largest Differential:
--Match 6 - Luigi vs. Ratchet, 9.48%
2nd Largest Differential:
--Match 8 - Samus vs. Isaac, 4.36%
Smallest Differential:
--Match 1 - Link vs. AiAi, 0.47%

Average Changeover Time: 11:47 PM
Average Poll Time: 24 hours, 4.5 minutes
Average Differential: 3.31%

GCBNN: Gamefaqs Character Battle News and Notes (Latest Update: 7-11-03)
From: Jjukil | Posted: 7/11/2003 10:54:53 PM | Message Detail
Cloud vs. CATS

Polls Open: From 7-9-03 at 12:04 AM to 7-9-03 at 11:55 PM
Final Results: Cloud 94086 (86.91%), CATS 14168 (13.09%)
Locked to 15-Minute Updates @: 12:15 AM, 7-9-03
--Results At That Time: Cloud 1915 (75.93%), CATS 607 (24.07%)
--Differential: 10.98%

(Here's another one where the erratic results tell a completely different story....)

Auron vs. Tails

Polls Open: From 7-9-03 at 11:55 PM to 7-10-03 at 11:36 PM
Final Results: Auron 70199 (64.47%), Tails 38685 (35.53%)
Locked to 15-Minute Updates @: Midnight, 7-10-03
--Results At That Time: Auron 757 (66.23%), Tails 386 (33.77%)
--Differential: 1.76%

I've also been working on a chart that would help display these more clearly. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to fit everything I wanted to into solar's format. Still, no use letting what I've done so far go to waste, so:

Think you could import something like this to your site eventually, solar?
GCBNN: Gamefaqs Character Battle News and Notes (Latest Update: 7-11-03)
From: cyko | Posted: 7/11/2003 11:14:34 PM | Message Detail
Slowflake- just giving you a hard time, lol. i had to eat my Pikachu pick (stupid, lousy rat....grrrr....)thanx for having a sense of humor. ^_^
btw- you forgot about Conker's third game; the forgettable and crappy game boy game Conker's Pocket Tales, which definitely does not improve his chances against Yoshi.

- Furthermore, there are the matters of the West. I don`t think Knuckles should have many problems with Yuna. She`s more hated than Tidus, and Knuckles literally rivals Sonic as THE most popular character from the series. Does Knuckles carry the flag for Sega? Hell no. But does he have the same following of fans. You`d better believe it. I don`t even think that match will be close, personally. If Ganondorf can beat Tidus, then Knuckles should be able to smoke Yuna.

i would have to disagree. i have more of the view of NT220, that Knuckles is definitely more popular than Tails, but Yuna is at least as popular as Tidus (probably more, especially with x-2 coming out.), possibly almost as popular as Auron. i don't think the Sega following will be quite enough to push him past Yuna. look at last year's numbers: Knucles pulled 26748 against Solid Snake, while Aeris got 32702. so, is Yuna as popular as Aeris? probably not quite as much, but they enjoy a very similar fan base, so Yuna should be able to get past Knuckles. not by a whole lot, and i won't be surprised if Knuckles does win, but i am sticking with Yuna.

*phew* i think i am done for now. go Bowser!!!

Currently a fan of these Summer2K3 characters:
Magus, Cloud, Zero, Bowser, Kefka, Sephiroth and Mr. Resetti
From: MMXcalibur | Posted: 7/11/2003 11:24:55 PM | Message Detail
Wow, I thought Ness would do MUCH better than this.
At the beginning of the contest, I saw this match and it had "upset" written all over it. I never expected Bowser to completely annihilate Onett's hero. Is it impressive that Bowser did this? Yes! Can he beat Yoshi next round? Yes! Will he beat Cloud? doubt it.

Doing this to a fairly quality opponent in Ness rather than Yoshi murdering a sub-par character in Conker is telling me Bowser has Round 3 in the bag.
MEGA MAN RD. 1: vs Mr. Resetti
(4)Yoshi vs (13)Conker (10/11 pts.)
From: Bumble | Posted: 7/11/2003 11:29:31 PM | Message Detail
OK, I Liked Conkers Pocket Tales (up until the coconut game which was impossible) and Conker games are generally good fun. BUT, his hate factor rose considerably after Microsoft bought Rare and I just cant see him winning out against Nintendos most popular character (Accordidng to the poll) and marios trusty sidekick.

Yoshi by 45000+
You have too much time on your hands if you make a flash video but you don't if you play a 100+ hour rpg?-gotspork3 on FF fans baggin All Your Base
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/11/2003 11:35:11 PM | Message Detail
Bowser vs. Ness

EarthBound's fanbase is scary. Very scary. Last year they actually managed to make the name of a major EarthBound fansite a banned word on GameFAQs, after they spammed it so much. Anyone who gives the game less than an 8 in their review gets periodically ridiculed on the EarthBound board. With that in mind, many people thought that Bowser vs. Ness will make for a good first-round match - some people even thought that Ness could manage an upset.

However, I don't really think that Bowser's 75-25 margin is that surprising. Sure, Ness's percentage was around the same as Isaac's - but is Ness really as popular as Isaac? No, I don't think so. Isaac is from a relatively popular series that has a very recent entry; Ness's series hasn't had a new game in nearly a decade. The only game that gives Ness any sort of exposure is in Smash Bros. - a game played chiefly by Nintendo fans likely to support Bowser anyway! Besides his already low recognition factor, Ness was also unfortunate enough to go up against a fellow Nintendo character, and a well-liked one at that - and we all know what happens when a well-liked Nintendo character goes up against a lesser one (see: Mario vs. DK)

I'd say that for him to stand much of a chance against Bowser, Yoshi needs to get at least 70% of the vote against Conker - which he almost certainly will get. I won't feel safe about my bracket's decision to put Yoshi above Bowser, though, unless he manages over 80%.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: Who Cares? | Posted: 7/12/2003 12:29:01 AM | Message Detail
Match 11 Review
Looking back at all of the previews and hype around this match since well before the contest began, I maybe be one of the few people that actually isn't surprised by this outcome. Despite the fact that RPGs are king at GameFAQs, I personally didn't think Earthbound was that well-known of a game among casual gamers & alot like Samus last year, younger gamers would only know Ness from the Smash Brothers games. And to be completely honest, I just didn't understand what was so special about Ness that would have people believe that he would fair a close as 55-45 or even 60-40 against the famed Mario villain.

But as it turned out Bowser handled his competition quite handily & will be awaiting Yoshi in the next round. So what significance does this performance have for his next match? NOTHING! As we've seen with other Nintendo vs Nintendo matches (or any other match between two characters from the same company), you can just throw out the record books. Because the same people that voted Bowser yesterday, will most likely be voting Yoshi today, and come August 7th, those votes must be split. And right now, I think Yoshi will be stronger that Bowser in a head-to-head matchup.
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 7/12/2003 1:06:08 AM | Message Detail
It`s a fact that when two Nintendo icons go at it, the fans will choose the hero over the villain. Expect Mario/DK results once Bowser and Yoshi go at it.

And solar, please see my post ;)
SUMMER CONTEST STATS: 11/11 Current Pick: (4)Yoshi vs (13)Conker, Boards Hunted: 461
From: JordanM85 | Posted: 7/12/2003 1:24:39 AM | Message Detail
Twiztid has a new CD called: The Green Book ~~ Go buy it!
From: Jjukil | Posted: 7/12/2003 1:39:37 AM | Message Detail
Okay, here's a non-matchup-review question I'd like to ask.
Sorry to bring up something like this in this topic, but somehow I suspect I'll get more elaborate answers here.

What makes Yoshi so popular?

Let's take a look at three rather similar characters: Yoshi, Kirby and Pikachu.
All of them are from Nintendo.
All of them have cute designs and, in later games, voices.
All of them have extremely strange powers (that involve eating, in the first two cases).
All of them seem to be marketed towards kids more than other Nintendo characters (Mario and Link/Zelda are for all ages, Samus and Fox are more for teens).

Yet it seems like a lot of people think Kirby's pretty cool, but Yoshi is awesome...and Pikachu is awful.

Granted, they're not exactly the same. Certainly their games are very different; Kirby's games are easier than Yoshi's, and Pikachu's in a whole different category. But is it really just the games that make them popular? The three of them are similar to each other, but pretty different from a lot of the gaming world; saying the games are all that drive them makes it seem like they're just placeholders. But beyond those games they really do seem very alike--so alike that I can't think of any other reasons their fanbases are so divided.

I especially don't get this because I'm guilty of it myself. I think Kirby's great, I'm basically indifferent to Pikachu, and I'm pretty sick of Yoshi. And I honestly am not sure why. -_-;;

Am I just missing something, here?

Maybe you guys can shed some light on this....
GCBNN: Gamefaqs Character Battle News and Notes (Latest Update: 7-11-03)
From: l2an987 | Posted: 7/12/2003 2:21:34 AM | Message Detail
I managed to read through the whole thing. (took me nearly 1 hour)
Biggest surprise thus far: Browser's domination over Ness. Couldn't believe it....
From: Jjukil | Posted: 7/12/2003 3:48:36 AM | Message Detail
Just in case the topic's buried by the time Solar gets back here,

CJayC's stats sheet went up at 1:40 tonight.
Have fun. ;)
GCBNN: Gamefaqs Character Battle News and Notes (Latest Update: 7-11-03)
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/12/2003 8:53:50 AM | Message Detail
Yoshi's popularity isn't that hard to explain, when you think about it. First of all, he made his debut in Super Mario World, one of the best-loved Mario games ever and probably the last one to be considered "cool"; second, his role in SMW was one practically never seen before (the NES didn't have the graphical capabilities to handle riding) and often copied by other games; third, he's had several puzzle games starring himself, not to mention Yoshi's Island, a platformer that enjoyed decent success and near-universal critical acclaim, as well. Then you can consider that he's been a staple in every Mario spinoff game since the original Mario Kart, giving him incredible name recognition. Yoshi's Story, the one game that could have ruined his reputation forever, was released with mercifully little fanfare and most people haven't even played it.

Now, when you compare that to Kirby and Pikachu - they already have the pretty serious disadvantage of debuting on the GameBoy, not the best place to build universally loved mascots.

Kirby was always a second-fiddle character, and frankly I wonder why they keep tacking his name on new releases (Kirby's Air Ride, anyone?). The only Kirby title that's ever achieved much recognition was Kirby Super Star, which as I understand wasn't even part of the main series. If you're asking why the Kirby games were never successful - well, timing probably had a lot to do with it. The first Kirby was released on the GameBoy - not a good thing for popularity, as I said - and the NES version came out when pretty much everyone's attention was turned to the SNES. Similarly the SNES Kirby game came out when everyone was too occupied with either the pseudo-3D glory of Donkey Kong Country or orgasmic RPGs like Chrono Trigger or - ironically - the similar in style (though admittedly superior) Yoshi's Island. Kirby hasn't had an important game since (Kirby 64 flopped, and don't get me started on the GameBoy ones.

Commercialization killed Pikachu, pretty much. Through the N64 years he was pretty much what represented Nintendo, which ironically turned out to be more curse than blessing - as Nintendo was now kiddy, greedy, arrogant, etc., Pikachu was thus associated with that version of the company. Also, his main games were all on the GameBoy, which meant they selled but were not recognized. On the consoles he had the cash-cow image, with stuff like Pokemon Puzzle League and Pokemon Snap. Then there was the cartoon, the movie, the cards... you know the rest. And Pikachu represents all of Pokemon's shortcomings. Many people have remarked that if had been Mewtwo in the contest instead, he would have done a lot better - and I agree with them.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: irriadin | Posted: 7/12/2003 9:58:17 AM | Message Detail
In my opinion, the most difficult thing to gauge in this contest is Kefka's popularity. How far will he go?
From: Szarabura | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:00:41 AM | Message Detail
Kefka will beat Pac Man but I do doubt that he will beat Crono.
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:02:48 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, and I don't really see what's so difficult to see about that. Those who have played FF6 and CT will be split quite evenly, those who haven't will take one look at the pics, see a kid with spikey hair and a katana, and vote for him. No way an insane clown could beat a DBZ-style design.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:03:07 AM | Message Detail
What NT220 said. Plus Yoshi's and Kirby's abilities just roxx0rZ.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 10/11, 0 lost . . . . . T-953 (4086-way)
Today's pick: Yoshi
From: Halordain | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:03:18 AM | Message Detail
I think Zelda is harder to estimate than Kefka.

Similarly, it is difficult to know how far Vercetti will go. He is in a division with Snake, Mega-Man, and Zelda after all.

My other tough predictions include but are not limited to

Wario vs. Shadow the Hedgehog
Alucard vs. Bomberman
Kirby vs. Ramza
Gordon vs. Max Payne
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:05:58 AM | Message Detail
I'll agree with that. Vercetti, Zelda, and Chief are the real wild-cards of this year.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:08:29 AM | Message Detail
Fortunately, they're all going up against juggernauts rather early, so we have a pretty good idea on when their respective runs end. (I wouldn't go as far as to call Aeris a juggernaut, but add FF7 fanboys and X-Box haters and you get a deadly mix.)
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 10/11, 0 lost . . . . . T-953 (4086-way)
Today's pick: Yoshi
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/12/2003 5:23:47 PM | Message Detail
CJayC Statistics Overview

- Oh my god, does no one ever learn... Megaman was extremely close to Sephiroth last year, yet only 600 people pick him to win, compared to the mid-2000s for Snake and Vercetti.

- Speaking of Snake, no one ever learns in the other way, because he is vastly overrated. I mean, he got beat by Crono, yet he still has the fifth highest "odds".

- Interesting note: the "Elite 5" from last year still invades the top 5 slots this year.

- The biggest newcomers in terms of winning brackets are Vercetti and Master Chief. This is not this surprising, but I'm shocked they're 6th and 8th. Megaman could stand up to anyone but Link, so I can't see why so much people have him losing to Vercetti.

- Wow, Link wins in over 40% of the brackets. That means that if Link wins, a first round matchup (KOS-MOS vs. Crash) will have been harder to predict than the champion!

- Speaking of which, I'm puzzled at the upsets according to the brackets. Back in June, someone who had Tidus and/or Crash winning was a rarity, Ganondorf and KOS-MOS being considered locks. (Though Tidus came dangerously close...) I guess non-posters are this numerous... that would explain the Vercetti-over-Megaman syndrome.

- We also have the reverse, as Jill seemed to be the general consensus on the boards, yet more brackets had Squall winning. Posters 2, non-posters 1.

Match #12 Review

Yesterday's match might have looked like a warning to Cloud, but today's the opposite. Yoshi's looking incredibly weak, as I expected something like 80-85%. Apparently I was wrong, and a lot of the people who played CBFD enjoyed it despite it no-selling more than Triple H could ever do. Add the usual anti-Nintendo vote, and you get an underdog for the matches to come. One thing's for sure, Conker has incredible support on the board, and something we thought never existed popped up... *gasp* Yoshi haters! It's interesting to see how he'll do against Bowser. The Nintendo vote will probably go massively to Yoshi, but Bowser seems to have an advantage on the rest of the vote. With that said, Yoshi can still win because of that dedicated fanbase of his, but it makes no doubt now that Bowser would do better against Cloud than Yoshi.

Match #13 Preview

I haven't heard anyone diss KH yet, but it's FF7 we're talking about. The character involved in one of the most massive spoilers in gaming history! Some people expect Disney support to appear. What Disney support? People like Sora, but they like Aeris more.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 10/11, 0 lost . . . . . T-953 (4086-way)
Today's pick: Yoshi
From: solarshadow | Posted: 7/12/2003 8:34:27 PM | Message Detail
Sorry I haven't been around much lately (very busy). Fortunately, there's been a lot of great discussion while I've been away. I can't wait to read through it all.

The stats website has finally been updated (fully). All of the sections have seen additions, so check them out if you're interested. Nice to see some numbers from CJayC at last. Now, if only he'd get around to calculating the odds... :)

Also, there's a new poll question on the stats site. It asks which north division result surprised you the most, which could include any match you got wrong that you thought was definitely going the other way, the size of Link's blowout over AiAi, the closeness of Tidus vs. Ganondorf, or anything else that surprised you. It seems Bravenet has been messing with the look of their polls and counters. I like the new poll results screen, but they took away my cool sword counter. :(
Contest Stats:
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 7/12/2003 8:40:28 PM | Message Detail
So we had Bowser with an impressive win over Ness yesterday. And what do we have today? Yoshi with a fairly unimpressive win over Conker. Truthfully, I voted for Conker just because I liked Bad Fur Day that much, but this leads us to the next round. If Yoshi is having trouble with is he going to be able to take Bowser?

And looking to Aeris vs. Sora. Aeris = FF7 and KH. Sora = KH. Aeris = more exposure = victory.
From: GunMage | Posted: 7/12/2003 9:04:41 PM | Message Detail
Match 12 - Yoshi vs. Conker Review
What do we make of a 67-33 victory for Yoshi? IMHO, Yoshi is in real danger of falling to Boswer. Either Conker's fanbase was much larger than anticipated, or Yoshi actually has his fair share of "haters" somewhere. So, for a quick second round analysis, Bowser vs. Yoshi will definitely split Nintendo votes, but where do the rest of the votes go? My guess is Bowser gobbles up a lot of support because of SMRPG and maybe because he hasn't done anything right since then. Sympathy votes for the bumbling villian, perhaps?

Match 13 - Sora vs. Aeris Preview
Now, this is intriguing. Both characters are in KH, a blockbuster of a game, but Aeris is also in FF7. I would have to think Aeris will take this one, since I'm assuming that most who played KH also have played FF games, so they would recognize the cameos. 60-40 Aeris.
Who says magic users can't use guns? Best of both worlds, I say.
(GCB Fanfiction:
From: Haste2 | Posted: 7/12/2003 9:54:32 PM | Message Detail
I feel that the margin of victory for Aeris will be much larger than that...

Even though Sora is the main character, I bet more people won't know who he is than Aeris, nearly everyone's played FF7, but maybe half of the voters at most will have played Kingdom Hearts. Along with that, Sora looks like a real dork, and he's, well, Disney-like.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: Ringworm | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:16:26 PM | Message Detail
Bah, been meaning to post here occasionally, just got way behind. Good commentaries here as usual, and I'm glad to know I'm one of only three people with a perfect 0 still :D. Doubt it'll stay that way til the end, but I might get lucky.

I'll try and write up a SHORT review of each match so far, and post it some time in the next few days. Nice job so far though, and keep up the good job.
Everyone that says ''There's no such thing as a stupid question'', has obviously never visited this board.
Match 13 tip: Aeris
From: raijin333 | Posted: 7/12/2003 10:16:30 PM | Message Detail
SolarShadow I have a question for you. This is how you compile your stats numbers in terms of "Predictions" and secondly, HOW you do it all (meaning what are your credentials)?
From: NT220 | Posted: 7/12/2003 11:45:05 PM | Message Detail
I'd have to say that it's really saddening to see Jjukil's page being abandoned. It just had so much information and analysis there, and it was really exciting to see my own reviews and comments being featured. Sure, a lot of it was pulled directly from this thread, but it just felt so great seeing it all placed in such an organized fashion. You really did a great job with the site, Jjukil, and I'm sad to see it go.

That said...

Yoshi vs. Conker

Well, I was certainly surprised by Conker's strong showing here. Getting nearly a third of the vote against an established Nintendo icon is no small feat, especially for a character with who saw barely any commercial success. However, the sheer coolness a squirrel with two machine guns probably swayed many voters, especially with Yoshi's relatively blah picture As Conker is now exclusively an X-Box character, it could be encouraging for the system's de-facto mascot, Master Chief. Should he return next year with a better draw, he could even turn out to be an upset special.

Yoshi's lackluster preformance compared to Bowser's certainly doesn't bode well for him. I won't write him off, though; logic and reason go out the window when two Nintendo characters face off, as evidenced by matches like Fox vs. Pikachu and (to a lesser extent) Bowser's last match itself. The Nintendo vote will likely swing towards Yoshi (as many have noted, Nintendo's villains are far less popular among its fans than Square's), while it's still unclear where the anti-Nintendo votes will go. Definitely one of the more interesting second-round votes to watch.
"The surest sign of intelligent life outside Earth is that none of them has tried to contact us" ~Calvin
From: Who Cares? | Posted: 7/12/2003 11:47:26 PM | Message Detail
Hey Jjukil, sorry to hear your site is down. You did an excellent job with it.

Match 12 Review
While I still stand by what I said about Yoshi beating Bowser in a head to head matchup, right now after this subpar performance, it looks as though Bowser will be the one that could really challenge Could. I don't know if it's more of people really liking Conker or your usual anti-character vote, but either way, this was not a good showing for Yoshi, in terms of being a bracket-buster.

I was going to type my thoughts on the odds for the contest, but I'm too tired right now, so maybe later, I guess.
From: cyko | Posted: 7/13/2003 1:24:13 PM | Message Detail
cyko's Match 12 Review

Yoshi vs. Conker

the only slight surprise in this match was that Conker did better than most people expected, pulling in a third of the vote. that spells a bit of trouble for Yoshi in the next round seeing how Bowser got 75% against Ness. not only that, but while Yoshi started out strong and watched his lead continue to decrease throughout the day, Bowser's lead continued to increase throughout his match. personally, i will definitely be voting for Bowser that day.

cyko's Match 13 Review

Sora Vs. Aeris

again, a pretty average match that most people saw coming, with Aeris holding steady at about 67%. had Sora been matched up against a character that didn't showup in Kingdom Hearts, he could have fared much better. but, of course the squaresoft support went to Aeris instead. better luck in Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora.

cyko's Match 14 Preview

Master Chief vs. Felix

finally, an interesting match. before this board really got going, i didn't even give this match a second glance. i thought, "pfftt... Master Chief will blow Felix out of the water." then i saw the ridiculous amount of support that Felix was getting. and although i always knew that the x-box wasn't very popular on this site, i came to realize how many people really are anti-x-box. then, i got worried about Master Chief's chances.

traditionally, rpg characters have fared very well on this site and in this contest, while fps (first-person-shooter)characters have not. (examples- Gordon Freeman, Duke Nukem, and Serious Sam Stone were all three seeds and destroyed quickly last year.) but Halo isn't just another fps game; it is the ultimate fps. Halo is to fps games as Final Fantasy 7 is to rpgs. even on this anti-x-box site, Halo has quite a following; especially with Halo 2 coming out, which, by the way, was the most well-received crowd favorite at this year's E3. so Halo does have a lot of fans. however Master Chief is a pretty generic looking character. in his matchup picture against Felix, he isn't even holding a gun. Felix, on the other hand, has a cooler anime-style picture. and Golden Sun does also enjoy a lot of supports and has been one of the top faqs for some time. and Isaac from Golden Sun did okay agianst powerhouse Samus. so a lot of people thought this would be a close match.

but then, this little piece of information was released by CJayC himself:

the odds ranking and number of people who picked each character to win the WHOLE TOURNAMENT:

1-Link 17571
2-Sephiroth 3265
3-Mario 2953
4-Cloud 2482
5-Snake 2378
6-Vercetti 2260
7-Samus 1688
8-Master Chief 1488
9-Crono 650
10-Mega Man 599
22-Aeris 160
44-Felix 50

more people picked Master Chief to win the whole thing than Crono and Megaman combined!!! so as anti-x-box as this site is, Halo fans are out there, and should at least be able to push Master Chief past Felix (although i seriously doubt either can take out Aeris). but i honestly won't be surprised if Felix does pull it out.

Prediction- Master Chief with 55%-60%

Currently a fan of these Summer2K3 characters:
Magus, Cloud, Zero, Bowser, Kefka, Sephiroth and Mr. Resetti
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/13/2003 4:25:48 PM | Message Detail
Darn, Jjukil's site is gone. Therefore, his number of failed attempts at having a website raises to 5. Sad, really, because he's very good at this IMO.

Match #13 Review

Yikes. Aeris is winning big time here. But in a Square vs. Square match-up, you have to look at which game Square fans think is the best, and FF7 has priority over any other, which is also why Cloud will smash Auron wide open. Interesting note though... Sora is doing worse against her than Kasumi. Same fanbase factor? Probably, else it would sound illogical. Though, Aeris looks like she is exactly where she should be: quite strong, but going down to the first really popular character (not necessarily top-tier)she meets. Unless that character carries lots of anti-votes as well...

Match #14 Preview

Expect this board to go to hell tomorrow, whatever the outcome is. (Luckily, I'm going to work, so I won't be here for the major part of the day.) Cyko explained my point of view pretty well, so I agree with him. The fanbase IS there for Master Chief, as seen by the 8th highest odds. This will probably get him through Felix, but probably not past Aeris. In fact, tomorrow's match reminds me of DK vs. Aya. You have a very well-known guy vs. a relative unknown from an RPG. But since some people hate/don't care for the known guy, they go with the other. The thing Felix has going for him, though, is his pic: his sword is unsheathed, and swords' overratedness is probably the biggest mystery in Internet history. Nevertheless, name recognition will save Master Chief, just like DK last year.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 11/12, 0 lost . . . . . T-742 (3420-way)
Today's pick: Aeris
From: Haste2 | Posted: 7/13/2003 4:32:19 PM | Message Detail
Gah, Sora is doing better than I expected. >.< I was thinking a 70-75% victory for Aeris. I guess people DO just vote for the game the character's from, rather than the character.

Good point on Felix vs. Master Chief...I think it is like DK vs. Aya. However, Aya had TJF on her side, which is what I feel made the match so dang close, which could be comparable to Felix's fantasy-look and his sword this year.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: Sir Bormun | Posted: 7/13/2003 6:53:31 PM | Message Detail

Haven't posted in this topic too much, but I've decided to make a contribution. I'll get some odds up based on CJayC's info on the winner predictions.
"I remember Alan Mo. He was in my third grade class. He'd eat glue and then get his head stuck in the desk."-Wylvane
From: Sir Bormun | Posted: 7/13/2003 7:44:43 PM | Message Detail
Contest Odds
41,060 predictions

Link – 2 to 1
Sephiroth – 13 to 1
Mario – 14 to 1
Cloud – 17 to 1
Snake – 17 to 1
Vercetti – 18 to 1
Samus – 24 to 1
Master Chief – 28 to 1
Crono – 63 to 1
Mega Man – 69 to 1
Dante – 86 to 1
KOS-MOS – 112 to 1
Kefka – 144 to 1
Magus – 145 to 1
Alucard – 173 to 1
Zero – 174 to 1
Auron – 191 to 1
Zelda – 216 to 1
Squall – 222 to 1
Lara Croft – 233 to 1
Aeris – 257 to 1
Kirby – 276 to 1
CATS – 298 to 1 (yeah, right)
Gordon – 342 to 1
Shadow – 348 to 1
Ness – 351 to 1
Pac-Man – 395 to 1
Sora – 395 to 1
Sam Fisher – 407 to 1
Tidus – 423 to 1
Yuna – 432 to 1
Ryu – 442 to 1
Ramza – 477 to 1
Isaac – 501 to 1
Vyse – 513 to 1
Luigi – 520 to 1
Yoshi – 547 to 1
Raziel – 595 to 1
Kite – 662 to 1
Scorpion – 747 to 1
Ganondorf – 790 to 1
Jill – 805 to 1
Felix – 821 to 1
Conker – 838 to 1
Ryo – 955 to 1
Duke Nukem – 1001 to 1
Pikachu – 1027 to 1
Knuckles – 1141 to 1
Wario – 1141 to 1
Tails – 1244 to 1
Bowser – 1325 to 1
Max – 1391 to 1
Donkey Kong – 1416 to 1
Resetti – 1416 to 1
Tom Nook – 1579 to 1
Fox – 1642 to 1
Ken – 1785 to 1
Raiden – 1955 to 1
Ratchet – 2281 to 1
AiAi – 3158 to 1
Crash – 4562 to 1
Bomberman – 4562 to 1
Olimar – 5866 to 1

These are NOT accurate odds, as they don't take into account anything except the winner, and they don't take into account joke predictions.

However, they do say something about how high Link is thought of.
"I remember Alan Mo. He was in my third grade class. He'd eat glue and then get his head stuck in the desk."-Wylvane
From: Samberdog | Posted: 7/14/2003 1:39:14 AM | Message Detail
Oh my...

I leave for a couple days and so much happens.

It's really too bad about your site Jjukil, because it was awesome. But I can't blame you for not wanting to continue with it full force - I'm sure it's a huge amount of work. I hope we'll still see you around on the board though.

On the bright side, we now have stats! All very exciting. I plan to get back on track with my match analysis tomorrow.
Summer 2003: "The Great GameFAQs Character Battle II"
Current Record: 12-1 / 12 points won / 1 point lost
From: BahamutZERO | Posted: 7/14/2003 1:59:18 AM | Message Detail
well I would like to donate the stats I fiddled around with since I was bored, I also put these in a new topic but it will most likely get buried so I'm posting them here. I added incorrect predictions and figured out who earned points in the next round.

Match Prediction Stats
Round | correct guesses | percentage | incorrect
1 - Link v AiAi - 40697 (99.1%) - 363
2 - Pikachu v Fox McCloud - 23573 (57.4%) - 17487
3 - Tidus v Ganondorf - 19595 (47.7%) - 21465
4 - Sam Fisher v Magus - 23370 (56.9%) - 17690
5 - Squall Leonhart v Jill Valentine - 25492 (62.1%) - 15568
6 - Luigi v Ratchet - 36099 (87.9%) - 4961
7 - KOS-MOS v Crash Bandicoot - 17431 (42.5%) - 23629
8 - Samus Aran v Isaac - 38512 (93.8%) - 2548
9 - Cloud Strife v CATS - 38968 (94.9%) - 2092
10 - Auron v Miles "Tails" Prower - 24921 (60.7%) - 16139
11 - Bowser v Ness - 32629 (79.5%) - 8431
12 - Yoshi v Conker - 31710 (77.2%) - 9350
13 - Sora v Aeris - 29021 (70.68%) - 12038 *updated*

Round Specific Stats on Gaining Points
Round 11
11 - 952 (2.32%)
10 - 4086 (9.95%)
9 - 8420 (20.51%)
8 - 10982 (26.75%)
7 - 9429 (22.96%)
6 - 5032 (12.26%)
5 - 1664 (4.05%)
4 - 377 (.92%)
3 - 79 (.19%)
2 - 23 (.06%)
1 - 13 (.03%)
0 - 3 (.01%)

Round 12
12 - 741 (1.8%)
11 - 3420 (8.33%)
10 - 7401 (18.02%)
9 - 10435 (25.41%)
8 - 9802 (23.87%)
7 - 5855 (14.25%)
6 - 2485 (6.05%)
5 - 689 (1.68%)
4 - 160 (.39%)
3 - 39 (.09%)
2 - 17 (.04%)
1 - 13 (.03%)
0 - 3 (.01%)

difference from last round
12 - +741
11 - +2468
10 - +3315
9 - +2015
8 - -1180
7 - -3574
6 - -2547
5 - -975
4 - -217
3 - -40
2 - -6
1 - 0
0 - 0

Who Gained Points
12 - 741
11 - 3209
10 - 6524
9 - 8539
8 - 7359
7 - 3785
6 - 1238
5 - 263
4 - 46
3 - 6
2 - 0
1 - 0
0 - 0

Round 13 *updated*
13 - 600 (1.46%)
12 - 2892 (7.04%)
11 - 6285 (15.31%)
10 - 9372 (22.83%)
9 - 9579 (23.33%)
8 - 6829 (16.63%)
7 - 3574 (8.70%)
6 - 1389 (3.38%)
5 - 388 (0.94%)
4 - 103 (0.25%)
3 - 21 (0.05%)
2 - 14 (0.03%)
1 - 10 (0.02%)
0 - 3 (0.01%)

difference from last round
13 - +600
12 - +2151
11 - +2865
10 - +1971
9 - -856
8 - -2973
7 - -2281
6 - -1096
5 - -301
4 - -57
3 - -18
2 - -3
1 - -3
0 - 0

Who Gained Points
13 - 600
12 - 2752
11 - 5617
10 - 7588
9 - 6732
8 - 3759
7 - 1478
6 - 382
5 - 81
4 - 24
3 - 6
2 - 3
1 - 0
0 - 0

"Raidst the blue skys, a link from past to future.
The sheltering wings of the protector..."-AC4
From: solarshadow | Posted: 7/14/2003 3:08:14 PM | Message Detail
Good stuff.

Like Samberdog, I hope to be posting regularly again starting tomorrow. Some of these matches are getting interesting.

Sorry to hear about the site, Jjukil! I hope that gives you more time to hang around on the board though.
Contest Stats:
From: BigCow | Posted: 7/14/2003 3:23:10 PM | Message Detail
Won't bother duplicating, here's what I have-

Just some random discussion on the odds of getting a perfect bracket.

Gamefaqs Fanfic Project:
From: Old Master Q | Posted: 7/14/2003 4:00:55 PM | Message Detail
nice topic. Since I'll feel bad for just bookmarking and not saying anything else, I'll give my two cents....

Seems like Bowser vs. Yoshi has become a hotly debated and highly anticipated match. From the way I see it, Bowser has the advantage here (of course I may be wrong). Why? Look at Pikachu vs. Fox.... Pikachu is a cutesy character. Fox is not. Fox won by a landslide. Granted, Pikachu was/is hated by many....

Another point. Lotsa ppl say Yoshi has no haters... that surprised me. A lot of my friends (myself included) dislike him as a character. Then again, those of us who dislike him have played Yoshi's Story before ^_^ and he WAS the character to choose in Mario Kart/etc...

anyway, I just have a hunch that Bowser will beat Yoshi =T

I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous. everyone hasn't met me yet.
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/14/2003 4:41:30 PM | Message Detail
Match #14 Review

Okay, so as of this writing, MC has a lead of near 5000 and counting, so unless half of North America decides to cheat for Felix, Master Chief has this one pretty much won. This didn't prevent the board from going to hell like expected, but it would have been an incredible sight if Felix won, with all the brackets that had MC taking the title. But even though it was a close match, it was closer than I expected. From what I read, MC jumped 2000 votes ahead in a little more than an hour, and then Felix tried to come back until sunrise, but MC held him off. Then the daytime voters really destroyed any chance Felix could have had of winning. Expect him to come back slightly in the closing hours, but not enough. Master Chief advances to round 2, but there he will face the RPG machine again, and it's not one of its lesser-known protagonists like today...

Match #15 Preview

This is this year's Crono vs. Dante, without a doubt. People think this will be extremely close, then they will be treated to a convincing victory. By Zero, that is. A poster said earlier today he really hoped Scorpion didn't make the Elite 8 last year because of the strength, or lack thereof, of his competition. Bad news man... it is, indeed, the case. He couldn't even score a convincing victory against Pac-Man, who had his hands full against Goemon and Kyo Kusanagi. What makes people think he'll be able to take out Zero, who is easily a lot stronger than a pellet-munching 3/4-pizza?

COMING UP NEXT: Easy and hard paths to the championship
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . . 12/13, 0 lost . . . . . T-601 (2892-way)
Today's pick: Master Chief
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