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00:00 | Mega Man | 00000 | 00.00% | Mario Kart | 00000 | 00.00%
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/14/2006 10:06:13 PM | Message Detail
The proud tradition continues!

Mega Man vs. Mario Kart

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creative's auto updater kicks in a couple minutes after the new match comes online, remember.

Stingers Prediction: Mega Man with 58.34%
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/14/2006 10:15:38 PM | Message Detail
00:15 | Mega Man | 02007 | +1928 | 57.28% | Mario Kart | 01497 | +1405 | 42.72% | Lead of 0510 | (Up 523)

"Updates Left: 95
Votes per update needed for Mario Kart to catch up: 5.369
Mega Man's % last update: 57.85%%
Total Votes so far: 3504"

Mario Kart is so screwed...
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/14/2006 10:30:28 PM | Message Detail
00:15 | Mega Man | 02007 | +1928 | 57.28% | Mario Kart | 01497 | +1405 | 42.72% | Lead of 0510 | (Up 523)
00:30 | Mega Man | 03655 | +1648 | 58.85% | Mario Kart | 02556 | +1059 | 41.15% | Lead of 1099 | (Up 589)

"Updates Left: 94
Votes per update needed for Mario Kart to catch up: 11.692
Mega Man's % last update: 60.88%%
Total Votes so far: 6211"

Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/14/2006 10:46:30 PM | Message Detail
00:15 | Mega Man | 02007 | +1928 | 57.28% | Mario Kart | 01497 | +1405 | 42.72% | Lead of 0510 | (Up 523)
00:30 | Mega Man | 03655 | +1648 | 58.85% | Mario Kart | 02556 | +1059 | 41.15% | Lead of 1099 | (Up 589)
00:45 | Mega Man | 05107 | +1452 | 59.36% | Mario Kart | 03497 | +0941 | 40.64% | Lead of 1610 | (Up 511)

"Updates Left: 93
Votes per update needed for Mario Kart to catch up: 17.312
Mega Man's % last update: 60.68%%
Total Votes so far: 8604"
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/14/2006 11:00:45 PM | Message Detail
00:15 | Mega Man | 02007 | +1928 | 57.28% | Mario Kart | 01497 | +1405 | 42.72% | Lead of 0510 | (Up 523)
00:30 | Mega Man | 03655 | +1648 | 58.85% | Mario Kart | 02556 | +1059 | 41.15% | Lead of 1099 | (Up 589)
00:45 | Mega Man | 05107 | +1452 | 59.36% | Mario Kart | 03497 | +0941 | 40.64% | Lead of 1610 | (Up 511)
01:00 | Mega Man | 06428 | +1321 | 59.60% | Mario Kart | 04358 | +0861 | 40.40% | Lead of 2070 | (Up 460)

"Updates Left: 92
Votes per update needed for Mario Kart to catch up: 22.5
Mega Man's % last update: 60.54%%
Total Votes so far: 10786"
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 7/15/2006 12:47:42 PM | Message Detail
Oh my, this got out of hand early! Still, good work getting these topics up while I was away, stingray! I should be able to get the ball rolling from tonight onwards.

"lol x-stats" - The Contest Simulator:
Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 7/15/2006 1:26:44 PM | Message Detail
Ok, archives updated!

Now just missing 7 and 8... hopefully TRE was able to save those topics for us.

"lol x-stats" - The Contest Simulator:
Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/15/2006 3:31:06 PM | Message Detail
Sorry about not being here often :(

I usually just stop after I go to bed, because nobody cares.
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 7/15/2006 9:25:18 PM | Message Detail
Saturday nights in the Summer are slow like this, I know, but... weren't you expecting more votes for this one? I certainly was.

"lol x-stats" - The Contest Simulator:
Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/15/2006 9:28:30 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, it was one of the highest debated matches and it just broke 100k.
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/15/2006 9:30:30 PM | Message Detail
I would like it if Mega Man gains .26% in the next 30 minutes.
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.